AN: This is set at the end of the war with Millenium so MAJOR SPOILERS. This first chapter is short as it is the prologue.
Summary: After betraying Father Maxwell, Anderson has to live with his choices. He discovers dark feelings and desires that he had locked deep inside of him when he was a priest. Alexander starts to come to terms with his new life at Hellsing - Integral's newest warrior against the vampires who surrvived the war.
Alexander wondered how they all were. Yumiko. Heinkel. Father Renaldo. He wondered who was leading Section XIII now and who Iscariot had assigned to former position. What bothered him more then anything was the fate of his orphans. Father Anderson hoped they were being cared for by a good soul. If anything he felt worst about abandoning them then his comrades at Section XIII. Anderson wanted more then anything to return to them and leave the battlefield behind forever. Alexander knew that he didn't deserve that. He was fortunate to be alive and not imprisoned for his crimes. But, his fate held a punishment of its own kind.
Integral Hellsing had offered him asylum from the Church. The Church wanted him - dead or alive. If he had been caught alive, then Alexander would have faced the inquisition and death at the hands of Wolfe Heinkel. Integral had rewarded his actions during the war by allowing him to return with her and the demon vampires at its end. Anderson had little choice. He would have preferred to return to the Vatican and say his goodbyes but his soul would already be in hell by now if he had made that choice.
Integral Hellsing brought him a letter from the Vatican the day before last. Anderson wept as he read the words. Alexander had known it was coming but reading it finalized the matter. The Pope had ex-communicated him, stripped him of his priesthood, and forbidden him to ever set foot on the Vatican grounds again. It seems the Church had its inquisition without him there to defend himself. Anderson suspected that Integral Hellsing and the Queen were the reasons he had not received a sentence of death. Anderson thanked the Lord for that.
Alexander thought about what his life would be like working for Hellsing. Integral had been kind enough to give him time after the war to adjust to the changes. But, Anderson feltthis time was coming to an end. Alexander knew that he was needed to fight thevampires thatsurrvived the war. Some of theones that had been created by Millenium were still roaming the earth and new ones were being createdevery day. It seemed that there was an epidemic of vampirisminfecting the world. The war was not without its costs. Integral needed Alexander's help to protect the innocents that survived. Creating a new army at Hellsing would take some time.
Anderson could not keep himself from smiling as he thought of her. Integral was perfect in every way: beauty, brains, strength. He knew that such thoughts were sinful but Anderson was no longer a Priest, no longer Catholic – it didn't really matter, did it? Anderson could not comprehend how he could feel something towards her – she was a demon now too. He didn't blame her or even her demon servant for making the choice they did. Integral had gotten mortally wounded by Millenium forces at the end of the war. Alucard had offered her the choice of dying or becoming one of the undead. With so much unknown about the fate of the England, Integral had chosen to become a vampire. Alexander would sometimes hear the two of them – late at night when they thought no one else could hear. Her bedroom was just down the hall and the walls were not soundproof…In his heart, Anderson desired to be in the demon's place. To do things to Integral that would drive her wild. Make her moan like he did. The thought had even occurred to Anderson that he wouldn't mind joining the two of them. Alexander laughed out loud at the ridiculous idea. Like that could ever happen. He would never let it. Anderson could feel his morality weakening but he would never sink to the depths of hell with the devil himself.
To keep his mind off of such deviant thoughts, Alexander spent most of histime reading and watching the tellie. The ex-priest read books of history, religion, and fiction. He watched the news and epic war movies, they were the only ones that seemed to interest him. Such activities were getting old now and he found himself longing for other things. Finally, his blood lust had returned. Anderson longed to throw his daggers into the flesh of the undead and send them to hell. Alexander decided that tonight, when Integral awoke, he would talk to her about serving her. His time of rest was over.
Disclaimer: I do not own Hellsing or its characters. They are owned soley by Kohta Hirano - the mad genius himself.