Title: Stubble
Rating: PG-13
Author: Euley
Disclaimers: I do not own any Angel nor Buffy characters
Summary: Answer to a challenge, "What if Wesley in Season 3 of Buffy was more like Wesley in season 3/4 of Angel?" Faith and Buffy meet there new watcher and he's the last thing they'd expect, and with his appearence a diffrent change of events happen that change thing in Sunnydale forever.
Wesley entered the library. He had gotten quite a few odd looks from students as he walked the halls yet he paid them no mind.
"Hello?" he said. An older man came from what must of been a back office and quickly dropped his coffee cup and picked up a dagger that he must always keep near by.
"Stay back!" he said getting ready to fight.
"I'm sorry?" he asked slightly confused as well as slightly annoyed.
"Va-" yet he stopped as Wisely walked into a patch of sunlight.
"Oh, uuh so sorry. You are-"
"Pryce, Wesley Whydah Pryce." he said shaking the older mans hand.
"The new watcher?" asked Giles his eyes narrowing.
"Yes" he nodded. Giles looked at him up and down.
"Your not exactly what I had expected the council on sending."
"I'm not exactly what the council expected on sending either." he said rolling his eyes.
"I'm sorry?" asked Giles confused.
"They heard about Faith, thought that the last thing she needed was another watcher with a stick up his arse so here I am." he said looking around as if inspecting the library. "To be honest Mr. Giles your not what I thought either. Considering the rumors I've heard about your past." Giles looked slightly flustered, who the hell did he think he was? Just coming in here and already he acts as if he owns the place.
"Yes, well I have changed, and from what I've read in your record you have as well."
"Yes, well traveling around the world a bit after graduating from the academy does removes the whole black and white view of things." he said still looking around the library.
"So are you living near by?" asked Giles obviously still not trusting the man. He had read some files, yet hadn't expected him to be like this. He had expected glasses, neat slick hair, suits, and a snobby British accent. Not ...not this. He carried a large brown box in his hands that he must of left just outside in the hallway.
"Yes, about 15 minutes." he said as he put it on a desk. In it was not neat organized books. Yet overstuffed folders, new books,-
"101 Do It Yourself Projects?" read Giles out loud.
"New house, it's a book I'm a watcher." he shrugged snatching it from Gile's hand.
"Giles I-" yet she stopped when she saw Wesley.
"Buffy" he said thanking what ever higher being that was out there for sending her here to him. She'd surely see right through this, and could sense this man was dangerous. Wesley merely nodded in recognition.
"Buffy" he merely said.
"Uuuuh...new watcher?" she asked obviously confused.
"New Watcher" sighed Giles.
Buffy's eyes narrowed, if he looked any different she would of been casual and said "is he evil" yet the way he looked it was a big possibility that he was. So she got into a fighting stance.
"Is he evil?" asked Buffy determined look on her face.
"Evil?" asked Wesley, arching his brow slightly.
"The last one was." said the eldest slayer her face stone like ready to fight.
"No Giles wait. So what if I was?" asked Wesley his eyes narrowed.
"I'd have to kill you." Buffy snapped back.
"Would you?" asked Wesley taking a step closer. "You have to take it all the way and kill a human being...would you be willing to do that?"
"If I have to." she said still in a fighting stance.
"I don't think you have the guts Buffy, and that's why I am here. To teach you, you have to be willing to do anything to get the job done. Now I highly suggest you get to class." he said walking right up to her face, she could smell his breath yet her hatred towards him only increased as he was attempting to intimidate her. Buffy merely turned on her heals and was about to leave when she stopped and turned to Giles.
"I fought vampires last night. Had swords, one long on short. Thought you'd wanna know." and with that she left.
"You really shouldn't of done that." said Giles.
"When I need your teaching methods and wish to get fired I'll ask for your help Giles." he said and went back to unpacking his box.
Wesley had asked Giles to talk to Buffy about going to the family tomb tonight, when Giles asked where he was going he merely said he had some moving in business to attend to.
As Wesley walked into the bar he smelt the familiar sent of whiskey and cigarette smoke.
"Hello Willie" he merely said as he walked immediately over to the bar.
"O-oh look who it is, W-wes. Hey" stuttered the bartender.
"I need some information. Not I'm not naive, why are vampires after Bathalzars Amulet?"
"S-settlement reasons?"
"Willie you know better then most not to toy with me." and it was true. They had an inncident back in Germany a few years back.
"Y-yes well, I-I just hear rumors you know?"
"Well I-" yet Willie stopped as he saw a girl walk in.
"Hey, this guy here bothering you Will?" asked the younger girl.
"N-no Faith he's fine." gulped Willie as he watched Wesley's eyes, they were like blue flames ready to swallow him whole.
"Yeh, well keep him alive, only place in town that serves under age." said Faith casually.
"Faith?" asked Wesley as he let go of Willie. "The Vampire Slayer?" he asked arching a brow.
"Yeh, who wants to know?" Wesley was careful, he knew not to reveal he was her new watcher...not just yet. If he could understand this girl better...maybe he would gain her respect.
"A friend." he merely shrugged. Faith took full note of the British accent. "Care for a drink?"
Faith merely looked at Wesley up and down and as if in approval.
"K buddy, yeh I would. A beer Willie." said Faith as she took her place at the stool.
"Whiskey" said Wesely taking his place at the stool next to her. Faith as if checking him out looked at him once more.
"Thats some pretty heavy stuff. Think you can hold it?"
"You'd be suprised what I can do." said Wesley as he took the entire shot whole.
Yet unkown to the pair a white demon was whispering to his vampire "friend" there was a new player in town and he meant business. They should tell the mayor.