Scrapbook Memories
By TriGemini
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters, Rumiko Takahashi does.
Chapter One
It was a beautiful spring morning and regretfully the occupants of the Sunset Shrine would be staying indoors rather than enjoying the lovely weather outside. The one who especially hated staying indoors was a certain Han'yō. For Inuyasha hated spring-cleaning. Nevertheless, Kagome was quite insistent that they get it done before they had things to do. Such as going hunting for shards in the Feudal Era and fighting Naraku. So without much argument which was quite unusual in Inuyasha's case with Kagome, he gave in. That is how he suddenly found himself down in the cellar of Kagome's house surrounded by boxes full with who-knows-what probably junk in Inuyasha's opinion, and now he was stuck going through them. At least, in awhile Kagome would come downstairs to help him, for she promised. However, first she had to unlock the shrine gates so that people would be able to visit during the day. Nevertheless, Inuyasha had to go back to the drudgingly tedious chore before him. Therefore, he grabbed the first box, opened it, and found that inside were some old clothes that had apparently belonged to Souta from when he was younger. He figured this would be something Kagome wouldn't mind getting rid of so he put it aside and then grabbed another box. In that box, it held some things of Kagome's. Such as books, toys, and other things, he didn't recognize. Therefore, he figured that Kagome would be better off going through that box to see if she wanted to keep it or throw it out.
After several hours of going through box after box, Inuyasha was becoming tired. Therefore, he decided to take a short break. As he sat down on an old chair, he noticed a large book, which had a picture of a girl in a garden on it. At that moment, he became extremely curious as to what the large size book contained. As he opened it, he realized that they were pictures. The reason he was able to recognize what pictures were, was that Kagome had explained it to him along time ago. Still he was fascinated to look at them. Not to mention, that there were some papers inside the big book, as well. Even though, he was curious as to what those were. He was more fascinated by all the pictures that filled the big book. Since he wanted to know what each picture was about, who the people were in the pictures, where they were at and all that stuff. However, he knew the only person who could explain it to him would be Kagome. Therefore, he decided that he would go and ask her about them. After all, he never got tired of learning something new about living in her time. He never realized that he would learn many new things about 'his' Kagome.
A/N: Okay, tell me if it is good…please! I just came up with this idea and it sounded really neat. However, I need people to support my morale. So please review and tell me if it is worth continuing. Therefore, until then.