Author's Note: Well, hi everyone! This fic is just a collection of one-shots of different pairings. It was inspired by fics like "The Painted Wolf" by Goldberry, and "Day to Day" by IHearVoices. Except mine has a little twist: I will try to do every pairings reviewers suggest! For example, if someone wanted me to do a Naruto+Hinata chapter, I will do it. Then the next day, if anyone wants me to do a Sasuke+Sakura fic, I will do it. Even though I'm NOT a fan of Neji+anybody except TenTen, Sasuke+anybody except Sakura, and Naruto+anybody except Hinata, if someone really wants me to do, for example, Neji+Sakura, I will do it. But NO SHOUNEN-AI OR SHOUJO-AI! I will NOT do those! I can also do friendship chapters, like a Sakura+Ino FRIENDSHIP chapter. These are some possible pairings that I could do FOR SURE:




Shikamaru+Ino or Temari

I can also do team chapters, like a Neji+TenTen+Lee friendship team chapter. Also, I will be naming each chapter after a flower. Most chapters will have something to do with flowers.

Anyways, I'll start off with a light Neji+TenTen chapter. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a thing!

Red Roses

Neji patiently stood in front of TenTen's door, waiting for her to answer. He rang the doorbell once more. Finally, TenTen opened the door. She looked at Neji curiously.

"Huh? Neji, what are you doing here?" she asked. Her hair wasn't in their usual buns, and so her chestnut-brown hair fell over her shoulders in slight waves.

"…We were going to train today, remember?" Neji replied calmly, his pale-lavender eyes resting upon the sight of TenTen's face.

"Oh yeah! Sorry, I forgot, Neji. Hold on a second, I'll go change into my training clothes." she exclaimed, and ran back inside of her apartment room. Suddenly, she came running back towards Neji.

"Um, Neji, you can come in if you want! I won't take long!" she said hurriedly, and ran to her bedroom. Neji stepped inside of the slightly small apartment room. As he closed the door, he spotted a painted picture of a red rose. The blood-red petals seemed almost real as Neji studied the picture. 'She probably painted it herself…' Neji thought, looking at the cluttered mess around the canvas. Red and green paint bottles, a few other colors, a few dirty brushes, and a smudged red stain on the carpeted floor. The stain looked as if someone was trying to scrub it off hastily. Neji smirked when he saw the stain. His attention went back to the red rose. The petals were perfect, and the stem was beautifully painted with green and a tint of brown. The thorns were carefully done, with lots of detail. The background looked like raging flames fading off into the air. Neji absentmindedly picked up a paintbrush from the floor. The wood was smooth and polished, with a paint-covered bristle. He looked at the rose once more. 'The rose is just so like TenTen…Beautiful and delicate on the outside, like he red petals and the green leaves…but fierce and dangerous on the inside, like the thorns.' Neji thought with a little smirk on his face. He bent down to pick up another brush. This one was a bit more rough and old-looking, as if it had been used for a long time. The bristles were a bit worn-out and Neji could see a little crack beginning to form on the wood. Soon, he was picking up every brush from the floor, each one having different qualities. There were very fine ones, well-polished ones, and sleek ones, but for some reason, Neji liked the old, worn-out one the best. He didn't know why. 'For some reason…I like it simple.' he thought, running his fingers over the wood. His eyes scanned over the other items on the floor. A half-empty red paint bottle, an almost-full green bottle, and a few other small bottles with different colors in them were lying on the floor, looking almost discarded. He began picking the bottles up and neatly set them on the table nearby. 'Red…the color of blood…the color of roses…the first color of the rainbow…the color of humans' hearts…the color of strawberries…and…the color of TenTen's spirit.' he thought as he stared at the red paint bottle. He was neatly piling them up, until TenTen entered the room.

"You didn't have to do that, you know," she said calmly as she strode over to Neji. Neji smirked.

"I just wanted to." he replied, looking at her with emotionless eyes. TenTen frowned slightly.

"I could have cleaned it up myself." she pointed out, lifting the canvas and setting it by the wall. She glared silently at the red stain on the carpet. "Stupid paint…" she muttered as she hung up the painting on the wall to dry. She turned towards Neji. "Shall we go, then?" Neji nodded. They walked out of the apartment towards their usual training spot.

On their way to their training area, they passed a garden of flowers. TenTen stopped walking to look at them. Neji smirked.

"I never knew you were the type of girl to like flowers," he commented dryly. TenTen scowled at him.

"Shut up," she growled, and her expression softened as she scanned over the many tulips, daffodils, carnations, and many other flowers. "They just…fascinate me, that's all…" she muttered.

"Oh? And why do they fascinate you?" Neji asked, a hint of arrogance in his voice.

"You're strangely talkative today," she snapped, shooting him a glare. "So what if I like flowers? I don't like flowers because they're pretty. I like them because I keep wondering how they survive for this long without being wilted…" but she frowned as Neji bent over the garden without a word. "Hey, are you listening, Hyuuga Neji?" she demanded, her temper flaring up at the fact that Neji had completely ignored her. But she was stopped when she suddenly felt a gentle caress on her cheek. A light blush came onto her cheeks as Neji's hand drew away from her. "W…What…" she spluttered, trying hard not to blush. Neji silenced her with his finger. He took out a small mirror from his pouch and gave it to TenTen.

"Look." he said. As TenTen peered in the mirror, she gasped. Set into one of her buns was a single red rose. The rose was beautiful, with perfect red petals and a single glossy green leaf attached to it.

"Neji…" she whispered, looking at the reflection of the rose set into her hair in the mirror. Neji smirked, and lightly brushed his lips against hers.

"You like flowers, right? Well then, red roses suit you." he said, and walked off. TenTen stood there in a daze, the gentle, innocent kiss replaying itself over and over in her mind. A small smile and a faint blush formed on her face. She caught up with Neji with a bright smile. They walked together, hand in hand, to their training area.

Well, how was it? Sorry if it sucked! And sorry if it was too short, but I don't have much time right now! Remember, VOTE FOR ANY PAIR YOU WISH EXCEPT FOR SHOUNEN-AI/SHOUJO-AI! But PLEASE don't be mad if can't or don't do your pairings! After all, I can't do all the pairings at once. Also, I accept votes for friendship chapters and team chapters. And don't forget that each chapter is going to have something to do with a flower! PLEASE REVIEW!