This Isn't Happening (Where Has My Music Gone?)
By: Songwind

Disclaimer- The song is mine. The characters and original concept of the storyline does not.

(Scene opens with Erik seated at his organ, writing notes carefully on some crisp paper. He's frowning, and suddenly growls in frustration and crumbles the paper into a ball, tossing it behind him in disgust. We see that this isn't the first time he's done this tonight. Slowly, he sets his quill down and leans back.)


Where has my concentration gone to-night?

Why don't the damn-ed notes feel right?

Something's gone amiss-

Has my sanity taken flight?
Or has God taken my music from me at last-

Spirited it away, forced it to

Flee in fright?

Oh, where has my soul gone to?

I've got far too much work to do

For my muse to leave-

Not now, damn you! (Slams hand on the organ, causing random keys to play)

I have nothing else to sustain me-

My music is all I have-

It's not gone, that isn't true!

(Suddenly, he stops at the sound of someone vocalizing. It's far off, and very faint, but we can tell it's a female soprano warming up.)


Do Re Mi La So…

So Fa Mi Re Do…



Why does my pulse race

And my frozen hands warm

When e'er I hear that voice?

When e'er I see that form…

Is this… is this love?

ECHO (Harmony tune):

Is this love…?


(Shakes head, gets up and starts to pace)

No. That doesn't happen to

Someone like me…


Someone like me…


No. This isn't true;

It's not happening.


Not happening…

ERIK: (waving arms in angry dismissal)

It's not happening (happening)

Oh, no, not to me;

This isn't happening (happening)

For me love cannot be!

I've fought the urge before

I know the yearnings oh,

But if this is what I have dreamed

Can loneliness finally turn from me?


Turn from me…

ERIK: (more desperately)

This isn't happening (happening)

Oh no, not to me;

This can't be happening (can't be happening)

ERIK: (Shouting at echo)

Can you do nothing but agree?
This is driving me insane;

Or was I ever whole?

(Singing and vocalizing is audible again, and Erik pauses)

ERIK: (Slowly and softly)

Her voice, it calms me,

Make me tame…

Makes me a man and not the troll

I've been known to be…

Can this be happening? (Happening?)

To me, oh just this once?
Is this really happening? (Happening?)

Can this be my chance?

Oh God in Heaven tell

What price I have to pay

To let my cold heart swell

To let her know how well

She quells my evil soul…

(He stops pacing and sits at his organ again, looking at the keys with an unreadable expression)

Is this… happening?

(The echo doesn't answer. The scene ends with Erik putting his head in his hands.)

Poor, unhappy Erik! Falling in love like that. (Smiles)

I hope you enjoyed the song. If I had any skill with instruments I would try and play out the tune I have and give you a link… oh well. Hopefully you'll get the same idea that I did when I first heard this echoing through my head.