Note: thank you for the reviews this thing is over now. The beginning and end are set in the future.

Please enjoy and review. (I had a better version but my stupid computer wiped it.)

Chapter 25 And I Don't Know How To Let You Go

The ringless hand moved back and forth stroking the mans shockingly red hair from his face. He checked his watch, soon it would be over time and he would have to charge the guy extra. It was not that he minded the extra time and money, just that his leg was beginning to cramp and the guy didn't look like he'd be done crying any time soon.

The red haired mumbled something again and the boy shrugged. "You'll have to speak up I couldn't hear you."

"I said, you really remind me of him." said the red haired man with surprising clarity considering the tears still streaming down his face. "It's like a wonderful torture that I could find someone so like him."

"Like who?" maybe if he got the guy talking he could pull and all nighter he didn't usually mind his job but it was raining outside and he hated walking the streets in the rain. So this guy was a little weird, at least he seemed harmless.

They'd met only two hours before. He had been walking his usual patch (It had only been light drizzle at that point) and he had been approached by the beautiful red haired man (the man couldn't have been more than thirty). The man had stared at him for a while and then offered him what ever money he wanted to come back to his flat. He had said no, he was not stupid enough to go back to some strangers flat and in the end they had decided on a nearby travel Inn.

Things had started off normally. They had fucked; the red haired man surprisingly violent; but he gave as good as he got and had a passion for it that was almost infectious. The only problem was the air of unstable emotion that the man seemed to carry around with him, it left an element intensity that he was not sure he was comfortable with.

"Like my lover…my ex-lover." the red haired man said after a long pause lifting himself into a sitting position and wiping all of the tears from his face.

"What did he dump you." he didn't know why he sounded so harsh.

"No I killed him." sighed the red head his cold blue eyes deadly serious. "I had no choice. He was a whore like you…"

The boy his red eyes slowly and prayed that the man across from him was joking.

"Tala?" asked Kai entering the bedroom.

"I loved you." said Tala getting up. He had been waiting ducked in the shadows holding the kitchen knife he had stolen from Kai's bag. "I loved you and you…she told you to kill me and you said yes!"

"How did you know?" he didn't even sound ashamed.

"I heard you talking. I was sitting on the stairs."

"Then you know that you are going to have to use that." said Kai pointing at the knife.

"I just…"

"If you don't kill me I am going to kill you."

Tala flew across the room and smacked Kai in the chest his empty fist. "How could you do that? How? I loved you! I loved you more than anything and you! YOU BASTARD! I can't…I knew that you didn't love me…I knew it I just…You didn't even care about me did you? YOU DIDN'T EVEN GIVE A SHIT!"

"I don't care. I never loved you. I have never loved anyone one in my life so pick up the knife and do it."

"What? Asked Tala his eyes wet and his nerves shot. "What did you say."

"Do it." said Kai so low it was almost a whisper, "Just do it."

Tala shivered the voice was cold and still somewhat sexual. What was Kai asking him to do?

Kai took Tala's hand and lifted the knife placing the point on his chest. "Kill me Tala. Kill me like you want to."

Tala jerked back the knife grazing Kai's chest and drawing blood. "NO! No I…I love you…I…I don't want to die…I just I can't imagine life without you. I don't want to…"

"I DON'T LOVE YOU! I used you, I played with you, I cheated on you, I screwed your father and manipulated your mother and now they are both in hospital! I agreed to kill you! What more does it take? Just do it! End this. You're stupid not to have done this ages ago."

Tala blinked sending tears down his cheeks. "No. I don't care…no…"

The was a smack as Kai slapped Tala hard. "And what if I lied and said I loved you? Would you do it then?"

"No. please for gods sake Kai stop it."

"One of us has to die" argued Kai annoyed pulling Tala's arm back up and using it to plunge the tip of the blade into his skin.

"I won't do it. You'll have to push it all in yourself. I don't care if you kill me now. I won't kill you."

Kai pushed the knife in further. "Your father was a better fuck than you anyway."

Tala jumped and without thinking lashed out. "You bastard!"

Tala jumped back when he realised what he had done, "No." he whispered.

"Tala." Kai's breathing was laboured his face looked lighter than Tala had ever seen it. "Get rid of the knife…aunt… your aunt can drive you to the…the…hospital. Say that you were there…all…day…"

"No Kai…shit…no…"

"Promise…promise you will do that."

"I promise. I love you Kai."

"I don't…"

Tala wanted to shake Kai and wake him up, or kiss him like in the fairy tales…or something. But he was shocked to find that he was too afraid to touch the body. Too afraid that it was still warm…too afraid of all the blood.

"He's dead."


"You didn't need me after all."

"No…thank you Max…I don't…"

"I should call an ambulance."

"Call the police."

"Not until you do what he said. Get rid of the knife, go to the hospital."

"What about you? I'll think of something…I'll call doctor Green."

"Max your shaking."

"Then hurry."



"I had invited Max for backup, I didn't think I could take Kai on my own and Max…well Max had always hated him. And we had been friends, before. The police had a field day with the body, so many bruises and cuts and scars. At one point I think that they had wanted to arrest every man in the neighbourhood…but without a witness or a victim…

"In the end the blamed my aunt, who escaped and was never heard from again.

"My parents stayed together. My father was covered with scars and my mother never got over the guilt.

"And me? I loved him. I loved him and I have never loved anyone since, he ruined me. His last big fuck you I suppose. I wish it had a happier ending…"

Tala stood and cleaned up the room a little closing the boys red eyes.

"…But I don't think that it matters to you now anyway."

I love you Kai.

The End.