Chapter 4 / first battle

"MAX!" Kenny yelled.

"AHHHHHHHHH! DON"T HURT ME I"M INNOCENT! INNOCENT I TELL YOU!" Max screamed sitting strate up hand out and covering him self.

"Wow! easy Max your not guilty of anything" Rei said in a clam manner.

"Oh that's good" max falls down and falles back to sleep. Rei and Kenny sweatdrop.

"Come on leave the baby behind and lets go" said kai in a cold maner with his back against the wall and eyes closed.

"ya maybe he will wake up later" Kenny said scraching his head.

"I told you not to give him those sweets last night" Rei wispered at kenny.

"But he told me he would give me his new parts that his dad got. i could not resist!"

"Ya whatever just don't ever do it again."

"ya ya Ok"

rei sighed kenny rubbed his head.

"Hey guys wait!" someone yelled from behind.

"well it's about time you woke up" rei said, hands on hips.

"Sorry I was (yawn) still tierd" he said straching out rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"well come on were going to the park to practice" kenny said holding Dizzi.


They got on their shoes and headed out, Kai was the one to go first followed by rei and kenny. Just as they turn their heads a loud thud was behind them the group looked back and saw max smack his head against the door trip over a flower pot and amke a face plant on the ground.

Rei and kenny sweatdrop and walked over to max to help him up.

"Pathetic" kai muttered under his breath.


"Go drigger!" rei screamed.

"watch out Draciel go left and attack!" Max yelled. the tops spun in diffreant places. Max's blade did what he said.

"That won't work against me max!" rei said as the white beyblade disappered. "Now Drigger use your Vulcan Claw!"

'oh on' max though " Draciel use your Fortress Defense quickly!"

Rei's beyblade went for the attack as Max's blade got ready for impack. a few seconds later two blades flew out the beyblade dish. Max caught drigger and Rei for Draciel.

Max walked up to Rei giving his thumps up and a smile "you were awsome!"

"really? Thanks" rei turnning a little red.

A girl no old then kenny came up to them. "wow! I-It's really you! I can't beleave it I'm meeting the world's best bladers!" the kid screamed going stary eye.

rei back away alittle. "Uh ya who are you?"

"Oops sorry I'm amber, but poeple call me, silver, cause i got a silver blade" the so called mber said holding up a silver beyblade, she had a smile, alot like tyson's but the boy's failed to notice.

called as she stood in postion with her launcher ready to go.Kai placed Drigger into his advanced launcher.Rei raised three fingers and stood between the two bladers.

"hey can I battle you rei kon? it will be an honar" the girl bowed.

Rei laughed nervously. "umm sure why not"

the girl leped up for joy.

:Bitbeast world:

"DRAGOON!" Dranzer yelled, she was covered in blue and purple paint.

"Oh ya it worked he he" Dragoon said in the closet with Daragon.

"hope she is not too mad" daragon wispered

"And I hope she won't find me here" dragoon wispered back.

"DRAGOON! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU YOUR DEAD!" Dranzer screamed Draciel and Drigger sweatdrop.

"And i bet she will" daragon said a bit louder.

"THEIR YOU ARE!" dranzer shouted opening the door to the closet were dragoon and daragon was hiding.

"well it's been nice knowing you dragoon" Draciel said from behind

"ah... he..he..he..well see ya!" he slides under dranzer and makes a break for the door.

"COME BACK HERE!" she shouted following, close behind by Draciel and drigger. daragon sped though them and ran side-by-side with dragoon.

"What's up?" the dragon smiled.

"Umm... sky?" dragoon said

"Funny, but other then the fact that your about to be killed by dranzer and were pasing other bitbeast along the way" daragon said.

"Ya that's preity much it" the blue dragon said.

"Oh huh"

"DRAGOON GET YOUR BUTT BACK NOW!" dranzer yelled comeing closer.

"here's a goner huh drigger" Draciel said.



"Ready?Three...Two..One...LET IT RIP!" Kenny yelled (i know ackward-.-) as rei silver let their beyblade rip.

Max wispered to kenny as he sat down. "Good job ken. you sounded like Jazzman himself"

"realy thanks"

"ummm kenny you should really let me see the battle" dizzi said from the labtop.

"oopes sorry Dizzi" Kenny said opening the labtop and set the camera to the beyblade battle.

Drigger spun right as the other beyblade spun after him. They clashed at each other, the left hitting the right, clashing at each other. Soon they slipped away circling eventually meeting each other again.

"Attack now!" silver ordered. It was a simple attack so Drigger easily avoided it.It went round in a circle and ramed at drigger again.

"Come on out Drigger!" rei yelled. at his bitbeast tiger lepted out charging at the beyblade.

'oh no' though silver then a name flashed in her mind. she then yelled out "DARAGON!" A dragon that was blue but had fire red feathered wings on it's back on the belly of the dragon was golden yellow color comeing from the neck to it's tail, it was like dragoon's but the color and the tail. the dragon had dragoons face but the eyes were brown colored.

kai gasped looking up. 'the dragon in my dream' he though, eye's whiden.

(tyson's POV)

What? what's going on? I started to glow bright blue when i heard someone call me my new name. Dragoon, Draciel, and Dranzer all staired at me.


I heard the voice and I lepted to the sky for some reson. when I came their, I looked around, kai and the others were on one side. and this girl was behind me, and right below me was a ... "A Beyblade! I'm real a bitbeast!" I said to myself.

and infrount of me was drigger and Rei.

what's going on?

(end of POV)

everyone staired at daragon with eye's whiden even Kai.

the girl smiled "Oh wow a bitbeast I have my own bitbeast!" she yelled jumping up for joy.

"WOW! dizzy can ya give me some stat on this new bitbeast?" kenny said typing in his labtop.

"sure thing chiff" dizzy said recording the battle.

Rei snapped out of his trance. "drigger be on your gaurd" he said.

the girl smiled. "Looks like this is going to be good." she muttered to her self then .."Daragon! Elements of the five kingdoms!" she yelled.

the dragon roured and chraged forword, five light colors appered creating a whirlwind made of water, fire, thunder, and ice. daragon charged forward and with one attack sent drigger flying up.

Everyone gasped at the sigth when rei's beyblade came back down it landed out side the dish next to rei and stop spinning.

(kai's POV)

I couldn't beleave it, it was the dragon from my dream, and it was real! when it attacked I still was amazed when it only took one hit in a matter of secounds Rei was done.

when the dragon went back to it's beyblade it turn to me and it sounded like it said 'kai'.

silver: I'm back with a new chapter and that's right tyson had his first bitbeast beyblade battle :D

tyson: Man I can't beleave it! that was so awsome!

Drigger: ... -pouts-

silver: Drigger don't pout or you woun't battle anyone.

drigger: -.- fine.

silver: anyway thankyou for reviewing my story :D

tyson: WHAT!


tyson: ;-; must you torcher me.

silver: well please reveiw and you get to have max's secrat stash of candy this time :D

max: WHAT! Grrrrr... -takes out a chainsaw- SILVER!

silver: eek Oo' -runs away-

Rei: R&R.