The Untitled Mulan Story
Summery: Mulan and Shang have been married for three months when a notice comes for Shang to report to training camp right away. BUT he won't let Mulan go. What happens?
Hey, guys! I'm back with a mulan story (DUH!). Well if you are/where a faithful reviewer than plz don't mention my anime story I will not be completing it my friend Youkia will be completing it so if you want to read the rest of it than read hers she has all the rights to the story. Thank You
Disclaimer: I don't own Mulan but I do own the plot thank-you-very-much!
Chapter one
"Yes?" Shang answered the gate. Than looked down at the scroll that was pushed into his hand, "Do you want a answer?"
"Its is not a letter, sir" the messenger turned and left quickly
"What is it?" Shang jumped and turned around
"What? I just wanted to know what is in that scroll." Mulan looked at her husband, "now open it!"
Shang opened the scroll and read it quickly "I am to report to the training camp right away to train new recruits"
"Fine, than let's go pack" Mulan started to walk towards the house but was stopped buy Shang.
"You're not going."
"What I train the recruits just as good as you any day!"
"That's not why you aren't going." Shang rubbed his forehead, "you have to stay here. OK?"
"I'm going. I want to go I have a mind and brain you know and I want to use it." Mulan glared at her husband and repeated her first words, "I'm going!"
"No, Mulan!" Shang yelled "you're NOT going!"
"But-"Mulan started.
"NO" Shang yelled louder, "I said your not going!"
"And why not?" Mulan started to cry softly
"You could be killed" Shang softened his voice and walked over to his wife, "I don't want that to happen to you."
"Oh, Shang" Mulan hugged Shang around the waist, "that could happen to you too!"
"Mulan…." Shang hugged her back, "just stay….. please."
"Fine." Mulan said softly "I'll stay"
"Good," Shang sighed than smiled, "now can you help me pack?"
"OK" Mulan smiled back at her husband, "that's a woman's job I guess"
"No it isn't! it is to help around the house not do all of it, love her husband, and mostly raise the children."
"Well what about the husband?" Mulan asked her smile getting bigger
"He has to help his wife around the house, love his wife, and help raise the children." Shang said, "Now come on!"
Mulan followed Shang to their bedroom, "So you want children?"
"Of course!" Shang gave his wife a strange look, "Why wouldn't I?"
"Well….. Never mind" Mulan gave Shang a kiss on the cheek and grabbed his saddlebags and started to pack them, "now come help me!"
"Yes, madam." Shang went over to his wife, turned her around than kissed her deeply, "I love you."
Mulan looked up in shock, shang was not the kind of person to do that kind of thing. Than she smiled, "I love you, too"
And that led to …… well you know.
A/N well that is the first chapter hope you liked it if you did or didn't than can you plz tell me why in a nice and constructive way not a flame. Also tell me what you didn't like in it still using the NICE way!
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