
A/N Sorry guys! Here I am again, to correct a few things. the previous wedding was, sadly too mild! This time, I want it CRAZY! Ok? My style, crazy. It's not exactly a Japanese wedding, but more of a mixture. Hey, who doesn't want a grand and fun and… whatever wedding? So here's it, sit back and laugh. Presenting: the fiesta wedding!

Temari sat in front of the mirror and surveyed herself. Tsunade did the last touches of the bride's hair. Raiin handed her white hood and Tsunade placed it firmly on her head. Hinata and Tenten came in with the overcoat and Temari stood up. With the help of the other Kunoichis she got ready for the wedding.

Tsunade look at the new additional kunoichi to the leaf family with joy.

"Welcome to our family." The Hokage took Temari's hands and said gently. Temari smiled and bowed. Outside, there were more noises; in fact there was uproar. It is time.

"Let's go!" Tenten said happily as she slide open the door. Tenten had gotten the news of the grand wedding while on her journey and flew home with Neji almost two weeks ago. Raiin, Hinata, Ino and Tenten helped the sand ambassador got ready for her wedding.

"Ha! Here comes the bride!" Ino sang outside the door. Everyone wore Kimonos today, including Tsunade. The hokage wore a tome-sode, formal black kimono for older women at the wedding while the others wore colorful normal kimonos.

Temari smiled as she regarded her new family. Raiin and Tenten then stood on each side of the bride and led her out.

Outside, important ninja guests from various villages were here to witness this event. The other ninjas were busy congratulating Shikamaru, surrounding him. The other ninja villages, including the mist and waterfall also sent their ninja ambassadors to Konoha, to send their blessings and gifts.

"Ha, you're really lucky this time!" Asuma patted on the groom's back. Everyone wore traditional kimonos on this special day. Not a single ninja vest was seen.

Gaara was there, together with Kankuro and Baki. Several sand ninjas were present. Even they were wearing kimonos.

"I leave my sister in your hands." Gaara said, trying his best to sound as friendly as possible when he regarded Shikamaru. They were once enemies, but now they are a family. Shikamaru nodded with confidence when Gaara finished his words. Kankuro gave him a brotherly pat on the shoulder.

"She can be a little windy at times." Kankuro whispered into Shikamaru's ears. The groom, despite himself, laughed heartily.

Then someone hit him hard on the back. Needless to say, everyone knew whom, as they heard a familiar laughter.

"Na, Shikamaru! What a surprise you are getting married today!" Naruto, despite the difference over the years, said with a hint of childishness in him.

"And you? What a surprise that you only know today." Shikamaru said plainly. Sasuke and Kakashi appeared behind Naruto and gave the new jounin their blessings. Over the years, Shikamaru worked hard to be promoted to a Jounin. Certainly it was surprising to see him work so hard, the other jounins were glad to lend a hand. Now that the couple is jounins, Shikamaru fulfilled his 'prophecies'. A man cannot lose to a woman.

One by one, the yard was filled with other guests, along with familiar faces, Neji, Chouji, Shino and Kiba.

"Congrads! Shikamaru!" Kiba slapped the groom hard on the back. Akamaru gave a happy bark.

Then the music sounded. Shikamaru jerked his head towards the door of their new home. Tsunade appeared, followed by her attendant, Shizune. Behind was his bride, along with Raiin and Tenten by her side, guiding her. Ino and Hinata followed closely behind. All wore smiles on their faces. Shikamaru stood on the main pathway with Gaara and Kankuro while the others retreated to make way. The two leaders of the villages greeted each other and walked side by side, slowly along the pathway. Raiin and Tenten each took a step back as Shikamaru took his place beside Temari. The other ninjas followed behind as they began progressing through Konoha, to the shrine.

The village was in a state of fiesta. Banners, streamers, placards painted the entire village in rainbow colors. Stallholders, shop owners opened their stalls for everyone. The villagers all came out to join in the fun. Through loud speakers, blasting music sounded. Then, the kunoichis gave two claps and the music changed. Everyone looked at them; they merely gave an innocent smile. The others nodded.

"Well, to the bride and groom, this is a grand wedding, also it represents a significant element between two villages. So, there are a series of challenges along the way, which you have to pass, it's a tradition passed down from the previous generations." Tsunade said as soon as they stepped out of the house.

"Here's what you have to do," Asuma came forward, holding up a map. "You'll have to go out of the village and into the forest then out of the forest, on the south side, there'll be a pathway leading over this hill. You'll pass a shrine where there's a scroll placed there. Take it and go on." The teacher pointed to a small mount indicated on the map. "Climb this, then go down, you'll reach a valley. After which, on the walls of the valley you'll see a shrine. Make your way to the shrine; we'll wait for you there. And you must reach there by sunset."

Shikamaru and Temari nodded. The other ninjas were already smiling. Though they were in favor of watching, but somehow, out of the goodness of their hearts, they wanted the wedding to be a successful one.

"Ok, start now!" Raiin shouted as she and Tenten pushed the couple forward. They broke into a run. Shikamaru held Temari's hand as he led the way out. The village cheered and clapped to show support. A minute later they are out into the forest. Back at the house, the others have already disappeared, leaving the place in silence.

Along the way, Temari was feeling utmost happy. Finally she is going to be officially a leaf. It had been five years since she began her life in Konoha. Those were the happiest times of her life. She trained as and when she likes, roaming the village with her friends, played shogi with her fiancé, watched clouds with Shikamaru. She had never been happier in her years before. At times, Shikamaru would accompany her back to her village

Now just in a few more hours she'll be part of the leaf family. This was a marriage between two villages. The alliance will be strengthened. Also, both parties are in love.

The parade was long, so that the village knows about this and the bride is recognized. As the couple leaped through the forest side by side, Shikamaru took a moment to peek at his bride. She was beautiful today, wearing her wedding costume. Her face was proud, eyes shining with happiness as she looked ahead. He once told himself that he'll marry a not-so-ugly and not-so-beautiful woman, but right now it seemed that he did not keep that particular promise.

"What?" Temari noticed and asked.

"Nothing, just looking at you." Shikamaru returned with a hint of smile.

A few shadows came and caught up with them.

"Hey…" Shikamaru started.

"Although it's a little weird, but there isn't any rule saying that subordinates aren't allowed to help out during a traditional wedding." Naruto's loud voice rang through the canopy. Beside him, Sasuke's figure took form. Temari turned and saw the kunoichis spread out to cover them. The others were evenly spread out too. Naruto and Sasuke then took lead. Shikamaru noticed that each of them was holding weapons. Naruto had his kunais and shurikens ready in his hands, Sasuke was holding a kunai in each hand with his Sharingan on, from the long sleeves of Raiin's kimono scrolls could be seen opened, ready to launch, Tenten had her scroll of weapons strapped around her, Kiba and Akamaru were back in their attacking forms, a few bugs were perching on Shino's shoulders. Neji's byakugan was clearly visible, and so was Hinata's. Rock Lee looked as though he was ready to launch one of his taijutsus, Ino had two kunais in her hand, Chouji was slightly pumped up, and another four figures lurked by.

"Can't leave my sister alone to do this too." Kankuro said as his puppets leaped into action. It's a little strange to see kimono figures behaving like ninjas but none of them were wearing any other expressions other than happiness and joy. So the first challenge.

Two huge mutant ninjas came into view. Naruto and Sasuke headed for each of the enemy and Raiin leaped down to cover the front.

"Hehe!" Naruto's lips curved into a smile as a ball of chakra formed on his right hand. Sasuke gave a huff as he did several hand seals and chakra was seen forming on his hand. The two charged forward to land their blows.

Two loud explosions were heard and smoke filled the place. The ninjas then traveled higher to avoid the smoke. The two mutants were seen dropping to the ground below, each had a hole in their middle.

"Yata!" Naruto gave his war cheer as he punched Sasuke in the hand. The other ninjas cheered and the couple smiled. It's nice to know that there are friends sticking around to help. If the two were to head off on their own, perhaps they won't be so lucky to be able to defeat the two mutants. Raiin leaped higher to make way for her teammates as they resume their formation. High up at their destination, Tsunade and Gaara smiled, pleased with their progress.

Next up, was a giant lake. The ninjas focused their chakra on their feet as they resume the journey. Now the formation changed. Raiin was directly in front of the couple, with Sasuke and Naruto by her sides. Tenten was on the couple's right with Neji beside her, Ino was on their left with Kankuro beside her. Hinata covered the back with both her teammates on each side of her. Lee and Chouji were the last two, guarding the two ends.

Then at the edge of the lake, three creatures appeared in three puffs. They were a giant toad, a snake and a slug; all three were the size of mountains. Fortunately they weren't Gamabunta, Manda and Kitsuii.

"My turn!" Raiin laughed as she sped across the water. She gave a giant leap and opened her arms. Three scrolls shot out of her and each headed for an opponent. The scrolls dissolved into three colors of light, green, yellow and purple. Each wrapped itself around an antagonist. The other ninjas closed in. Just before they step onto land, the three creatures disappeared. Hinata and her teammates leaped forward and landed in front of the couple. Sasuke and Naruto paused for a split second before continuing behind the wedding couple. Raiin landed shortly between them and they continued.

Hinata's Byakugan saw a team of mutant army ahead on way of the hill. Shino let out his bugs, which formed a black cloud, which sped, towards the hill. It took out most of the enemies and left two leaders.

"Ikou! Akamaru!" Kiba leaped with Akamaru and they two spun into action, taking out the two leaders in just one shot.

The sun was high above their heads as they leaped around and out of the hill. Then at the top was a shrine with a scroll on it. They parade swept pass it and grabbed it. Shikamaru held it in his hands and smiled. Over the hill he saw a vast barren land. It was the giant valley. They caught sight of the shrine in the middle of the left wall of the valley. Tenten, without another word ran ahead. She took out her scrolls and started off with many hand seals. Then as the scrolls opened around her she took out her weapons and fired away, sticking the weapons onto the wall of the valley. Lee and Neji went ahead up the steep cliff. When they reached, the others started climbing. Shikamaru held his bride's hand as he climbed. She wore no signs of tiredness, just a happy bride's face.

The shrine was old, and the other guests were already there waiting. The music ceased as the party came into view. While the others waited outside, the two Kages, along with the bride's attendants set foot into the shrine with the couple. Ahead, was an altar with a shrine maiden and Shinto priest. The priest purified the couple with sacred water as the two attendants came forward and stood on both sides of the couple with sake. The shrine maiden came forward and took the sake from Tenten and presented it to Shikamaru, then took the other from Raiin and presented it to Temari. The two then drank the sake with nine sips.

The attendants took the empty sake bowl from them when they finished and retreated backwards. Shikamaru then read the words of commitment aloud. Though it was a must, and that the words are the same for every wedding, Temari couldn't help feeling touched by them. Somehow, Shikamaru recited them with genuine sincerity that assured Temari, not that she had any doubt.

The priest then proclaimed the two as husband and wife. The entire court bowed three times as a means of thanking the priest. Shikamaru and Temari walked out of the shrine and were welcomed with an uproar of cheers and applause. For the first time in the day, Shikamaru actually smiled.

The other ninjas then cast each other a look and nodded. On cue, Naruto cried.

"Alright! Let's head back to the house to party!" Naruto took the lead as he disappeared with a puff of smoke and the other guests followed suit.

"Well, I'm going back to have some sake." Tsunade declared as she stalked off after the other ninjas. Gaara and Kankuro followed the Hokage and left the couple behind, strolling. Temari was grinning from ear to ear, first time in her life, she actually felt shy. Shikamaru, being a novice at such an occasion was puzzled, but took her hand in his and led her back. Tenten, Raiin, Ino and Hinata then nodded and followed with a considerably distance behind.

"Wonder what the others are up to, they seemed, weird today." Temari started, trying to break the silence.

"Naruto and the cupid bows, they must have planned a series of events to torture us." Shikamaru sighed as his free hand automatically went up to his head. Temari flinched at his words. Though she was tough and bold, being a bride and getting teased was the last thing she wanted. Sensing her anxiety, Shikamaru let go of her hand and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Whatever they are going to do, I promise you, I'm not going to let you get hurt." Temari smiled and looked up at him. Shikamaru turned to face her and she stopped walking.

"With that, I know I'm safe. But you are my husband now, whatever that is in for us, we'll face it together." They looked into each other's eyes for a while. The gaze was comforting, the smiles did wonders. Behind, Tenten and Raiin heard the short conversation and smirked. They have only now to enjoy the peace, when the traditional ceremonies are over, the newly weds are in for some hard time. With Naruto the noisy and troublemaking ninja, Tenten and Raiin the Konoha Cupid bows, Kiba and Chouji the chaos masters and some other ninjas around, the wedding will not be allowed to be solemn and peaceful.

So when they reached the house…

"Ha!" Naruto cried, pointing to the couple. The other ninjas of their batch turned and look. They were all stand-by by the door. Chouji had a bun in his mouth, Kiba had Akamaru perched on his head, and the kunoichis were smiling that smile, which sent chills down the couple's spines. It was perfectly normal for guests at the wedding to play some pranks on the couple, but somehow, Shikamaru thought, with ninjas around, it wouldn't be easy. The couple stopped at the door.

"Get out of the way. I'm going in." Shikamaru said, with an unserious tone. In fact he was rather curious of what the others are up to.

"Oh no, not yet." Ino smirked, twisting her fingers.

"Or rather, not like this." Raiin corrected and Tenten nodded. They were sitting on top of the main door looking down at them.

"Then what? This is my house, mind you." Shikamaru said.

"Well, not really. Here's the deal." Naruto laughed as he went forward. "You want to go into the house, you may. But, only one of you can walk in."

"Right!" Kiba nodded, Akamaru gave a bark. "We were thinking, it would be best if you CARRIED the bride in."

Temari blushed. Shikamaru sighed. Then without another word, he scooped Temari up and carried her, turning sideways to enter the narrow door. Temari clung on to her husband's neck. The guests in the house saw this and laughed heartily.

Shikamaru set his wife back down on the ground and turned to his mates.

"Happy now?"

"Not quite!" Tenten giggled as she and Raiin jumped off the door. The elders watched as the young people teased the couple. Tsunade then went back to discuss certain matters with the Kazekage and other ambassadors from other villages.

"Ok, now for the next!" Naruto cheered, as Shikamaru finally fulfilled the third task they set out for them. It was a series of questions about his bride, for every answer wrong he had to do a forfeit. But, he loved his wife so much, and also the brain of IQ 200, he answered everything correctly, much to Temari's delight. So when the guys and some kunoichis hauled the groom away from his bride, Temari sat down with Raiin.

"So?" Raiin asked with smiles.

"So what?" Temari surveyed her friend. She showed no signs of mischief, much to her surprise.

"Now that you are married to the man of your dreams," Raiin started as she rocked on her stool.

"Yes. It indeed is a happy thing for me. I've never dreamed of this day, all the while enjoying the moment itself." Temari said, now as a habit, her eyes shifted to the skies.

"That's a good thing. It shows that you are a realistic person. You know, I've seen so much, much more than the elders of villages. But I've never seen, a more loving couple than you two, not even in the outside world." Raiin told her friend as she too, looked up into the sky. It was already mid afternoon.

"If you hadn't show up at my village that day, I wouldn't even be here today. So all the more I should thank you." Temari turned to her confidant.

"Nah! You would have come or he would have went to look for you in the end." Raiin waved away the comment as she lay down lazily.

"Perhaps, but, these years, all that you and the others have done for me, I'm really thankful."

"If you really want to thank me and the others, here's one thing you can do. Love Shikamaru with all your heart. That way you won't disappoint us, after we did so much!" Raiin jerked up as she said the words.

"I will." Temari answered. The two friends hugged each other. Then they heard cries coming from the other side of the house.

"Well, I think that's a war cry of Naruto and Kiba's. Let's see what have they done to your husband." Raiin stood up and dusted off the dirt on her kimono and the two went round the house.

At night, there was a grand dinner for the occasion and everyone sat down to feast. The mischievous ninjas choose a seat closest to the couple and feasted.

"Here's a toast to the newly weds!" Asuma raised his sake and the whole place followed. "Kakashi, you too."

"No, I'm on a diet." Kakashi sat at one corner, not touching his food.

"Diet, I think he didn't want us to see his face." Raiin whispered to the table. The ninjas burst out laughing. "Hey, bride of the day! Why aren't you eating?"

"I'm not really hungry." Temari politely refused the food and smiled to her guests.

"Not hungry? Well, you must have food, Shikamaru, feed the food to her then!" Surprisingly, this comment came from Neji. The other ninjas looked at him, awed by his comment, but turned their gaze back to the couple.

"Yup! Feed her! Feed her!" Naruto started chanting. The other guests from the other table turned to look at the two. Shikamaru sighed in defeat.

"Aren't you guys done teasing us?"

"Feed her! Feed her! Feed her!" the chanting got louder as the other ninjas chipped in. Shikamaru picked up his chopsticks and let out a sigh as he picked up a piece of food and raised it in Temari's direction. Temari responded by bending forward and taking the food. The hall exploded into applause and laughter.

The bride blushed furiously and Shikamaru turned a little red. On the other table, Gaara actually laughed along with the others when the groom fed the bride. He could finally put his mind down as he saw how happy his sister is right now.

"You guys watch out, when it's your weddings, rest assure I'll be there to be the chaos master." Shikamaru actually said, causing surprised stares and gasps.

Naruto looked innocent while Hinata blushed furiously. Neji raised an eyebrow as Tenten looked away to avoid the gaze of the others. Ino was looking rather sad. Raiin saw the others and laughed.

"Well, in that case I'm in the safe zone." Raiin stated as she picked up a clump of rice and threw it in her mouth lazily. The others turned their attentions to her.

"Raiin?" Tenten asked.

"Masters are not supposed to live happily ever after. Their happiness is the world's happiness. Take a look at the other masters, who lived happily ever after?" Raiin said suddenly in a serious tone. "The first gave his life to save the world. The second lived alone up in the mountainous region. And me?" Raiin laughed. "I'll just be like them, working day and night to bring happiness to the others."

The others looked at their best pal in sadness. But Raiin wore another expression.

"That's why I have to ensure you people get your destined happiness." Curious expressions formed. "I've sworn to protect the people precious to me, this life suits me just fine, in fact it's perfect." Raiin turned to the wedding couple. "And if you really want to be that 'chaos master', you'd promise me to love each other until the end of time."

"Raiin…" Temari started. But Raiin shook her head.

"I give you my word." Shikamaru said suddenly. He turned to his wife and nodded. "I swear to love my wife, Temari till the end of time."

The whole table exploded into laughter and applause that echoed through the whole dinning place.

"Come on guys! Let's go outside and party!" Kiba and Chouji shouted above the noise. The young ninjas poured out into the streets together. They played games and ate junk food. Shikamaru won several prizes for Temari, who played the part of a female counterpart well.

"Hey did anyone see Ino?" Hinata looked around suddenly.

"Now that you've mentioned it, she was here a while ago." Rock Lee started looking for her; the other ninjas craned their necks to find Ino amongst the crowd.

"Wait a second… someone is missing too!" Raiin said, her tone turning into a smirk. She looked back at Tsunade who stared in confusion as she followed Raiin out of the crowd. Curious, the ninjas, the newly weds and some of the teachers, including Gaara, followed. Raiin twitched her ears and listened hard. Then she turned and walked out of the street, rounded a corner and beckoned the others to be silent and they hid behind a tree in the park. Ahead, they saw two shadowy figures sitting on a bench.

"You envied them?" a deep voice sounded.

"Duh!" it was Ino's voice this time. The other ninjas strained to hear the conversation. Under the moonlight, they saw Ino, leaning into someone. Tenten and Raiin, the cupid bows knew immediately.

"Maybe I could bring you to our village…" the deep voice said slowly.

"You can?" Ino sat up, beaming.

"I'll try my best. Even if I can't…"

Tenten and Raiin nodded as they silently came out of their hiding place. The others tried to pull them back but they got away from their grasp.

"Well. What have we here?" Tenten said in a louder-than-usual voice. Ino and the figure turned around in horror.

"Well, Tsunade-sama, I think we have someone to send over to the village of sand now." Raiin's voiced sounded.

"Tenten! Raiin!" Ino stood up in shock. The other hiding people came out.

"Kankuro!" Temari uttered in shock. Caught red-handed, the two were unsure of what to do next. Tsunade walked up to them.

"Yes, Raiin, we do have someone to send over to the sand now." The Hokage laughed as she turned to find Gaara. Smiling, the Kazekage nodded. Ino couldn't control her delight.

"YATA!" she screamed as she threw herself onto Kankuro. Kankuro wrapped his gloved hands around her.

"Another one down!" Tenten and Raiin slapped a hi-fi and laughed.

So just before the wedding end, the guests were filling out from Shikamaru's new house. The couple was positioned at the door, thanking the guests. Shikamaru's father was among the last to leave.

"Still think women are troublesome?"

"Yes." Shikamaru whispered to his father. "But it's worth it."

The ninjas chose the last to leave.

"Now, Shikamaru. Final stage." Naruto chirped.

"What!" the groom cried out in agony.

"It's easy." Raiin said. "And I'm sure you two will like it."

"He had enough for today. Please let him off this time." Finally, Temari said, protective over her husband.

"Oh, ok then, if he can't do it, then you'll do it!" Raiin laughed. Temari's defeated smile faded.

"Final stage." Naruto said dramatically. "Kiss your husband."

"On the lips!" Kiba finished immediately.

The couple was taken aback. Shikamaru looked at his friends with that are-you-crazy look. But Temari did the other, she turned and leaned upwards, pressed her lips onto Shikamaru's.

Completely oblivious to the audience they had, Shikamaru brought his wife closer to him and answered her kiss. Temari's hand reached out and clung onto him. Her mind was blank, only one thought was present. She loved him. They had countless kisses before, but this was the sweetest one they shared. Temari brought herself to deepen the kiss. The two were drowned in passion and bliss. The audience watched in silence as the two conveyed love messages to each other. Deep in their hearts, each ninja said a prayer and gave their blessings.

They finally broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes, still filled with happiness. The couple turned to the audience in silence and saw their calm faces as they said their prayers and gave their blessings. Then from within, Raiin took out a scroll, Hinata opened it and Tenten took something from it. Raiin kept the scroll and took a part from Tenten. They stepped forward.

"We made these for you. And I combined the three scrolls together to bless these amulets. This is our gift to you." Raiin said.

"May you be as loving till the end of time." Tenten said. Then the two reached out and placed the amulets around their necks. They looked down at the amulets. Carved from fine wood was a crane, suspended by red string. Temari went forward and hugged the two. Shikamaru went over and thanked his pals.

The ninjas left and the two were standing in the moonlight.

"Stargazing?" Shikamaru smiled. Temari took his hand and they rounded the bend. They sat down in the moonlight and gaze at the stars above. They said nothing. Just plain stargazing. But the brightest star wasn't in the sky; it is in his hands now. He smiled at the star he held and rested his head against hers.

"Shikamaru," Temari said suddenly.



A/N finish! That's all for Shadow of the Magnificent Fan. Through this story I've learnt a lot. Finally I want to give thanks to all those who reviewed my story and those who read this. I hope this story will be remembered, as I will myself. Lastly, big thanks to Twilight staruby and Cher zephyris. Thanks for you never-ending support for my stories. Now everyone! Onto Series of Naruto Fairy Tales!