Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Trek, I'll be sure to return Kathryn, Chakotay and any other characters I borrow back to the right shelve with no prior memory of this incident. Thank you.

A/N: I'm not so sure where this idea came from, but this is my attempt at a more serious and meaningful story. Let me know how it goes. Thanks. – KayB

Believe in Me

Admiral Kathryn Janeway sat watching the clouds roll across the African sky. She closed her eyes and breathed in slowly, inhaling the warm humid air, before turning to stare fascinated at the lizard perched on her porch banister. The lizard regarded her warily before catching a passing fly. Beside her, Molly Junior stirred restlessly. Kathryn reached out idly to stroke the pup's fur. At her mistress' touch the dog settled comfortably.

Once again, Kathryn was drawn back to the tumbling clouds. The violent speed they were going at seemed incomprehensible from this lazy spot. Kathryn remembered a time when her life had been as fast paced as the clouds. Strange, she never thought she would miss it.

"I thought I'd find you out here."

Kathryn graced the intruder with a smile, before nodding slowly to the clouds.

"Scoot," he usher the dog off the lazy chair and stretched out next to Kathryn. Molly regarded him with a growl before allowing herself to be scooped in a gentle embrace by her mistress.

When did she get to this point, she asked herself quietly? When did she let her guard down? No doubt it was when she put those bloody barriers up.

"Hmmm?" he asked, lazily stroking her hair.

"What?" she asked, meeting his eyes for the first time that day.

"You laughed…" He was interrupted by a loud wailing from the house.

Kathryn felt maternal pride, at her daughter's ability to come to her mother's rescue. She smiled gently at him before moving towards the house. Hoping, he hadn't noticed her sigh of relief.

The baby in the cot quieted as Kathryn approached. She held the dark haired baby close before moving to the changing table. Oh Chakotay. When did it come to this? She asked silently. Chakotay had always believed in the spirits above. She too still prayed to them, but the spirits were definitely not helping them now.

She could leave, she realised. She could take Taya and leave, but would that solve anything? She asked herself. She'd only be hounded by the press. More questions about her and Chakotay? Could she face that?

"Admiral, what will you do with the child?" She remembered a reporter had asked her, squeezing the microphone through the shoulder's of Janeway's security team as Kathryn placed a protective hand on her swollen belly. "Is abortion an option?"

"Admiral, do you regret not listening to Admiral Hayes' advice?"

"Admiral, will this end in divorce?"

Through the window Kathryn could make out the top of his red head. Mark. He had insister on coming. Since Chakotay had left he'd done nothing but hang around her and Taya. Kathryn's friends and family were as determined to get them together as the Voyager crew had her and Chakotay, but Kathryn hadn't been one to let people boss her around. Definitely not when it came to Starfleet, of that she was sure. She didn't need an aid to read her mail and she didn't need a secretary to write her messages, she was perfectly capable of doing it all on her own. But somehow, her control over her profession hadn't extended over personal life as well. That was something of a mess.

She rocked Taya gently as she remembered the last time she'd seen Chakotay. It had been in their rather large house – for all the children they were going to have Chakotay had said. It was close to her mother in Indiana and their personal transporter pad would get them to headquarters everyday. That day, they had been painting the nursery, Chakotay had wanted to paint a picture of Jack (who fell down the hill) with his head in a pail, but Kathryn had insisted that picture in the nursery would have to be happy images. In the end, they settled on Jack and Jill skipping up a hill and mobile of dream catchers, eagles and spaceships.

"Don't even think about it Chakotay," Kathryn held up a warning hand while she backed against a wall as he lunged forward, yellow paint on his hands.

Nevertheless, she laughed as he slipped one hand around her large waist and pulled her close, painting a yellow streak down her nose. The baby stirred, "You enjoyed that didn't you?" Chakotay whispered. "We'll have plenty of good times here the three of us, and then all your little brothers and sisters as well."

"You'll pay for that, you will" She threatened as the doorbell rang. "Later," she winked seductively heading for the door.

"Admiral Janeway?" Asked a broad shouldered Security personnel.


"Step aside please and we will not harm you. We are only here for Captain Chakotay."

"Chakotay?" Kathryn moved to the banister to block their way. "What do you want with Chakotay? He's been cleared of all charges."

"This is a new charge Admiral." The officer tried to push past her up the stairs.

"Kathryn, who is it?"

"Chakotay, they say you've done something wrong." Kathryn's voice was filled with panic. They couldn't take him away, not when they'd found such happiness. No, she wouldn't let them.

"He's done more than something wrong Admiral. You're living with a murderer." There seemed to be glee in the officer's voice. Not many people had approved of the marriage between Starfleet Admiral and renegade Maquis freedom fighter. Most of them would have loved to see them brought down. Opinion was they were making a show of themselves or he was using her to buy his freedom.


"I have no idea what they're talking about Kathryn. I haven't – done – anything – wrong."

The officer pushed past Kathryn more forcefully now, but still gentle enough so as to not hurt her or the baby.

"No!" Kathryn cried as he broke past.

"Kathryn. I haven't done anything wrong." Chakotay insisted as the officer dragged him down the stairs. Suddenly there were hundreds of uniform-clad officers pulling him away. "Believe in me, Kathryn. I love you."

"Yes Chakotay, I believe you." She felt a fluttering in her stomach. "We believe you."

And that was the last time she'd seen him. She hadn't been giving the chance to visit the prisons or to have video conversations. When Taya had been born she had been a mess. She wasn't aware what the charges were or who Chakotay had allegedly killed. No one seemed to know, but everyone believed the accusations. Everyone except for the ex-Voyager crew members. They had been there at the hospital. Tom had taken pictures to smuggle to Chakotay.

A week after the birth, Starfleet had transferred her to their Africa base. "So you get some piece and much needed quiet. You'll be expected back for the trial of course. You are a witness after all."

"A witness?" Kathryn had asked Admiral Paris.

"You will testify." It was an order if nothing else.

"Testify to what? I don't even know what Chakotay has been accused of." Kathryn felt helpless sitting in her hospital bed as she watched her mentor pace the room. "I can't tell you Kathryn," he whispered, glancing around cautiously before moving to leave.

"Owen," Kathryn called. "Does he stand a chance?"

But he was gone.

And now Kathryn was here and for the first time in her life she didn't know what to do. Since her marriage, she fingered her wedding ring carefully, twisting it so it glinted in the sun that streamed through the window, since her marriage, she had come to rely so much on Chakotay; so much on his silent strength and support. She had come to need him.

But he was gone.

Taya whimpered.

If he was found guilty, Kathryn suddenly realised. Her child would grow up without a father. She'd see, Kathryn shuddered, Mark as her father figure. No, she wouldn't allow it. She'd rather Tom Paris teach Taya the finer points of life than Mark. Tom. Thomas Eugene Paris. Maybe he could help.

As Taya went back to sleep, Kathryn made sure Mark was still on the porch as she moved to the communications terminal. Chakotay had been set up, she was sure of it. Chakotay wouldn't have killed anyone. He loved her and Taya more than anything. He wouldn't have jeopardized their love. He couldn't have. She glanced at the picture on the mantelpiece. It had been taken at their first year anniversary, Chakotay held her in her arms as the posed for a picture, but at the last second, he had whispered something – Kathryn blushed at the memory – in her ear and she had turned to laugh with him. Everyone, J/C-er or non J/C-er (as the press had termed their relationship) agreed that there was nothing but love in the picture of Kathryn starring lovingly and happily into Chakotay's twinkling eyes. Give me strength once more, Chakotay, please.

Kathryn – Believe in me Kathryn, I love you.
