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A Ranma/Sailor Moon crossover.

By: possom2009

Chapter One

Riseing Chaos

Ranma was cold, wet, currently female and very much pissed off. First she had been having odd dreams then her father had disowned her after the disastrous wedding incident, and after that, she was kicked out of the Tendo dojo. And on the way to see if she could stay at her cousins, it began to rain, triggering her curse. "At least it can't get any worse." Oh! How the Fates frown upon thee who can't keep their trap shut!

Ducking into a store to wait out the storm, this creep had walked up to her and began to pester her for a date. "Hello there, beautiful! I couldn't help but notice you over here all by your lonesome. Names Mamoru Chiba and Iwas wondering if you'd like to accompany me this fine day?"

After the fourth or fifth time of telling him to leave her alone, she finally made him shut up by grabbing his wrist and bending it until she heard a satisfying crack. "Listen here you creep! I. AM. NOT. IN. TO. GUYS! And if I see you again, I won't just break your wrist!"

Clutching his wrist to his chest, he finally got the hint and took off as fast as his legs could carry him. "Jerk!" She yelled after him.

Getting some hot water from the bathroom, she changed back to her male form and continued on her way. She had just entered the Jubban district when she was splashed by a wave of water that sent her stumbling forward and activating her curse once again.

Turning around to yell at who ever it was that had splashed her, she was met with an odd sight. A woman that looked like she had been fused with a fire hydrant stood there grinning madly at her. "Your heart crystal will be mine, human!" With those words, the daemon attacked.

They had been fighting for close to two hours now and neither seemed to be gaining the upper hand until Ranma slipped on a patch of wet grass. Bringing its arm up, the daemon morphed it into a blade and was about to swing it at Ranma when something unexpected happened.

A rose zipped past her and lodged itself into the daemon's right shoulder. They both looked at it with looks of disbelief and turned to see a masked man in a tuxedo and a girl in a cheerleader outfit who were making some kind of speech and striking goofy poses.

Her eye began to twitch as she studied their aura. The masked mans aura matched that of the jerk that had been hitting on her earlier! She briefly wondered how he had healed so fast, but was brought back to reality as the rose exploded, sending her and the daemon in opposite directions.

Flipping in mid-air, she decided to end this little practice session and gathered as much chi as she could in to her hands. Landing on her feet, she took off at the recovering daemon, who only had time to stand back up before a chi powered fist slammed into it's gut and exited out it's back.

Screaming one last time, the daemon crumbled to dust. Brushing herself off, she turned to the shocked couple and walked towards them.

Staring at the masked man, she asked, "What did I tell you the last time I saw you, Chiba?" There was a gasp from the cheerleader, but she ignored her, waiting for Chiba to answer her question.

"I know not of this Mamoru Chiba you speak of, my fair lady. I am Tuxedo Kamen!" He said in a tone that would have made Kuno proud.

For some reason, that name seemed to make her angry, but she quickly pushed it down when she latched on to what he said.

Smiling wickedly, she said, "I never said your first name, moron!" His eyes bugged out and he gulped nervously as he grabbed his wrist in remembrance of what happened earlier.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to break any more of your bones to day, but that's only because you distracted that daemon long enough for me to recover. But I do wonder how you healed so quickly." By now Mamoru was beginning to panic as his eyes kept darting towards Sailor Moon, who was staring on in confusion. 'How the hell did she know it was me?' He thought franticly.

Seeing that he kept glancing at the cheerleader, a sudden thought came to him. 'That'sbe hisgirlfriend! Well now, this could be fun, no wonder Nabiki doe's stuff like this!'

"So who is this Mamoru? Your girlfriend?" She asked walking over to Moon. Before he could answer, Moon latched on to his arm and said, "Yep! Isn't he a hunk?"

Mamoru began to sweat as Ranma's smile grew wider. "Hmm, that's odd. He was pestering me to go on a date with him earlier, he wouldn't take no for an answer, so I broke his wrist if your wondering what happened to it.

Moon gasped and let go of his arm and looked up at him with tears beginning to for at the corners of her eyes,

"She's lying, right Mamo-chan? You broke your wrist falling down some stairs like you told me, right?" She asked in a pleading tone.

"I-I-I" He stammered before bowing his head, not knowing what to do. He had never before been caught in one of his lies, so hehad never really given it any thought on what the consequences would be.

Moon stepped back, the tears finally breaking free as she turned and ran away. Like many of Ranma's rivals/fiances/enemies/whatever, Mamoru came to one conclusion. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FOULT!" He yelled, throwing his fist forward to punch Ranma.

Sensing the punch coming,she blocked it and sent one of her own back in retaliation, not realizing thather hands were still charged with chi.

The moment his hand connected with Mamoru's stomach, they were engulfed in asphere of light. Ranma's head exploded in pain as the light intensified.

A few moments later, the light vanished, revealing an unconscious Mamoru in civilian clothes and Ranma on her knees clutching her head, dressed similar to what Moon was wearing except for the colors were in silver and green.

Standing up shakingly, she whispered, "Sere-chan?" before running towards were Moon had gone.

Okay this is my first Ranma and Sailor Moon fic, so be gentle people. If there's any one out there that would like to help me with this fic let me know 'Kay?