Harry's Summer


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter

Summary: Harry/Tonks. Harry has a boring summer until Tonks comes in and completely changes it!

Rating: Not sure if it should be PG-13 or R, I guess I'll rate it correctly when time comes.

(This story used to be on another acc Shadow's Survivor but now I moved it here…)

Now without further ado:

Chapter 1: Harry's sad and boring summer

"Boy you better not make a sound!" shouted Vernon. Harry cowered, honestly, did that fat man have to be so loud? They were in the same, small room after all.

"Yes-sir…" he spluttered as Vernon slammed the door and stomped off.

Apparently Vernon was having a little dinner party again, and Vernon who was scared that it would turn out like Harry's second year's summer, had come up to give him extra warnings to stay quiet.

Harry slumped back against the wall. It wasn't his fault during second year anyway, it was Dobby's.

It's not like there's anything going on here that would produce any sound Harry thought dryly.

Just then he heard some giggles outside his door. Harry groaned- it was Dudley's ditzy girl-friends again.

They weren't really his fat cousin's girlfriends- they were just a couple ugly, stupid girls who were every the single bit as fake and stupid as Dudley's little gang. His gang and the girls hung out in Dudley's room during most of the days in the summer.

Harry had no doubt they were drinking and partying in that room everyday. They would only go out from the locked room to either sneak some more beer from Vernon's liquor cabinet or come to annoy Harry, which he was very annoyed about right now.

Just then one of the girls- Harry heard her name was Jenny or something was pushed into the room in a fit of giggles. Harry groaned, for some reason the girls always had an interest in him.

"What are you girls doing?" Asked a seductive voice. Well, more like trying to be seductive. The voice belonged to Dudley, the biggest whale of them all. "Hey! That's the freak's room! Don't go in there!"

Another one of the girls started whining. "But Dudley, you always try to keep us away from him. I don't see what's so bad about him!"

Meanwhile Harry glared at the girl who shyly stepped into his room. He had no intention of talking with any annoying, ugly girlfriends of Dudley's.

"Get-out." Harry said coldly.

The girl smirked at him. Damnit annoying bitch Harry thought.

"And what if I don't want to? And why do you always keep yourself hiding here? Do you have some sort of disease or something?"

Harry felt a massive headache coming up. He was already very annoyed, being that he was bored to death and now this girl was bothering him.

He didn't reply. The girl harumphed condescendingly and left the room. Harry sighed in relief.

Outside, Dudley and the other guys managed to coax the girls back to their room.

Harry stared into his small, clean yet dull room. This is the boringest summer ever. What did I do wrong in my past life to warrant this boredom?

Then Hedwig flew in, dropping a letter onto Harry's lap. Harry noticed the familiar red seal on the letter. The Order of the Phoenix.


Please do NOT leave the house… it is really dangerous right now. A lot of stuff have been happening since Voldemort came back and so you are in a lot of danger right now! Whatever you do, stay in the house!

Albus Dumbledore

Harry narrowed his eyes. This was getting absurd. The Wizarding World including Dumbledore looked to Harry as practically their hero. And now they were treating him like some little kid.

But there was nothing he could do about it…

"Stupid Dumbledore. Stupid Prophecy. Stupid Voldemort. Stupid Bellatrix- DAMNIT Sirius… why did you have to die?" Cried Harry, tears spilling out again. It had been almost a month since but he still grieved whenever Sirius's name came to mind.

After a few hours of pondering and grieving Harry got back to normal and started doing his homework. He heard the Dudley's friends leaving and sighed in relief. At least they wouldn't bother him anymore.

But then a fat lard of a whale walked into his room. Harry groaned, crap, though Dudley's friends were gone the regional fat ass was still going to annoy him.

"What do you want Dudley?" Asked Harry. He pressed his hand to his head, God, he did not need this right now.

Dudley smirked. "Just want to know what you were crying about, freak-boy."

Harry froze. They… heard him?

Dudley continued. "You know, you were crying like a little girl. All of us were laughing at how girlish you are. What happened, did your freakish friends ditch you or something? Or were you crying because you never had any friends in the first place?"

Harry glared. Damn that Dudley, he just had to make everything worse for him…

"Not only that, I heard from dad that someone close to you died over this summer. Tell me," smirked Dudley, "did he die because he felt too pathetic to be your Godfather? Or did he die-"

Harry broke. All the anger, the frustration, the rage he had kept up during the summer now spilled out. He started glowing red and he started floating into the air.

Dudley looked shocked.

"Stop! You're not allowed to use your freakish powers outside of school!" Dudley screamed in panic.

Harry started advancing, an evil smile on his face as he felt dark magic swirl around him.

Dudley was shocked. His cousin- he was emitting indescribable amounts of raw power. He had never felt this before.

At first, Dudley had just planned to come in and taunt a little bit. After all, Dudley had thought, his cousin was easily targeted, being so sad and lonely all the time. Dudley had even felt a pang of sympathy when his parents told him Harry had lost someone precious. But he decided it couldn't be that bad could it? I mean, everyone has to die sometime thought Dudley dryly.

Being the idiot he was though he still managed to piss Potter off. And now he was in for it…


Dudley stumbled backwards and started running out of the room with a furious Harry behind him.

Holy shit! Thought Dudley, Damn I really pissed him off this time. Crap, I only wanted to make fun of him some…

Then, a flash and an extremely strong force slammed Harry into the wall. Dudley looked in shock as he saw one of his cousin's freakish adult friends pin Harry to the wall with monstrous force…

"STOP THIS RIGHT NOW, HARRY!" shouted the person.

Whew, thought Dudley, I'm saved…

Harry was literally boiling with anger as he advanced onto that whale of a cousin. He was going to kill him, he was definitely going to kill him…

When a superhuman force pinned him against the wall. Harry was shocked. Even all the power he felt he was easily struck against the wall, causing the wall to practically break.

"STOP THIS RIGHT NOW, HARRY!" shouted the figure.

As the dust cleared Harry looked into the sad face of Remus Lupin. Instantly he calmed down seeing his godfather's best friend's face. Of course, thought Harry, only he could have that strength, with his werewolf inner being…

"Remus? What are you doing here?" asked Harry quietly.

Remus smiled sadly. "Dumbledore assigned me as one of your patrols. Harry… come on, let's go up to your room and talk."

"Ok." Was all Harry said as he quietly went up to his room again, but shooting a glare at Dudley who gave a little whimper of fright as he passed.

"Alright, Harry…" said Remus as he closed the door, "I know your grief… I've been going through more or less the same style of life as you have… please… let's talk."

Harry just looked down sadly. "I… already cried today. Sorry Remus… I was just a little mad at Dudley, he said something about Sirius that made me really mad for some reason…"

Remus smiled. "Listen, I know you feel extremely offended when someone offends Sirius, but remember, Sirius wouldn't have wanted you to kill anyone just because they insulted his name… he wouldn't have wanted you to become a killer because of him…"

Harry sighed. "Yea…"

They talked for a long time, both of them sharing their stories with the loveable dog-Animagus, and then Remus had to go.

"I… I will tell Dumbledore about this," said Remus as he listened to Harry's complaints about being stuck inside the stupid house, "I'll get him to do something about it, OK?"

Harry grinned. "Thanks, Remus."

Remus ruffled his hair. "No problem, kiddo. Later." And he disapparated.

Harry sighed as he slumped back into the bed, thinking, but feeling a lot better after Remus talked with him.

The night passed and Dudley was extremely bored. His dad was having some extravagant party with some of his superiors and he had told even Dudley, his own son, to stay quiet and upstairs the whole night. "Damn this is boring, I can't watch TV, I can't play Playstation… the only thing here is to read and that's boring…"

Then he remembered the incident during the afternoon where Harry had almost killed him. Dudley shuddered- if not for that nice brown-haired man with extreme strength he would not have lived past dinner.

Then he thought about Harry. What has been happening to him all these years? Thought Dudley. Gosh… after all these years, I don't even know the person who lives in the room next to me… pondered a small voice in his head.

But he's a freak! Thought another voice, a more stronger voice. He doesn't deserve your attention.

Yea, but at least we should talk. I mean, we are cousins, right? Said the small voice again.

Dudley groaned- great, now he was hearing things. He slowly wandered off to sleep.

The next day, Harry was in his room reading his textbook quietly. Since there's nothing to do anyway, I might as well learn some stuff, reasoned Harry.

Harry heard a lot of laughs in the room next to him. Great… he has his friends over again… and this time it seems there's more than just a few friends hanging out in his room.

As he read about the history of Dark Arts in his textbook, he heard a loud voice bellow from down the stairs.

"BOY!" Shouted his oh-so-dear Uncle. "GET DOWN HERE NOW!"

Harry sighed. What was it this time…

He walked down the stairs and into the hallway where he saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.

Dudley was enjoying his party with his friends- a bunch of guys and a few girls, who were hanging out in his room laughing and gossiping.

Then he almost jumped when he heard his uncle's super loud bellow from down the stairs. Everybody in the room froze and stared wide-mouthed at Dudley.

Dudley blushed in embarrassment. "Just my dad… come on let's see what my dear cousin has done this time…"

The troupe just nodded silently, then they smirked at each other and made bets on what went wrong as they went down the stairs.

When Dudley saw the door his breath caught in his throat. He couldn't believe what he was seeing- it was a woman who was so hot he didn't even know they existed. The rest of his friends stopped and gaped along with him.

What? Thought Dudley with his brain in overdrive. Is this one of Dad's new secretaries?

Harry just stared. Is this one of Vernon's secretaries or something? He thought, little knowing he was having the same thought as Dudley. But then again… Vernon wouldn't have called him down if she were…

Then the woman smiled brilliantly at him, causing his breath to hitch. Gosh, why is she smiling at me like that?

"Wotcher Harry!"


Hehe a small cliffie. Next chapter, enter Tonks, Auror extraordinaire!