Disclaimer: As you all know I don't own anything in this story, the plot belongs to screenwriter Mark Brown and characters to J.K. Rowling. That's all for the credit for now.

A/N: My sincerest apologies for not updating sooner it's that life has been keeping me very busy! Why I misspelled Blaise's last name I have no clue don't ask me why… maybe because I thought it sounded better, but I'll get it right from now on. Before I forget excuse my excruciatingly rancid grammar. Enough chatter and on with the story.

P.S. Keep a movie mind set going.

Chapter 8: Day One

Walking into an office building Hermione begins to continue to explain the rules of life and love to us while heading towards her office.

"He will call you today unless he's a fool. If he is you wouldn't want him. But if he's a good boy you'll get a call."

(At Jason's cubicle)

Picking up the phone Jason begins with his usual greeting to the clientele. "Miss Grangers office."

Waiting for about one second he responds. "Oh, hello Mr. Malfoy, can you hold on? I'll see if she's available."

Placing Draco on hold the transfers to Hermione and begins in a semi-gossip tone. "Guess what I have Draco on line one."

(Hermione's office)

Looking at the phone she decides to give you her attention before she begins to answer Jason.

"Never take the first call; everything must be done on your time. Make him wait."

Picking up the phone she responds. "Jason please tell him I just got out of a meeting and to call back in ten minutes. Thank you."

(Meanwhile at Draco's office)

"She told me to call back in ten minutes." Said Draco sounding shocked.

Blaise looked up from the floor and began. "Don't' even worry about that. She's stalling for time. She's disheveled. She doesn't know what to do."

"Okay ten minutes. I'll play the game with her you know."

"Does the back of my neck really look like this?" showing Draco a tiki figurine.

(Back in Hermione's office)

Watching the clock tick by the second we see Hermione sitting calmly at her desk and begin to speak to us.

"It's now nine minutes. If he's late be in another meeting."

Buzzing in from his cubicle Jason calls. "Miss Granger, Draco is on line one."

Picking up the phone she speaks casually. "Hello? Fine"

Turning her attention back to us she begins. "Discuss nothing over the phone. Be brief. Your job is to just listen."

(Draco's office)

Giving Draco advice Blaise said. "Now remember. Don't rush in. Take your time."

Whispering to his best friend he simply said. "I got this." Continuing to speak with Hermione he began. "So-uh, how's your day been so far?"

Splitting the screen to see Hermione she responded. "Fine"

She continues to give us her advice. "If he tries to take his time to feel you out, rush him." She returns to the phone.

"So how's that new-"

Interrupting him she says. "Draco sweetheart I'm sorry, but I have a client coming. Why don't we meet tonight at the Bistro?"

"Okay but-" he said getting flustered.

"Love I'm sorry but, the client's coming in. Tonight, 7:30, the Bistro." And she simply hung up.

"No, wait, hold on, I just-" hearing the ring tone he looked at Blaise wondering what just happened and continued his conversation with him. "She rushed me off the phone... She rushed me off the phone. You know what I think she did that deliberately."

"Did she set a date?" as the wheels in his mind began to turn.

"How did you know?"

Smacking the he said. "That's the mack move! That is definitely the mack move. That can only mean one thing!"


"She's not an amateur."

"Yeah, well, neither am I!" he said smoothing out his robes.

(Later on that evening at the Bistro)

Driving up to the valet at the Bistro Hermione thanks the man for escorting her out of the car and begins walking into the restaurant.

Giving her attention to us she starts to give us advice. "Arrive fifteen minutes late. Keep him waiting. Waiting builds anxiety and that's a good thing. Remember: your objective is to listen. Be polite and charming. This confuses them."

She arrived at her table and greeting Draco. "Good evening Draco." Leaving him a kiss on the cheek and took a seat.


(In the men's room)

Panicking Draco called his friend to let him know what's happening.

Blaise trying to calm Draco. "Calm down. Let me ask you something first. Was she talking a lot? If she was, she's covering."

"No; she's not."

"She was talking right?"

"Of course; she seemed normal, if that's considered talking then yes."

"She seemed normal?" sounding confused.

"Yes she did."

"She's got an angle. Do this: admit you're wrong. Let's see what she's got."

"Are you sure?" beginning to question his best friend.

"Have I ever steered you wrong?"

"Yeah you have."

"Okay that was that one time but you got your hair back."

(Back at the table with Hermione)

Taking his seat Draco sighs and begins. "All right, Mione I was wrong. I shouldn't have been with Julie. What happened was that we were working late, and I got hungry. She asked me if I wanted to get something to eat, and I said yes…"

Tuning Draco out, Hermione has a little chat with us. "It doesn't matter what his ass says. It doesn't make a difference. He should've known better. But now that he's put his cards on the table and offered some sort of explanation. You must step up to the plate, girl. Be a woman. Hit him where it hurts."

Draco begins to finish his story. "After one or two drinks we were dancing and that's when you came in."

"Draco it's ok. You don't have to explain. I understand." Sounding polite and calm about what happened the night before.

Feeling that he's out of the woods he gives a sigh of relief and says. "Great. All right. Good."

"You know what? I think we need some time apart. You know- see what else is out there. Test the waters."

(Draco's flat after the break up)

Flustered and frustrated Draco says. "Test the waters! What the hell is test the waters."

"Calm down mate."

"I AM CALM!" Draco screamed.

"You're getting all swollen up in the chest. Sit down, relax."

(Earlier that evening at the Bistro)

Sounding extremely confused at what Hermione said he just repeated. "Test the waters?"

"See, I don't want you to feel restricted."


"And lately I've been feeling a little trapped myself so… Maybe it's the best thing. Is that okay with you?" she said pretending to feel worried about his feelings.

Lying through his teeth he begins. "Yeah, I was going to suggest the same thing. Good."

"Good. Waiter, check please." After signaling the waiter Hermione asked. "Would you like me to take care of this?"

"No I'll pick this one up."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Thanks for dinner." Getting up she kissed him on the cheek and proceeded to her car and gives her attention to us. "Rule no. 3: It's a golden rule. Break up with him before he breaks up with you. Whoever breaks up the person first wins."

(Draco's Flat again)

"She broke up with me! I can't believe it!"

Blaise sat there analyzing the situation and said. "See that's interesting."

"She sat there and let me humiliate myself by making go through how sorry I was. Then she broke up with me. I should've made her ass pay the check."

Raising his head up Blaise asked. "She offered to pay?"

"Yes… why?"

"Damn that girl's good."

"Because she offered to pick up a check?"

"It's not about the check; it's about a psychological advantage."

"But I paid."

"But she offered."

"She has before."

"But never after breaking up. Look in order to grasp this concept, you got to think like them… you got to read between the lines. You got to ask yourself 'Self! When she offered to pay, did she want to come up out of pocket?' Think about it. On a date what woman wants to pay for her meal?"

Thinking about the question that Blaise asked he simply shrugged.

"None! Zero. I'm twenty-nine years old. And I have yet to meet a woman who does. So you can safely conclude this is not a matter about money. So what is this about? She wants you to know she could come out of pocket if she wanted to. This is a demonstration of her independence to you. What she is really saying is that you can't do anything for her. You can't buy her damn dinner! Ha-Ha! She'd rather starve before you come out of pocket."

"That's deep. That's some really deep shit right there."

(At Hemione's house)

Sipping her cocoa she begins to explain. "Now we know his crime. He went to dinner with a colleague… after working late… got caught… and now he feels bad. Actually, that's not too bad. However… if your case is worse than this, determine if you want him back. If you don't to hell with him, move on. But if you want him back, punish him. Cardinal Rule no.2: When your man messes up, no matter how small it may seem… Punish him. Punish him hard. Day Two."

A/N: Hope you all have enjoy this fresh chappie. Review if you like. I gotta get going I have things to do and less time to do them in.

Cookies to my ooberly cool fans for enjoying the story.

Haters for just being rebellious, that's cool.

Reviewers just because you're all cool!
