Author's Note: Erin Go Braugh and Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of my fellow Irish people! Hi there! Lil here! Here's a little double drabble (that means it has 200 words, not counting the AN, of course, for those of you that didn't know)that came to me at work today, I don't know why but it just popped into my head. It's an arguement that occurs between Snape and Lupin and it is all dialogue. Hope you like it! And no, it's not slash. To my lovely and dedicated fans, fear not for I shall update Love Potion Number 9 and Adventures In Gimli's Beard this weekend! Huzzah! Anywho, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Severus Snape or Remus J. Lupin. I do, however, own the object mentioned at the end of this ficlet. I won't spoil it for you, but I do have one. Enjoy, and please review! And remember, not slash!

How Could You?

"How could you?"

"I'm really sorry."

"No you're not!"

"I really am!"

"If you were really sorry you wouldn't have done it."

"I didn't even know, honest!"

"Yes, you knew perfectly well what you were doing."

"Alright, I confess, I did it on purpose."

"I knew it!"

"Well, don't I deserve it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Can't I have one moment of happiness?"

"How can watching me suffer make you happy?"

"Suffer? I didn't know I made you feel that bad."

"Well now you know."

"Aww, now I'm really sorry. I take it back."

"You can't do that, it's too late now."

"No it's not!"

"Yes, the damage is done."

"Isn't there still time to fix things?"

"I'm afraid not."

"But all I said was-"

"I know perfectly well what you said!"

"It was just one time, I won't do it again."

"Alright then, I suppose I can forgive you."

"Oh good, you had me worried!"

"Just never do it again."

"I promise!"

"Fine then, lets agree to stop this."

"Okay, I never liked it much anyway."

"I don't like it either after what you did."

"Oh, Severus, it's just a silly game."

"But Remus, you sunk my Battleship!"

Another Author's Note: Haha, weren't expecting that, were ya? Anywho, remember to leave a review, por favor!