An "asitgoes" fiction by: Kyros Lencho
A Ranma otherverse fic. Contains a main crossover with Gold Diggers, with a few others later on into the story. Story progresses as I come up with new ideas, there is no predetermined course.
One Year Ago
All around him… carnage.
Fires were licking the buildings all around him, greedily devouring the homes and the dead now within.
A putrid smell reeked in the air. The pungent smell of one's own species being burned. The smoke and ash caused his eyes to burn and his lungs to cry out. He choked in the air, forcing himself not to cough.
They would hear it. And they would find him.
His youthful sky blue eyes zipped around, taking in everything he could see from his hiding place. Tears were in his eyes.
He had just recently seen his mother being slaughtered by… that monster. That evil man. His father no doubt dead as well. The entire village.
He feared for his little sister. He had gotten separated from her. His mother had died with her in her arms, and he dared not look for her.
A man walked into his view. He pushed himself into the earth in a futile attempt to make him invisible.
But this man was not the monster. He smelt of kindness and wisdom. He glanced around, taking in the sight of the burning buildings.
He saw the man sigh, and continue walking quickly.
"I'm truly sorry, sir!" A young boy said nervously.
Currently, the boy, Takkun, worked as a student doctor in a hospital in Japan. He was also currently being lifted off the ground by a heavy set man.
"It isn't true!" The large man said, "How can this be true?"
"I'm… I'm just a student sir," Takkun said, shaking, "I was only told to tell you this."
The man dropped Takkun to the floor. The man walked a short distance to sit on one of those small couches that are usually set up in the hospitals, his head resting on the back, his eyes closed. Takkun saw the doctor approach the man, so he hurriedly left the hallway to cower in a patient's room.
Needless to say, the patient in said room was highly confused.
"Mr. Saotome?" The doctor said.
The heavy set man cracked an eye open at the doctor. He leaned forward and glared at the man.
"What went wrong?" he said.
"I'm very sorry, Mr. Saotome," the doctor sighed, "There was nothing I could do. You're wife is fine… but I'm afraid the miscarriage has had many unfortunate side effects."
"What?" The heavy man asked, glaring.
"You're son was still born, Mr. Saotome," the doctor said, "The poor boy had a serious birth defect, and if he HAD survived through birth, chances were slim that he would survive through to tomorrow."
The heavy set man glared still.
"Also…" The doctor sighed, "You're wife had some… unforeseen complications. I'm afraid that it will be impossible to have another child. The miscarriage caused severe damage to her uterus."
The man just growled and glared at the doctor. The doctor bowed to him, and left the room.
"DAMN IT!" Mr. Saotome yelled.
Two Years Later
The Saotome's looked out at the children playing in the backyard. Mrs. Saotome still showed distress because of the loss of her child. Mr. Saotome looked oddly calm and actually quite serene.
Mrs. Saotome's eyes were drawn to many of the small girls around the yard, and almost all of the young boys. They were all from at least 3 to 6 years old. She couldn't help but watch them and smile and weary smile.
Mr. Saotome's eyes were only focused on one place. A small group of boys that were gathered out to the edge of the back yard; near a giant old oak tree. They were surrounding and yelling at two of their playmates.
Mainly because the two boys were fighting.
One was a tall boy, probably 6 years old. His thin oily black hair covered up most of his face. He had beady little eyes, and looked quite effeminate.
The other boy was probably only 4 years old, and was quite a bit smaller than the other boy. This boy had brilliant sky blue eyes. His hair was a dirty blonde that had smudges of what seemed to be dirt in it. His blue eyes and blonde hair made him quite a standout from the rest of the kids. He was clearly not Japanese in heritage.
Mr. Saotome was watching the smaller boy with interest. The boy, although small, seemed to be very strong, and quite fast. The boy clearly was faster and stronger than the older boy, but Mr. Saotome saw that the blonde boy was allowing the other boy to win the fight.
Or so it seemed.
The small boy took a blow to the stomach. He crouched to the ground. The boys surrounding him started to laugh.
The small boy suddenly yelled a yell of anger that sounded more like a feral cat roaring than a boy shouting. The tall boy suddenly found himself on the ground nearby, clutching his wrist and crying. The way his wrist turned made it obvious that the small boy had broken it.
The small boy stood over the larger one, his shoulders sagging and he was breathing hard, more from anger than from pain.
"Oh, great," A young woman said, "He's broken someone again."
The Saotome's looked at the woman. Mrs. Saotome glanced at the fight.
"This happen often?" Mr. Saotome asked.
"Yes," The woman sighed, "Blondie over there is a scary kid, pretty depressed too. He gets heckled, and when he's angry, one or two people always get at least one of their bones broken."
"What's his name?" Mr. Saotome asked.
"He calls himself…"
Eleven Years Later
"Hmm…" Nabiki said.
"Ugh," The small blonde girl in front of her said as she regained consciousness.
"I'm sorry about this," Kasumi said, "Akane's really a very nice girl, although she's a bit of a psychotic maniac."
"Wow," Nabiki said, "Way to contradict yourself, sister."
Kasumi glanced at Nabiki, before she turned back to the girl.
"I'm also sorry about the misunderstanding," Kasumi smiled warmly, "We had been told that Mr. Saotome had a son."
"Does this look like a son to you, Kasumi?" Nabiki said, while poking the girls breasts.
"Please stop that," The girl blushed.
"Nabiki!" Akane yelled, coming into the room, "Stop that, she's our guest!"
Nabiki glanced at Akane, before stopping. Little sister could be scary when she's angry.
"Hi," Akane said, pulling the small girl to her feet, "My name's Akane. Wanna be friends?"
"Um…" The girl said meekly, staring at Akane.
"Come on!" Akane zipped out of the room with the blonde girl in toe.
"You study Kempo, right?" Akane asked, smiling.
"Yeah," The girl said, "And a few other things."
"Wanna spar?" Akane asked.
"Up-um… well…" The girl backed up.
"Come on, Ranma," Akane said, "I'll go easy on you."
"Okay…" Ranma sighed.
Akane watched as Ranma just stood there, not going into any recognizable stance. Akane smirked and rushed her.
She blinked as Ranma disappeared from her view. She caught Ranma standing just to her left out of the corner of her eye, and she lashed out at her again. Ranma again dodged.
For the next few attacks, Ranma continued to dodge while keeping her hands in her pants pockets.
"Stop dodging and attack me!" Akane yelled, annoyed.
Ranma didn't visibly respond, so Akane attacked again. She did so until Ranma was backed against the wall. Akane attacked one last time, certain that Ranma couldn't dodge.
She was wrong. Her fist crunched through the wooden walls of the dojo. She felt a small tap on her shoulder. She looked back to see Ranma standing there, chuckling nervously.
"PERVERT!" Akane was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, "HEAVY! SMASH! PERVERT! KILL!"
"Why this is amusing," Nabiki said, "What's up, Akane?"
(translation: There is a strange young fellow in the laboratory who saw my person while in a highly unclothed status.)
"In the bathroom?" Nabiki said, she was fluent in Akane-ish. Nabiki turned towards the stairs to see a blonde boy that had spots in his hair walking at the bottom.
"Hello," He said, "I'm… Ranma, sorry about this."
"May I ask one question," Nabiki said, "I haven't seen you're wife, Mr. Saotome, but Ranma doesn't look at all Japanese."
"Well," Genma said, "It's a long story, and…"
"I was adopted, okay," Ranma growled at the girl, looking extremely put off, "and I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about it."
Nabiki glared at him. No one threatened her, and that was obviously a threat.
"Ranma was adopted into our family when he was four," Genma said, "My own son… had been still born."
"Oh my," Kasumi gasped. No one noticed that Ranma's mood darkened.
"I'd APPRECIATE it if you wouldn't talk about it in front of me," Ranma growled at everyone. Nabiki and Akane glared at him. Genma didn't seem to notice.
"Hmph," Nabiki said, turning back to Genma, "I have to ask, wasn't the Ranma that I met earlier a girl?"
"Well, it'd be easiest to show you and explain afterwards, so…" Genma's hand flashed out at Ranma.
Ranma caught it, and pulled.
There was a sickening popping sound and Genma hastily pulled his arm back. He shoved his dislocated shoulder back into place. He rubbed the sore shoulder, and lashed out at Ranma again. This time, he managed to grab Ranma before Ranma caught him.
"Damn you, Genma!" Ranma yelled as he flew through the air. Ranma landed in the koi pond outside.
The all watched as a blonde haired girl popped back out of the water.
"He.. he's a she again," Nabiki noted.
"It is so sad!" Genma started to fake tears, very poorly. It merely made him looked extremely constipated, and Akane and Nabiki were backing away from him, "My own son!"
"I'm not your son, Genma!" Ranma shouted.
"I'm hurt, Ranma," Genma's face contorted more. His eyes started to bulge in a very ugly fashion. Akane had to suppress a scream, while Nabiki looked slightly ill, "My own son…"
"Stop that, you old fool," Ranma smacked Genma on the back of the head none-too-gently. It managed to get Genma to stop making those horrible faces.
"How…" Soun asked, "You are…?"
"In our travels," Genma said, "We happened upon the ancient cursed training grounds of Jusenkyo. It was there that Ranma acquired his cure. Oh for shame, my own mroofoo…"
Panda's cannot say the word 'son'. The Tendo's stared at the large panda that now resided here in front of them. The panda, Genma, again started to try and fake tears. It made him look like he was about to attack some invisible creature that was currently hanging from the ceiling.
"Here," Ranma said, pulling a booklet out of Genma's pack. Genma saw it, and wondered how in the world Ranma knew that was in there. Ranma then threw the booklet lightly onto the table.
"Moof?" Genma asked. Ranma glared at him.
"Jusenkyo," Nabiki said. She opened the booklet, "…this is in Chinese."
"Yup," Ranma said, "The 'pools of sorrow' of legend. Many sad stories there. No want fall in spring, very bad."
"What?" Akane asked, staring at Ranma.
"Never mind," Ranma shook her head, "The pools hold curses. And it states in that book that the curses are most tragic and sad in origin."
"What curses?" Nabiki asked.
Well… Genma held up a sign, with kanji written on it Ranma and I sparred on top of the bamboo poles. the sign flipped around My attacks overwhelmed him and he tumbled into flip a spring. When he immerged, he was a girl. flip Oh the humility…
Nabiki stared at the sign.
"That's not the way it happened, old fool," Ranma sighed, "I was the one that knocked YOU into the spring. You jumped out as a panda, and I freaked out. THEN you hit me into the damned Spring of Drowned Young Girl."
Well… Flip The guide told us later that that curses were flip activated by cold water. Hot water would flip return us to our original forms.
Nabiki again found herself staring at the sign. How… that sign only had two sides.
"Wait," Nabiki shook her head, "You got this book before or after you went there?"
"You can't read Chinese, can you?" Nabiki asked the panda.
The panda pulled out a large party ball and pulled the ripcord. A banner flew from it, and small pieces of paper flew around the room. The banner plainly said "CORRECT!"
"You're an idiot," Ranma rubbed her temples.
"You're still a pervert," Akane said suddenly.
"I am not a pervert you tomboy," Ranma said coldly.
"I am not a tomboy!" Akane stood suddenly and glared at her.
"Yes you are!" Ranma yelled, "You're an uncute tomboy who's built like a brick!"
"At least my mother didn't leave me on the doorstep to some damn orphanage," Akane snarled.
Everyone looked at Akane. Ranma had seemingly frozen, but if you looked closely, you could see her shaking slightly.
"Akane," Nabiki said, "Even for you, that was a really low blow."
Akane didn't look sorry, she just stared into Ranma's now shuddering form.
Akane fell back, staring at Ranma in shock and fear.
She was too scared to notice, but Ranma's eyes had suddenly become slitted like a cats and a weird green color. They glinted with unknown power that was held behind them.
Nobody moved. Ranma calmed down a small bit.
"I'll have you know that my mother was a wonderful woman," Ranma said, "It wasn't her fault to be killed, nor was it my fault to FUCKING see it when that bastard slit her throat. It wasn't MY fucking fault to see her body burned, lying on top of the body of my dead father."
…Ranma clenched her fists.
"It wasn't MY fucking fault that her blank eyes staring at me haunts me every single GODDAMNED time I close my eyes."
…Ranma's eyes narrowed, and an inhuman growl escaped form her throat.
"It wasn't my GODDAMN fault that my baby sister disappeared that day and I haven't FUCKING seen hide nor hair of her since."
Ranma breathed in deeply.
"If I ever hear you speak ill of my family ever again," Ranma glared at her, "I WILL destroy you, and nobody, not even Kami, God, or whatever spirit or deity you believe in, would be able to stop me."
Ranma walked slowly out of the room, heading up the stairwell.
The Next Day
Ranma couldn't believe it. Actually, he could, it was just that when he thought about it he got even more pissed off at the world.
Ranma was walking along side Akane on their way to school. Ranma didn't care about school. Go there or not, he was smart enough to survive and to do what he wanted to do.
"When we get to school," Akane called, "We DON'T know each other."
"I don't want to know you," Ranma said, "I don't want to know any of your kind."
"My kind?" Akane asked hotly.
"Don't ask," Ranma said, "You wouldn't believe me."
"Tell me," Akane asked.
Ranma glanced at Akane. She was headstrong, a bit rude, and definitely a tomboy. Ranma smirked as he realized that she would be easy to confuse.
"Oh, it's nothing," Ranma said, waving his hand for emphasis, "You humans are all alike."
"You humans?" Akane asked, "And what are you."
"I am a intergalactic pirate that got sentenced to this pile of rock because I stole the crown off the king of the Ani's head," Ranma said, "My real name is Nanu Nanu Bartzlaski the forty second."
Akane stared at him for a moment, before shaking her head.
Akane suddenly started to sprint.
Ranma, seeing Akane race forward, started after her. He was still on the fence, and he was now running backwards.
"What's with you, human?" Ranma said, "Afraid of the ancient pirate of the Nunchaku galaxy, famed prince of fancy French cheeses and the servant to he-who-is-flatulent?"
Akane started to go faster, but Ranma kept up with her.
Eventually, Ranma ran out of fence, so he hopped to the ground and jogged behind Akane.
He slowed as he saw Akane enter a large crowd of boys. After she disappeared, there were many cries of pain and the sound of flesh hitting flesh, wood, even the sound of metal striking together every once in a while.
Ranma walked around the group, which was taking up the entire gate. He hopped over the wall, before landing. He cocked his eyebrow at the antics. He heard Nabiki call to him, but he ignored it.
Akane soon was in the middle of a large group of unconscious boys.
"Popular, ain't ya?"
Akane's hand flashed up to catch the rose that was coming towards her. She didn't catch it though. She opened her eyes to see that Ranma had caught it.
"Whoever threw this should be careful," Ranma said, "Could poke an eye out."
Ranma casually tossed it away.
"Fool," A voice said, "Who are you that is so casual with Akane?"
"Well, you see, I'm a intergalactic space monkey," Ranma said, "Soft boiled in the eternal oils of the sacred Shish-Kabob."
The boy who carried the long wooden sword, a bokken, didn't react, he simply started yelling again.
"Hold!" He yelled, "Is it not polite to state ones one name before asking another for theirs? I am Tatewaki Kuno; rising star of the Furinkan school Kendo squad, the Blue Thunder of Furikan high, age seventeen."
"You're an idiot," Ranma said, "Hmph. I'm Ranma."
"No last name to give?" Kuno asked, "So you are a ronin. How dare you spe…"
"I'm not a ronin, ass," Ranma said, "I'm not even Japanese, and I was never a damn Samurai. Legally, I am Ranma Saotome. The head of the Saotome Clan happens to be an complete idiot, and I'd rather be though a bastard that to be thought as that mans son."
NOTE: A ronin is a fallen Samurai, who has been dishonored. They have VERY low status, and most people, even commoners spit on them. Commoners do so carefully, because unlike the Samurai, ronin have nothing keeping them from killing people.
Or at least I think so.
"Pure shame you bring upon your family," Kuno said, "As a noble samurai, I must punish you for such dishonor."
Kuno raced forward, preparing to strike Ranma. Ranma suddenly blurred. Kuno's form went strait through Ranma, only to land on the other side, face down.
Ranma's face held one of pure disgust as Kuno arose.
"I… I fight on!" He yelled as he looked towards Ranma.
He charged again. As he got close, there was another blur, but this time, Kuno blurred along with Ranma.
Akane stepped back as the bokken entered the ground near her feet HARD. It was nearly buried up to the hilt.
Ranma had Kuno by the collar of his shirt, and he had pulled him in close.
"Speak of my family like that again," Ranma hissed quietly, "And I will kill you. The same way I saw those rat bastards kill my parents."
He shoved Kuno back. Kuno, surprised at what Ranma had said, landed on his ass. He simply stared as Ranma walked slowly away from him and towards the school entrance.
Everyone was staring at the boy and his super human speed.
The story of Ranma and his exploits continued on largely unchanged from the traditional story. There were few exceptions.
There was no seppuku contract, so reuniting with Nodoka wasn't such a harsh experience.
Kuno rarely attacked him, due to what Ranma said. When he did, it was only when he saw him being familiar with Akane.
The battle with Herb was also slightly different. Herb treated Ranma more like an equal. They even left on good terms with one another.
Ranma NEVER got wrapped up in ANYTHING Mousse threw at him. For reasons unexplained.