Disclaimer: Don't own Ranma or Sailor Moon. Just this plot line.

First, some answers to a few reviews.

I do use Microsoft Word, but the dictionary is very limited because it is an early version and I haven't had time to get an updated one that will work on Windows 95.

He iscomfortable with his female body, but still prefers to be in his male form.

And no his personality will not be overwritten,but he will have some likes and dislikes from his past life he didn't have before.

Lastly, can some one tell me of a website that has all the Senshi's full names, history, names of their enemies and so forth. I use have most of the manga, but I seem to can't find it at the moment, and it's been awhile since I've read it. It would be appreciated. Thanks.

Ch3: So that's where her pink hair came from!

Mamoru was royally ticked. Ever since Ranma had arrived, he had been in one odd occurrence after another. Every time they tried to finish their fight, something would always happen to him, always! Their first rematch a tree limb had had fallen on his head and knocked him out. That wouldn't have been thought of as odd, except that the closest tree was on the other side of the temple!

The second time they tried to fight, he had been attacked by a little black pig wearing a yellow bandanna that could shoot chi blasts. After a few days of being interrupted by one thing or the other, he finally got to fight Ranma, and had been brutally beaten down.

Right before he blacked out, he swore he could have heard snickering, but a glance at Ranma showed that it wasn't him. -Great! Now I'm hearing things!-

The little bad luck gremlin snickered at his new plaything. He had been a little miffed that his favorite victim, err, client had some how been protected from him. On closer examination, he discovered that his 'client' had been given possession of the Gold Crystal. Sighing, he wasabout to go and find a new client when a thought occurred to him. -What about the original possessor?- Cackling with glee, he set out to dish out what the snobby little prince had coming to him.

Ranma was having a blast! He could control the transformation from male to female if he concentratedand the others accepted him for who he was. Although the looks they gave him when he trained in male formmade him slightly nervous. Aside from Chiba, no one else had tried to attack, marry, or accuse him of any thing. He'd only been staying at his cousins for a week and he already felt like he belonged.

Today he was going to meet the Outer Senshi and hoped that nothing odd went on. -Come to think of it, odd things only happen when Chiba shows up.- He thought.Shrugging, he concentrated on the task at hand. Seeing if he had a male Senshi form.

"I don't know, you really think it might work?" Ranma asked Ami.

"Should. We'll never know if you don't try." She said after glancing at him before typing on her computer.

"Well, okay. TERRA POWER! MAKE UP!" Ranma yelled. A light show later, he stood there in a variant of the Dark Generals outfit. The only difference was that it was the same color as his Senshi uniform with the Earth symbol on the shoulders and it hugged his form nicely.

"Um, you girls okay?" He asked after seeing Usagi and Ami fall over with a massive nosebleed.

They just lay there twitching with one thought going through their heads. -No wander he's called Ranma! He's so BIG! 'DROOL'-

He was about to help them up when a huge ball of water slammed into him, sending him into the boundary wall of the temple, causing rubble to fall down on him.

After seeing Ranma get blasted away, Usagi and Ami jumped up to face whatever it was that attacked him. Then promptly face-faulted.

"Micheru! What do you think you're doing! You could have hurt him!" Usagi yelled as she picked her self up.

"Um, that was what she was trying to do." Haruka said as she and Micheru jumped down off the temple wall. Neither would admit it, but when Usagi got mad they got scared.

"Why the heck would you want to do that?" Usagi growled, taking a step towards them.

"I thought that was what we did to all Dark Generals." Micheru stepped back a little when Usagi glared at her.

"That wasn't a Dark General, that was my Ranma!" She yelled, totaly missing her slip of tongue, before going over to check on her friend.

"My Ranma? Wait! I thought Ranma was a girl." Haruka said turning to Ami.

"She's also a guy. She can do the whole gender bender thing like the Starlights can." Ami explained. "Now come on, let's help Usagi dig 'her' Ranma out." She said with a giggle.

"You as confused as I am?" Haruka whispered to Micheru, who nodded.

Ranma sat at the kitchen table in female form, holding an ice bag to her head and staring at the two girls in front of him. "So you attacked me because I looked like one of your past enemies?" She asked. Micheru and Haruka both nodded with a glazed look in their eyes. "Okay then. So, um, where are the other two?"

Snapping back to reality, Micheru spoke up. "Hotoru is at school, she's Sailor Saturn, and Setsuna is-"

"Right here." A voice said behind Ranma, causing her to fall out of her chair. Picking her self up, she turned to see a tall green haired woman.

"How'd you do that?" She asked after sitting back down.

Setsuna just smiled and said "Do what?"

Ranma was about to speak when a blur slammed into her, causing her to once again fall to the floor.

"Finally! I thought you'd never show up! Hey, you okay?" Ranma lay there in a daze as he stared at the pink haired girl sitting on her stomach.

"Um, who are you?" She asked after the girl moved off of her.

Chibi-Usa frowned before smiling again. "Duh, I'm your daughter silly!"

Ranma cocked her head to the side and said "Oh." before her eyes rolled up and she fainted.

Chibi-Usa turned to look at the others and blinked when she saw her mother had fainted also. Frowning, she turned to Setsuna and asked "You didn't tell them did you?"

Setsuna just smirked.

Ami blinked a couple of times before saying "So that's where her pink hair came from! I always wondered how you could get pink from blonde and black."