Disclaimer: Once again I do not own anything so on and so forth. Wooow guys I finally have posted this chapter! This has taken me so long to type up! I wrote this chapter about two weeks after I posted the last one. I was just lazy to go and type it up. I noticed I have a lot of spare time in class so that is when I normally write. Thank you to all of those who have reviewed! It is greatly appreciated! And to my Beta and friend Lorna! My grammar is very bad apparently. Well I hope you like this new chapter. This fic contains Shounen-ai and it's slightly OOC... I'm not good with making them, them. The pairings are; OC(Jessica)/Yamato, Ken/Daisuke, Taichi/Yamato and probably others. I have placed my friend Jessica in this story because she was requesting it. This chapter is officially dedicated to my math class and to those few of my Jesus class. Well I hope you guys enjoy it!

Bleeding Hearts
Chapter 4: Love's First Trial

Taichi POV

Taichi was lying on his bed staring up at his ceiling and rolled onto his stomach, placing his head deeply into his pillow. He decided he wouldn't let it get to him, but somehow it still managed to pierce through his thoughts. Yamato was a musician, he was cool, he had the right to go on dates with anyone he wanted to. For some reason it had been driving him crazy. It's not like Taichi was jealous of him or something, it was more jealousy of the people he was with. Lately Yamato had been hanging out after his concerts with a girl named Jessica. She seemed nice from the little he had heard, since Yamato doesn't talk about his feelings all that often. The blond had invited Taichi over for the next morning so that they could rehearse for the surprise duet they were planning to do for that nights concert. A few more hours and he would finally be able to spend time with his friend again. He looked up at his clock. '1:30am . . . I've been thinking about him for over an hour. Not him, just about stuff . . . It's just that . . . We've always been first, I've always been there for him, not some blond chick. Nothing that happens with her or any of his other dates can get in between our friendship. I don't understand how this happened, Yamato and I hated each other at first. I mean we still have our moment, but when we fight it just makes us stronger friends. I can't believe I'm thinking this. I'm getting so tiered. I have to sleep, I have to do a lot of stuff tomorrow . . . ' Taichi stopped thinking and just closed his eyes, rolling back onto his side. He shook his worried thoughts out of his head and drifted off soundly to sleep instantly.

As Taichi slept he subconsciously dreamt about his relationship with his blond haired, best friend. It was like a time line of their friendship, starting at the beginning. Their rocky start to a friendship that made them closer with every fight they had. Whether it was the direction to head towards in the Digiworld of how one could be so annoying, they'd be laughing together in a short time. His dream continued on as them being the age they are now. He dreamt them singing together and hanging out more and more without any girls separating them. His dream changed from casual talking to the extreme in seconds as Taichi was tackled by Yamato, and was being kissed full out on the lips. Their lounges exploring each others mouths and their bodies grinding together. Their soon naked bodies became all sweaty as their hands and lounges ran over ever inch of each others slender, yet well built frame. Their breath started to get heavier with each thrust and touch as they moaned words of love to one another, becoming one as if to never part. Taichi quickly sat up, wide eyed and breathing heavily. It took him a few minutes to remember all the details and to figure out what had actually happened. He started to panic, a million thoughts swarmed his mind. 'A few hours ago I was only thinking about our friendship, and how I was kind of jealous, and now all of a sudden I'm dreaming of us having fucking! Oh shit, I'm hard too. How could I have a dream about having full out passionate sex, with a boy, with my best friend!' Taichi quickly jumped out of bed, still shaky and got into the shower. As the warm water hit his body his mind was still asking questions. 'What is this supposed to mean? There must be some reasonable explanation for this. How am I supposed to look him in the eye after that?' He looked at the clock as he exited the shower, he only had a half an hour before he was supposed to be rehearsing at Yamato's. He quickly towel dried his hair while slipping into his blue jeans and black soccer jersey. He glanced quickly in his bathroom mirror, making sure he looked good before running out. 'Why do I care what I look like? I'm just going to see Yamato. That dream meant nothing..'.

"Bye Hikari, tell mom I went to Yama's. I'll make sure I tell Takeru you said hey!" he yelled to his sister.

"Okay, have fun Taichi!" Hikari answered as the door shut behind him. The rain had finally settled down from the few rainy nights they experienced the last week. He ran as fast as he could to the Ishida residence, the dream slipping away from his mind as he became excited about the duet. When he reached the front door he breathed a few times and rang the doorbell. He didn't hear anything so he just walked inside. He heard the water running and figured Yamato was in the shower.

"Hello?" the brunette asked through the door.

"Taichi? Is that you?" he heard a voice say from the bathroom. "I'll be out in a few minutes. Sorry I kind of woke up late, just wait in my room!" Taichi nodded and headed down the hall and entered Yamato's room. He jumped slightly and bounced onto the blond's bead. He looked around the familiar room to see if anything had changed. Beside him was a new table stand with a diskman and a few folded papers on it. Taichi brushed his brown hair back and put the headphones on, pressing play on the bright red and black diskman. Music from Yamato's band 'The Teenage Wolves' blasted into Taichi's ears, with his best friend taking the lead. It was the song that they were changing into a duet for that evening. He listened to it a few times humming the words, trying his best to mimic the soft singing voice of Yamato. He looked back over to the dresser and checked the clock. 'Only four hours until we perform...' He looked at the paper and thought for a moment before placing them on his chest. He began to open the first one and read it slowly, it was a few of his older lyrics that he was changing around, probably for duet ideas with him and Mimi. He put it back on the table and opened up the next one, this one was covered in short lyrics, probably a new song that he had been working on. 'These are really good, even for a few simple lines. Yamato really has a way of putting words when he wants to. These lyrics are different than his others though, this one is talking about fear and desire that he wants to release. I wonder what's on his mind.' Taichi unfolded the last paper and found it was just a note from his mother, he was about the throw it back onto the table as a word caught his eye.

"Journal. Since when does Yamato keep a journal." Taichi whispered out loud. He began to read the short note aloud. "Here Yamato, now you finally have somewhere to write out all your thoughts and clear you mind. I know you may think this is very stupid but if you don't want to talk to me about your stress, this is the only other way. Love Mom... Aww Yamato keeps a journal, that's cute." Taichi looked down at his dresser and saw a green notebook sticking out, covered in books.

"To read, or not to read, that is the.. uh...damn I knew I should have paid better attention in English, I'll soon be as stupid as Daisuke." the brunette said to himself. 'I really don't want to invade his privacy, but Yamato tells me everything anyways. It's not like he has anything important to hide from me, like the dream I had, that would be something to keep to yourself.' His mind flashed back to the dream he has only a short while ago, continuing to picture vivid pictures of his friend showering in the next room. He himself becoming hard while picturing Yamato naked, with hot shower water pouring over his body.

"Shit, now what? Quick think of something else. Yamato is not sexy, Yamato is not sexy..." Taichi tried to switch the images in his mind as he sat up, grabbing the journal. Just as he was closing it, another he noticed another piece of paper, this time it fell out of the journal. He put the book back and turned onto his stomach, unfolding the yellow paper. Once he started to read his eyes widened and he was too caught up in it to notice that the water had shut off.

Well I probably would shoot myself in the head if anyone read this because of what I'm about to write, but I need to get it out, just to see how it sounds. Here it goes: Dear Taichi, I know we are both the best of friends, which means a lot to me, no matter how much we fight we will always be there for each other. I don't think I tell you that enough, but I'm always here. Lately I have been thinking some stuff and since what I do is take chances, that is what I am doing, I'm following what I believe to write this. Even though I'm not sure if this is all a lie. I'm not sure why I'm thinking this, but, I think I have strong feelings for you, more than I show. Lately when I look at you, I don't only see Taichi, but a sexy soccer player that makes me feel a way that I would never admit to anyone. I guess my mom is right, writing out what you feel is so much easier then trying to sort them out or talk about them, well at least for me. The truth behind the last few song, how they have been different. Even the duet, it's because they have been about you. All of the ex digidestend' have strong bonds with one another, some more than others. Ken and Daisuke, Jyou and Koushiro, Takeru and Hikari. It's just how it is. In fact I'm starting to think that Ken and Daisuke are gay or something. I saw them together when we were at Ken's... They were so close that they had to be more then just friends. Maybe they could give me pointers on what to do about my feelings for you? Not that I would tell them, that, Taichi Yagami, love you, with all my heart and soul. I have felt this about anyone before. I don't want you to hate me or loose or friendship, but I have to admit it. I don't think I would be able to say that in real life, I might give you this one day, but I doubt it. I have only started to figure my feelings out in the last few weeks, but these last few days is when I decided to accept them. So please, Taichi, spit in my face and call me a fag, but I love you... Well there, I said what I needed to get out. Maybe I will burn this later on, but tonight I need my sleep for my concert tomorrow and my date with Jessica. Peace.-Yamato

As soon as Taichi finished reading the signature, Yamato walked into the room wish a towel around his waist but his hair all jelled back. Taichi blushed as his eyes moved up and down the blond, watching the water droplets slide down his chest.

"Hey Taichi, sorry about that but-" he just froze in the doorway in shock, recognizing the yellow paper in Taichi's hand and matching it with the shocked look on his now red face. "Did you just, read? No, Taichi..."

"Let me explain! I was.." the brunette tried, failing quickly.

"No, I think we shouldn't do this tonight, bad idea, I think, I think I'm going to go now." the blond said backing out of the room shakily. He heard the bathroom door slam and lock. 'What just happened here? Is this letter to me true? Can it be possible that Yamato feels that way about me, like what I felt for him in my dream? He's dating Jessica though. This is so confusing, now I'm not sure what to think, my heart mind and body are all saying different things. I think I shouldn't try to talk to him now, maybe later. Ya later, I'll just hang out with Hikari or stay home until Yama's concert and I'll confront him after his show, I don't want to upset him more before then, he need time to cool off. I really need to clear my mind.' Taichi got up and passed the bathroom door, hearing soft cries from inside, he looked at the ground sadly and walked out of the apartment. He started walking down the street, looking around, breathing in as much as the spring Whether as he could. When he was just about to his home he spotted Ken. He was about to run up towards him but started to slow down once he saw Daisuke walk up behind him attack him by the waist. He walked slower and finally stopped when he said Ken pull Daisuke towards him and kissed him lightly on the lips. 'Oh, my, god. It's true, what Yamato thought, right? No way, it can't be.' Taichi couldn't even think straight after witnessing his two friends embracing like that. (AN: Haha no pun intended in that straight comment...) Taichi turned to sneak away slowly when he heard Daisuke call his name.

"Taichi, is that you?" the younger goggle boy called. 'Shit, busted.' Taichi turned around slowly smiling.

"Look guys, I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that, I'm really-" Taichi tried to explain trying not to make eye contact, but Ken just shook his head and looked up at Daisuke.

"He has to know sometime." Ken said grabbing Daisuke's hand, Daisuke just nodded and blushed as did Ken. "You don't have to be sorry Taichi, as long as you can promise to not treat us any different and to accept the choice we have made."

"Of course I will. I'm so happy for you guys, I just didn't know what to do, that was kind of awkward you know... When did this happen by the way?" the older boy asked scratching his head.

"Last night Daisuke slept over at my house because my parents weren't home, we told our feelings to each other. I love Dai, I know he is a boy, but as long as your willing to accept that.

"Wow, last night? You guys seem pretty happy already, wait alone? You guys didn't.. you know.. did you?" Taichi asked cautiously. Daisuke flipped out.

"You hentai! He was lonely so he asked me to stay the night, that's it you baka!" Ken just laughed and Taichi rolled his eyes.

"Well since you guys are here, do you want to come to my house for a while?" Taichi asked hopefully.

"We kind of were planning on going to the movies, but we can just catch the next show I guess, which will mean missing Yamato's concert. You don't mind if you go alone then do you?" Daisuke asked.

"No it's okay, I need to talk to Yamato after the show anyways. Hey, maybe you two could help me with something, I don't want to, but you're the only hope I have." smiled Taichi.

The three boys headed inside the Yagami household which they found to be empty, they guessed Hikari went out with Takeru. Now that he had Yamato and his two friends on his mind he started to sort things out slowly.'If they are together they must understand my feelings of confusion for Yamato. I can't be in love with him can I be? Soccer players aren't gay, wait a second. Ken and Daisuke are both top players in their schools soccer teams. Oh shit I'm a fag aren't I? Why can't I be normal for once? Just once!' Once Taichi explained his situation to Ken and Daisuke they both decided to help him.

"Common Ken, you must have some sort of plan in that head of yours, I mean your super smart AND you were the Digimon Kaizer. You like some super plotting genius!" Daisuke said poking Ken in the ribs. Taichi rolled his eyes as Ken laughed.

"I'm flattered that you think of me as that Dai, as for you Taichi. If he is still performing a concert tonight, with or without the duet performance, just show up backstage afterwards and tell him what you feel. That is the only real way you can find out the truth, or if you're not sure what you feel ask him what he feels and just work off it, tell him that you're not sure."

"Thank you so much Ken. I'll make sure I arrive before Jessica shows up for their date." Taichi looked at his watch. "Well you guys have a while before the next movie so what do you want to do?"

"I think we are going to get something to eat right now actually, we were talking about food before we ran into you." Ken said getting up.

"Oh yes, I'm starving! We would invite you out for food too Taichi, but today is kind of a first date thing, you know how it is." Daisuke said winking. Ken just rolled his eyes and pushed his boyfriend along.

"You two are just great together, hope you guys have fun." the older boy waved as his two friends ran off together.

"Good luck!" they yelled back at him, heading off. 'The things I get myself into...'

Taichi decided it would be best to start getting ready for the concert. He had to make sure he left early enough so he had time to walk the stadium, which was quite a far walk. He walked into his room and started to go through his closet, deciding on the best outfit to wear. As he did this he began to think again about the letter which Yamato wrote.

"I love you with my heart and soul." he said out loud to himself. "Ugh, why is this so frustrating, did he really mean what he said?" He glanced over at his clock. "3:00, wow I have been spending a lot of time thinking about this, with Daisuke and Ken, and now by myself. At 4:00 I will head out if it starts at 5:00...Why am I talking to myself? He got up and picked up a black tight tank and a white button up t-shirt. He pulled them on and looked down, deciding if he should change his deep blue jeans or not. After looking through what he had clean he decided those would be the best choice. He closed his closet door and walked into the living room, his nice clothes on and his hair jelled up. He noticed his younger sister on the couch and walked over to her.

"Hey Taichi, what's with the nice clothes? Date or something?" Hikari asked curiously. Taichi shook his head.

"Just going to Yama's show, just though it would be nice to dress up, I had a lot of time." he smiled and Hikari nodded. "Where were you all day? With Takeru?"

"Yupp, well as soon as you left he came to the door, you two must have just missed each other. We spent a few ours at the park and then on the way home we ran into Daisuke and Ken. We were going to see a movie with them but they told us they were going to eat first." the young girl said.

"Wait, you ran into Ken and Daisuke, they didn't, um say anything to you did they..." Taichi asked, trying to act the least bit curious. Hikari's big smile faded and looked up at her brother.

"You mean the fact that they are now seeing each other? You mean the boy that first broke my heart is dating Miyako's first love? I can't believe it that Daisuke left me because he started to fall for Ken! How could that happen. We were so happy together, but I can't pretend I didn't see this coming. I mean the looks he gave Ken, and how he acted when we were alone..." she started to say angrily. Taichi shook his head.

"Hikari, don't worry about it, just be happy for them. I'm sorry that Daisuke didn't work out for you like you planned but you have Takeru now, and you two are happier then ever. Just calm down, your just taking it all in right now. He didn't mean to hurt you, he told me that. Just breath and remember Takeru. Did they tell him too?" Taichi asked getting up. Hikari shook her head.

"No, he left a few minutes before they told me, he felt sick so he went home. Why?" she asked curiously.

"I'll talk to you about it later Hikari, I'm going to head off to the concert now, okay? Promise you will stop thinking to deep into this? You love them both so you should love the fact that they love each other." He kissed his little sister on the head and opened the door.

"Wait, why are you so okay with this. "Hikari asked as Taichi began to let go of her shoulders and step out the door. "Wait a second, the clothes, your cologne." she walked closer as Taichi began to close the door. "Your in love with Yamato." Taichi had shut the door as she said this. Taichi ran down his apartment stairs, worrying about what his younger sibling just said to him. 'What does she mean? Your in love with Yamato, is this what this is all about? Am I really in love with him? Can I let myself love him? This is so confusing, why can't someone just tell me my feelings.' Taichi began to fasten his pace as he saw crowds becoming bigger and bigger the closer he became to the stadium. He stopped off at a flower stand and decided he would get roses for Yamato's first stadium concert.

"Um, hi, a dozen please?" Taichi asked nervously to the man. He took the roses and ran off down the street. He turned around the last corner and looked as his watch. It took him longer than he had thought to get to the stadium. He didn't care, he needed the time to think about what he was going to say anyways. He walked through the gates and took a seat near the front, the warm up band had already been playing, but the weather caused many people to become late. He waited eagerly as the band walked off stage and the lights became dim. The bass player and drummer walked out and waved to the audience and then Yamato and the rest of the band came out onto the stage. The crowd was cheering loudly as they set up their instruments and smiled at the audience. 'How can he do that? Yama just hides all of his feelings behind a smile, a lie. He could tell that Yamato was feeling upset but no one else could see past he pearly white teeth' They began to play a few songs and Taichi just sat there, refusing to sing to the words that his best friend was singing. The music finally slowed down and the blond grabbed the microphone.

"You guys will probably know this song, but not this new verison that I wrote a few nights ago. It is about someone I really care about but I don't tell them in the right way. I hope you guys like it." The crowed roared as soon as Yamato began singing his new lyrics. Taichi listened to every word carefully, understand the lyrics and understanding that they must have been about him. 'Yamato, wrote a song, about me. I can' take this anymore.' the goggled boy got up out of his chair, tears welding in his eyes and headed backstage. He could only get back stage so easily because everyone knew who he was, and he was so happy for it too, he would hate having to argue with the guards every time he wanted to go to see the blond singer. Since this concert was not only for The Teenage Wolves but also for other bands, they would be coming off stage shortly and Taichi just let himself in the dressing room. As he entered he saw Jessica walking over to the end of the stage all dolled up, fixing her tiny tank top and he curly hair as she walked. Taichi leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes, trying to hear the conversation that was going on outside of the door. Yamato had just walked offstage and he could hear Jessica talking to him.

"Oh Yamato! I've missed you so much!" she spoke in her high voice. "Lookie, I got you some flowers!" Taichi just looked down at his flowers and sighed, rolling his eyes."

"Uh, thanks Jess, want to come in for a moment, I want to put these in water, and I want to change." the brunet watched as the door opened and pair walked in, the blond freezing immediately, pain in his eyes.

"Who's this?" Jessica asked blinking.

"What? Taichi, why are you hear? Can you just leave me alone. Forget about what you read, I'm in the middle of a date at the moment " the blond stared.

"No, I'm not going to leave of forget about what I read until I talk to you. If I have to do it in front of your little girlfriend I will. I love to watch you crack down under pressure." he smiled evilly back at his best friend.

"What then, what do you want to say? Do you want to beat me up, so be it." Yamato said angrily, stepping closer.

"No! I was talking to Daisuke and Ken about what you wrote and-" Yamato cut Taichi off mid-sentence.

"So you told those two nutballs about it too? Great! Why do you have to be like this! You were never supposed to see that letter! It was a mistake for writing it in the first place!" the singer said starting to crack.

"No! You stop this! I came here to tell you what I feel! I came here to see your concert and to congratulate you!" Taichi threw the roses at Yamato's feet and spat on them. "I'm not going back on what I came here to do! You can't tell me that the letter was a mistake, you know it was all completely true! You are in love with me Yamato Ishida! Admit it all-fucking-ready!" Taichi screamed, his eyes beginning to tear up.

"Damn, I got mascara in my eye." the brunet rolled his eyes at the dolled up girl as she stood there ignoring the two fighting boys and re-applying her make-up.

"Fine! So what if I fucking do! What can you do about it? I tried to hide it! I tried to tell you! I don't want to loose my best friend! You read the letter, you should know that! " Yamato breathed heavily as Taichi didn't respond quickly.

"Look Yama, you never let me have a chance to talk. We have been friends for a very long time, and I love you. I do love you Yamato, you are my best friend, how could I not. You just never let the other person get to say their half of the story!" Taichi was right up in the blond's face and he could feel his breath on his lips. Yamato threw his arms out and pulled Taichi's face in, kissing him deeply on the lips. Letting tears stream down his pale complection. He never let his feelings take hold of him and throw him around, but this time they had. 'What the hell does he think he's doing... I think I'm falling...' Taichi felt sparks run though him like in the dream he had dreamt the night before, even though he had only placed his soft lips on his own for a split second. He pulled back realizing what was going on and that he was enjoying it too much and slapped the singer across the face, making his head turn.

"Fuck! Why did you slap me, I understand the pulling back, but you kissed me back!" yelled the outraged boy, rubbing his red cheek.

"I want to know the truth, about the song, the note, everything! I promise that I will leave and let you be, just tell me the truth." he lowered his voice, talking in a softer soothing tone of voice. The blond hung his head.

"I wrote that letter three days ago, as I did the song. I didn't actually know what I was going to write, my pen took over my mind and I was just curious, I let my feelings come out on paper before I could understand them myself. I started to write the song unintentionally while writing the letter. I didn't want you to find out that way, actually I didn't want you finding out at all. I thought if I wrote a fake letter, explaining that I loved you, I would figure out if they were fake feelings or real. You may love me as just a friend, but I've grown from that and the more I think about it, the more I realize how much you mean to me. If you never want to talk to me again, fine. You wanted to know the truth, so I'm telling you. I understand your reasoning for hating me, now if you don't mind I need to get on with my date." the blond blew his hair out of his eyes and gave on last look up into Taichi's unreadable eyes, turning around towards the blond barbie girl.

"I told you I loved you as a friend, you kissed me and I slapped you. Isn't that how it always has been? Our actions being completely different but mean the same? I slapped you because I knew if I didn't we'd be making out here forever in front of your groupie, and I would never hear the truth." he grabbed the musicians arm and turned him around. The girl ran out screaming as she saw the bassist of Yamato's band and chased after him.

"Kawaiiiiii! Come back here my love! I am your biggest fan!" she ran down the hall screaming.

"Yamato look. You mean the world to me, I realized today that I truly love you. It may have took three people besides myself to help point it out, but I guess the idiot in me finally had to admit it. Earlier today I ran into Daisuke and Ken, kissing. I started talking to them and they told me that they are now seeing each other as of last night. They have found love in each others friendship and I asked them for some tips on what to do about you, you and your confusing ways of making me understand. You know you could never hide anything from me. Yamato Ishida I love you with all my heart and if you love me too we could have what the other two boys have, a relationship, a closer one than the one that we already have." Yamato sat in shock and wrapped his arms around Taichi's shoulders.

"You mean that?" he asked softly.

"Of course I do" the goggle boy nodded in response wrapping his arms around the blond's waist, kissing him softly. Yamato kissed back and then pulled back with a confused look on his face.

"Wait, so Daisuke and Ken are together? Since when?" Yamato let out a chuckle through his tear-stained face.

"Like I said, last night, but they've had something going on for a while now. You can't say you haven't noticed how they are all touchy feely." the other boy nodded. "So do you want us to go out?" he asked blushing.

"Dating? How would the others react?" the blond sighed leaning against his dressing room wall. "We are lucky that we are not tearing each other to shreds at the moment."

"Let's just tell them before we start fighting again, ne? Don't you just love our love-hate relationship?" he slipped his cold fingers under the blond's black t-shirt and moved them up his back and around to his toned chest.

"Uh, Taichi could you move your hands please?" Yamato asked blushing.

"Aww your blushing, that is so kawaii Yama." he spoke in a baby voice, poking the boys stomach.

"Common Fritz, let's go." he smiled grabbing his boyfriends hand. He opened the door and cameras flashed, blinding the two boys.

"Looks like we won't only have to worry about our parents and friends, but the media too..." Taichi said squeezing the other boys hand.

"As long as you are with me, and we are together, we can get through anything." he whispered into his lovers ear.

Chapter End

To Be Continued...

A/N: HAHAHA! Whoooo! Look at that! Well I will be revamping this chapter and editing it still, which I haven't had a chance to do, gomen. I am sure I will have that all done before half of you guys even read this. Well goodnight and gooday! I have finally finished typing up this long awaited chapter! It has taken me a long time to get my lazy ass self to type it up, but here we go! Hope you guys don't hate it too much. I will still be changing it around a bit, so don't panic. I will have the next chapter up also in a couple of days. Well talk to you all later. Please RnR! No flames please people! Those are rude! Please tell me what you think!