Look Before You Meet

The REAL Chapter Eight: A Fight

Holy hell! Sapphire actually UPDATED this story! –gasp- Yeah, well, I'm sorry for not updating for in like…..ever. All of my friend's have been updating (to name only 4 out of many, Emerald-Ash, Tensaiga, Yume Kakera, and Inuyahsa fangirl) and I figured it's time to stop working on my humor fic, 50TTDBWP, and get working on my more serious ones….also the ones more so on high demand.

So I've reread the past 7 chapters, and I don't really like them. Will my lazy ass revise them? Of course not. And I described Sapphire all wrong, because she has a silver panther tail and ears, and she/I have long silver hair with black bangs and black tips (natural). So, sorry about that, and once again, I'm too lazy, so I'll just keep her the way I described her in the last chapter.

Alrighty then……. Well……………….yeah. Review responses at the very bottom. If this chapter is short and/or sucks, don't blame me. Believe it or not, I still have basic writer's block with this story. But I do like it, so I'm going to try and NOT delete it.

Well, the girls were really happy that their plan had worked perfectly. They were now dreaming peacefully, thinking of all of Kikyo and her posse crying over spilt milk.

Let's say something. Kikyo is a gay-assed slutty bitch, but she always tries to get people back when they've done something to her. So, as the night crept on, three little hoes crept with it.

This time, they didn't do anything major, but it would be enough to piss off the other 6 girls worse than ever. (Yes, I realize that Seraphi doesn't live in the same cabin as the other 5, but she, with permission from Kaguya, switched cabin rooms so now she does) What did they do exactly? Well, a classic….well, from most points of view it was classic.

What they did was perverse and rude. First, they cut the girls' night outfits with pocket knives, leaving them only in under wear and upper undergarments. Then, they squirted Ketchup, Mustard, Honey, and Flour all over them, scattering it EVERYWHERE, not just the 6, and left snickering.

The next morning, Sapphire and Seraphi were the firsts to awake.

"BITCH!" Sapphire screamed, her tail standing on end and flames rising around her.

That awoke the other 4 girls, who also joined in with screaming.

So, like that, messed up, half-naked and all, the 6 girls stomped out of their cabin, not even bothering to cover up let alone get some towels, and marched angrily all the way to the breakfast area.

---------horrible divider--------

Inuyasha looked back at the table that Kagome, Ayame, and Sango usually sat at (Sapphire, Seraphi, and Ruby sat at a separate table before the 6 became good friends) and sighed. Still no sign of her. He'd decided to stop being his stubborn self, and not wait until July 4th, which, was in 3 days, to tell Kagome his feelings.

Koga and Miroku exchanged sympathetic looks and Koga nudged Inuyasha.

"She'll come, stop moping." He urged, and 'hmmphed' and himself for being so kind.

"Yeah." Miroku nodded; Inuyasha just sighed.

Then something happened that basically every guy wanted. 6 half-naked women, whether hanyous, full demons, or humans, stomped onto the grounds and up on stage.

"Will the hoes Kikyo, Yura, and Kagura please stand up? Will the REAL hoes, stand up NOW?" Sapphire growled into the microphone, hands on her hips.

(Next paragraph; don't ask me WHY I put it in there. My hands wandered off on their own. Thongs are very disturbing, so they had low-cut underwear on. Thank you.)

All the guys, and girl, turned their heads to the stage. The girls had open-mouths, wondering what in the seven layers of Hell possessed those girls to walk around, ON STAGE for Crist's sake, half-naked. The guys were whistling…well, most of them. Inuyasha, Miroku, Koga, Semai (whom liked Ruby), and Takai (whom liked Sapphire) had open-mouths, gawking at the "awesome" sight.

Sapphire had a black bra on, along with black underwear. Ruby had a red bra on, along with red underwear. Kagome and Sango both had a white bra on, along with white underwear. Seraphi had a purple bra on, along with purple underwear. And finally, Ayame had a light blue bra on, along with light blue underwear on.

Kagome blushed madly and just realized what exactly they were all doing.

"You all realize that we're half-naked and covered in all of this shit, right?" Kagome shrieked and all of the girls, including Sapphire (gasp!) blushed as well.

"Now that's what I like to see." Miroku whispered, and sighed happily.

"Hentai." Inuyasha growled, and bobbed him on the head. He wouldn't tell anybody, but hell, he was enjoying this a lot, too.

"Take it off!" Some random perverted guy yelled, and all of his little buddies cheered.

"WE'LL TAKE YOUR HEADS OFF!" Seraphi yelled.

"What the hell? Do you all like, not know how to bathe?" Kikyo said laughing along with Yura and Kagura, all three standing up.

"Oh, so you like, admit you're a hoe?" Sapphire said casually, mimicking Kikyo's little 'prep yet I think I'm wise and funny' voice.

Kikyo and her posse immediately stopped laughing and glared daggers. This wouldn't be good.

---------horrible divider--------

"You wanna fight?" Kagura said, cracking her knuckles.

"Oh, so now she's a mind reader." Sango said, cracking her knuckles as well.

"Hmmph. Watch it slayer." Yura yelled, and started to twirl her bangs in her fingers.

Kikyo and her little group made their way up the stage. Now Sapphire and Kagome were death glaring Kikyo and vise versa. Sango was glaring at Kagura, and vise versa. And finally, Ruby and Seraphi were glaring at Yura, and once again, vise versa.

"This won't turn out good at all….Kagome might get hurt." Inuyasha growled. Miroku pat him on the back.

"Their all good fighters. Trust me. And besides, the little 3 is no match for 1, let alone 6 of them." Koga added.

"Yeah, I guess you're right…for ONCE." Inuyasha said, and then stood up.

"KICK HER ASS, KAGOME!" he cheered and made faces at Kikyo, making her look away in embarrassment.

Kagome smiled, blushed a little, and nodded.

So from there, there was scratching, biting, cursing, screaming, yelling, kicking, punching, slapping, and everything else coming from the stage.

Kaguya and Naraku burst out of their offices, blowing whistles and running hurriedly onto the stage.

"BREAK IT UP!" Kaguya yelled and shoved the six away.

"GO BACK TO YOUR TABLES, PRISSES!" Naraku growled and shoved the 3 down towards their tables.

"This isn't over." Kagome muttered under her breath.

"We're just getting started." Kikyo also muttered under her breath, on the exact opposite side.

Both groups were then led, despite what Naraku had earlier mentioned, to either Kaguya or Naraku's office.

---------horrible divider--------

A LOT shorter than I had planned to make it, but I'd rather stop there so I can get to working on more songs for the band. I suppose it's somewhat of a filler-chapter...hmm...what's the plot of this again...? OH YEAH! TTYL!