Chapter 27

Riddick's POV

I hate repeating myself. Even for you.

"I hate the light, Kyra."

Your hand moves quickly, but not that fast. Instinct says to let it happen, so I do.

Your hand comes into contact with my face with enough force that my head turns involuntarily to the side.

"We're done kid."

I slide back into the shadows, watching as your face hardens and you step further into the light.

Run, woman. Run fast. No backing out now.

Your right eye twitches. I see it. I turn my body in the opposite direction and start running, full out. Shouldn't smile now, but I can't help it.

Gotta make sure the ship's ready.

Kyra's POV

That's the problem with those that think they can hunt animals. They're too fucking stupid to realize that some animals need not be caged to smoother the wildness aspect. Fucking stupid hunters.

You're good Riddick. Too damn good. I got to do this next part alone. I thought I needed you. Wanted you. Now…

I need to get them alone. I'll come back. We'll meet to finish what I started.

I don't even feel out of breath. I'm staying in the shadows as best I can. Just a little futher.

I can see the tree.

I can see the cemetery.

No more places to hide.

I cross over the line. It my invisible line I swore I'd never cross over. But now I will. I have to.

I search for him. Will. Just a random name in a cemetery that no one visits anymore.

I picked him because of the vagueness of his family. No last name. Just Will. Not William, just Will. A common name? Sure. The headstone has a reversible vase in the middle. All you have to do is put the key in, turn it, and pull out a vase to put flowers in. Course I have no key, but it doesn't matter. I don't need one.

They fucking better be there.

I pull the vase out and reach into the hole.

They're cold. But they are there. My charm bracelets.

One gold. One silver.

I clasp them on. I jingle my hand. This noise won't do. It'll get me killed. I remove the bracelets and shove them into my bra. No more noise, but now my chest looks funny.

I put the vase back in its place.

Last time I'll come to see Will again. He's served his purpose. Will's kept the bracelets safe for me. I used to wonder what he looked like. Was he blonde, a redhead, or maybe black haired with shinny blue eyes? That was the old me. The one that loved the bracelets like they were life or death. They were back then. If they were found…

I glance around.

Riddick, you dick, you fucking better be prepping the ship.