Author's note: this here ficcy is dedicated to my friend, Ashley, who desperately wanted me to write a song fic with this song.

Disclaimer: I do not own beyblade, or this song, plz DO NOT sue, I own nothing! Ok?…except for this plot.

Shut Up

Why must you do this to me all the time Kai? What's your problem? Do you enjoy putting me down all the time? When we were battling together in the tournament this year, everyone always looked at you first. Even if I was the captain, you were always consulted first. Why? It's all about you isn't it? Yea, the great Kai! Even in the abbey! You were always the stronger blader than me. I was only second best. You were always number one, so…so perfect. But then again, that was until you met Tyson…

There you go

You're always so right

It's all a big show

It's all about you

Every wrong I do I'm always told off, you can always get away with it...well…whenever you do something wrong that is. Why is that? Oh yeah, because it's you. Like I said, it's always about you. You find my mistakes, my flaws, and every error. You're always there for Tyson, then why not me? Always there for Ray, Max, even that nerd Kenny. And yet, with me, all you seem to think about is my lack of concentration when battling you. And that it's your fault too! Always telling me to get better! To keep focused.Well guess what? I can't keep focus when you're watching me like a hawk!

You think you know

What everyone needs

You always take time

To criticize me

Why do you haunt me like this? You despise me don't you? Yeah that's it. You're just jealous. Hn, who am I kidding? What's there to be jealous about? You were always the better one. Every look towards me, are always so cold, from you, and everyone else. I don't remember one time you actually were proud of me, proud of what I've become. Every mistake you point out to me, am I really not doing it right? Or it's just you love to put me down? Love seeing me cringed under your insults? Well not anymore Kai, I won't listen to you anymore!

It seems like everyday

I make mistakes

I just can't get it right

It's like I'm the one

You love to hate

But not today

I'm walking away from you, out of your life and finally you're out of my mind. Don't say anything more to me Kai, cuz there's nothing to say back to you. I don't wanna here you say my name in disgust no more Kai! I'm leaving!

So Shut up Shut up Shut up

Don't wanna hear it

Get out Get out Get out

Get out of my way

Step up Step up Step up

You'll never stop me

Nothing you say today

Is gunna bring me down

Everything you do is a lie! You're just a big fake! Thinking that you've got ever one under control! Making them think your all that! But you're not Kai! I can see you for the helpless child you are. I've watched you sleep, your nightmares are worst than mine. Everything you say to me is all a lie! Everything you promised was all a lie! What are you trying to prove? You're leading everyone in false hope that they'll be better bladers; you're letting yourself and everyone else down.

There you go

You never ask why

It's all a big lie

Whatever you do

You think you fool everyone one else don't you? I think you've spent too much time being worshipped! Everyone pays too much attention to you! Your too used to it Kai. That's why you think everyone must always pay attention to you! Yeah sure everyone thinks of you as all high and mighty, but I can see through you and sadly I'm not gonna be there to help you when everyone finds out that you're a big fake!

You think your special

But I know and I know and I know

And we know

That your not!

"Tala," Shit! What do you want now? Oh high and all mighty one?

"What?" I retorted back to you. Blah, blah, blah. Do you ever stop? Beyblading this, you can do better that. Sheesh must you pinpoint out all my mistake? Geez. I roll my eyes at you and turn around walking away from you going and on. Damn you're calling me back. Oh well, I'm not listening...Arrggg you never stop do you?


You're always there to point out

My mistakes

And shove them in my face

It's like I'm the one you love to hate

But not today

Hah! I've taken you off guard. Damn you get back into your usual pose. Looking all hot at the same time. Damn! No! I can't think like that! I hate you! I despise you for everything you've done to me!


"What," I hiss at you, glaring, boring holes into you. Damn! Why won't you just leave me alone!

"Is there something wrong?" You ask me putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off.

"Don't touch me," I growl. Damn, am I being too rough? You were slightly shocked when I shrugged your hand away but still. I just really hate you right now. I look away hiding away what I'm feeling. Right now you could probably see into me what I'm feeling, but I don't want you to know…

So Shut up Shut up Shut up

Don't wanna hear it

Get out Get out Get out

Get out of my way

Step up Step up Step up

You'll never stop me

Nothing you say today

Is gunna bring me down

"Tala," you repeat my name, with…a hint of concern? I look up at you trying to read your eyes. Yes, there is concern…but why? Why me? Damn why must you confuse me so? I growl, my hands curling up into fists.

"Answer Me," you demanded standing straight up, giving me that pathetic look. There! That's what's bothering me!…Well…one of the things.

"You Kai," You look at me questioningly at me. What? So I have a problem with you, is that so wrong?

"Oh? And what problem is that?"

"Pfft. Let's just say that, you're still that snot nose brat that always got what he wanted back at the abbey," I spat at you. Actually, that really isn't the problem, just something to say to you to get you off my back, I always lie to you when you ask me what's wrong.

"You're lying," you state simply.

Don't tell me who I should be

And don't try to tell me what's right for me

Don't tell me what I should do

I don't want to waste my time

I'll watch you fade away

Damn, have you actually seen through my wall? You have no right to know what I'm feeling!

"Spill Tala," I look away turning my pointless glare at the ground. I hate feeling this way! Why must you always know! I guess I might as well tell you what I'm feeling.

"You heard me," I retorted, so-o-o I didn't tell him what's on my mind, so? You give me a knowing glare and I still can't lie my way past you!

"Fine! You wanna know what's wrong with me! Fine! Have it your way! You're always telling me what to do! Always making such a big deal for every mistake I make and every lose! You always get all the attention from anyone! And-and, it's a fake! I can easily see you for the whimpering child that you are!" I blurted out turning away from you. At least it wasn't everything, but at least something to tell you…but no you just had to continue

"That's not all."

So Shut up Shut up Shut up

Don't wanna hear it

Get out Get out Get out

Get out of my way

Step up Step up Step up

You'll never stop me

Nothing you say today

Is gunna bring me down

"Huh?" I turn back around facing you. You're eyes…what are you trying to tell me?

"I said, that's not all. What's bothering you Tala? I know something else is bothering you."

Fuck! What is it you want from me! Damn it!

"Just leave me alone Kai…I'm leaving…for good," I whisper turning back around going the way I was heading to before.

"Hn. No you're not."

"Believe it Kai. I'm going, and no matter what you say, you're not stopping me."

"Tala stop," so I stop. I look at you, and you walk up to me.

"If it's make you stay…I'm sorry?" I sigh and give you the best answer I can give.


So Shut up Shut up Shut up

Don't wanna hear it

Get out Get out Get out

Get out of my way

Step up Step up Step up

You'll never stop me

Nothing you say

Is gunna bring me down

Bring me down

Shut up Shut up Shut up

Won't bring me down

Shut up shut up Shut up

Won't bring me down

Shut up Shut up Shut up

So I turned, and walk outta your life forever. I won't have to listen to you. I guess I've finally got you to shut up.

Author's note: so? Whadda ya think? Bad, good? This goes out to you, Ashley, oh and JenJen! It was her birthday this past Monday and she likes this song, so, this goes out to you too!

By the way, everything was kina random, so ya might have got confused? Well let me know of anything I can improve on, oh and if ya want I can add a second chp, if ya want me too.