Cody opened her mouth in an attempt to say something, but found that nothing would come out. All she could do was stare down at Squib.

"Cody," he began, the small box still resting unopened in his hands, "I know we've had to go through a lot to get here. And I don't just mean this year, I mean all of it. New York, Nate, everything. But if anything, all that stuff has done is make me realize how much I never want to be without you. I've known you since we were fifteen, Cody. I know everything about you, the good and the bad, and you know the same about me. And I think I knew it from the very beginning, somewhere in the back of my mind, but after five years with you I've finally realized that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Cody finally managed to croak out a soft, "Squib…" as she held back tears.

"So, what do you, City Girl? Wanna marry me?" And he gave her the sweetest little smile that she was sure, had she not made up her mind long ago, would've easily convinced her. He opened the small box in his hands to reveal a silver band bejeweled with three sparkling diamonds. She smiled and gave a little sniff through her tears, then opened her mouth to answer.

"Of course."

As the two approached the shore once again, Cody's finger now adorned with Squib's ring, she heard a familiar voice call out in the dark.

"So? What'd she say?"

"Adena?" Cody asked in surprise. As they got closer, she could see Rick, Cameron, Tannis, and Sunny standing there with her as well.

"Yeah," Tannis called, "Come on! We want the dirt!"

"Wait a second," Cody said as the boat hit shore and Squib helped her out, "you all knew about this?"

"Well," Sunny explained, "Squib only told Cameron and Rick. But as soon as you two left, he filled us in."

"Apparently," Adena continued, "they thought that if they told us beforehand, we'd spill the beans."

"Well, wouldn't you have?" Cameron asked.

"…Yeah," Tannis admitted.

"Okay, so, come on!" Rick spoke up.

"Let's here it," Cameron added, "are you going to be Mrs. Squib Furlong?"

Cody smiled as Cameron's comment made her realize something, "Cody Furlong. I kind of like the sound of that…"

"So, that's a yes?" Adena practically shrieked.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Cody asked, laughing, as she stuck out her left hand to show them the ring. All at once, Sunny, Adena, Tannis, and Rick began to squeal.

"Congratulations, man," Cameron smiled, shaking Squib's hand.

"Thanks, Cameron. I just…can't believe it, you know. It still kind of feels like we fifteen and trying to grab each other's attention. And now we're engaged. It's…" Squib trailed off, smiling. Cameron ginned at his friend.

"It's about time."

Many times I've tried to tell you
Many times I've cried alone
Always I'm surprised how well you
Cut my feelings to the bone

Don't want to leave you really
I've invested too much time
To give you up that easy
To the doubts that complicate your mind

We Belong to the light
We Belong to the thunder
We Belong to the sound of the words
We've both fallen under
Whatever we deny or embrace
For worse or for better
We Belong, We Belong
We Belong together

Maybe it's a sign of weakness
When I don't know what to say
Maybe I just wouldn't know
What to do with my strength anyway
Have we become a habit
Do we distort the facts
Now there's no looking forward
Now there's no turning back
When you say

We Belong to the light
We Belong to the thunder
We Belong to the sound of the words
We've both fallen under
Whatever we deny or embrace
For worse or for better
We Belong, We Belong
We Belong together

Close your eyes and try to sleep now
Close your eyes and try to dream
Clear your mind and do your best
To try and wash the palette clean
We can't begin to know it
How much we really care
I hear your voice inside me
I see your face everywhere
Still you say

We Belong to the light
We Belong to the thunder
We Belong to the sound of the words
We've both fallen under
Whatever we deny or embrace
For worse or for better
We Belong, We Belong
We Belong together

-Pat Benatar 'We Belong'

This is it, kiddies! The end! Appallingly short, I know. But there wasn't really much to add; just a lovely little proposal. Which reminds me, please don't hate me if his little speech was horrible, because sappy scenes? Not my strong point. I'm all about the drama. One more story left in my little series, and then it's all done –cry-. I must say, though, so far, I've liked this one best. Look for the sequel, 'No Rain' shortly!

Dedicated to all my lovely reviewers, both here and at the forums! And especially to Candybrowneyez because, again, we miss you, not to mention I could've used some help with the whole proposal thing from the queen of love scenes, but alas, I had to struggle through alone. I hope it met your expectations. And, of course, because it's 'We Belong', enough said, right Candy?

I always thought it was so stupid when people did this, but I couldn't resist. The ring (Take out the spaces):

http/ www. szul. com/ images/ products/ EGR3238. jpg

I think it's time to end this long, huge, boring A/N now, so read, review, enjoy!