Title: It's Time
Rating: G
Summary: Life isn't measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
Type of fic: Story
Disclaimer: Miranda, Gordo, and all Lizzie McGuire related stuff belongs to Disney and…whoever else has rights to them.
Author's notes: I was listening to Michael Buble's It's Time, and I've always wanted to try writing a story based around an album, and straight away I knew this was the album. And that it was to be Miranda/Gordo. As for the summary, I was going to go with "Gordo falls in love, but is it too late?" – but it seemed too trite. Instead, I went with the quote. :)


I've acted out my life in stages
With ten thousand people watchin'
But we're alone now and I'm singin' this song for you

- "A Song For You"

Gordo woke, but dared not open his eyes. Already his mind was back to the events of the previous evening. Miranda's appearance. Miranda's declaration. Miranda's touch, and hold, and kiss.


Beside him, slight movement. Gordo refused to open his eyes. If it had all been nothing but a fantasy, then he wanted it to last just a little bit longer.

'Hey.' A soft female voice that could belong to Miranda. 'I know that you're awake, so don't even bother pretending.' Definitely Miranda.

With a smile, Gordo opened his eyes and turned to face her. 'I was having this wonderful dream, and I wanted to make it last for as long as possible.'

Miranda smiled at him, reaching up to trace her finger along his jaw. 'That dream had better been about me.'

Unable to help himself, he smirked. 'Well, considering that I was, in your words, never the man of your dreams, it would seem highly unfair if that were the case. Don't you think?'

She moved so that she lay straddled atop him. 'We both know that I'm the only one you've been dreaming about, and the only one that you'll ever dream about from now on.'

He raised an eyebrow up at her, finding it impossible to not react to her movements. 'Arrogant much?'

Miranda grinned, dipping her head to whisper in his ear. 'No. It's because I know you, David Gordon. My Gordo.'

Gordo blinked at her words, and he moved his hands, placing them on her shoulders and pushing her up slightly so that he could look into her eyes. 'What did you say?'

She smiled softly down at him. 'My Gordo.'


'I take it you had a good night last night, David?' Valla's tone was far too casual to be truly casual.

Gordo didn't bother hiding his happiness. 'I did have a good night, thank you for asking, Valla.'

His assistant laughed. 'So, I finally got to meet The Miranda Sanchez, huh?'

'That's my Miranda.'

'She's beautiful, David. When I see her, I'll have to ask her what she's doing with a bum like you.'

Gordo glared at her with mock indignation. 'Hey! I'll let you know, Ms Travis, that Miranda's the lucky one.' He smirked. 'Haven't you heard? I'm the next big thing in Hollywood.'

Valla rolled her eyes. 'She's really given you a confidence boost, hasn't she? Egotistical maniac. Where is she, anyway? I want to hear some embarrassing high school stories about you.'

'She left me,' he replied, sighing dramatically.

'So, she just came for a little of that David-lovin', huh?'

Gordo felt the warmth bloom in his cheeks. 'Something like that.' Then, he shook his head. He wasn't used to talking about his love life with, well, anyone. It made him feel as if he was back in high school. 'No, she's gone to see her old boss and to finish up with the rest of her stuff. Then she's flying back to California.'

Valla looked surprised. 'That's it? She only came for one night? Wow, David. You must do-'

'Don't even think about finishing that sentence!'


'Hi, Anna.'

Michael Logan's receptionist looked up, and a wide smile crossed her face. 'Miranda! Oh my god, what are you doing here?' The other woman stood and walked around the desk to give her a hug.

Miranda chuckled, pulling away. 'I just stopped by for a visit. See what's going on in the old neighbourhood.'

'It's so good to see you again, Miranda. Hasn't been the same since you left,' Anna replied, still smiling. 'Chantelle is still as much of a witch as ever. Actually, more so because now she doesn't have you to blame everything on.'

Miranda shook her head. 'I don't know why Mike keeps her around.'

Anna raised an eyebrow. 'You mean you never knew?'

'Knew what?'

'Chantelle's stepfather is on the Board.'

She was stunned. 'No…' Miranda breathed out heavily. 'Wow. All this time, and I never knew.'

'It was one of the reasons she hated you so much. Because, for the first time, Mike used his majority ownership of the company to bring you in. And her stepfather could do absolutely nothing about it.'

Miranda didn't know whether to feel guilty or flattered. 'Anna, how come you know so much about all of this?'

The other woman grinned. 'Being Mike's receptionist has its advantages. And no, I'm not talking about those kinds of advantages, however tempting it may sound. I'm engaged, remember.' Anna's smile turned coy. 'And besides that, the only employee he was ever interested in left the company a few of months ago.'

'Really? Who was it?'

'You're not stupid, Miranda.'

Before she had a chance to say anything, the door to Michael's office swung open. 'Anna, can you get me the Richman file? There seems to be a problem with- Miranda!' He stopped short as his eyes finally fell on Miranda.

'Last I checked my only problem was lack of employment, Michael Logan,' she retorted, her tone light.

'It's so great to see you!' Michael closed the space between them in two long strides, and wrapped his arms around her.

Over his shoulder, Miranda looked at Anna, who returned her gaze with a smirk. 'You too, Mike,' she replied, ignoring Anna for the moment. She pulled away from her old employer, and smiled. 'I see this place is still running without me.'

'Well, can't say it been all that easy,' Michael said, his happiness obvious even to her. 'I hope you're here to tell me that you're coming back?'

'Unfortunately, no,' Miranda answered with some regret. She had loved everything about her old job. 'Just stopping by for a little visit.'

'Then I hope you'll stay for a little while. How about lunch?'

Miranda looked at Anna. 'Anna?'

But the other woman shrugged. 'I'd love to, but I'm flat out today. You two kids go, have fun.'

If it wasn't for the twinkle in the other woman's eyes, Miranda would have believed her. She turned to Michael. 'Then I guess it's just us.'

Michael's smile caused her stomach to perform a slow somersault. 'I guess so.'


'Gordo, my love, I think you have a challenger for my affections.'

Despite himself, and despite Miranda being reassuringly in his arms, Gordo felt the beginning's of jealousy. 'Okay, who am I going to get Ethan to beat up for me?'

Miranda laughed. 'Mike Logan.'

'You're old boss?' He frowned with mock concentration. 'Let me see… Wasn't he the guy you said was worth waking up to and going to work for? The guy who gave you the office right next to his?'

'You always did have a good memory.'

'Yes, especially about the competition.'

Miranda leaned into him, touching her forehead to his. 'I made sure to tell him that this girl is off the market.'

Just then the last boarding call for Miranda's flight was announced over the PA system. The impersonal words caused them to cling even tighter to each other.

'I love you, Miranda.'

'And I love you, David Gordon.'

He kissed her. Softly, tenderly. 'Call me when you land.'

She nodded. 'I'll be back soon, okay?'

He couldn't help it. 'You're not going to give up until you meet Orlando Bloom, are you?'

And she sparkled at him. 'Actually, I'm after the director. I hear he's the next big thing.'

end part ten.


Author's notes: New chapter! Yay! Apologies for the delay. Lots of stuff happened, one of them being my end-of-year exams. Also, I'm not the best when it couples finally get together in a story and have to be happy together, so yeah… This chapter was a little drawn out, but hopefully it'll get better. -cross fingers-