All usual disclaimers apply, I don't own the rights, I don't get money and this is for entertainment only. Please excuse any errors; they are entirely mine.
This story is for MacCartney, who simply requested 'a story' with Starsky 'whumping' in it. This is my response to her request. Enjoy!
I've having some writers block, Ch. 10 of "Lightning" just will not flow. This story pushed its way into the line up.
Joy Ride
By Starsky's Strut
"Why the hell did you steal someone's gardening truck? What's the matter with you? Ain't ya got a sense of style?"
"Style my ass! The keys were in it! The door was unlocked! It don't matter what it looks like… We got us a free ride and we're gonna use it! The owner'll probably thank us for takin' this piece of crap off their hands, man! Now, shut up and get in!"
"I'm drivin'"
"The hell you are! I stole it, I drive it! NOW MOVE!"
"What's the matter Ashley? You ridin' the cotton pony today?" The boy made a pouty face at his female accomplice "Hmmm? Aunty Flow come for a vis-"
Ashley balled up her fist and planted it firmly into Melvin's nose; she felt cartilage give way under her fist and smiled. "That answer your stupid question, moron? Now, you either are ridin' with me or you can get the hell out, choose… Quick like a bunny! Time's wastin'"
"Ib in, Ib in!" Melvin scooted over as he held his nostrils' shut; the blood pooled into his mouth so he leaned out the window and spit it out.
"Jake? You in or out?" Ashley looked at the other teenage boy as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel.
"What? And miss this? Hell ya, I'm in!" Jake ran over to the rider's side door and opened it.
"I gotta shid by da door, by dose is bleeding" Melvin got out and waited for Jake to hop in. He climbed back in and slammed the rusty door shut. "Why couldn't she have stolen a Camaro or sumpin'?" he muttered as he continued to hold his nostrils together to stem the bleeding.
"You say something?" Ashley glared at Melvin.
"Dope, nod me" He spit another mouthful of blood out and leaned back in the rotted upholstery to enjoy, as best he could, the little joy ride they were going on.
Starsky grabbed his camera and exited the Torino. The sunset was beautiful. The lighting was perfect. He walked backwards away from his car, looking through the lens at how the light played on the Torino's glossy shine. This was gonna be the best picture of his car yet. It was gonna be a regular masterpiece. It would be perfect to give to Hutch on his next birthday as a gag gift.
The street was quiet. The sound of the ocean made soothing shushing sounds in the distance. The dying sunlight made the red of the car turn to an almost flame-orange color. The white stripe was painted a temporary pale tangerine color. The chrome glinted silver in the sun. Perfect.
He adjusted the aperture, checked the light read out. He looked both ways up and down the street and seeing it was clear, returned his focus to his focus. He snapped a shot, advanced the film and took another. He heard a metallic ping and looked for the source. His lens cover was rolling away from him. He bent down to pick it up when he heard a vehicle approaching, he scooted further into the road to retrieve the cover; it would only take a second. He had time, or did, until he tripped.
"We're lost! Where the hell are you taking us Ashley? Huh? Do you even have a clue?" Jake gave her a disgusted look. "I think that it's my turn to drive anyhow… scoot over"
"No! I said before, I'm driving!" She clutched the wheel tightly "Damn it! I stole it, I drive it. If either of you two mental midgets steal a car, you can drive it!"
Jake had had enough "My turn!" he grabbed one of Ashley's hands and gave it a yank.
"Guys…" Mel saw a figure in the road ahead "Uh…guys…"
"SHUT UP MEL!" Ashley and Jake shrieked as they continued their wrestling match for the steering wheel.
"GUYS!" Mel saw the man look up and watched as the man tried to get to his feet and get out of the way. He almost made it too.
Ashley and Jake looked out the windshield when they heard the fear in Mel's voice.
Ashley stomped on the brakes and the ancient truck tires squealed their protest. The body hit the front of the truck and flipped onto the hood of the old vehicle, it continued until it hit the windshield. The window spider-webbed upon impact. The forward momentum of the vehicle stopped and the body rolled off and onto the pavement with a sickening thump, landing directly in front of the truck.
The three teens moved their arms from the defensive posture in front of their faces and exchanged a frightened look.
Ashley recovered first. "SHIT!"
"HOLY SHIT!" Jake gasped.
"Mother pus bucket! You killed him! We gotta get outta here!" Mel's eyes darted around, checking to see if anyone was around. So far, he didn't see anyone.
Ashley popped her door open got out, dragging Jake by the arm as she did so. The man lay motionless on the pavement. She nudged him with her foot. No sound issued from the still figure. "Jake, see if he's dead"
"Oh Hell no! You hit him; you see if he's dead, Miss 'I stole it, I drive it'"
Ashley kneeled down next to the still figure's head. Blood was beginning to pool under the curly hair. She didn't want to touch it, but she made herself touch his neck. She didn't feel anything and pulled her hand back quickly. "He's dead… Yuck! I just touched a dead guy!" She rubbed her soiled fingers on her jeans encased leg.
"We gotta get outta here, now!" Mel called from the safety of the truck.
"Good idea" Jake moved to get back into the vehicle.
"Hey, guys! He's in the way; I don't wanna run him over!" Ashley protested.
"You said he was dead… it don't matter… let's just get the hell outta here" Jake was stopped by Ashley's hand on his arm.
"Yuck… no! I mean, like, what if he gets caught under the truck and we like… drag him under us" Ashley swallowed hard.
"Gross, Ash, real gross… Mel, get yer ass outta the truck and help us move him" Jake watched as Mel exited the truck and slowly moved to join them.
Mel took one look at the body "Ugh! I'm gonna puke!" And Mel puked.
"You done now? Grab something and help!" Jake grabbed a leather-encased arm and yanked. "C'mon Mel, Ash… I can't lug him myself!"
Ashley watched for a second then realized something "Hey guys, I got a better idea then just moving him out of the way"
"Ash, you nuts? C'mon" Jake looked over at Mel who was trying to lift the man's leg with just two fingers "Grab a handful or we'll be here all night!"
"Okay, okay… don't get your piss hot" Mel felt his guts do a triple summersault and leaned away to puke some more.
Ashley dashed to the bed of the pickup truck and grabbed a tarp "Here, roll him on this… and we'll dump him somewhere away from here"
"You nuts Ash? Let's just move him and go"
"Jake, I was just thinking… if we leave him here, someone will find him soon, maybe they'll remember seeing him get hit by us…"
"So! All the more reason to move him and go!"
"No! Don't you get it? If they see us load him up, maybe they'll think we took him to the hospital… or if nobody had seen us, they won't know he's dead… just that he's missing"
"I don't like it" Jake tugged at the limp arm, again attempting to move the dead weight.
"Let's just do it!" She threw the tarp down and began to tug at the body and she managed to roll it from its side, to onto its belly. "Help me!" She glared at her friends.
They rolled their eyes, took a deep breath, and then helped her roll the dead guy on to the tarp. They wrapped it quickly around him and all three carried him to the bed of the truck and dumped him over the side. The body made a sickening squishy-thump when it hit the bed.
"What now Ash?" Jake wiped his hands on his pants. There wasn't any blood on them, but they were sweating like mad. He wiped again.
"Get in, I've got an idea" Ashley got in and the boys got in as well. She drove off slowly and maintained the speed limit. "Keep on the look out for anybody who might be watching us"
The boys complied.
They didn't see anyone.
And no one saw them.
"Starsky, where are you?" Hutch pulled out his pocket watch for the third time in… he looked the crystal watch face… twenty minutes, according to his watch. He paced up and down the sidewalk in front of his Venice Place apartment. "C'mon! Cindy and Bambi are not gonna wanna double date with us again if we are late one more time! They're a package deal Starsk, who knows when they'll have another three day, lay-over in Bay City" He glared up the street in the direction that Starsky usually drove to his apartment. Something must be wrong.
A thought occurred to him. No… he wouldn't, or would he? "Starsky… if you are taking the girls out all by yourself…" He shoved his hands into his pockets. He could just imagine Starsky pulling a stunt like that. "Some best friend you are! I wish I would have thought of doing that…" He ran a hand over his blond locks and stared up the street.
After another fifteen minutes of angrily pacing in front of his home, Hutch stomped up the steps and entered his apartment to call his tardy, soon-to-be-former best friend. As he expected, he didn't get an answer. He called the hotel where Cindy and Bambi were, and they didn't answer either.
He thought about getting into the LTD and going to look for his former friend and the stewardesses, but the memories of Diana Harmon were still fresh in his mind. He was not going to go off and start acting like her. If Starsky wanted both Cindy and Bambi, he was welcome to have them. But that didn't mean that he wouldn't harass the brunet when he next saw him.
Hutch started plotting his revenge. Maybe he could add another rusty spring under the LTD and further drive Starsky mad with squeaks that only he could hear. Of course Hutch could hear the squeaks, he just pretended not to, because he knew it bothered Starsky.
Somewhat mollified with his scheming, Hutch took his coat off and sat down with a beer to sulk in the dark.