FW: Yup, I'm back!

Botan: Aren't you supposed to be off on lent?

FW: Yeah… about that… I misread the calendar, and it starts TOMORROW, not last week!

Hiei: How do you misread a calendar?

FW: Still figuring that out. And because I decided not to give up fanfiction (again) for lent, I'M NOT! WOO HOO! (Confetti falling from the roof)

Yusuke: …So much for our 40-day break.

FW: I just got back from band, so that's where I got the… uh…

Kurama: Inspiration?

FW: Yeah, let's go with that!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho

Summary: The gang's new mission is going undercover in a high school marching band. Can Kurama stand putting his hair up in a band hat? Will Hiei be able to pass off as a teenage human? Will Yusuke even go to the classes? And can Kuwabara play anything?

Side note: This is the first time I've tried writing in this style. Here goes nothing…. START

Yusuke yawned, glaring at the overly colorful posters decorating the bright green walls. It was, in his opinion, way to early to be awake, and it was always to early to be in school. Yes, the great Yusuke Urameshi was in school. And it wasn't even because of Keiko's nagging. He was on another stupid mission for the toddler. Glaring more heatedly at the cheerful posters, he remembered what had doomed him to this situation.


"This is a… different kind of mission," Koenma informed them. He was in his younger form, making the four spirit detectives and ferry girl before him tower above, not usually something you'd want if you were giving important news….

"Get on with it already. I have better ways to waste my time," Yusuke said, angry at having been dragged in on a Saturday morning.

Koenma rolled his eyes, catching the fighter's stupidity once again. "I'm sure you do, but this is important!" He added, not really saying anything.

"Koenma, can you please just tell us the mission?" Kurama wasn't in the mood for watching his friends argue all day. Actually, he wanted nothing more than to just go home and spend time with his mother.

"Fine. You are all going undercover."

"That's it? No problem there. Wait, all of us? You mean Botan too? But she's a girl!" Botan glared at the speaker, Kuwabara.

"I'll have you know I am very experienced with my oar combat!" She yelled. Yusuke nodded, agreeing. He was having strange images in his head of her repeatedly whacking him with her favorite weapon.

The fox sighed. He'd hoped to avoid a headache, but that obviously wasn't going to happen….

"No no no no!" Koenma yelled, banging his little fists on the desk. "This isn't an ordinary mission! You are all, yes even Botan," he added, noticing Kuwabara's mouth opening, "going to be needed." He pointed to his giant TV screen, and it immediately gave an image.

He wasn't anything special. Short dark hair, brown eyes. He looked to be human, but remembering humanlike Kurama and Hiei standing beside him, Yusuke knew it wasn't safe to assume that. The picture was only of his round tan face. After studying it for a few minutes, the five turned back to the prince.

"So, who is he?" The initiative was taken by Yusuke.

Koenma sighed before answering. "I don't know."

"WHAT?" Five voices chimed, each with varying levels of anger and volume.

"All I know is he's been emitting strange energy. It's not human, but it doesn't seem demon either."

"That only leaves one other kind…." Kurama muttered, remembering Sensui, and all the trouble he caused.

"No, it isn't sacred either. That's just it. We don't know what kind. It's your next mission to find out who he is, what kind of energy, and most important, is he dangerous."

The image on the screen changed, showing Yusuke's worst nightmare.

"He is the band instructor of this high school, Oiretsym."

"You're telling us… we have to go to that school?" Yusuke yelled.

"No. It would be too dangerous sending all of you there. I'm not about to risk your lives!"

"You have before," Kuwabara muttered.

Koenma ignored him, and waited for the screen to once again change. It did, this time showing a second school. "You are to pose as marching band students here, at Rekat. These schools are in the same division, so you'll be competing against each other eventually. When that time comes, you are to investigate that man. Until then, DON'T MESS THIS UP!"

The assembled boys, and girl, stared blankly ahead, all this sinking in. As an afterthought, Koenma added. "Dismissed."


Which led back here. Kurama had enrolled them, courtesy of his Youko voice; misleading the principal into thinking their orphanage caretaker had signed them in. Another twist in Koenma's madness. They were all to be orphans, to keep questions from arising about their home lives, and hopefully keep parent-teacher conferences from popping up.

Only the five of them occupied the room. It was Sunday, and the teacher had wanted to meet with them personally. "Without anyone else to interfere," he had said. A load of crap.

Yusuke couldn't really complain though. Not when he glanced at Hiei. The fire demon hadn't said a word since they arrived, which was normal. He was sulking in one of the colored plastic chairs, which, minus the chair, was normal. What wasn't normal, was it was the 12th chair he had taken, the first 11 having melted. And it didn't look like number 12 was going to last much longer.

Kurama had tried to talk to Hiei, calm him down in ways Yusuke couldn't begin to mirror, but even the patient redhead had finally admitted his defeat. The most levelheaded was now leaning against the wall, reading a book.

Kuwabara had taken to trying to make sense of the music sheets he'd found. Notes littered the paper, and though Yusuke knew he'd have no better luck, he still found himself laughing at his friend's stupidity.

It was Botan who was getting on everyone's nerves. She was humming a song no one recognized, and exploring every corner of the giant square shaped room. Chairs would often get in her way, causing her to jump onto, then over them, or just knock them over. Every time a chair would fall, she would say "Oh, terribly sorry," in such an upbeat voice that Yusuke was really starting to worry that Hiei might kill her. The chair he sat in was barely a chair by now.

"Uh, this dot is higher on the line than this dot, so that means… it's higher?" Kuwabara asked no one in particular. Botan heard, and bounded over.

"Yes, that's right! This one here," she said, pointing to the lower dot, "is an "F", and this one here," she now pointed to the higher one, "is a "C"!" She announced gleefully.

"You can read that?" Yusuke asked, almost curious.

"Of course! I've been alive for far too long to not know anything about music! Just remember, SPACE spells FACE!" She giggled.

Four pairs of eyes stared at her. "What. The. Heck," Yusuke forced out.

"The names of the notes! They're, oh never mind!" She yelled, frustrated.

The door opened then, letting in the band teacher. "Sorry for making you wait," he said, walking to the new students. "I'm Mr. Nesul."


FW: Blah, blah, blah. And so ends my first chapter. This is, in case you didn't notice, different from what I usually write.

Hiei: Hn. Shouldn't write at all.

FW: No, I shouldn't. Would save electric bills and give me more time on my homework, which we all know I need. But I write anyway!

Kurama: It took you so much writing to say nothing.

FW: Yeah, I know. Starting slow, but it'll get better, I think. And hopefully it'll be funnier. I don't know. See what happens. If you want to review, great! If not, ok. And if you get the urge to flame, have fun! I'll take it in stride!