"Don't Stay!

Forget our memories, forget our possibilities,

What you were changing me into now,

Just give me myself back and

Don't Stay!"

Hundreds of Years later……

Alucard shuddered. Pure evil flowed through Castlevania. Chaos, in the rawest form.

It had been years since he laid his eyes upon the place of his birth. Years.

And how ironic it was that like an animal he came back to his homeland to "nest". But truly, it was not his homeland anymore nor was he nesting, he'd come to kill his Father once again and put an end to his benevolent schemes. This once beautiful castle had become a creature of darkness, a testament to the sins of it's master. No longer, did it shine with radiance like it had during the Age of Lisa, but instead absorbed the light like a fiend. Alucard had trekked through the labyrinth in search of his patriarch, but instead found a possessed Belmont and another Castlevania, although inverted as it was. He was close, the half-breed could feel the immense eminence of the Count. He stepped through a pair of large double doors and felt the air above his head crackle with energy as he crouched and rolled out of the way.

"Still sharp as always I see, Alucard."

"Father! I did not wish to meet with you again."

"Well that is just too bad my Son, we can't always have what we want, now can we?" The Count Tepes snickered lightly, while watching his confused son.

"I'll raise an accord to you, my dear child. Let us put this conflict behind us and you may come and reside with me in the darkness again."

"Reside in the darkness?" Alucard asked incredulously. "I never resided in the darkness in the first place Father! And besides, if stepping aside and becoming yours again means letting innocent people suffer and perish, then I will not!"

Dracula notioned accusingly at his one time heir.

"You're foolish Alucard! Have you forgotten what they did to your Mother!"

"No," he replied bitterly, "But nor did I forget what you did to them for it!"

Vlad was now infuriated at his progeny. He grabbed the goblet of red wine that sat next to his throne and threw it at Alucard.


"I forced you into nothing Father, it was your decision to fall from grace."

The Dark Lord focused his rage into strength as he grabbed Alucard by his throat and slammed him into the wall.

"Does this feel familiar child?"

Alucard stuttered for breath and faintly recalled the Magistrate that fateful day, so many years ago.

"The Magistrate, at Mother's resting place, committed the same act against me. I never imagined it would be you next." He spat on the Count, bitterly. In turn, the Count tightened his grip.

"Listen good my dear Alucard, while your still hanging there! There was no Magistrate choking you! He never got a chance to, YOU crucified him. Along with the rest of the village. That's why you don't remember anything that day. You went into such a frenzy of bloodlust and anger, you destroyed and murdered that entire village!"

"No!" Alucard exclaimed. "No, I would never do that, NEVER! You lie to me! YOU LIE!"

"And why would I? To further decrease your dwindling morale. I think not! Welcome to reality dearest one. May I get you a beverage?"

Pain and suffering assaulted Alucard. Never since that day, had he felt such emotions. Never again had he wanted to.

"I lied to you son, I wanted you to keep your innocence at such a tender age. And how do you thank me? Hmm? How do you thank me? It's fine, just say it, Adrian.

He resisted instead.


"I ran away from home, from you, from my heritage….."

Alucard felt life slipping away from him.

"Jackpot Adrian! You can really be dense at times but sometimes your speech is just so satisfying!"

The younger Tepes was forcefully thrown against the opposite wall. He felt a hot stream trickle down his neck, as he fought to keep consciousness.

"You left me, Adrian Farenheits Tepes! You left me! You left me to my pain, my suffering, my bitterness. And through the passage of time, I began to believe those things I told you. I believed them because I had nobody to say otherwise! I had no child to say that they loved me and I shouldn't think such mad thoughts. No instead those thoughts twisted me and raped me, they enslaved and crippled me and I woed the day I ever sought to conceive you. You Alucard, are the monster here! Not me! I loved you from the day you were born. How could either of us know you would eventually destroy me!

"If I scare you now, don't run from me!

I've been hiding my pain you see?

For if I scare you now! Don't run from me!

I've been hiding my pain you see!

How, how could I……

I destroyed this family……

Mother, forgive me……I never meant to…to…ever commit this…I never…I never realized what I had done……Mother……forgive………me……

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………How………………………………………………………………………..how could …………………………………I…never……………………………..never wanted this.


Black, pitch black. No, a fleck of light. Now, enlarging…..what…..?


Adrian awoke in a field, a rolling field. Blue touched Green gently. Grass and sky. Sunlight beat down, but it was comfortable. In fact…more comfortable than anything else he could remember.

"Am I dead?" he spoke to no one in particular.

"No Adrian, you have not passed on, nor will you for many years to come. In fact I estimate you still have a eight hundred more years to live.


Adrian turned around to find the only love of his life. Lisa. She was clad in a pure white dress and glowed with a unearthly light, much like her son when happy and clean.


She grabbed his figure close as he softly nuzzled and snuggled her.

"Shhhh…be still child…be still…my Alucard." They embraced warmly as she whispered sweet, loving, words to calm him down. He dragged her down into the soft, warm grass and moved close.

"Adrian…shhh….Adrian….I'm here…I know..I know…..

Alucard continued snuggling her and softly laid his head down on her left breast, much like they used to when he was younger and Lisa was alive.

"Oh Mother! I never thought I'd see you again, I've missed you infinitely since that day!

"The thing I treasure most in life

cannot be taken away!

There will never be a reason why,

I will surrender to your advice."

"Adrian, this conflict between your Father and you, is tearing my soul apart. I cannot stand to see my two loves bicker amongst each other so erratically."

"Mother…. I understand Father now, I mean to…."

"My son, I know why and what transpired after my demise, and I forgive you as does God. We both realize that you cannot have realized what you were doing at so young an age. Your natural instincts overtook you and what happened, happened.

Adrian solemnly nodded.

However, that does not excuse you from the fact that you ran from your Father, leaving him was a blow that touched upon my flesh too."

"Forgive me, Mother."

"I do forgive you, but your Father may not. You must make your peace with him and together console and consul each other. You are all he has left, and he desperately wants to have your acceptance. Don't lock yourself away Adrian, give yourself to him and be one-the-same, or I will be sorely frustrated."

"Mother," Alucard laughed, "Can you not please come back to us? Is there not anything you could do? Would God not grant us that for all our suffering?

"I believe not Adrian, but fear not. I'll always be with you."

"Will you visit me more often?"

"Yes Alucard, I will if it means that much to you. But our time is short, and I must leave you. Please, Alucard, please! Remember all I have told you and I want you to tell your Father something for me.

"Anything Mother…"

"Tell him, 'I love you, always'."

"I will."

"I know."


"Every time I fall

You catch me

And every time I lose control

You help me, you save me

And every time I hate myself

You love me, forgive me"

Two days later……

"Ah, the prodigal child son returns to grace our presence."

Alucard noted the concern as it flashed through and out his Father's eyes.

"Yes……..and I still have to…." He started.

"Destroy me? Rid the World of a pestilence that shouldn't have existed? Remove the curse of darkness? Just say it Adrian so I may instead take my life to save you the burden of exerting yourself, heaven forbid."

"No, to say I formally accept your previously proposed compact, which was open until you nearly suffocated me, before throwing me into a wall."

"You killed me Alucard, my wrath is satisfied now that I have had vengeance."

"I also…..I also wanted to add Father, that I hope you will forgive me for the what I did in the past, it was just that you looked insane at that moment, and it struck something home to me."

"And what would that be my prodigy?"

"How feral and overzealous people can be when they are defending or paying retribution for the ones they love. And I didn't want to be like that. Mother taught me not to….'for theirs is already a hard lot.' She also said she loved you, always."

"And you know this how?"

"We talked Father."

Dracula was dumbfounded but decided not to press any further.

"And what about you, Alucard? Will you remain loyal to me like a son should be to his Father?

"Of course, as Mother said, 'be-one-the-same'.

Count Vlad Tepes pulled his only heir close and held him tightly.

"God, I adore you my dearest Adrian.

"I understand completely Father."

"Oh and Adrian," Vlad added, "Don't ever get yourself in a situation where I might have to get feral and overzealous on a Mortal."

The Silver and Gold both giggled at that.

Elsewhere in a divine utopia overhead, a woman smiled, knowing her heart was at ease, knowing that The Terror, The Anguish, The Fear, The Rage, The Suffering, The Death…would be no more than a horrible memory, lost in the waves of time.

The End

A/N: Ahhh…..feels good to finish. I am revising the story accordingly and hope you liked it. I would appreciate any comments or questions. I would like to thank Gray Velkan at this time for inspiring me with her work. Thx so much! The music this time is from Disturbed: Decadence & I'm Alive, off Ten Thousand Fists, Don't Stay, from Linkin Park, and Redefine by Soil. I also have another fic coming. Signing off for the last time here.

Shadow Alucard (Who's Pointy Pen is crying because it's the End)