Yugi stands on the rundown abandoned pier. The ocean winds blowing through his star-shapped tri-colored hair.

Yami began to date Anzu recently, for two long days, Yami has paid no attention to me...After all we been through, he has seemingly forgotten about me. I know I should be happy but I cannot get over the overwhelming heartache I feel for loosing him. Sadness seeds itself in Yugi's mental. Crystal tears fall from his huge amethyst eyes. He falls to his school uniform clad knees, tears streaming down his face. "Yami, why did you leave me!" The teen bangs his balled fists on the old rotting wood. "Why am I not good enough for you?" With one more bang on the old wood Yugi slowly pushes himself up and begins the long lonely walk home, still absently wiping tears from his now red cheeks. The moon hanging low in the clouded sky shadows the small retreating teen.

The Pharaoh pulls back from kissing Anzu, who currently was laying on top of his shirtless chest. "What's wrong, my Pharaoh?" Anzu asks with a bit of confusion in her voice as she runs her pallid slender fingers over Yami's toned tan chest. Yami sighs as he shakes his head, and begins to rub Anzu lower back thoughtfully. "I'm not sure, it's three a.m. and Yugi hasn't even came out of his room. Not even for dinner." Yami replies with a ping of sadness in his tone. "I'm sure the little twit...Err...I mean Yugi is just asleep." A bit of malice accompanied her tone as she spoke 'Yugi's' name. "Still...I'm worr..." Yami never got to finish his sentence as the door slams open to the Kame Game shop and the topic of conversation walks in.

Yugi!" The taller teen shoots up knocking Anzu into an ungraceful heap on the tile floor. "Yugi!" Yami puts his hands on either of Yugi's shoulders."Why were you outside at this hour?" The Pharaoh questions anxiously. Yugi looks up, tears still in his eyes but rage burning in his voice. "Oh so now you care about me!" Yami looks taken back as Yugi yells. "Yugi, I've always cared about you." Yami states softly. "Well, you have a funny way of showing it, you haven't said a single word to me in two days, exactly the same time you started going out with that slut Anzu!" Yugi shouts his rage burning now in his tearing eyes. "Why don't you just go fuck Anzu, I'm sure she wouldn't mind!" Yugi balls his fists at his sides, Yami opens his mouth to speak but Yugi intervenes. "You haven't gave a damn about what I do or why I do something...Anything, lately, so why start now!" The smaller teen looks away from the hurt in Yami's eyes. "Yugi..." Quickly Yugi interrupts. "NO! LEAVE ME ALONE! JUST LIKE ALWAYS!" Yugi's voice echoes through the house/game shop as the crying teen runs up the stairs to his room, slamming the door behind him.

"What an asshole for talking about me like that." Anzu says gripping the fabric of her petal pink skirt. Yami looks over his shoulder at her, rage and sadness mixing behind his maroon eyes. "Don't you ever speak of my Hikari like that!" Anzu eyes widen angry quickly swirling behind her blue eyes. "So, you let him speak about me like that! I am...was your girlfriend!" Anzu stands and runs from the house as Yami looks up the stairs to Yugi's room sighing.

Hikari...Please forgive me for my foolishness. Was the only thought running through Yami's head as he climbed the stairs to Yugi's room.

Inside Yugi's room, Yugi was lighting incenses that smelled of Egyptian Musk a smell that remind him so much of Yami, longcandles were lit after the incenses. Stripping himself of his school uniform jacket he was left in a white tanktop that showed off his complexionless arms and neck..

I'm tired of being the constantly smiling happy teen. I've been hurt to much and I can't stand it any longer. I know I said I'd quit but I need it. It's not like anyone really gives a damn about me any longer anyway. My friends all left me...Yami..Dear Gods Yami my own darkness doesn't even want me. Yugi thinks sadly as he picks up a new razorblade from the nightstand beside his bed. Pulling the useless white paper from the razor he stares down at the shiny metal blade of evil that made him feel so good and anxious just by holding it. Baring his pallid arm to the candle light he runs the blade across the flesh, starting at where his arm bended, he cut dozens of wounds amazed at how the flesh gave way to the stainless steel blade effortlessly.

It's across the street, never down the road. Yugi thought merrily, as he cut down to the start of his palm. Looking down at his work his arm was covered in a crosshatch pattern, what was more interesting to him was how no pale skin could be seen it was all cuts and his once pale are was lost in a sea of crimson. Blood begins drips lazily down his elbow onto his clean black silk sheets, and pants.

The bleeding teen pulls the blade from his arm, smirking at the blood he brings the blade to his mouth carefully licking a droplet of warm blood from the cold steel, a small cut opens on his tongue from the sharp edge of the blade and blood drips from the corner of his mouth and down his chin. A soft knock on the door jars the teen from his peaceful state. Yugi jumps up trying to clean up the blood. "Yugi?" Yami's voice, though muffled through the door, sounded tired and hurt. It made Yugi's heartache. The door began to creek open.

Too late. Yugi thinks as a disheveled Yami walks in.


A/N: I am so evil! Hehehehe, fear me! No no, um I'll keep going later. I just wrote his because I was bored in English II after midterms. Actually I got the idea in JROTC when I was supposed to be listening...Oopies.

Next Chapter: Secrets