Hello readers of Young and Helpless. My name's Ania and Ana has asked me to pass this message on to you all.


Do me a favor?

My dad has given me permission to tell you to leave a message on Fanfiction on Young and Helpless, telling them I will no longer be able to post.

Her parents have banned her completely and utterly from anything Harry Potter; they've burned her books, deleted her fanfiction, and forbidden her to even speak about it with friends. So she's been e-mailing me information and posts to post on her fanfiction. Unfortunately, she has no more material written up on Young and Helpless; it was deleted along with most of Harry James Potter vs. Tom Marvolo Riddle I believe. So, alas, Young and Helpless is no more. This was an amazing story and I, along with the rest of you, am very sad that we won't be able to read the end of it. I know Ana was always very grateful to all her readers. The readers and fans are really what keep an author going, believe me. So, speaking for Ana, thank you so much for being awesome readers to this story! YOU ROCK ANA! 333333

Ania Nicole