I don't own the SVU character's. Only the original one's.

A/N this doesn't follow SVU that closely.

NYU, 1975, 5:PM

"Those thing's will kill you one of these day's." Serena said as her best friend Sarah lit another cigarette

"Sure okay, and one day a man with razor claw's will come and kill me in my dream's." Serena and her two friend's laughed at Sarah. They were enjoying the time they had before summer break. They had just finished the last of there collage finals before graduation. The four of them had been friend's since there child hood day's. There was Sarah who had an attitude on her that would kill a horse, Jamey was the athlete, Alex, or Flower child, was the biggest hippie in the entire school, and then there was Serena. The smartest, prettiest one of the group. She had been voted valedictorian of her Sr year. She had the perfect life. She was even dating the Quarterback of the football team. Sarah stood up from where she was sitting, flicked her cigarette, and stretched.

"Hey, there's a new movie playing at the movie theater. It's about some shark that eats people. It's called 'Jaws' I heard it it's really good, why don't we all go see it, my treat." Alex shook her head

"Man I would love to, but the pig's are trying to arrest some of my brother's and sister's again and I got to fight the power man." Amy smiled

"Alex you can fight the power later, this is a movie who where you can see people get eaten. How much better can a movie get? Besides the rest of us are going." Serena looked up from the book she was reading.

"Um actually, I'm going to hit the library." Sarah groaned

"Serena come on, your always at the library. Why don't you have some fun, Plus the finals are over. Why do you need to go to the library any way's?" Serena smiled at her friend.

"Please don't give me a hard time" she said smiling. Sarah groaned. Serena smiled again. For some reason when ever she smiled, people's heart's just melted, and no one ever yelled at her when she smiled also.

"fine, fine. But don't complain to me when you want to see a shark eat people and you couldn't."

"Bye you guy's" and with that Serena headed off toward's the library. It was only a few block's away so it didn't take long.

"Serena, it's nice to see you again. Mosts student's never even step foot in this place when the finals are over" the librarian Katey Lang said smiling at her favorite customer. Serena smiled at the middle age librarian.

"Well the finals may be over but we still have classes to study for."

"Well you can just take a seat over there and get out your book's." Serena smiled at her and went into the back room where student's were allowed to just sit and study. It was empty. Serena sat in her favorite bean bag, took out her book's and studied.

A few hour's later Katey came in to the back room.

"Serena it's closing time." Serena looked up from the book she was studying from and looked up.

"Oh sorry, I didn't realize I've been here so late. Sorry"

"It's okay. I know how you can get when you start reading. Your just totally un aware to the thing's around you. Serena's smiled and got up from her bean bag.

"Yeah, you know me too well. Well I think I should get going. Bye Katey."

"Bye Serena." Serena left the library and headed out in to the darkness. She walked a few feet before she looked behind her. For some strange reason, she felt very nervous.

"Come on Serena, you must have walked this exact same route one hundred time's" she thought to her self, but she still felt nervous. She walked a few more feet be fore she heard footstep's behind her

"Don't stop just keep walking, don't let him know you know he's there. Just keep walking" but she quickened her pace a little bit. She heard the foot step's also quicken. Serena again quickened her pace to a fast walk, again she heard the foot step's also quicken. Then she heard them getting faster and more quicker. Her anxiety was now through the roof. She took a few more step's before she started running. The stranger behind her also broke into a run. There was a small ally a few feet way away witch she knew if she could reach it, her friend's apartment was on the other side and she could call for help, but she wasn't the fastest runner. The stranger caught up with her and pushed her in to the alley. Serena tried to get up and run but she was pushed down again. The stranger got on top of her.

"Please don't kill me, I'll give you all the money I have. Her attacker smiled an evil smile at her.

"I don't want money, I want you." The man had tan skin and was tall and he had dark brown hair. He got out a pair of handcuffs and took one of Serena's hand's and hand cuffed her to a pole. The man made them as tight as they would go and she felt the circulation getting cut off from her hand's. The man ripped off her clothes and took off his clothes also.

"Please no!" Serena pleaded as he unzipped his pants.

"Shut up bitch!" and he hit her hard on the side of her face. Serena cried as he forcefully entered her. He pushed into, hard. Serena looked away from him crying.

"Look at me bitch!" then she felt another blow to her face. She looked at him and cried. It wasn't the pain or anything else that made her cry. It was his eye's. They were horrible and terrifying and they were chocolate brown in color. She wanted to rip them out of his head. She wanted to make him fell as much pain as he was making her feel right now. But she couldn't, because right now he was hurting her. Serena felt him relive himself in her.

"He didn't wear a condom" she thought to her self fear fully. He un locked the the hand cuff's and she felt the blood rush back to her hand's she knew there was going to be a scar there.

"Was it good for you." He laughed at her and then left. Serena curled up in a tiny ball and started to cry. She felt pain shearing through her. She closed her eye's but opened them with a start and a cry. When she closed her eye's she saw his eye's again, like before they were cold and unforgiving. She knew she would never forget his eye's.

Please review. Promise it Will get better.