Chapter 25: Finally Home

"Ginny." Hermione knocked softly on the door leading to the privet chamber before she hesitantly opened the door and entered the room. "Gin?" She called a bit louder when she saw that the room was empty of its occupant. Hermione stepped further inside so she could close the door behind her. Her eyes narrowed as she scanned the space for a clue to Ginny's location when she saw that the lavatory door was closed on the opposite wall. "Ginny?" Hermione knocked softly on the door but stepped back when she heard the sound of retching coming from the other side. "Are you all right in there?" Hermione couldn't hide the worry in her voice as she tried the handle.

Finding the door locked she waited as she heard the toilet flush followed by the sound of running water. She stepped back when the door opened and looked her friend over with a concerned eye. "Are you all right?" She asked again.

Ginny nodded as she sank onto the nearest chair, patting the seat beside her. The bushy haired girl sank into the indicated seat, worry mounting with each passing moment. Hermione pressed the back of her wrist against Ginny's brow in a very maternal fashion and sighed. Her skin was warm but not enough to be concerned about a high temperature.

"I'm sure it's just wedding jitters." Hermione assured as she patted Ginny's pale hand.

Ginny stared down at her lap shaking her head gently. "I don't think that's what it is Hermione. I've been feeling this way for a while." The young girl looked up to see the anxiety on her friends face. "I haven't been feeling very well lately." She admitted. "I can't seem to keep food down; I'm always irritable, more than likely because I'm always tired. And when I'm not being sick I don't feel like eating.

Hermione's hand tightened around Ginny's. "It's not serious, is it?"

The corner of Ginny's mouth quirked. "Potentially."

Hermione's shoulders dropped as she sank back into the plush cushions of the sofa. "Have you told Harry?"

Ginny shook her bright coppery head. "No. You're the first one to find out." She shrugged her white clad shoulder. "If you hadn't caught me vomiting you wouldn't even now." Ginny placed a discrete hand on her stomach. "I wanted to make sure before I told anyone."

Hermione stared blankly at the wall. "How long has this been going on?"

"Well," Ginny looked up in thought, "I've been retching for the past week and a half, but I've been having mood swings since I've noticed how tender certain parts of my body have become."

Comprehension dawned in Hermione's mind. "Ginevra Weasley," She exclaimed with wide eyes, turning astonished to stare open mouthed at the younger girl. "Are you pregnant?"

A knowing smile hovered on her friend's lips. "I think so."

"Oh, Gin." Hermione threw her arms around the young girl's shoulders and hugged her close. "Thank God. You had me worried there for a moment."

Ginny pulled back apprehensively. "You don't think Harry will mind?"

"What a daft thing to ask." Hermione scolded. "Of course Harry won't mind He'll be thrilled. He's always wanted a real family."

"I know that." Ginny rose to her feet and paced nervously in front of Hermione, a hand pressed to her still flat abdomen. "But we're so young."

"I was younger than you when I had Hero and Helena." Hermione reminded in a calm, reasonable voice.

Ginny froze at her friend's words, her face tinting with shame. Slowly she turned to look at Hermione and felt completely wretched. "I still can't believe you had to bear that all on your own." She flopped back onto the couch by her friend, resting her head on Hermione's strong shoulder.

"I did what I had to." Hermione said dismissively. "And I have Ron now." She bit her bottom lip trying to hide the smile threatening to reveal too much. "He's amazing Ginny. He took to being a father instantly. I've never seen anyone who loved their daughters more then he does." Hermione blindly reached for Ginny's cold hand. "And I'm sure Harry will be the same. He and Ron are so much alike in that aspect. And you've seen the way he's taken to Hero and Helena. I think he's ready to be a father." Hermione bit her bottom lip in delight at the thought of Harry and Ginny becoming parents. "I think you should tell him tonight, at the reception."

Ginny pulled away, pinning Hermione with uncertain eyes.

"Just listen." She continued not giving Ginny a chance to speak. "It'll be loud so no one will be able to over here you and I think it will be the best wedding present you could give him. Think about it." Hermione patted Ginny's cheek affectionately before standing up.

Casting a quick glance at the clock on the wall, Hermione turned promptly on her heal and strode to the table across the room near the door where two bouquets of flowers were waiting. Hermione picked up them both and brought them over to Ginny, waiting for the younger girl to stand up before handing her the bouquet.

Ginny took the blossoms and squared her shoulders. "How do I look?"

Hermione stepped back so that she could have a full view of the bride. Ginny was wearing a dress robe of purest white. The sleeves were slightly belled and the robe ended in a gentle train that dragged only slightly behind her. Her copper red hair was gathered at the crown of her head; every strand coiled into perfect curls so that they fell gently down her neck and framed her radiant face softly.

Hermione's lips turned up at the corner. "You are absolutely beautiful." She gave her friend an affectionate kiss on the cheek before she nodded her head towards the door. "Are you ready?"

Ginny squared her shoulders. "I've been ready since I was ten years old."

Hermione stood to the side of the dance floor and watched with her head tilted slightly to the side as Fred and George danced merrily with Hero and Helena. The older twins held the girls identically with one arm under their bottoms to hold them close to their chests as their other hand held their perspective baby's arm out as if they were waltzing. They rocked and dipped to the music causing the girls to shrill with laughter.

Hermione looked past the charming sight to where Angelina and Katie stood away from the crowded dance floor, their heads angled close together. Hermione smirked. They were clearly enchanted at the sight of their boyfriends holding little red headed babies. For a moment she considered warning Fred and George but decided against it. The way that the twins handled the girls convinced Hermione that they would be great fathers when the time came, and who was she to interfere if Katie and Angelina wanted to add to the numbers of the Weasley grandchildren.

Hermione smiled as she felt familiar arms encircle her waist. Ron's chin came to rest on her shoulder after pressing a warm, open mouthed kiss to her neck. Hermione settled back against his chest and swayed to the music along with him. Ron's heated breath tickled against her sensitive skin, "Is it normal for the bride's attendant to look more beautiful then the bride?"

Hermione's lips twitched at the corner. "You're just saying that because the bride's your sister."

"No. I'm saying that because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life." Ron pressed another kiss to her neck. "Speaking of brides," he settled his chin on her shoulder again. "When do I get to make you mine?"

Hermione, whose focus had changed to the newly married couple, ignored Ron as she watched them dance cheek to cheek. Her eye lit up with delight when she saw Harry stop suddenly, causing other dancers to bump into him and his bride. His face lit up brighter then the sun a split moment before wrapping his hands around Ginny's waist and tossing her into the air with delight, before crushing her hungrily to his body as he ravaged her mouth.

Ron's eyes narrowed. "What was that all about?"

Ignoring Ron's question, Hermione turned in his arms and looked up at him, a thoughtful smile on her lips. "I don't want to get married to quickly," she said, "but I don't want to wait to long either. We must let Ginny have her moment."

Ron's brows furrowed in confusion. "What are you on about?"

Hermione shook her head happily. "Don't worry about it Ron. I'll take care of everything." She pressed a kiss to the end of his long nose. "You just make sure you show up at the right place at the right time."

Ron's face lit up. "Speaking of which. I have something for you."

"Really?" Hermione's chocolate brown eyes lit with delight. "What is it?"

He reached into his pocket with one hand and took Hermione's left hand with the other. He extracted a ring and slid it onto her second finger, sighing with relief when it fit perfectly. "I should have gotten you this two years ago, then you never would have doubted my love."

Hermione's eyes welled with tears as she looked down at the simple gold band with a single blood red stone in its centre and ancient symbols engraved in the band. She looked up to see his blue eyes were glistening like hers. "Ron, it's beautiful." She pulled his head towards hers and kissed him soundly. She licked her lips as they pulled away, savoring the taste of him that lingered there. She stroked his chin thoughtfully as she stared into the liquid blue orbs of his. "I never doubted your love for me." She confided. "Even when I couldn't remember who you were I knew that you loved me."

Ron tightened his arms around her and lowered his head so that he could kiss her with all the love and passion he felt. Without easing his hold Ron swept her out onto the dance floor to join the other couples. Instinctually their hands reached out and their fingers twined together as Hermione rested her cheek against the breath of Ron's chest and knew once and for all that she was finally home.