Me: Hey this is weird...I'm like this person who types on a whim! ^_^ This fic is dedicated to the best Kouyako authors I know! Kindness and Care! Miyako-Yolei-Izumi! And Lady Tenku -^^-! I was thinking along time to which this should be dedicated to...oh I just couldn't pick! Geez! So many people told me to do another Kouyako! So here you go!
Izzy: Why?!
Matt, Mimi, Tai, Sora, and Joe: (Laughing loudly)
Tai: I think Izzy is embarrassed!
Sora: Awwww!
Mimi: I hope they get married in this!
Izzy: (Steps back in shock) WHAT!! NO NO NO NO NO!
Matt: What's wrong Iz? You don't want to be married! (Laughing)
Izzy: I um...well...uh...NO! I'm ONLY 14!
Everyone: (Laughing)
Me: Ok enough picking on our poor Izzy! Um...(sigh) I don't own Digimon...(silence)
Matt: *_* It's a miracle! She didn't cry!
Sora: Um...spoke to soon Matt...
Me: (In tears)
Joe: She should begin the story now...
Izzy: Why me...
Me: (Cheers up) ^_^ I LOVE KOUYAKO STORIES! Plus if I get a lot of reviews on this Izzy...I may wed you to Miyako!
Izzy: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Don't worry Izzy...this won't be a wedding fic...
Izzy: (Sighs in relief)

Yolei looked into the mirror and sighed. She felt tears run her face as she kept her gaze. She leaned on the desk and removed her glasses. "Why..." She took a small brush and ran it through her long hair. She folded it up and tried to do a new hairstyle, but it just wasn't working. She let it fall back down her back as she wiped her tears away. Yolei walked back to her bed and sat down. Poromon began to worry. She had never seen Yolei this moody before. "Yolei...what's wrong?" The little pink ball of fluff flew to her companion's side.

Yolei brought her knees to her face. "Nothing Poromon...nothing." She began to cry. She fell to the side while keeping her knees by her face.

Poromon looked at her and felt really bad. Yolei would tell her everything, but this had been going on for days now. Yolei would lock herself in her room everyday after school and wouldn't even bother going with her friends to the Digiworld. She hadn't been eating and was always crying. "Yolei...please...I know something is wrong. You cry all the time. I'm beginning to worry." Poromon placed herself beside Yolei and stared at her. "Yolei?" The bird like digimon moved herself closer and noticed that Yolei was asleep. Poromon sighed. "I need to get her some help..." She flew out an opened window in the room and above the streets.

Izzy sat in the computer lab and typed down on one of the computers. He was fooling around with something on the net and seemed very bored. Davis stormed in holding Veemon. "Hey Izzy! What are you doing? I bet your playing some huge chemistry game or rewriting a huge computer program that only scientific geniuses like yourself could understand...right?"

Izzy laughed. "Actually Davis...I'm just playing checkers."

"Oh...well... that shut me up!" Davis put Veemon down on a chair.

"Well finally something does!" T.K walked in with a laughing Kari.

"Very funny T.C!" Davis folded his arms. "So where is Cody and Yolei! Do they always have to be the last to show?"

"Geez really are impatient!" Cody strolled in with Upamon in his arms.

"That's Davis for ya!" Veemon jumped up and down. "Come on lets go to the Digiworld!"

"Not yet Veemon! Yolei isn't here yet!" Davis grabbed his jumping digimon and tried to calm him down.

"I wonder where she could be...I saw her today at lunch, but she seemed so depressed. She also didn't come to the Digiworld with us yesterday or the day before." Kari showed a worried look.

"Is she sick?" Patamon sat on top of the computer.

"Well she seemed pretty moody this morning." Cody sat down next to Izzy.

"Is this one of those 'time of the month' things?"

"DAVIS!" Everyone yelled in union.

"What! I'm just saying!" He put his hands behind his head. "No need to bite my head off."

Izzy remained silent. 'What is wrong with Yolei? I'm beginning to worry...' He looked up at everyone. "Well don't worry about it now. You need to finish rebuilding the Digiworld. If Yolei arrives...I'll send her through...ok." Everyone looked at Izzy and nodded.

"Ok guys...lets go! Digiport open!" Davis held his digivice in front of the screen. Everyone but Izzy was sucked in.

Izzy watched them through the port window. "Ok guys...take care!" Everyone raised thumbs up from the monitor and the window closed. Izzy leaned back and stretched.

"IZZY!" Poromon flew through the window of the computer lab.

Izzy fell backwards out of his seat from shock! "Ow!" He grasped his head and looked around the room from the floor. Poromon flew overhead. "Poromon? Hey..." He got up from the floor and dusted himself off. "What are you doing here...and where is Yolei?"

"That's why I'm here. Izzy...I need your help! Yolei doesn't seem to be herself! She is crying all the time and locks herself in her room all day!"

"What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know! She won't tell me." The pink bird thing was about to cry. She placed herself in Izzy's arms. "She seems...not herself!"

This was enough to make Izzy worry. He looked down on the crying bird. "Hey come on now. Don't cry. I'll go see what's wrong. You stay here and watch the digiport ok." Poromon nodded as Izzy placed her on top of the computer. "I'll be back soon." Izzy walked out of the computer lab, leaving a very worried Poromon behind.

Izzy walked up to Yolei's apartment door. He sighed and knocked upon it. He waited for a while for an answer. One came and a teen girl, about one year older than Izzy, stood before the doorframe. Izzy smiled at her. "Hey...I'm Izzy Izumi. Is Yolei here?"

The girl looked at Izzy and smiled. "Are you her boyfriend?" She giggled a little.

Izzy was taken aback by this remark. He blushed furiously for what seemed to him to be a first. "Ex...excuse me?'m just a friend." He looked at her and she kept smiling.

"Ok...sure." She moved inside and Izzy followed. "Yolei is in her room I think." The teen girl that by now Izzy presumed was Yolei's sister sat on the couch and watched TV.

Izzy looked at her and around the apartment with his onyx eyes. He had never been in Yolei's apartment before. It was...nice. He stood in the middle of the apartment. He looked at all the doors in the house. Izzy turned back to Yolei's sister. "Excuse me?" The girl on the couch looked up. "Which one is Yolei's room?" The girl looked back to the TV and pointed her finger to the door to the far left of Izzy. Izzy turned and walked toward the door. He knocked answer. He slowly opened the door and peered in. His eyes widened and quickly shut the door. He leaned up against it and felt so embarrassed. Inside was a teen boy, probably Yolei's brother, with boxers on. He was dancing with a mop and had his music on. Izzy shook the sight from his head. Now he was scared. Picking the wrong door again might lead him into something much worse than a dude in boxers...having some kind of relation with a mop! Izzy stopped leaning on the door and turned back to the girl on the couch. She was giggling at him. "What's so funny?" Izzy asked slightly.

Yolei's sis kept her giggles going. "I'm so sorry...I meant to point to that door." Izzy looked at where her finger pointed. It was the door on the opposite side of the room. Izzy sighed. The teen girl got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. "Don't worry...that's the right door. Promise." She giggled again.

Izzy nodded and walked to it and knocked. No on answered. He swallowed and thought about peering inside. He didn't want another horrific sight in his mind! His worry for Yolei took over and slowly opened the door. He sighed with relief. Yolei was lying on her bed. He walked in quietly and shut the door behind him. He looked around her room and smiled slightly. Her room had a nice computer with everything from a digital camera to the latest software on it. Her room was a nice size. Izzy walked over to Yolei and stared down on her. She was sound asleep, but Izzy could see her wet cheeks and pillow. He bent down to her and brushed her hair back. He blushed a second time on what he was doing. He sat on the bed and just watched her. He felt like he should have woken her up, but she looked at peace in her sleep. He didn't want her to wake up crying...after all, Poromon did say she was moody. Izzy walked to her computer and turned it on. Yolei wouldn't mind him fooling with it. Besides, he needed something to do until Yolei wakes up.

"She's so ugly!" A tall girl with blonde hair pointed to Yolei and laughed mockingly. Three girls ringed around the blonde one and were all laughing. "Just look at those glasses! You could probably magnify the moon with those things!"

A chick with red hair stepped forward. "She isn't worth our time! No wonder she is such a computer dork!"

All four girls laughed. Yolei was in a corner crouched against a wall. Why were they picking on her? She didn't do anything! Yolei still felt tears come through her eyes at their cruel remarks. She wiped them away, but they still came. The blonde girl stared down at her. "Oh...look she is crying now!" She grabbed Yolei's hair. Yolei screamed and punched the blonde in the nose. The girl flew back and screamed. She brought her hand to her nose and noticed blood spout. She glared at Yolei. "How dare you!"

A black haired girl kicked Yolei in her stomach. "This is for hitting Katalie!"

Yolei fell over and grabbed her stomach. "Why...why are you bothering me!"

"Why?" All the girls giggled except Katalie who was still holding her nose. Natalie stepped forward and smacked Yolei. "Because! You are the one that hangs with Matt Ishida and his brother T.K, Tai Kamiya, and Koushiro Izumi! When will you learn that they don't want you around?" Natalie kicked Yolei again. "Stay away from them! They are popular and cute! You're ugly and a nerd!" The girl wiped the blood from her nose again. All the girls laughed while Yolei cried. She was so defenseless. And...they were probably right. She continued to cry as the four girls tormented her.

Izzy watched worriedly as Yolei cried in her sleep. She was crouched together and just cried. Izzy couldn't take it anymore. He sat on the bed and tried to wake her from her sleep. He shook her lightly at first, but she began to thrash violently. Izzy shook her hard and had her in an upright position. "Yolei! Wake up! Come on!" Yolei opened her eyes forcefully and took time to find out where she was. She looked up into Izzy's eyes. She pouted and hugged him. She cried in his shoulder and held him tightly. Izzy was quite shocked. That must have been some dream! "Shhhh..." Izzy rocked her and tried to calm her down. "Yolei...come was only a dream. Nothing to worry about."

Yolei listened to his words and kept crying. If only he knew that it wasn't. It really happened. She continued to hold him...she didn't want to let him go. But, she had to for Izzy pulled her away from him slowly. She looked into his eyes. He stared at her with questioning eyes. She finally realized something. "Izzy! What are you doing here?" She wiped her eyes quickly and turned away.

Izzy held onto her hand. "Poromon came looking for help. She said that something was wrong with you...apparently there is. So I grew worried and came to check on you."

Yolei looked at him in shock. Izzy was worried about her. NO! She let a few tears run her face again. "Why would you want to care for someone as skinny, dorky, and! Why should any guy care for me!" She put her face into her hands and cried again.

Izzy stared in shock! Why was Yolei criticizing herself! Izzy got up from the bed and walked in front of the crying girl. He bent down and removed her hands from her face. Yolei sniffled a few times as Izzy wiped the tears from her eyes. "Yolei? Your none of those things."
He hugged her into his arms and made her stand up. "Look, come see." He slowly walked her to a mirror in her room. "Come on Yolei...look into the mirror. Your pretty..." Yolei wouldn't even look. Izzy sighed and tilted her face with his hand.

She looked at her reflection and frowned. "I look terrible!"

Izzy smiled. " look very pretty. You are also elegant, funny, caring, smart..." Izzy held her as he looked into her eyes. "Stylish, witty, and... perfect..." Yolei looked up at him in shock. She blushed a bit and noticed that Izzy was blushing too. "Any guy would be lucky to" Izzy's mind raced. He just named his perfect girl. Izzy looked at Yolei like he never had before. A warm feeling lifted him. His impulse took over, leaned forward, and found his lips on hers. Yolei became quite surprised. She smiled for the first time in four days and kissed back.

Izzy: Oh God! I'm not that impulsive...
Tai: (Nudges Izzy) Yeah Izzy! You the man!
Izzy: (Blush) Come on Tai...quite it...literally!
Matt and Mimi: (Laughing)
Me: And guess what! This is only Chapter 1!!!!
Izzy: There's MORE!
Me: (nods head) YEPPERS!
Izzy: (slaps head) Baka!
Joe: I wonder what the next part will be about...
Me: Yep...wonder I said...I type on whim! So Kindness and Care, Miyaka-Yolei-Izumi, and Lady Tenku -^^- please! This is dedicated to you and I must see a review from you! PLEASE! I love your writing!
Tai: I think they get it already Sonja! Quite pestering them!
Me: ok... ~_~