Loves, I hate to say it, but I am really starting to dislike this story, so this will be the last chapter. I'm sorry, but I just cannot keep writing it because, I've lost all interest in it. I will try to make this a chapter to finish up the story because I hate it when authors just leave a story that pisses me off, so never fear.


Punk Rocker- Thank you, I do agree that Yuugi was too innocent in the series and manga.

Glad you enjoyed it, I've enjoyed writing those fun little conversations.

- glomps Yuugi -
-Bad ass Yuugi is hot.

Feebeefi- Thank you, and I am so sorry that I missed your review! feel all bad now. I really didn't mean too, I was just in a rush to get the reviews up.

Hikari Skysong- Of course! sends Yuugi and Bakura Have fun, and make sure she gets this package!

Bakura: Why can't you just make the pharaoh do it!

Yuugi: OH come on, it will be fun! drags Bakura over to your door step

Serena the Hikari of Love- I don't either y.y I live in a America, in Florida to be more to the point. We call her Lady Luck because it's lucky she was saved and she has a good home now...I want an invisable chicken!

Drown In This Love.

It has been a month since the van incident. Yami and Yuugi had grown closer in that night, before Malik and Marik left though, Malik pulled the old pharaoh to him and told him he should tell Yuugi how he feels before it is too late. Because damn it everyone else could tell they wanted to fuck.

Yami smiled and told Yuugi that night, after that, the night was filled with mind blowing sex. Yami understood that he could never force Yuugi to quit cutting. They were sitting on the roof watching the sky turn brilliant shades of pinks, oranges, blues, and purples.

Yami knew then that it didn't matter where he was, he always wanted Yuugi there. And if he could take back every single thing that he did to hurt the boy, he'd give his material body to save the boy from the hurt he inflected on him.

Yuugi was leaning against Yami's chest watching the sky, as Yami stroked his hair. He decided then that, no matter what, they'd take all this one day at a time, because that was they could really do. Yuugi's cutting, love, sex and life always came one day at a time.

And Yami would be damned if he would waste another day without being by his hikari's side. He had finally found his place in this world and it was staring back at him the entire him and he couldn't have been happier. He knew one day though, death would come and if he could die by Yuugi's side, he wouldn't care about going to the afterlife. Because in his head there was only Yuugi and himself, and he wouldn't have it any other way.


So that was it, hope you enjoyed it.