Disclaimer: All these people belong to other people. And I am Kaethir, therefore I am Kae. Cept I think JK Rowling belongs to herself. Or her manager. But…yeah. XP Cap'n Jack Sparrow is from Pirates of the Caribbean. I really don't know why he's in this. Very odd and not funny at all. sigh I think my brain is on break. Yeap.
Part One, In Which We Discover That Everyone Hates Ron And That A Love Affair Is Afoot
Harry: Okay. I think that my brain is on the verge of exploding.
Hermione: Thank you very much for that insightful information. 'Specially when it's written on my bloody notes!
Ron: Oh, calm down, Mione. You'll live. Now, Harry's malady is much more serious. 'Cause I share it. I think there's a bug going around…
Harry: By the name of 'Transfiguration'?
Ron: How'd you guess?
Hermione: He's psychic. Now, would you two PLEASE shut up!
Ron: Why are you even bothering to read these, then?
Harry: -laughs loudly-
Hermione: -gives dirty look-
Harry: Hm. How is it possible to display our motions on parchment?
Kae: The magic of me.
Trio: -nod- Oooooh.
Harry: Eep!
Hermione: Eep!
Ron: Eep!
Cap'n Jack Sparrow: Eep, mates!
Hermione: -pushes- Go away. Wrong fanfic!
Ron: So…What exactly are we 'Eeping' about?
Hermione: -shrug-
Harry: You don't want to know. -hand to forehead- Tis terrifying!
Hermione: Just tell us, Shakespeare.
Ron: Do I want to know?
Harry: Nope.
Ron: I definitely want to know.
Hermione: So?
Harry: Good point.
Ron: And it's all 'cause I'm a lowly sidekick, miserably undermentioned and misunderstood.
Somewhere in England
JK Rowling: MWAHAHAHA! And so it shall be, for I, Queen Joanne, have willed it so! Wooooooo.
Trio: Woooooooo.
Ron: Awwww.
Kae: -patpat- S'okay, cause I still love you.
Ron: -perks up- Really?
Kae: No.
everyone laughs loudly, as to not anger the great Goddess who has the power to make them do ANYTHING in her fanfic-
Kae: -smugly sings- I've got the power!
Back in Transfiguration
Hermione: Aaaanyways…Back to the explanation. Eep..?
Harry: -sigh- Fine. shuddertwitch I think Malfoy was staring at me.
Trio: -madly look around-
Hermione: Still is.
Ron: Eww. Wonder what the evil git is planning now.
Hermione: Actually, it looks like a sorta…Lovey-dovey sort of stare.
Ron: -gapes-
Harry: -happily- Really!
everybody stares…again-
Harry: -cough- Err, I mean, eww! What!
Hermione: No doubt about it! -laughs- Ooh, Harry's got an admirer!
Harry: -dies-
Ron: -dies, first murdering Draco-
Hermione: And that's the sad end of them two. Boo-hoo. Now, back to my notes…
Ron: -cough- Thanks a lot, 'Mione.
Hermione: Happy to help!
Harry: -peek- He's still doiiiing it! -whine-
Ron: -ponders about various curses that can be utilized in such a situation-
Hermione: I think it's kinda cute.
Harry + Ron: -stare-
Harry: Mione, are you taking those pills again? Y'know, the ones that helped you get rid of those hallucinations of Snape in a thong…?
Hermione: -glower- I thought that was supposed to be a secret!
Ron: -cough- Do I want to know?
Harry: Nope.
Hermione: Woah, déjà vu.
Harry: The point IS, what the bloody hell is going on here? I mean, it's flattering and all, but it's MALFOY, for Merlin's sake!
Ron: Excuse me while I puke.
Hermione: You know, now that I think about it, you two would make SUCH a sweet couple. Harry and Draco sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-
Harry: EWWWW!
McGonagall: Mr. Potter? Is there something you three would like to share with us? How about that fascinating parchment full of notes?
Trio: -gasp-
McGonagall: Yes, I think that'll do.
Kae: And I did NOT stop here just to miserably leave you hanging, or because I had no clue what to do next. pouts And if you say so, I will send my evil cheese stick minions to get you! -cough-