Warning: This chapter and future chapters contain Rape between two males. Rape is non-consensual sex between two persons. If this bothers you, I would suggest not reading this story. Also this is Slash or Relations between two male partners, if you don't like; please don't read. Proper warning has been given.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. On the other hand, any characters whom you find in this story and are not in the books are mine and I ask that you do not borrow them without asking me first.

Finally, before we get to the story; this is a repost of my story called, I'll Tell You What!

All bow down and give thanks and praises to the great fragonknight01 who is the best bate in the world!

Chapter 1:

He looked down at his sniveling servant, sneering openly. "You failed." It was not a question.

His servant just lay there sniveling and crying. His sneer intensified. "Crucio,"

Harry awoke to an excruciating pain shooting radiating from his spine and traveling down to the rest of his body. He screamed before snapping his mouth shut, bit his lip and waited for the pain to abate.

He forced his muscles to relax as the pain started to fade. He immediately tensed again when he heard the locks on his door being jerked open. His mouth went dry in fear when his door opened to admit his uncle into his room.

Harry shrank back into his bed knowing what was to happen, even as he was engulfed in the pungent fumes of alcohol being emitted by Uncle Vernon.

He didn't say anything as his uncle's fist slammed down into his stomach, knocking him off the bed. He crashed onto the floor with a loud 'thud' that resonated throughout the house.

Harry remained still, not daring to fight back or make a sound for fear it would enrage his uncle further. Vernon had already slammed his foot into his ribs as he tried to protect his face and hands from the blows that rained down upon him.

The blows stopped as suddenly as they began and Harry tried to move to his back but stopped as he found that he was still being restrained. He was grabbed by the shoulders suddenly and forced down onto his stomach, his shirt lifted up and his boxers ripped off.

Harry screamed as he was rammed into, then subsided into a haze as he was slammed into again and again. The grunts and groans echoed though the room for an eternity before a searing heat sped though him as his uncle came inside of him the pulled out.

Harry lay there unmoving as he heard Vernon zipper his pants back up and walk out of the room. Only then did he try to crawl back to his bed. Oblivion claimed him before he could move more than a few feet.

The sun shining though his open window and the birds singing woke Harry later that morning. His whole body was numb, but knowing it was not going to stay that way had him bracing himself as he tried to sit up. Initially the pain caused his vision to go black but as he grew accustomed to it his sight returned.

When he finally managed to stand up he felt his vision fading again. He reached out unsteadily and connected with his trunk, glad that he had packed it the day before. He opened it and rummaged around in it looking for his wand.

Finding it, he quickly and quietly shrunk his trunk and put it into his pocket before hiding his wand in a wand holster on his wrist. Harry thanked whichever god cared to listen that he was now seventeen and was allowed to do magic. He then eased down on his bed and gently reached underneath to pull out a black duster that he had purchased last year and donned it. It worked well to hide his wand.

He made his way to the stairs, thankful that his ribs did not seem to be broken, and navigated down them. Harry stepped into the kitchen where his Aunt Petunia was sitting at the table with a cup of tea. He watched her solemnly as he pointed to another chair and when he sat down she placed a piece of toast and a cup of tea in front of him.

He ate about half the toast and downed the tea, before standing. Petunia stood up also and grabbed her purse and keys before walking out to the car together.

The drive was as silent as breakfast had been. Harry had nothing to say and Petunia, neither knowing what to say, nor how to say it. They reached the train station and Petunia stopped the car and watched as her nephew got out and circled around the car to enter the station.

"Harry!" She called out finally. He stopped, not turning around. "I love you."

A shudder passed through his frame before he turned around and looked at her, his vibrant green eyes dead. "I won't be back." Was all he said. His voice as dead as his eyes as he turned again and resumed walking into the station.

Petunia slumped behind the wheel for several minutes before reversing the car and beginning the drive back to her empty house. Tears ran down her cheeks unchecked.

Harry walked down until he reached the wall that he would have to pass though to reach platform 9 ¾. He walked forward and made his way to the train, wincing as he heard the loud voice of Mrs. Weasley saying goodbye to her children. He sped up, not wanting to have to see Ron and Hermione so soon.

He walked onto the train and quickly found an empty compartment. He closed the door then took his trunk out of his pocket and resized it. After removing a book from it, not bothering to look at the title, he shrank the trunk once again and slipped it back into his pocket.

He sat down and to all appearances he was reading the book that he held loosely in his hands. Instead, he found himself unable to focus on the words before him. Memories of the year past were replaying themselves in his mind.

At the end of fifth year Ron and Hermione seemed not to blame him for the death of his godfather; in fact they told him time after time that it hadn't been his fault. Harry had still been in mourning when he returned to the Dursley house, during that time letters from his friends had slowed, then stopped.

It had been a horrible summer, even by Dursley standards. Vernon took up drinking after his business filed for bankruptcy and of course he blamed everything on Harry. That is when the attacks started.

When the day came to finally leave the house the lack of letters and their meaning were the last things on his mind. It came as a complete surprise when he reached platform 9 ¾ and was rebuffed by almost everyone on the train, including Hermione and Ron. He didn't understand what was happening until he overheard some girls whispering. They were talking about how he was a murderer and that he had killed two people already, Cedric and some unknown person at the Ministry of Magic

That year he found only two people willing to talk with him; Neville and, strangely or not so strangely depending on how you looked at it, Draco Malfoy. Draco only acknowledged him to insult him but Neville had actually been a friend. He had sat with him during lunch and talked to him when no one else would.

That year he had become reclusive and started to go the library everyday when he found he had a moment to himself. Neville began accompanying him every time. Slowly Harry's scores in all his classes began to improve, a little at a time, until he was head in all his classes. That included the classes Hermione was in. Hermione liked to say that the only reason Harry was ahead of her was because she had started dating Ron and had slacked off in all her classes.

Snape nearly fainted when he saw that Harry and Neville both earned the required O on their OWLs. He had very begrudgingly allowed both boys into the class and by the end of the year all comments about Harry's being a spoiled brat had ceased. Neville, on the other hand, had kept his grades the same. He managed to avoid melting any more cauldrons though and the one time Harry questioned him on the subject he had replied, "It's expected of me." Harry never asked again.

The yearly attack from Voldemort came in the form of dreams. Harry saw all the Death Eater meetings and the 'entertainment' that came afterwards. He often experienced the Cruciatus Curse at least once a night for weeks on end.

Harry's eyes snapped up as the door to his compartment slid open and Neville Longbottom stepped inside. They exchanged smiles, Neville tucking his own book under his arm before sitting down next to him. They simply looked at each other appraisingly then began to read, a comfortable silence surrounding them. Both boys eventually closed their eyes…

Harry's eyes quickly snapped open as the train came to a grinding halt and realized that they had arrived at Hogwarts. He resized his trunk, quickly changed into school robes that he had ordered at the end of last year when he ordered his year seven supplies, then redid the trunk before sticking it into his robes. Together, the boys raced out off the train and jumped into a carriage already moving toward the castle.

Harry and Neville were already in the carriage and sitting down before they realized the carriage contained a previous occupant. Green eyes met silver as Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter looked at one another before glancing away at the same time. The carriage remained silent the whole way to the castle.

Harry and Neville entered into the Great Hall, some of the last to arrive. They sat down at the far end of the Gryffindor table, across from each other with the next nearest person being almost five feet away from them to the left.

The great doors banged open a few moments after they had settled down at the table, admitting the new first years in the hall. Most of them looked terrified, but there was also a select few that looked confident and kept their heads high.

Professor McGonagall stepped forward holding the sorting hat in her hands and set it down upon a stool that had been placed at the front of the hall prior to the student's arrival.

The hat sat there for awhile before suddenly erupting into song, causing some of the fist years to jump.

You stand here before me

Wondering what your fate will be

Where will you go?

You ask me.

So I shall tell you

Are you fair and sweet?

Do you work hard?

Accept all without question?

Then to Hufflepuff you will run

Are you clever and smart?

Tactical and factual?

Then to Ravenclaw you will fly.

Witty and Sly?

Ambitious and relentless?

Then to Slytherin you will saunter.

Brave and bold?

Loyal to a toot?

Then to Gryffindor you will stride.

But a word to you all-

Every day of the year

I sit here and watch

The wars that go on within in these walls

The house does not make the person

The Hufflepuffs have been lazy and suspicious.

The Ravenclaws have cheated on their tests and gone by opinions.

The Slytherins have been blunt and bold.

The Gryffindors have betrayed their own and hidden behind walls.

This I have seen!

In the many years that have gone by

So remember

As you put me on your head

So soon to be filled

With lessens both in and out of class

That the house does not make you

But that you make the house

The silence was thick as the last words of the sorting hat song vibrated though the hall. No one spoke and on one moved.

Suddenly clapping started, beginning at the teacher's table and spreading to the rest of the hall. After the clapping subsided, the students sitting at the four tables began to talk loudly with one another. Most of them were aghast that the sorting hat could even hint that the houses had not been acting as they were meant to. Harry and Neville looked at one another knowingly; not needing to say anything as Professor McGonagall began to call out the names of the new students.

When the sorting was finished the Headmaster stood and McGonagall began tapping lightly on her goblet to call everyone to attention. The talking subsided and the Headmaster smiled, his eyes twinkling maddeningly.

"Firstly, I would like to welcome all returning students to Hogwarts for yet another year. And to the students just joining us this year, may your many years here be filled with wonder and happiness." He nodded then continued.

"The Forbidden Forest is always forbidden to any and all students. However, I am told that some of your classes in the Care of Magical Creatures will take place there. Also the list of contraband items has increased drastically this year. Each house now has a full list posted in your common rooms."

Seeing that everyone was now ready to leave the hall he wrapped up his speech. "And, now I would like to introduce the new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher, Professor Thorn."

He paused to allow a man that Harry had not noticed before to stand. The man was tall, standing around six feet. He was dressed not in the traditional teaching robes, but in a dark green button down shirt and black pants, over which he wore a black duster. He stood silently and nodded his head before sitting down.

They clapped politely to welcome the new Professor of the so-called cursed position of Defense Against the Dark Darks. Before long, the hall resumed whispering once again.

Neville looked at Harry, a strange expression in his eyes. When Harry quirked a brow, Neville leaned in so that he could talk without being overheard. "Does something seem off to you?"

Harry closed his eyes and felt the magical energy around him. If was different. When Harry was not around other wizards the energy around him felt cold and made him feel alone somehow. When he was around other wizards he often felt their energy as warm and welcoming, except when he was around dark wizards at which time the energy felt harsh and crackled with danger. Now, though, the energy seemed to buzz excitedly as if something strange and foreign had been thrown into the mix. The feeling of "strange" was originating from the new professor.

Harry nodded his head and opened his mouth to reply to Neville. Before he could get a word in he closed it again with a click as Dumbledore resumed his welcoming speech.

"And now for the final announcement for the day, there is going to be a Masquerade on Halloween this year. Wizards and witches, fifth year and older, will be able to take part. Younger years will only be allowed to participate if attending as a guest of a fifth year or older. More information will be given at a later date. Now let us tuck in!" He spread his arms wide and the tables where suddenly filled with copious amounts of food. Many first years could be heard gasping in delight as they surveyed the tables.

Neville quickly filled his plate up with food and began to eat. He eventually glanced up at Harry who was sitting there staring at the food, looking vaguely green.

Harry had not seen this much food since the departing feast at the end of the last year and found it overwhelming. He had spent the entire summer living on a couple of slices of bread and water, with the occasional table scrap that he managed to salvage. The sight of the food made his mouth water, even as the smell made his stomach churn queasily.

"Harry? Are you ok?" Neville asked worriedly as he watched Harry grab fore a cup of butterbeer.

Harry ignored the question as he brought the glass to his lips before placing it back down onto the table untouched; he was going to be sick if he didn't get out of here.

He looked at Neville and shook his head and said quietly, "Stay here. I'll see you later in the dorms."

Neville nodded and watched with worried eyes as Harry walked out the hall. Harry may have been uncaring about the stares that he was receiving, but Neville was worried.

Harry gave a loud sigh of relief as he escaped the crowded hall. He relaxed slightly as he leaned against the far wall, waiting for the near panic attack to pass. Harry had discovered last year that he was claustrophobic; most likely from the years in the cupboard.

Straightening, Harry began to walk along the halls, having no worries of running into someone as this part of the castle was very old and few people came this way anymore. The further Harry walked down the halls, the deeper the shadows became.

Soon, snakes began to follow him, separating from the shadows and joining a slowly growing group. Finally, he felt one of the snakes slide up his leg so that it could curl itself around his arm. He stopped and sat down on the floor to greet his spies.

In all, he had befriended approximately twenty-two snakes, not counting the one on his arm. They served as his eyes and ears around the castle and even helped Harry to set up a monitoring recording device into Dumbledore's office. They were of all shapes and sizes and made a bit of a pile as they slithered over each other, all of them eagerly awaiting his turn to talk with Harry. They were also his friends and were excited to tell him what had been going on during the summer and what was going on in their own lives.

Harry smiled, enjoying listening to the snakes, and then stiffened as the constant hissing stopped. Quickly the snakes departed, disappearing to their appointed spots ready for a new year of spying after telling him that Snape and the new professor were coming.

Harry looked down confused at the snake wrapped around his arm, and asked, "Why did you not go with the others, Hassi?"

The snake looked back up at him and answered, "I would like to remain with you this year."

Harry smiled and nodded; after all who was he to argue with a snake? He had never ordered a snake around before, he just asked them to do what he wanted, and in return they got his protection.

Harry quickly stood as footsteps could be heard echoing off the hard stones of the castle as the two Professors came into view.

Snape's smirk was set into place as he rounded the corner and saw Harry. "The year has not even started and already you are wandering the halls. Tisk, tisk, Mr. Potter what ever are we going to do with you?"

He opened his mouth again, most likely to take points, when the idle thought crosses Harry's mind, 'I wonder how long it will take him to realize that I don't care if Gryffindor never wins the house cup ever again.'

Snape's mouth clicked shut when he was interrupted by Thorn, "Mr. Potter correct?" He asked with a faint accent that seemed to bring a deeper meaning to his words. He continued at a nod from Harry, "Care to explain why you have a highly poisonous snake coiled around your arm?"

Snape's eyes widened as his eyes darted to Harry's arm for the first time. His eyes lifted back to Harry's, his smirk gone.

Harry broke the eye contact to look and the new Professor. Keeping his features blank and his tone of voice bland, he prepared to lie to him. "Of course, Sir." He said, lifting his arm so that Thorn could see the snake better, "May I introduce my familiar Hassi."

"Your familiar?" Thorn asked raising his eyebrow.

"Yes," Harry said smoothly suddenly aware that the magical energies surrounding him had started to hum and the hair on the back of his neck started to rise.

"And are you aware of the fact that most wizards who take snakes, more importantly deadly snakes as familiars, are dark wizards?" Snape asked. His voice as bland as Harry's.

"No, Sir. I was not aware of that fact." Harry lied as he widened his eyes so as to appear surprised.

"Well. Mr. Potter," Started Thorn, "One thing is true, you are an excellent liar."

Harry opened his mouth to protest then stopped as he felt Hassi tighten around his arm. "There is smoke in the air, coming from the direction of where you rest at night." Harry's eyes widened and he looked to the two Professors with worry in his eyes, "Do you smell…" He stopped as the faint smell of sickening sweet smoke reached his nose.

His eyes widened as he realized the only reason that smoke would smell that way when coming from the direction of his dorms. They were burning his and Neville's things! The feast must have ended.

Not caring about the consequences, Harry quickly ran past the two Professors who stood there looking at him before they began chasing after him. Harry ran as fast as he could, ignoring the pain his ribs were sending out and trying to slow him down.

After what seemed like an eternity he reached to portrait of The Fat Lady. Only the picture frame was empty and dark smoke was escaping from the cracks around the entrance. The smell had intensified and Harry realized that they must have burned his potion ingredients.

'Those idiots!' He thought to himself, 'I had herbs that could kill someone if they are exposed to the smoke for too long!' Moving as fast as he could Harry put Hassi down telling him not to go in after him and then tore off a part of his sleeve and enchanted it so that when he put it to his mouth he would be breathing clean air. After pressing the fabric to his mouth, he pried open the portrait and went into the room, casting an air cleansing charm every few feet.

When he had cleared the air he made his way to the fireplace and saw Ron and Hermione passed out on the floor. A few feet behind them, Neville was also passed out. A closer look revealed that he had a bruise starting on form over his left eye and on his right cheek.

His hands shaking in his anger, he looked around and saw both his and Neville's trunks. It looked as if the potions ingredients had been destroyed first and the rest of it had not been damaged before the vandals had passed out.

Harry looked over at Ron and saw what appeared to be a photo album clutched in his hands. The world seemed to stop as Harry removed the book from Ron's hands and opened it to see the faces of his parents greeting him.

Still in a daze, Harry packed up both of the trunks and shrunk them. He put them into his pocket and after making sure that nothing was lying about then went over to wake Neville. He crouched down and heard Snape and Thorn enter the common room. He ignored them and began patting Neville's cheek to wake him.

A dazed Neville soon opened his eyes and sat up. He gazed solemnly at his rescuer stood up and extended his hand to help him up. Neville stood, still in a daze, and let Harry lead him by the hand, out of the dorms.

He stopped as he reached the to professors and looked at them, "They'll be alright; they didn't burn anything that will kill them." Harry stopped talking and looked around the room that he had once considered home. Shaking his head he looked directly at Snape and gestured to the room, his lips curling in distaste, "Have fun," was all he said before he walked out of the room. They watched him kneel beside the entrance to pick up the snake, then he and the still dazed Neville disappeared down the hall.

Authors Note:

I hope that you like this….. I already have the next 2 chapters written but the only way I will post them is if I get some feedback saying that you want more. (Yes I know blackmail. But, you love me anyway.)