Summery: "Of course, you've been an addict so long that you've built up a tolerance to it and no longer feel anything. You're just so hooked on the routine of it, going through the motions, that you can't get out." "You have to get out, Logan, or someday, you're going to be in pain, and no amount of sex will change anything, because you're going to find yourself very alone." Rogan.

A/N: Please read and review. Hopefully I'll get the next chapter up before Tuesday or at least right afterwards. There will never actually be any sex, but it will be implied and talked about a lot. So, tell me if you think I need to change the rating. Thanks!

Antabuse: Chapter 1

"Logan, come on!" a very practical, yet somehow fun-loving, female voice said over the phone.

"What have you got to loose?" another female, this one with a sweet Southern twang, asked.

"Oh, I don't know, only my dignity and way of life," he grunted in response, pounding furiously at his laptop keyboard, trying to complete a paper he'd been putting off for weeks, also trying (very unsuccessfully) to get three very nosy women off his back and out of his business.

"Honestly, when are you going to take responsibility in your life?" the last of the three asked, exasperated. Though friendly most of the time, Logan could hear in her frustrated state the lawyer-like ruthlessness he had come to associate with the young woman. "I mean really, yous guys, why are males so idiotic?"

"Can't help it," the first said cheerfully, "It's biological predisposition."

"Thanks," there he was done with the paper. He quickly saved it and decided to read over it in the morning before printing it.


"Logan, be realistic," the Southern woman said. He couldn't help but snort in laughter. She was hardly one to talk, with her head constantly in the could, about being realistic. The young woman chose to ignore his interruption, "You like this girl."

Logan rolled his eyes. "I like sleeping with girls. Hell, I just like girls in general. I do not like any one girl in particular."

"You're a sex addict, you do know that right?" the practical one asked.

"A what?"

"A sex addict," she stated again, as-a-matter-of-fact. "It's actually more common than you think. Millions suffer form this hidden addiction. Sure it starts as something pleasurable and fun, but can eventually become an addiction as you jump from one sexual partner to another without a second thought. There are ways to overcome it though. I'd be more than happy to get you the number for sex addicts anonymous."

"I am not a sex addict!" Logan yelled into the phone at the "helpful" young lady.

"I promise you; even if it's only in your subconscious thought you are always thinking about sex. Of course, you've been an addict so long that you've built up a tolerance to it and no longer feel anything. You're just so hooked on the routine of it, going through the motions, that you can't get out – hold on… sorry guys that was my pager. Gotta run… Logan, remember what I said."


"See you, Amy," the Southerner called in a singsong voice before Logan heard the tale-tell click of Amy hanging up.

"Logan, let me ask you something before I have to leave," the third woman said.

"What is it Allison?"

"When was the last meaningful relationship you've had with a woman that wasn't a friend or family member?"

"When did I ever have a meaningful relationship?"

"That's what I thought… love yous guys," Allison hung up, leaving just Logan and the sweet Southern belle on the phone together.

"So, Cass, any last minute 'advice'?"

"Honey, I don't think you need anymore advice. I think, in the end, you'll do what you really want to do."

"Cassie, I always do what I really want to do."

"I'm sorry," she said quietly. "Love you, sweetie." Logan let the phone slide off his shoulder and into his palm, snapping it shut. He sighed in frustration and fell onto his bed, putting his phone on the side table and pulling the covers over his entire body, head and all. Why did he ever talk to those three? All they ever did was annoy, make fun of, psychoanalyze, or confuse him. Closing his eyes, he decided to figure it out later. All he wanted now was sleep.