A Million Kisses - Chapter Seven
Alicia Blade


May 2005 ANs:

So, I was having SUCH a bad day today, but then I finally got around to checking my email and had over 30 reviews for this and other stories! And it totally brought my mood up and I wanted to say THANK YOU and I appreciate you all so much!

And, here is the end. I hope it lives up to all expectations! Please continue to read my future stuff, and please keep the reviews coming! xoxo


Original ANs:

This one is in thanks to Stormlight, Lady S, Athena, and Ms. Sailor Blue Moon. Tee hee… love you all!

"Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
I Corinthians 15:51-52

Chapter Seven
Promises Made to be Broken

Serena put up no fight when the two claw-like hands grabbed onto her arm. Nor did she flinch when slimy palms gripped her other shoulder. In truth, she hardly even noticed.

Only when she was lifted unceremoniously to her feet and being suddenly dragged roughly down the corridor did she even bother to open her sleepless eyes. A moan left her lips, the only sign telling the captors she was alive. Possibly, she would have tried to escape them, if her limbs had been working at all. But they would not move and so she simply let her body hang limp between the two creatures, whatever they may be, as she was pulled through hall after hall. Her head hung down to her chest, blood-laden hair clinging around her ears and forehead. At one point she thought she could feel a soft poking in her rib, but when she continually ignored it (actually straining to figure out if it was a hallucination or not) the taunts stopped. Chattering could be heard from her holders now, speaking unearthly languages in mocking tones. Her mind, dull and aching, shoved the sounds to the back of her thoughts. No longer did anything seem to matter. Not much, at least.

Soon, she found the temperatures dropping, and the steps of those beside her slowing. The chitchat stopped and she thought she heard the moans and creeks of a large metal door. Seconds after was she led into a room, smelling of corpses and blood and everything rotten. The musty air pulsed around her, chilling her limbs, yet burning her lungs, and she strained for the energy to cough. The pathetic sounds came out more like choking. Still moving, she heard gasps, snickers, fearful calls and amused laughter from a large crowd. She dared not look up, terrified at what beasts might surround her.

Then, they stopped moving. Her head remained hanging, her mouth parted slightly as a tiny drop of blood pushed out from between her lips.

"Leave her there."

That voice. Instantly, thousands of spiders were crawling over Serena's spine and she trembled from the core to the surface, icy fingers strangling her throat with fear of the hissing, demonic voice.

Moments later, she was dropped to the floor, the claws and scales leaving her. She hit the ground painfully, but immune to the hurt. She could not even produce a whimper. Lying on her side, in a fetus position, she slowly allowed her eyes to open. It took some time for them to focus, drifting in and out of colors. Black. White. Blood red.

When they could draw images in her mind for brief intervals, they were met with a gaze blacker than summer midnights, colder than the snow outside. The stare was surrounded with pale skin, a clear complexion, and a mane of flaming red hair. A long, slender neck curved into thin shoulders, a voluptuous body covered with only a skin-tight lavender dress at the bust line. Long red fingernails pointed sardonically in the direction of a shimmering ball before the woman.

"Welcome, Sailor Moon." The voice was more horrible than Serena fished from her memory of moments ago, the exact kind of sound one would have expected coming from the tight ruby lips. "I see my henchmen found you… not so well…" Turning the thin mouth into an awkward smile that did not fit her, the woman moved her left hand aside in a fluid motion and, upon command, the ball floated away to her side. Serena, her heart shaking, seemingly the only movement within her body, closed her eyes, letting her head fall to the ground in a soft crash with the tile floor.

A laugh, mocking and heroic, sounded in her ears, and she flinched at the hideous sound, not wanting to look up at the same grotesque eyes in an almost fair face.

"Why, it seems that I have already won this battle if you won't so much as look up at me now…" she taunted, and Serena heard her heels clacking against the stone floor as she stood to walk toward her prey. "You won't stand and fight me, Princess? How sad… and to think that such a wimp as yourself killed all five Doom and Gloom Girls, without so much as lifting the Silver Crystal. I should have known they would be so weak…" Her voice, raspy and taunting, echoed off the walls as the audience, invisible in the dark, snickered. "Get up!" she suddenly commanded, and Serena felt a surge of pain in her side as the hard tip of a pointed shoe dug into her waist. She whimpered, curling herself into a protective ball. "Get up, brat! This will be no fun for me to kill you otherwise…" Serena only gritted her teeth, pushing her eyelids together so hard that an incessant headache began to tap at her temples, forcing up another sob from her dried throat. Even THAT stung.

"You call yourself a defender of justice, protector of love, when I, the sole queen of evil can kill you now with a wave of my wrist. What a pathetic target. I should have known you would be simple prey. How could I have thought any more of you? Now, get up or I shall finish you where you lay, and forever shall you be known as a failure, who could not stand to die with dignity. And all your loves shall perish due to your incompetence." She paused, and Serena lowered her head as much as she could, knowing shame was claiming her mind. It was true. The others would suffer due to her mistakes. No one would be safe from this villain, and it would be her fault. And yet, even with the knowledge of such happenings, the power and strength she should have felt never came. She could not stand. She could not avenge her friends, her family, or her love. She was helpless.

I'm sorry, she thought as a cackle erupted from the lips of her captor.

"You have made your choice, oh your majesty." Her tone, mocking, died into a whisper. "And now goodnight. Never shall I have to deal with your nuisances again."

A ball of hissing purple smoke collected at Beryl's fingertips, sizzling amidst her palm, dying into the air around it as heat pooled together at its nucleus. Serena slammed her eyes shut and waited, listening to the electric waves grow louder and louder, thundering in her eardrums. It wouldn't stop, creating yet another pain in her head, echoing in walls within her mind. The silence of death seemed welcome, losing fear she wished she would feel with the thought. Peace in death. What was so awful about that? Without looking up, Serena knew the hideous weapon was about to fall upon her.


"What the?" Immediately, all cackling was gone and Serena, fearful, almost disappointed, opened her eyes.

Her sight was met with a single, blood red rose.

Her gaze widened, and through the pain and stiffness of her muscles, she tilted her neck upward to look in the same direction as Beryl.

Three girls, sailors suited like her, in red, blue, and orange, stood together on the other end of the large ballroom. Serena's lips dried with a gasp and she ignored all pain to stare at them, her mind struggling to remember how she knew them, and upon remembering, not taking the pains to figure out how they had gotten here. How they had become who days ago they had never heard of.

"What?" raged the violet queen, holding up a fist. "How did they get in here? Guards!"

"What guards? Oh, you mean these troll thingies?" came a deep but feminine voice, and from the corner Serena recognized a forest-green fuku, the girl inside it dropping a badly beaten goblin onto the marble floor.

"Game's over, Beryl!" screamed Jupiter, kicking the helpless creature away.

"We are destined to protect our princess," triumphed Venus.

"Even if we DID just remember a few moments ago," added Mercury.

"And now, we shall defeat you and your kingdom!" yelled Mars. Seconds after the words left her lips, did she continue, "Get Serena out of the way so we can attack freely!"

And then, their chants drummed into one call, drawing upon powers of fire, lighting, ice, and even love. The four teenagers began to glow different colors, energy flowing through them.

Still confused, though feeling awkwardly safe in this castle of horror, Serena let her head fall to the ground and her eyes close. The last thing she sensed was a pair of arms beneath her and a strong chest against her head as she was carried quickly to safety.


A scream woke her up. A piercing, howling, bloody scream… that nearly provoked a smile. She let her eyes hang closed, listening to different sounds of war and battle. Metal clashing with metal, sounds of death, dying, horror. She smelled the familiar scent of blood in the air, this time though, she knew it wasn't only her own. Finally, she raised eyelids to peer through blurred darkness, watching the scene as best she could from her spot on the hard floor.

Beryl was standing back near her throne, her hands clutched around a red rose buried in her chest. It had been her scream that had awoken the weak warrior.

The scouts were trying to fight through a crowd of youma and henchman, killing them rather easily, though moving nowhere fast. Amy was standing back after having just released a thick fog, using her computer in an attempt to find easier means of attacking. Raye was throwing down her anti-evil wards almost as fast as the monsters could block them. Lita was the most forward, throwing punches and kicks in every direction, quickly taking down two or three enemies at a time, all the while cradling her left arm protectively against her chest. Serena wondered momentarily if it was broken. The last scout, Mina, was using her crescent beam to knock down multitudes at a time, but with so many targets, it only stunned them rather than finish them off completely.

On the other hand, one fighter had gotten past the army of the queen's protectors. Tuxedo Mask, his cape torn and ripped, his hat missing, his hair damp with sweat, stood in the center of the circle of battle, fighting the evil villainous with everything in him. Serena could see blurs of purple and black, peering through the legs and weapons of the creatures that otherwise obstructed her view.

Lips drying, she propped herself up on her elbow, her head dodging from side to side, trying to gain a better view of the prominent battle. She wondered how Darien had gotten through to the source of the evil while the girls were having such a hard time coming near. Never in any fight had he shown such skill. Could he possibly be even more powerful than her other protectors?

Blinking, Serena looked down, finding her head starting to spin with the constant commotion. She looked down at her body. Her left leg and both arms were wrapped with shreds of black silk, obviously the best bandage Tuxedo Mask could find, from his own cape. Most of the pain had faded away, and yet her entire body was pounding with some kind of hurt akin to a numbed throbbing.

After rubbing at her temples for some time, she turned her head once again to look up at her friends, allies, as well as her adversaries. The battle was continuing on, chaos and horror jumping out from every corner.

Then, things began to change. At first slowly, she saw more youma falling. The scouts were beginning to take down 3, 4, 5 at a time. They would scream occasionally, letting a high-pitched wail loose to go unnoticed by the others occupying the nearness. Serena watched, constantly reminding herself to breathe, watching the enemy being destroyed. With a sudden instance, they were falling even faster now, and in what seemed to be a moment of death, they were gone. Weakened, destroyed, the creatures of evil collapsed onto the floor, dying at the feet of their teenage attackers. Serena made no move as one landed but a foot away from her hand, its black eyes open as a last flame of life within died to a flicker, extinguished.

The army, the audience, was gone. Almost instantaneously, the tables turned and only the queen was left to guard her castle.

Stunned, Serena let her eyes travel upward. Victorious stood the four girls, breathing hard but with straight backs. They were facing toward the center, their eyes locked on the fight between Tuxedo Mask and the sole purpose for their invasion of the dark kingdom. The battle was moving nowhere, neither winning, losing, gaining any headway. Beryl had pried a recent rose from her gut, holding one hand over her stomach, and yet continually calling upon power from some other force. Tuxedo Mask, on the other hand, was tired and yet had not taken a single blow. It was too balanced.

Venus, standing furthest from Sailor Moon, their recovered leader, was the first to turn to face her. Their blue eyes clashed, and Serena let her firm composure soften to relief. However, Mina's eyes did not replay the emotion. Instead, they looked remorseful, full of regret. Gulping, she pursed her lips together and with a small tilt of her head, fell to the ground. Her legs simply collapsed beneath her, her arms making no move to brace her fall as she landed on top of a troll's body.

Serena gasped, her eyes widening as every muscle in her body tensed. Managing to pry her gaze away from the fallen blonde, she turned to see the other three staring at her with the same solemn expression. She held back a sob, biting her lip until she could taste blood. The second warmness dripped onto her tongue, they fell. One at a time, with Amy losing last. She coughed twice when her small form hit the ground, her head rolling over to the side. Shaking, Serena let her jaw tremble, quickly crawling over to the blue-haired beauty. She ignored the incessant tears, now feeling she was full of them instead of nearly having run dry hours ago.

"Amy! Amy!" she called, bringing her friend's head to rest in her lap. She stroked fingers along the short bangs, bending over the form as if to protect her. Saving one might save them all, she wondered that she might believe that.

The girl did not stir, however Serena did manage to find a faint pulse. As soon as she did this, her head was buried in Amy's chest, holding the teenager as close as she could in weakening arms. Her name escaped a few times, but not much else was heard above the grunts of a two-person battle overhead.

It was a short time later when the tears ceased to fall from Serena's eyes and she inhaled a sharp breath, craning her neck to look upward. Tuxedo Mask was even weaker now, her dear prince couldn't stand for much longer, she knew. It was a miracle he had lasted this long against the witch.

Not daring to look down upon the faces of her friends, Serena pushed herself onto her legs, locking her knees in place and glaring hatefully with eyes only for the fiery-haired demon. "Stop!" she commanded, her eyes blazing, knuckles growing white at her sides. The battle froze from shock and Tuxedo Mask twirled around, his eyes widening beneath the mask to see his love standing.

"Serena… you're awake…" he muttered, relief washing through his body.

"Thanks for everything, Tuxedo Mask, but I think I can take it from here. I'll kill her once and for all," she stated seriously. All the while she desperately wanted to look up at him but was terrified that with a look in his eye, she would want him to protect her. She would desire only to be wrapped in the shredded cape and flown away from this hellhole. And so her gaze remained attached to the woman past him. Darien at first made no move to speak, but slowly, he let out a breath into the cold air.

"How about we defeat her together, Princess?"

"That won't be happening!" hissed a voice from red lips. As the voice died into an echo, it was followed by a groan of anguish from the man clad in black. Serena's eyes widened, watching him fall to the ground in confusion. Her breath caught. Composure disappeared with a look upon his back, now hunched over on the floor.

She screamed, flying toward him with graceful movements and falling to her knees. Her arms wrapped around his back, willing away the image of a black crystal protruding from between his shoulder blades. She began to chant the simple word no in the back of her throat, shaking her head as his body shook in her embrace.

"S…Serena…" Her eyes lifted to see fake assurance in his gaze. "I'll be… fi…ne…" He gritted his teeth momentarily, his eyes blinking in and out of focus. He took a struggling gulp, then clenched his fists together. "Don't… worry. Beryl… we have to… kill…" Without ending his sentence, he began to curl his legs beneath him and before Serena knew what he was thinking, the man was placing pressure onto his feet and pushing himself to a stand.

She gasped, grabbing roughly onto his shoulders. He flinched, their eyes meeting. "No, Darien, you need to rest. I'll kill her. I promise I'll kill her. But if I lose you… then I've lost everything." He seemed uncertain, their eyes battling within each other, caught within a slow second, until his gaze softened, possibly with pain, and again he fell to the floor, too weak to stand longer. Serena looked down at him, kneeling at her feet. He nodded, his shoulders relaxing.

"Alright, I have faith in you."

She didn't bend down to whisper the three words echoing in her thoughts, or to give him a kiss. There would be time for that later, she told herself. Looking up, her gaze turned to ice as it fell upon the queen, already preparing another crystal.

"That's it, Beryl. It's over!"

"I'm sure it is."

Her voice had somehow, miraculously gotten even colder, quieter, and then she began to change. The queen grew taller, her dress changing to a cool ice blue, her nails extending even longer from the bony fingers. Continually growing, her bloody hair raised on its ends, creating a crown of fire sitting upon her pale skin. Her eyes became darker than the blackest night; her lips strung out to a thin frown. Serena tried to keep the fear and shock from her eyes, but found it impossible, for soon the woman was towering fifty feet above her. Gritting her teeth, she stumbled back a few paces, willing her heart to cease its rapid thunder.

After the metamorphosis had completed, Beryl smiled demonically. "It is truly over, Sailor Moon."

Serena inhaled sharply, bracing her arms in front of her chest and lowering her head to glare up through golden bangs. Beryl's eyes flinched together, her long nails digging into the fleshiness of her palm. A gray smoke sizzled up from hidden fingertips, suddenly bursting into a metallic violet fire. The flames licked at the cold air.

Gulping, the girl felt her sudden tenseness fade away, her courage simmering down. With newfound worry, her body began to move backwards, unwilling to her heart. She stretched her calves back, moving away with uncertainty as the fire grew higher into the air, nearly matching the witch's new height.

But the click of her heel against a soft body made her freeze mid-escape. Her body become unmoving momentarily, not able to sense movement in the form she had backed into. Fallen, dying if not dead. She could feel tears welling up, one even managed to slip from the corners. Unconsciously, her fingers began toying with a strip of silky cloth around her arm. He had protected her… why did she continually keep herself from doing the same?

A horrid screech stole her thoughts into reality and she could feel unbearable heat coming closer by the second. She needn't look up to know the treacherous queen had finally cast the evil flames at her. Her eyes did raise and instantly her sight was covered in a royal purple, like to cover the setting twilight. And the flames tasted her skin, burning into her every pore, searing every nerve. She didn't believe that she ever screamed until it was too late and the entire force overtook her body. She was rendered motionless, listening only to her own shrieks of pain.

How quickly the heat burned down to a soothing aloe. In a turn of time, she suddenly felt as if she was swimming in a pool of cold water, wet salt washing over her skin. Her eyes, closed already, perceived a light filtering through the silent hissing.

"My daughter…"

Her imagination could not have been quieter. Lower than inaudible, a whisper shouting into the ear of her mind. "I am so proud of you. Do not give up…"


"Serenity, you are in my heart."

When she opened her eyes, there was neither cooling water nor seething sparks. A case of ice, of crystal, surrounded her. Her lips dried while her eyes moistened, and shaky fingers reached up to brush against a locket on her chest. It trembled beneath her fingers.

The encasement filled with white, blinding her, and when once again everything had silenced, she found herself soothing down the skirt of a white chiffon dress, bordered in gold trim. Inside, she felt weak and hopeless, but this sudden power covering her brought her out of herself and a power unknown to her took complete control of her body. Blue eyes stared directly ahead as her right hand slowly raised up palm outward. With a thought, a crack shot down the center of the icy confines and, like shattering porcelain, it split into sheers of ice, cascading down the walls of the platform she stood upon.

Beryl's proud smile died instantly and she looked into the eyes of the strangely calm princess beneath her. "What have we here?" she mumbled to herself.

"As you've said, Queen Beryl, it is truly over."

With the silver gem nicely protected in the palms of her hands, Serena raised her arms forward, aiming it at the villain before her. "For all that you've done, I will never forgive you."

The same warm light barreled over her. The witch had only a moment's notice to prepare an attack, a weak one, before shooting it forward to counteract the effects of the overpowering silver crystal. She gritted her teeth, curving her back to push the liquid ink magic further, in vain. Pain must have seethed through her body when the white contacted skin, but she continued to fight it, curling her fingers under and stretching her arms to their fullest.

Serena continued to watch on from behind emotionless eyes, waiting for the crystal to finish killing the woman so that she could once again become weak and helpless. She missed it.

From far away she vaguely thought she could hear the coaxing voices of her friends. Breezes amidst the engulfing heat tempted her touch to theirs.

Closing her eyes, she waited patiently.

With one last shriek above, the crystal's waves ceased to pour over her. Licking her lips, Serena brought her hands down to her sides. Her breath inhaled a smoky scent, like cigarettes, and she gathered the strength to cough. It turned to choking somewhere along the line. Letting her eyelids drift open, she watched as the final twirls of smoke drifted into the white horizon. Her chest collapsed, her lips curling into a sullen pout. With her grip weakening, she felt the cold, lifeless stone slip between her fingers.

The crystal clattered down somewhere into the valley beneath her. She listened to it, feeling no loss as its descent silenced.

Turning on her heels, she looked over a glistening white field. The palace must have disappeared while she was trapped in the glass chamber, along with the henchmen belonging to the deceased Beryl.

Now, five forms lay dead on the packed snowed.

With the first snowflake of an incoming storm falling onto her nose, Serena allowed her gaze to caress her fallen loves, holding them protectively in her stare.

She fell to her knees, body and heart numbing in the approaching winds. They came to blow away the hurt: unsuccessfully.


Two Weeks Later

"Serena, if you're going to go outside, will you please take a jacket with you? You're going to catch your death of cold…"

The girl shrugged carelessly, sliding her shoes onto her feet in the hallway, her head bent, distraught pigtails scratching the back of her unused school outfit. Ilene sighed, setting down her water and walking over to her daughter quietly.

"Darling… hon, you haven't spoken nearly a word for two weeks now. Won't you ever tell me what's bothering you? Please… It isn't good to keep these things bottled up inside…" The softness of her voice did not effect the blonde and the gentle hand on her shoulder was quickly shaken off.

"Don't worry about me, Mom."

Jacket-less, Serena strolled slowly out of the small home into the air, turning quickly into autumn. Ilene watched the door slam shut, her heart shaking within her chest. "Oh, my baby girl, how can I not worry about you?"


Wandering through the streets of Tokyo at the coming of sunset may seem dangerous to any person without a death wish. But to a person with one… the feat is nothing but pleasant. A painful, masochistic kind of pleasant. And so, the recent warrior traveled her daily routine through the streets as the sunrays and moonbeams mixed together and the first orange street lamps flickered on over the sidewalks. Goose bumps would crawl over her skin, only to be ignored, blue eyes watching aimlessly as her feet carefully avoided the cracks in the sidewalk.

It was nice out here in the brisk evening air, more so than inside a stuffy house, heated with artificial warmth. Much more realistic, she mused silently. And on a nightly travel to a sacred park, Serena would think of nothing but tear after empty tear splashing unnoticed onto the sidewalk, maybe between the cracks she avoided so carefully. She found it impossible to ignore painful memories with her mother's constant questions and concerns. Though her heart was in the right place, it didn't help.

And her bedroom… the most awful of all places on Earth. She would have rather been at the North Pole than stuck in that square apartment that evidently belonged to her. At least in the snow she could be with him… But while sleeping in her bed, cold from the heat, she would attempt to sleep for hours. And when finally the calmness would replace restlessness, dreams of her friends, of her Endymion, would haunt her.

Wonderful dreams… where they would laugh and play and sing… she could feel kisses and hugs. She could talk to them… The dreams are not what irked her. But when she woke… everything built in sleep would vanish. It was a terrible nightmare, relived nightly…

With no more tears, at least that she could feel, she found herself at the end of the trail. At the white marble fountain surrounded by a green field, turning gray with the approaching dark. Her lips parted with a deep breath, looking up at the statue, the cool water cascading down upon thousands of silver and copper coins. If she had one, she would have tossed it in by now. She knew her wish already. But her skirt did not have pockets and heeded no change.

Slowly, Serena climbed onto the bench of the fountain, kneeling before it so that she could look into her reflection upon the waves. Her head listed to the side, seeing plain, dull features surrounded by un-brushed, golden hair. A pause and her body became weak.

Stretching her arms out to the right to balance on the stone, she lowered herself onto the smooth surface. Curling up against the marble, her eyes became mesmerized by the laughing waterfall. The cold air tossed her bangs about gently and a chill ran through her body, but was ignored. Tucking her elbow beneath her head, Serena fell asleep. For the first time in weeks, however, it was not by tears.


"Don't peek!"

"But Mina…"

"We're almost there, Sere, just be patient."

"But I can't see a thing!"

"That's the point, Meatball Head."

"Ha, ha, very funny Raye!"

"It's just down this hall, Princess."

A sigh echoed down the hallway, silent save the clacking of high heels. Serenity bit her lip anxiously, resisting the urge to scratch at the blindfold, for fear that Raye would accuse her of peeking. Mina was latched onto one arm, guiding her down the crystal palace walls secretively while the fiery princess of Mars stood off to her right, chatting on about Jadeite every time Serena wasn't complaining about her sightless predicament.

Jadeite… protector to Endymion…

A giggle left Serenity's lips, picturing her lover from Earth. It had been months since she had seen him last and though the thought of him still made her giddy and warm inside, it also brought a sense of longing. She missed him so…

"Okay, we're here," taunted Venus, pulling open a large door. Serenity straightened, her arms tensing in readiness to dash to the restriction above her eyelids. She felt Raye behind her, her arms on either side of her shoulder, pushing her into the room. She tried desperately to calm the whirring of her thoughts and listen for her cue.

"Ready… now!"

Whisking the scarf off from her eyes, Serena saw the room light up in candles and decorations.


The cheerful call echoed from all around the room, permitting a squeal from the blonde teenager. Her hand clasped to her chest, still holding the blindfold in hand, as her blue eyes danced over the occupants of the room. All of her family was there, all the royal guests that often came to balls and parties. Her closest friends, the servants, everyone was cheering madly. Their happiness quickly struck up a smile and Serenity laughed in delight.

"Happy birthday to you!" began the singing of a blue-haired girl in the front of the crowd. "Happy birthday to you!" joined the others and they all began to chant loudly. Soon, the giant crowd parted to reveal four handsome men carrying a large, six layer cake with sugared flowers and colorful frosting. Immediately, she recognized them as none other than the four generals… protectors to… Endymion… "Happy birthday, Princess Serenity…"

But then, if they were here, where was…

The singing quieted down, until one deep, melodious voice could be heard behind her.

"Happy birthday, my love…"

A quick intake of breath sent her head spinning. Or maybe it was the sound of his voice. Yes, that was more likely. Twirling on her toes, she came to face a daring smile upon tan skin. Satin black hair and striking cerulean eyes.

Unsuccessfully fighting back tears, Serenity managed to whisper at the tip of her tongue. "Endy…" Then, with her heart pounding mercilessly, she threw herself at him, burying a shaky body in his embrace, which he accepted instantaneously. "You came back…"

"Of course, my sweet. I told you I would always come back to you."

With a tender finger, he lifted her chin, letting their loving gazes clash before lowering his lips upon hers. She melted against him, putting up no protection to the light ravishing of his kisses.

"Aw…" sighed Lita from somewhere in the crowd. "How sweet… Now break 'em up and let's eat!"


She giggled, tensing at the feel of his kisses against the base of her neck. "Endy, that tickles…" she laughed, squirming beneath him. She heard him chuckle as well, lifting his head to grin at her adoringly.

"That was the idea, Sere…"

She only rolled her eyes, bending forward to nip at his nose. "You deserved that."

Laughing, he rolled back to his side, propping his head up on one arm to gaze at her from the side. Her eyes followed his, the piles of long golden hair billowing beneath her on the soft grass. It was nightfall on the moon, with the Earth glowing far in the distance, framed by dozens of glittering stars. Two lovers lay side by side in the lily garden, next to the single rose bush that Endy had planted the first time his royalty had arrived on this satellite. It was, of course, Serenity's favorite flower now.

"Thank you for coming, Endymion. I'm sure you've been busy… but this was the best birthday present I could have possibly gotten."

"I know, and I was thrilled when my father told me it would be alright if I came up for this week. It won't be a long stay, but I plan on making the best of it. Besides… it's torture when I can't be with you."

"I share the feeling exactly!" she muttered, focusing her gaze on a blue sphere in the sky.

"But it won't always be like this. Someday, we'll be married, and then we can live together and rule the moon and the earth, side by side, forever." This tempted a smile on the princess's lips and her eyelids drifted close.

"I can't wait."

"Neither can I."

She was greeted by a tender touch on the lips and opened her eyes just as he pulled away, able to look up into a loving stare. Whispering his name, she brushed a stray of ebony hair from his forehead, tucking it behind his ear to watch it immediately fall back into his face. She giggled. "It will never stay put."

"I like it that way."

"Well I'm glad somebody does."

He chuckled, bending down once more to brush his lips against the glowing crescent moon on her forehead. It brightened momentarily before dying once more into a subtle birthmark. "I missed you so much."

"Me too. But you did come back, as promised."

"Yes. And I promise again that whenever I leave you, I will return. We can't be kept apart forever. Fate isn't that hateful."

"Alright, I accept your promise. But I expect you to stick to it."

"I should hope so."

"Hm…" Serenity's eyes closed, her body relaxing into the soft greenery. "I was thinking…"

"Sere, thinking? Call the cops," he taunted.

Her eyes opened to stare up at him in confusion. "What are 'the cops'?"

He returned the stare silently before bursting into laughter. "Never mind, Love. What have you been thinking?"

She shrugged off the comment and resorted back to her intense gaze at the sky. "I want to promise you something now, as well."

Endymion sat back a little, chewing on his lip. "Alright. How about… your unconditional love as long as we both shall live?"

"You already have that!" She giggled, watching a smile spread on his masculine features.

"Just making sure I hadn't lost it yet," he teased with a wink.

She grinned, soon finding herself being pulled into his arms, both lying on their sides now, wrapped into each other. Willingly, her head rested against his shoulder, letting his arms support her in their hold. A long quiet seduced them as her thoughts drifted over every aspect of this man that had forced her into love with him. She never did stand a chance.

"Kisses," she called suddenly, breaking from his grasp enough to look into his face. He seemed flustered for a minute before his brow creased.

"What about them?"

"I want to promise you kisses! A thousand, no, a million!"

He blinked in confusion, tilting his head to the side. "Sweet kisses or passionate kisses?"

"Both! And only the ones on the lips count!"

His eyebrow perked up, quickly followed by a large smile. "Sounds good to me," he whispered, pushing her onto her back once more.

"Great, then as long as you always come back to me, you can have as many kisses as you like!"

"And I promise that I will always return to my lovely princess." She smiled happily, closing her eyes contentedly. He soon continued in a husky whisper, "So, then… what do you say we start right now?"

Serenity giggled, a blush beginning to tint her cheeks. Tying dainty arms over his shoulders, she kept to her promise, starting with the number one.


The air surrounding her was colder than she would have hoped to wake up to. This time with no blanket, no flannel pajamas to keep her warm. She sighed, sniffled a few times, willing her mind to go back to sleep before waking to another day she should not have to live.

The water from the fountain was loud in her ears, sloshing down into the pool below. A cool mist reached to her body with a small breeze, causing more chills down her nerves. With a groan, she finally lifted her eyelids, staring blankly into the silver waves falling down not quite at arm's reach. Her heart ached with remembrance of the dream.

"I suppose we both broke our promises... Didn't we, Endy?" she whispered, bunching the material of her wrinkled blouse in her fist. Her head rolled over to stare at the stars, making a dull note of the glowing moon in the distance. So pure and innocent. That's where the memories had occurred. Still, this fountain held special moments from the past as well. A sob stole her from the thoughts and she quickly rubbed at her eyes before they could begin to water again.

Propping her body up on her arm, she sat staring into the water for some time, listening to the laughter of weeks before fill the night air. It had been a night like this one, only he had been with her then.

Sniffling, her head collapsed down to her chest, shaking the bangs slightly against her skin. "Darien…" she cried brokenly, reveling in the tears that began to fall again, sinking into the clear, untainted water. "Oh, Darien…"

"Yes, my dear?" A tender touch of fingertips against her back made her yelp, jerking to a position as stiff and still as the statue itself. She stopped crying. Her eyes turning to wide orbs within her face, her lips running dry, she felt her body begin to shake. The fingers stroked against the collar of her shirt, tickling the back of her neck. Soon they were joined by another hand, rubbing against her upper arm softly.

"Have you been crying?" his voice whispered against her ear, deep and sincere, and real.

Her sight blurred, Serena whisked herself around, grabbing at the edge of the marble bench to stare up into two grinning, mischievous eyes. Breathing heavily, she let one hand come up to touch his cheek, shaking mercilessly. A breath left her at once at the feel of his skin. Warm, alive… he was here. And it was no longer a dream. She was on Earth. She was Serena. And he was here.

"Da-Darien…" she choked, her lips trembling with every syllable. His smile spread wider and he lowered himself to his knees before her, bringing himself to eye level.

"It's me, Serena. You can breathe again."

Gasping on a cough, almost a laugh, she felt new tears welling behind her eyelids. These tears were warm, freeing.

"But… you… I thought…"

"I know," he whispered, wrapping his arms carefully around her waist. "But it doesn't matter anymore. I'm here. And so are the girls. You'll see them tomorrow, I'm sure."

Both her hands reached to cup his face in hers, trying so hard to believe. "And… do you… remember…?"

"Everything. I remember everything. Including the three individual times I fell in love with you, utterly and completely."

And she smiled. It hurt some; she had not felt a smile for many days now, but she did smile. One that would always caress her lips, she prayed. The tears coming incessantly again, she whispered his name once more before lowering herself into his hold, wrapping her arms around his neck and letting all her worries and fears dissipate with his comforting embrace.

"But… how…?"

He chuckled. "I honestly don't know. I just… woke up this morning… remembering everything that had happened. I've been looking for you all day, you know."

"I thought I'd lost you forever…"

"But you didn't. You could never get rid of me that easily. Besides… I believe you owe me something. A million somethings, to be exact."

Slowly, she raised her head to look into his glowing eyes. Eventually, a soft, loving smile spread over her swollen lips. "I thought we were at nine-hundred-thousand something now."

"I lost count," he said with a wink, resting his forehead on top of hers. "So I just thought we could start from the top again. If… you don't mind, that is."

With a flushed pink face and salt streaks left on her cheeks, Serena shook her head. Her eyes closed on instinct. "I don't mind."

"Good…" he said, almost inaudibly. Bringing their lips together, he touched her with a tender kiss, like butterfly wings caressing her. "Because I love you, sweet Serena. Meatball Head. Oh, and of course, the majestic Princess Serenity."

She giggled, pressing their lips together more powerfully, aching to taste him as much as he longed to lose himself in her.

And so, trapped in their embraces, they hung onto the night air for hours, tasting, tempting, but neither feeling the dull sense of longing and loneliness. The sun came up eventually to find them side by side, kisses dancing with sighs and promises of love. That night they began their count down.

With an eternity to kill, a person who plays his cards right can reach past many more than a million. Both young lovers planned on taking advantage of that.

Besides, these promises never were made to be broken.

The End.

God bless you, minna-chan!
