Dear Kagome Higuarshi,
Time without Kanna has been diffucult yet varies as I remember the moments together. This curse of the Zodiac has truly turned me into that the cold of winter. Kanna is soon to be married as I heard through the Sohma grapevine. You are the only one who I have opened to the tree feelings of her. Her empty space beside me, to think I would never melt due to that lit memory of her in my mind when I am to be the one to erase all their memories. Those who were never to know and forget and those who know yet still remain. I wonder at times if knowing about this curse gives you the right to honestly and rememberance. Does it give you the wings of freedom that Kanna and I once shared? Those boundries brought together pain held me yet. I must go on, I only dream that in the end I can see that light of joy that once impaled me until the shuttered darkness that came.
I trust you to have heard through the grapevine the story of the one they call Tohru Honda. I have met her and she is the one I believe who will lit the lives of many. She in many ways reminds me of you. Those days of heartfilled letters you would write to the Sohmas that lit their lives. You were what held Akito from hurting Yuki at that moment. I do believe that you were the reason Kyo accepted himself, then your spirit splurred into that of this ordinary girl Tohru Honda. I wish for you to meet her some day. Perhaps in your next letter to Shigure and his residents you could request a visit. You'll be surprised at the outcome of the visit. The differences she has made will impress you to the state of shock. A smile may light a million like you said yet this girl's smile lights a billion. Maybe it is that the loss of Kanna in my life has drove me to these heights of affection for this girl. As you are the rage of affection for this family.
Kyo and Yuki have come to a less...violent standard as you may say. They can sit together or stand without fighting every second. Humorous if you were to ask me actually. Yet as the undying snow I cannot accept the steps of laughter as I cannot again fall to those moments of peace and joy with Kanna. The spring would only increase the cold days for me due to my past. Even though I could not allow her back into my arms after what has happened. If I knew that future to occur I would have never allowed her into my heart as she was much like I would never let her go as this. Please allow this heart to drift, as the cherry blossom petals of spring freeze to icicles in the dreary lost wind. A shriveling beauty, the undying love, my emotions write a book of sonnets from the unforgettable past.
Yours always...
Hatori Sohma
Please ignore the formality I have built here I guess the boundries never do break down, Also Akito sends his regards...
I dropped the pen sealing it into the envelope and writing the address. I argued with himself to add the seal I have always added that she had come to collect from myself. A petal of a rose was always put in the envelope of my letters as I felt the tender petal in my hand. Stamping the seal into the envelope I stood and walked out to the mailbox and slipped it in. Kagome Higuarshi. This girl, no this woman that I had grown fond of who the savoir of the family before Tohru yet now Tohru is here and they stand beside each other to save the Sohma family from the curse. I opened up to Kagome told her of Kanna and everything that is until Kagome was forced to move from the main house at Akito's orders since she was just exposed to a disease and he feared that she would die...he wasn't to accept it.
The first one Akito ever came to care for like that. She was strong, a black belt at the age of five and soon every five years she was a black belt at another event. Every strategy yet then after 10 years she was already mastering them two years at a time. Amazing actually. She was also intellgent. Brains and brones, as the saying went. Strangely like he could take away a memory she was a phsyic. She was some kind of wiccan able to do so much. Truly talented, her parents as proud as ever. Yet they weren't able to show it as they died so very quickly. She was 12 and they passed away now she is 17 and still she gets so happy all the time. Just like Tohru... At 12 she moved into the Sohma house and at 15 she was out because she was diagnoised with leukimia yet her immune system seemed so strong like she was plainly weak.
Akito watched her suffer painfully then shunned her out giving her a home at a shrine with another family that she was adopted into. She cried. On the last night she stayed up forever making paper cranes for everyone in the family which took forever considering everyone and left them all for everyone even the ones outside the house. She was accepted yet just like that she was thrown out. Then she actually went for it, she hugged me. We were altered. I changed yet then in a second before my clothes shedded off me I was back. She whispered what she had done. Created a possible end to the tranformation and so close to the ending of this curse. I held her and whispered," Don't forget to write."
That was all I said, out of everything I could have said I said that. She looked down then looked back up smiling," I won't, oh yeah here you go Hatori...your crane."
I looked down as she handed me a white and blue crane, her hands were cut and look shaky, I just took it yet right as it came into my hands she turned away her hair left behind her and her feet pivetting around. She ran out of the exit and through the gates the doors forcefully shutting behind her. I lifted his hand to his face she had splashed her tears over his face. I shut my eyes and turned away. Akito turned to him his face color drained yet not from sickness. He whispered to me," Hatori, you held no tears as she left, you are truly as cold as winter."
Shutting the doors I turned to him as he walked away. I took it, it was true. I was as cold as the winter. I accepted it. Even through spring and summer I was the winter.
Finfor now don't worry it's not a one-shot you have to review to read ooooo good line anyway chow.