I own nothing no matter how hard I try convince myself I do
isnt it amazing what you think up in biology? Enjoy!

Don't You Remember?

"Lauren, slow down," Sarah said nervously. Her friend was swerving through the cars rather fast.

"Don't worry, I know how to drive," Lauren slurred. Lauren grabbed the near empty bottle sitting next to her and gulped the last bit down, licking her lips lightheartedly as the car jerked harshly to the left. Sarah's uneasiness was growing. Lauren was obviously much too drunk to be driving. How had she let her behind the wheel?

"Hey, maybe I can drive for a bit?" Sarah suggested.

"No! It's my turn, you drove on the way there."

Sarah sighed and looked ahead down the dark, rainy road. Lauren acted so childish sometimes…. Few cars were out tonight, and Sarah was glad. The less likely she is to hit one. Sarah wished she were home safely watching TV in the comfort of her own home...

A car's headlights shown in her eyes a ways down, forcing her to she blink rapidly to get rid of the colorful spots from blurring her vision. "Lauren, come on, you're going to hurt yourself if you keep this up," Sarah reasoned.

"No! Sarah, it's my turn!" She pulled away from Sarah's grasp, slipping into the opposite lane.

"LAUREN!" Sarah shrieked.


Sarah tried to sit up, but, feeling groggy and tired, fell back to her pillow. She looked around and knew instantly that this was definitely not Lauren's car. No shit Sherlock, she thought.

She knew she was in the hospital, the scenery made this all too obvious. She tried to remember her last moments of consciousness. A bright light…Lauren…screaming… aha, she thought. Car accident. Feeling dizzy, she placed a hand on her forehead as if it would help.

"Ok, family safety count. Alphabet," she went through the letters rapidly in her mind. "Check. Two plus two, four. Check. Name, Sarah Williams. Check. Occupation…none…" she rolled her eyes, "Yeah...I'm good."

She heard footsteps in the hall and fell quiet. Until I know who it is…I'm asleep

"Sarah? Are you awake?" asked a soft voice.

Sarah rubbed at her eyes as if awakening from a deep sleep.

"I suppose," she smiled tiredly. "Hello Karen."

Sarah's stepmother fluttered over to the side of her bed.

"How are you feeling, Sweetie?" she asked nicely. They'd gotten along a lot better since Sarah's trip through the Labyrinth.

"Just peachy," Sarah replied. "Drugged up, worn down, tired, but peachy."

"I'm glad you feel good enough to be sarcastic," Karen smiled. "But then again, you could do it no matter what your mood happens to be."

"Too true," Sarah replied, proud of her personality.

Karen rolled her eyes.

"I wanted to let you know," Karen stated, her voice slowly fading to a much lower, and more serious tone, "that Lauren isn't doing too good."

The horrified look on Sarah's face said everything.

"She'll live," Karen said quickly as she saw her stepdaughter's face, "but bouncing back to one hundred percent anytime soon, well, it isn't likely."

"Damn," Sarah whispered. "I should never have let her drive. She didn't seem that bad when we left the party…"

"I know, I know. Try not to worry about it, there's not much you can do now, but be a good friend and support her throughout her recovery. Anyway, on a much happier note, I've brought you something."

"McDonalds?" Sarah asked, a smile spreading across her weary face.

"No not that good."

Karen pulled something out of her purse. It was a small, red leather book that Sarah knew she should recognize, but couldn't. Karen handed it over with a smile.

"I thought you'd like to read it, since you might be in here awhile," Karen said cheerfully.

"Oh?" Sarah asked. "Is it one of yours? Your favorite perhaps?" She looked inquisitively at a Karen, patiently waiting for her response.

"Honey, it's the Labyrinth," Karen said with a worried look, "it's your favorite."

"Really? I don't remember…"

"Oh dear. Amnesia? Sarah, come on- you love this one!" This isn't good, thought Karen. If she can't remember something this important to her…Karen began asking Sarah every personal, family, and random question she could think of. Sarah remembered everything...Except the Labyrinth.

"It doesn't matter, I'll just read if again."Sarah stated reassuringly. A nurse hurried in the room and shooed Karen out. Sarah sighed, answering the questions and letting the nurse poke and prod away. When the nurse left, she picked up the book.

"The Labyrinth...sounds almost familiar." Cheating like she always did, she opened to the end and read aloud to herself.

"…'Jareth, where are you?' the girl called." She stopped. "Jareth…now that's an odd name." Sarah kept reading aloud for a little longer, failing to notice the other presence in the room.

"It's not such a strange name," came a very soothing male voice. Sarah looked up, surprised. A beautiful, blonde man stood before a very confused girl.

"How did you get in here?" Sarah questioned. "I didn't hear the door open. Or even see it, rather."

"Now Sarah, you know I don't need to use the door. Now what do you want?"

"What do you mean what do I want?"

"You called me, did you not? I heard you say my name." He smirked at her. "Or did you not mean it? You don't mean half the things you say, do you?"

"Call…? What…wait…no, I didn't, I couldn't have." The man placed his hands on his hips, a faint smile fighting off the smirk.

"Oh come on Sarah, humor me. You know you missed me." "How do you know my name?" she asked suspiciously. She just realized he had known it from the start.

Jareth stared, surprised at the blank and confused glances she was giving him.

"You don't remember me?" he asked, looking much less chipper than when he had entered the room.

"Ummm…"Sarah tried to recall his name, but she failed to think anything relavent to him. "No, not really. Who are you?"

"Jareth," replied the man with a slightly confused tone. Sarah began to chukle. He glared, crossing his arms across his chest.

"What's so funny?" he asked annoyed.

"I'm sorry," she said, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "It's just, that was the name of the character in the book I was flipping through before you came in." She paused and looked at him. "Why are you in here anyway? I didn't call you like you think. Maybe it was the woman-"

"Wait," Jareth interrupted. "What book?"

"This one," Sarah smiled cooly, handing the small book over to him.

Jareth stared at the small, red, leather bound book in his hand. The Labyrinth.

"An interesting piece of fiction if you ask me." Sarah grinned. "Have you read it?"

Jareth continued to stare down at the cover.

Fiction? She doesn't remember any of it? Not even me? The thought was extremely painful.

"You mean, you really don't remember me?" he asked, figuring one last attempt could do no harm. Sarah could hear the sadness in his voice and her smile faltered.

"No, but, I was in an accident yesterday." She gestured to the room around her. "I hit my head," He brightened slightly. "I'm sorry, I'm sure it will come back eventually." She said reassuringly. "So…how do I know you?"

He paused, unsure how to answer.

"We're old friends. We met through the Labyrinth." He eyed her curiously, wondering if she would believe him or think he was joking.

"The Labyrinth!" She sputtered. "But…that's that book!"

"Magic is real, Sarah. How much have you forgotten?" Sarah slumped deeper into her pillow.

"I'm not quite sure…I remembered everything Karen asked…I thought I was fine…" Her brow furrowed in concentration, going over life in fast forward. She couldn't find a time she recalled seeing him, or events when she couldn't remember who she was with.

"It's not coming," she said. His expression surprised her. He looked delighted. Perhaps it was just the lighting. Sarah felt horrible for forgetting a friend. What if Toby forgot her one day? She was positive it would kill her. She had to try to remember. She had to remember. "Maybe…if you showed me something of yours that I know…it would help jog my memory." Sarah suggested.

Jareth smiled and a crystal appeared in his hand.

"How did you do that?" she demanded with an expression of awe upon her face.

"Magic," he smiled. Sarah's eyes widened as she caught the crystal.

"Wow…" she whispered. "You can really do this?" She twirled the glass ball in her hands.

"Yes," he chuckled. "You've seen this before. Things even greater than this." She looked up at him with excited eyes, hungry for more.

"Like what?" she asked eagerly.

"Sarah," he rolled his eyes. "I can't just bring the things to the Aboveground."

She looked confused.

"What would others think?"

"But you said-"

"Yes, I know. Magic is real. But not many mortals know about it. They know of their magicians of course, who do cheap tricks. And that's all they believe it is. As they watch, they ask themselves how does he do that? Knowing that there is definantly a logical explanation. For example, they weren't watching closely. Eventually 'magic' becomes so ordinary that not many people care about it, or believe in it. You're probably wondering about that crystal," he smirked. "Simply magic."

She sat quietly, taking in everything this stranger said. Wait…friend, she reminded herself. She didn't remember him, but he obviously knew her. He knew so much about what she loved.

The crystal turned into a fully blossomed rose, she carefully avoided its thorns. She smiled up at him from the hospital bed, twirling it around with her fingers.

"So, Jareth," she started, trying out his name, "where are you from? What's all this about the Underground?"

"It is my kingdom Sarah.You've been there yourself, you know.." Sarah's forehead wrinkled in deep thought.. The Underground…?

"I can't picture it," she announced sadly. "Could you describe it for me?"

"I could, but I can do much more than just describe it." He smiled as he tossed her another crystal. She caught it clumsily, the rose still in her hand. She sat up and placed the rose in her lap gently and studied the crystal. Inside swirled many colors that slowly faded into a landscape. A beautiful hedge maze led to a sparkling forest. All the positive scenes o f the Underground played before her, leading up to a breathtaking castle. Jareth had made certain to leave out the Bog, the biting fairies, and the dusty Goblin City. He didn't want any unpleasant memories to spoil her imagination.

Sarah looked with her mouth slightly ajar.

"What a beautiful home, kingdom you said?"

"Yes, indeed. I'm the king of that kingdom in which it looks like you're enjoying," he said proudly.

"Wow," her eyes were wide with wonder. " Should I have called you Your Majesty? I apologize, I didn't-"

"Sarah, Sarah, I told you, we're friends."

"Yes but-"

"But nothing. Call me Jareth." He smirked. "It's odd, introducing myself to such an old, close friend."

She looked down shyly.

"I'm sorry, it must be horrible having me forget you. I mean, if a friend of mine forgot me…" she didn't finish, assuming he knew where she was going. "I'm working on it, really."

"Take your time. There's no need to rush," he said softly. "I think I should be the sorry one. I've told you so much all at once. You must be tired from trying to remember it all. Have a quick nap, you'll feel better." "Alright," she agreed, picking up the rose and placing it along with the crystal on the table beside her. "What about you?"

Jareth took a seat in the chair next to her bed.

"I'll be right here." He said reasurringly.

Sarah smiled tiredly as she laid down, facing him on her side. When Jareth was sure she was asleep, he placed a hand on her forehead. He sent into her mind dream images and feelings from her trip to the Labyrinth. Fairies, who weren't biting, and the relief she felt when she found her room. No junk lady appeared here though, and he didn't even send her the picture of the room, just her happy feeling of being home. He wasn't going to lie to her, he was just twisting her memories a bit, of course, in his favor. He finally had a chance to win her love without her holding Toby's kidnapping against him. He wasn't about to let the past wreck this.

When Sarah woke up, Jareth kept her mind off the accident and the small pain she was in. He told her about the Underground and its people, but strayed away from him and their relationship. By the time the nurse came announcing the end of visiting hours, Sarah had Jareth twirling crystals and showing her more magic. But he never showed her anything big. He stayed to the small tricks. Jareth kept Sarah begging for more. He knew he could capture her heart with her curiosity, along with her I-want-to-believe personality. He had her hooked.

"Well, it's been lovely Sarah," Jareth began as he stood. "But I must be returning home now. Visiting hours are over, you know." "What?" whined Sarah. "Already? Impossible!."

Jareth hid a very satisified smirk. She'd never ask him to stay if she knew the whole story.

"You've had your fun," he teased. "I've done more silly magic tricks today than in the last decade."

"But…but…" Sarah didn't know what to say. She'd never met anyone like him. He was the only one who believed in her dreams. Hell, he was her dreams. He couldn't just leave her. Not now.

"But, but," he mimicked. "I have to go back Underground Sarah. I have work to do. I can't play games all the time." He smiled, eyes shining. He began to disappear, his figure fading away.

Any previous doubts of his "magic", she was positive were gone. "Wait," she sputtered. Jareth stopped, almost completely transparent.

"…Take me with you."

"I thought you'd never ask."

Author I 3 Nessa! Thank you for helpin me with my mistakes. I dedicate this chapter to you, love.

Reveiw Please, I know you want to. I can tell. C'mon (whispers like evil voice) everybody else is doin' it.