Fire and Ice

Summary: What would happen while Naruto was still young that Zabuza and Haku found him and Zabuza saw the potential in him and took him along to train and mold him into the perfect weapon.

Now after thirteen and a half years, Naruto, the fire demon boy fights against one of the strongest ninja to come across during one of his trips when his master send him on a mission. Could Naruto possible kill this person or will he fail to do his master's will and fall for this new stranger?

SasuxNaruxHaku? (I let you guess later on!)

Chapter One

No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes


People hated him…


They looked at him with angry eyes…


To detest him as if he were some sort of monster and not a person…


Their hostile glares and words cut deeper than any other wound imaginable….

And once more he went back to the word, hate

Naruto never did understand why there were so many negative feelings against him. He was only a five-year-old boy and unable to determine the real truth behind everybody's who looked at him.

He was even not sure what he was holding inside that he felt towards them or himself for unknown reason.

It seem to screamed out in fury and anger towards everything around him, his inner soul was just yelling for it to be let out, to use it against the world.

But most of all, at the people in this village.

Why do people hate him?

He never understood why they hated him?

Why they gave him such cold hard looks and turned their back on him whenever they saw him.

Was it something that he did wrong? He did some bad deeds before but those were just practical and forgiving to some children by their parents, but these villagers didn't seem to want to forgive him at all.

He never understood it how it was possible for everybody to hate him and thought he never will.

Why, why do you hate me? What did I do to deserve this?

Naruto sat huddled alone on the top of the Hokage monument, where nobody else was up there but him. He stared down at the little people scatter below; they looked like ants in a colony.

And he was not part of it.

Everywhere he go to where people tend to gather, they would leave in an instant taking their children along to have Naruto sit alone on the swing set or by himself at a ramen stand.

His crying and salty tears were the only companions he had to sooth his solitude.

No one else there but himself to calm his sorrow.

He wasn't even allow to go to the festivities if he wanted to get the cold glares sent to him as he walked towards the active time.

Even the most joyous celebration they tend to be the cruelest to him, especially on his birthday.

Everybody would be meaner to Naruto and he would just lie in his room all day, curled in fetal position and count how long it was before the day was over.

"Nobody loves me…" He whispered sadly to himself and he knew that was true.

For almost six long years, nobody cared for him…raised him or said one kind-loving thing to him.

His dream of becoming a ninja and then the Hokage at the age of three, to be acknowledge, respect by everyone seems too good to be true and was his only way to escape from this cold reality.

But that was all just a dream, a dream he wanted to live in.

He never knew who his parents really were or what they were like. All he had was the name bestowed on him, Naruto Uzumaki, and that was it, nothing else besides a strange spiral birthmark around his navel.

His likely guess was that his parents were dead.

Or maybe they hated him too and decided to abandon him as an infant.

"Nobody wants me…. nobody cares for little Naruto…" He grabbed his tiny knees and pressed them tightly to his chest. His body was bruised and broken from the many rocks thrown by the other kids. They hated him too and called him a bunch of names and threw stuff at him and they were always mean to him.

Oh yes, he never in his entire young life felt such a cruel intense to just hate everything.

He hated this place, he hated the people living in this village, and he hated Kohona.

He stood up and stood on the top of the third Hokage's forehead. "I hate you! I hate you Kohona! I hate you and your goddamn village! I hate everything about you so much!" He screamed out loud as he stood up and shouted so hard to make everyone hear him yell.

His stomach felt hot and cold at once then was fire, burning him whole, engulfing him in its unknown flames. This spread and entwine inside and reaching out to his whole body as he cry out the rage he held.

His blue eyes were starting to turn crimson and his whiskered cheeks darken and were lining down the side of his face.

Oh the raw power he felt as his rage and anger was consuming him. How much he desired to release it right now and let the village feel his fiery wrath.

He wanted to let his hatred be known to everybody, to let the world how much Naruto Uzumaki hated.

"I hate you, I hate you!" Then he fell back down and wept bitterly, his tears hitting the stone sculpture he sat on. "I hate you, I hate you…I wish everybody was gone and that I'll laugh when you are…I hate you so much…"

He hated this place so much; a part of him wished somebody, at least anybody, a stranger even would care for him and give him attention instead. Somebody who wanted him and never let him feel alone anymore.

He'll do anything to have somebody care and love, anything….

"Ohayo little one." Naruto jumpedin surprised and turned to see two strangers.

A little boy with long black hair and mystic eyes staring at him with a strange look he had never seen before:

Sympathy and understanding.

The person beside this alluring boy was a very tall broad man, wearing stripe pants, a green Chunnin jacket and camouflage training weights on his arms and legs.
Bandages were around half his face and a headband with waves etched in but a dent line slashed through on its metal plate. He was carrying a large sword on his naked back. The man's eyes seem to glow with some unknown stare.

A soulless one as only one Demon to another could understand from eye to eye.

Zabuza and a young boy around nine that was called Haku had been walking through a village called Kohonamaru, the village hidden in the leaves, where they decided to rest up for the time being until later on.

Though Zabuza knew he was a hunted nin, he never took the liberty to being caught by a bunch of foolish hunter ninjas. Especially when they didn't stand a chance against his broad sword and his Hidden Mist Skills, the Kirigakure no Jutsu.

The ninjas at this gate were no match against him and ended up tasting his blade as he cut them each in half at where they stood. Then he threw the slaughtered bodies to the forest behind them to cover the traces of these dead shinobis.

Let the creatures of the forest enjoy their supper of human flesh. He thought as he went to return to where Haku was waiting for him.

Now he and Haku walked under the disguised of the dead ninjas after using a Henge no Jutsu to make them look like them and passed through the gate with ease. Then they walked through the village, Haku looking around with awed eyes while Zabuza just stared right ahead of them.

It seem so nice and peaceful…Hmm, perhaps when he finished getting his revenge and conquering the mist village, he would probably decide to take this one as well. Though there was talk of some mighty ninjas here, he would have to form an elite army to do so he could conquer his first village.

Just as they headed up to the mountain to see more up at the top, they saw they were not the only one up there.

A little child with blond hair and small body was crying and screaming in a shrill voice, becoming too harsh as he yelled, "I hate you! I hate you Kohona! I hate you and your goddamn village! I hate you so much!"

Zabuza noticed something was happening to the boy as he was screaming.

The kid's charka, which was supposed to be blue was turning red, powerful demonic red and it seem to be coming out slowly as the boy continue to cry out his hatred.

"I hate you Kohona!" The unknown charka swarmed around the small boy and grew to massive flames before setting down and turning back to normal.

Zabuza's eyes widen as he took one step back from feeling this strange new power.

Such power, such strong unknown charka that was pouring out of this child. This was the wild unbelievable power that was coursing through the boy's blood and into his entire being was it, the thing he had been searching for all this time!

Haku looked nervous but he also seem to understand how the boy was feeling.

In his heart, he knew what hate was from, people that hurt and murdering them as if you were inhuman to the world. He looked to Zabuza and tugged on his sleeve.


Zabuza looked down at him. Inside his head wheels were turning.

If he had only one progeny that wouldn't be enough to take over the mist village and needed a lot more in order to work to succeed in his plan for revenge. But if he had this other boy with them, taught under his teaching and following his order, than all but the impossible could fall into play in his grasp.

Yes, two advanced powerful beings, one of a rare bloodline while the other unknown in his knowledge, would make him the strongest ninja to be ever feared.

He smirked behind his bandaged face and stepped over.

"Ohayo little one." The blond boy turned and saw that the kid's eyes were shifting from red to blue and then remained blue when he saw them.

He stood up nervously and said in a quivering voice, "W-Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

Zabuza walked slowly over towards him. He had to do this right or else the kid might run away and blab to the village of their unknown presence.

"We're just passing travelers that we had like to seen the top of this mountain. We couldn't help but hear you crying. What's the matter?" He sat next to the boy, baiting him to believe him in saying kind words.

Children at this age always fell for this sort of things by strangers, especially kids who had no one caring or giving attention to.

The boy sniffled and said, "Nobody wants me."

That's good, Zabuza thought so if nobody wanted him, then nobody would miss the kid if he took him.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because everybody hates me that's why. I don't know, but they just do. Nobody wants me around anymore…" He then started to cry and Zabuza took the boy's shoulder in his large hands.

"What's your name?"


"Naruto, do you really hate this village so much?"

Naruto nodded. "Hai, I hate it. I want to leave and never come back." That was all Zabuza needed to hear from the boy.

He smirked, now it was time to put things in motion, he then gripped the boy and pulled the small boy's body closer to him.

"How would you like to come with me and Haku. Leave this place and travel and see many things and learn jutsus. You have great power and potential, I can sense it in both you and Haku."
He shifted his eyes to the other boy and Naruto followed his gaze as he looked at the young lad.

Haku's gaze was staring at Naruto too as he stared at him. Haku's brown eyes saw everything in Naruto's clear blue eyes.

His being unwanted by everyone, hated, feared, loniness. So he wasn't alone.

Haku walked over to Zabuza and stood next to the boy. He grabbed his hand with his small pale ones.

"Come with us…" Naruto looked straight in Haku's soulful eyes and Zabuza saw that his part of the plan was already done. Naruto looked at Zabuza again with disbelief and surprisingly hope in his sky blue gaze.

"W-Will you really take me away from here."

"Hai, you will. No others shall come for you. You and Haku will remain in my care and be trained by me and give your service to serve only me. And soon everyone will learn to fear you and give you whatever you want, whatever you desire inside your heart."

Naruto couldn't believe his ear. This man was actually going to take him from here, train him and let him become strong.

Yes, I want to become strong, I want to be stronger. I want to show everybody to fear me, Naruto Uzumaki.

"Hai, I will go with you." His voice sounded with determination and pride looking proudly at his new friends.

Zabuza nodded. "Excellent, meet back here tonight at midnight, me and Haku will be hiding here and do not tell a soul about us, understand?" Naruto nodded and Zabuza watched as the boy ran from the mountain back to the village.

Soon, everything that he wanted would be coming within the palm of his hands. Oh, he could almost taste it, blood and revenge would be his.

Zabuza and Haku waited behind a barrier Jutsu that Zabuza conjured up, waiting for the boy to return. Naruto arrived almost past midnight, carrying a huge pack on his back. "Ohayo again, Haku-chan and um…"

"Momochi Zabuza, just Zabuza from now on to you."

"Hai Zabuza-sensei." Naruto bowed respectfully to his new companions. Zabuza and Haku then picked up their own packs and then Naruto took one last look behind him.

He was leaving his home village, a town he grew up so shortly in six years but now all he felt was that it was nothing but a total stranger in his heart.

Kohona, it's your own fault, I'm leaving you for good and hoping I never have to come back here and touched this unwanted soil again!

Zabuza turned around. "Naruto, we are leaving this place and perhaps one day we will return…." He watched the boy's face grimaced, "For you to reek vengeance on it."

Naruto's blue eyes widen.

Vengeance? What was that, he heard people talk of it before when family or friends were slain and then the people come back with blood on them and smelling strongly of death.

'Vengence…revenge…its all the same kit…you will have yours sometime soon…'

Naruto looked around bewildered. Who said that, who, Zabuza-sensei, Haku?

"Did you guys hear anything?" Zabuza and Haku looked at him. Haku shook his head.

"No Naruto what's wrong, having second thoughts?" Naruto shook his head and said, "Uh-uh, no way, I'm never going to go back until I'm stronger than everybody else in this village."

"Good, that's what I like to hear." Zabuza said, "Now come, we have only the night to use and we must quickly use it now."

Zabuza took a long cloak and wrapped it around him as Naruto and Haku follow closely after him.

Naruto couldn't care if it took a year or forever until he came back, he was going to become stronger and he would have vengeance on all of them. Once they past the gate, he spat to the side and dreamed of the moment when he would become the most powerful ninja to be ever be feared by.

Inside Naruto on his stomach, the spiral seal was glowing and he could have swore to hear a crackling monster sound ringing inside his head.

The day of their reckoning would be upon Kohona in only a matter of thirteen years to come.