Suggested music: "Indian Moon" by State Radio

Date posted: July 31, 2009


Lily and James

Lily rolled over with a sigh and stretched her arm across the bed. When all she felt was an expanse of cool mattress, she opened her eyes. That was odd.

She sat up slowly and brushed her hair out of her eyes. She let her feet dangle off the bed before placing them delicately on the cold wood floor. Goosebumps sprouted up her bare legs so she yanked the blankets off the bed as she stood, and walked with them around her shoulders.

Softly, she tiptoed to the window. Gold slivers of light were fighting the blinds. Slowly, Lily tugged them open and allowed it inside. She had been doing everything with more care these past few weeks, as though relearning how to do simple acts of day-to-day life. Because her life was no longer day-to-day. And it was no longer only hers. She could not be careless.

Lily stood in the sunlight, clinging tightly to the blankets. It was the first they'd seen in weeks—perhaps the last beautiful day of the year. November had always had that affect on Lily. She counted the moments of sunshine like jewels, trying anxiously not to waste them, the long oppressive winter looming over her.

But now she just stood and savored the warm glow. She wasn't afraid of it being sucked away from her. She knew that this winter would not be lonely. Not for one moment.

She didn't know how much time had passed before Lily felt someone behind her. A pair of arms wormed their way around her. A chin rested atop her head. A large pair of hands slipped under the blanket and rested firmly on her stomach.

She smiled and took a deep breath. She could smell the wind on him. "Hi."

James put his lips to her temple. "Hi."

"You're up early."

"I went out flying."

"It's a nice day."

James grunted into her hair.

"You remember what we have to do today?" asked Lily after a long pause.

She felt a chuckle rumble in James's throat. "How could I forget?"

Lily shrugged and turned to face her husband, sliding her hands up his chest to clasp around his neck, enclosing him in the warmth of her blanket.

"We better get ready," she said.

A sly grin slowly stretched across James's face, lopsided as ever. "Nah…We've got plenty of time." He raised his eyebrows and shook a hand through his hair. "For other activities."

Lily smiled. After all these years, she still melted at the sight of that grin. James often used this to his advantage. "Activities, huh?"

James nodded. He tightened his grip around her waist and tilted his forehead toward hers. There was a glint of playfulness behind his glasses. Suddenly he swung her around, falling back onto the bed and pulling her with him.

He cut off Lily's shriek of laughter with a kiss. Lily's hands sifted through his wild hair. James pressed his lips against her neck and set to work getting her out of her pajamas, something he had become quite skilled at since their days at Hogwarts.

He kicked off his pants, running his hands up and down her bare back. They were still slightly cold from flying outside in the chill of the November sky and Lily shivered. She tore off his shirt and pressed herself against him, loving the sensation of his naked skin against hers.

James gently rolled her onto her back, letting her head sink into the pillows. He was always so careful with her now. This only made Lily love him more for the extra tenderness but part of her missed his old, fiery, throw-her-on-the-bed style. She hummed softly under her breath as his lips trailed from the little spot behind her ear, down to her stomach. She squirmed at his touch, unable to remain still, until she couldn't take it anymore. Reaching down, she yanked him toward her mouth, pulling him closer.

Nose-to-nose, he grinned at her. "Eager, are we?"

She grinned, her hands feeling his excitement. "Look who's talking," she said breathlessly.

James's grin softened into a smile. He brushed his thumb across her lips, then traced his fingers along her collar bone. Lily took hold of his head between her hands and kissed him.

When they broke apart, James sunk into her, slowly and melodiously at first, then quicker and rougher. Lily clenched onto him, gasping for breath.

They were lying naked and tangled in the sheets, their legs entwined and their chests heaving up in down in the same rhythm, when a loud banging made them freeze.

"Shit," muttered James. "Already?"

Lily sat bolt upright. "I told him we'd make him breakfast…" she said, skirting out of the bed and rushing to her closet.

The banging persisted. Lily glanced back at James, still sprawled lazily across their bed. "Come on, James, what are you doing?"

James slid off the bed with a groan and padded across the room to his dresser. Lily threw on some jeans and shirt, while James rifled through his underwear drawer.

Then they heard the front door slam shut. "Anyone home?" came a booming voice from the kitchen.

"Coming!" cried Lily.

"Damn it, Sirius," growled James, as he pulled on his trousers. "We never should have given him a key."

Lily hurried down the hall and into the kitchen, followed by James, who was still pulling a shirt on over his head.

Sirius had his head in the refrigerator. When he heard them enter, he turned, holding a package of bacon, and gave them both an once-over, scrutinizing Lily's tousled hair and James's disheveled clothes.

He shook his head. "Going at it again? Blimey, you have been married for how long and you still act like two hormonal teenagers."

Lily walked up to him and took the bacon out of his hand. "Oh, shut up," she said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

"How were we supposed to know you would be here unreasonably early?" demanded James, slapping his best friend upside the head and earning himself a sucker punch to the stomach.

"I was all anxious to hear the "big news" you lot were going on about in your note," said Sirius. "I'm not used to such intrigue."

Lily cast a smile in James's direction before turning back to the bacon, which she started laying out on a pan. "How about we have breakfast first?"

"I don't think so. I got up at the crack of dawn and came all this way to hear this news. Let's hear it."

"You're like a little kid," sighed Lily. She looked at James. "Should we put him out of his misery?"

James smirked. "I reckon it would be the humane thing to do. As much as I am enjoying it…"

"Well, what is it?" demanded Sirius, folding his arms and leaning against the counter.

James smiled and walked across the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Lily. They both looked at Sirius, hands on Lily's stomach. "Padfoot, mate," he said, "You're going to be an uncle."

Sirius stared at them with wide, blank eyes. "What?"

"We're having a baby, you idiot," said Lily.

Sirius blinked. "A…a baby?" he stuttered.

Lily giggled. "Yes. It's due sometime at the end of July."

Sirius pushed himself off the counter and pushed both his hands through his shaggy hair. "A baby! A wee little Marauder? Are you fucking kidding me?" he yelled. "This…this is amazing!" He dashed toward Lily and bent toward her stomach, feeling it with his hands as though he could feel the baby growing inside. "Hello, little guy."

"Or girl," said Lily.

Sirius snorted. "It's a boy, Evans."

James laughed. "So we were thinking…" he said slowly. "How would you feel about being the little bugger's godfather?"

Sirius stood straight up with a loud laugh. He grabbed James in a hug, pounding his back. "I'd feel insulted if you didn't ask!" he said. Then he held James by the shoulders at arms length, grinning at him. "Bloody hell, Prongs, you're going to be a daddy!"

Then he whirled toward to Lily, picking her up and swinging her around the kitchen. "We're having a baby!"

"Careful, mate," said James.

Lily giggled as Sirius set her down. She patted James's arm. "I'll be okay, James. I'm not made of glass."

"Besides," said Sirius, "your boy should learn how to survive a hug from Padfoot. He'll be getting a lot of them."

"What makes you so sure it's going to be a boy?" demanded Lily, cupping a hand on her belly as though trying to protect her baby from Sirius's insensitivity.

Sirius snorted. "Just trust me, Evans," he said, with a lofty wave of his hand.

* * *



James turned his head to look up at her from where he was resting it in her lap. They were curled up in bed, drowsy from making love. "Do you think the baby will be any good at Quidditch?"

Lily let her book fall onto the mattress. "That's what you're worried about?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you realize how many things can go wrong with a baby? What if there's something wrong with the pregnancy? Or what if the umbilical cord is wrapped around its neck? Or what if it's born with some sort of incurable disease or something? What if it never sleeps through the night? What if we don't chop up its food properly and it chokes?" cried Lily. "James, our baby could fall into the toilet when we're aren't looking and you're concerned it won't be able to play Quidditch?"

James blinked. "We'll keep the seat down."

Lily brought her hand down on his chest.

"Ouch! Lily!"

"This is serious, James. Am I the only one thinking about all this?"

"No, of course not. I worry…I just…" James hesitated. He turned his head to the side and stared at Lily's stomach. "I don't think we should panic about things we can't control. We'll do the best we can. Quidditch is just something I want the baby to experience because I know how much I bloody love it." James gently put his fingertips to Lily's belly. "Isn't there anything you want for the baby other than surviving the many fatal accidents you've imagined?"

"I just want the baby to be happy and healthy."

James nodded. "Me too, but that's obvious. I reckon I just like to picture what type of person it'll be. Like…will it be edgy and cool like its dad or a goody two-shoes like its mum?"

Lily gave his shoulder a little pinch. "I wasn't a goody two-shoes!"

James grinned. "Sorry, love, but you were—at least until you smartened up and started listening to me," he said. "And you know you can't be as abusive with the baby as you are with your husband?"

"Well," said Lily, smirking, "with you and Sirius around, I'm afraid this child will have no choice but to cause a little mischief."

James's grin widened. "And you'll love it all the more, just like with me."

Lily looked down at him with a tiny lift of an eyebrow. "I certainly hope it doesn't have your cheek."

"So you do hope for things other than it being happy and healthy."

Lily sighed and ran her fingers through James's wild hair. "I suppose. I want the baby to grow up to be kind and brave…smart, creative…."

James scoffed. "Really, Lil, look at who this kid's parents are. Of course it'll be those things."

"You never know. What if he or she is super conceited? It's quite likely with a dad like you to bloat its head up?"

"That's where Mum comes in to bring us down to earth."

Lily smiled. These were becoming her favorite conversations. She loved that James was enjoying fantasizing about their baby as much as she was. Absently, she brushed her fingers across James's cheek. "I'm excited to be a mum."

James leaned forward and kissed her stomach. "I'm excited to be a dad," he said. He held her waist firmly in his hands. "And don't worry so much, Lily. You're going to be an excellent mother."

"I hope so."

They were silent for a while, lying in the dim light of their bedroom. Lily ran her fingers through James hair until James's eyes slowly closed.


"Yeah, Lil?"

"You'll still love the baby even if it's rubbish at Quidditch. Won't you?" she asked.

"Sure," he said, without opening his eyes. "We can always have another kid, right?"

"James Potter!"

He laughed, his face creasing with dimples.

"You joke, James, but sometimes I think you really do mean—"

James opened his eyes and sat up, leaning in close to Lily's face. He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I already love this kid. I don't care if it never touches a broomstick. I always will."

Lily smiled. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face into the warm skin of his neck. She took a deep breath, inhaling his scent as though it was her own special type of oxygen, filling her lungs and keeping her alive.

"You're going to be an excellent father," she whispered.

She felt James smile into her hair. Slowly, they lowered back down into the pillows and lay there in a soft, easy silence, wrapped deeply in each other's arms. The only sound was the hazy rise and fall of their breathing, rhythmic and slow in their confidence that nothing could harm their joy as long Lily, James, and the tiny soul growing between them were within arm's reach of each other.