Teen Titans: Fire And Ice
Rating: PG-13
Summary: They thought she was a friend, they trusted her.. But know she's back, and wanting to take over the world, to destroy the Titans, and she brought a little friend along...
Disclaimer: I wish and I wish, but I still don't own them. I'm sure if I did, the anime would be screwed up big time, and there would probably be some Fruits Basket Characters sketched in there... Heh, cool...
A/N: Okay, so here is my first crappy fanfiction on this account. Well firstly, I'm just going to say, you might of read my other stories. It was on my other account, Haru's Girl, I think it was. I really sucked at that Yaoi one, but now I'm getting better, I promise you that. Thanks to all the people who have helped me become better.. Raven, Julia, Mica, and everyone else at FBR..

Prologue: Flashback

Robins POV

When people think evil, what do they think? They think evil people, they think derranged people, they think insane, don't they? In some points, they're right, but in others they're wrong. Let me tell you a bit about her. A bit about Alexis, the goddess who could control fire, with her firey red hair, and ice blue eyes.. She almost had us tricked, until the time she robbed another bank, killing a few people... She chose the wrong choice..

I can remember the day perfectly. BB and Cyborg were playing another video game for the maybe hundreth time. Starfire was baking something in the kitchen, and Raven was up in her room meditating, gaining back strength from one of our previous attacks. I was training up on the roof when I heard our alarm going off. I remember Starfire running in, telling us there was a break in at the bank. I remember smiling at BB and Cyborg's enthusiasm.

Then we left. We never knew what we'd have in for us. I know that one of the Titans said something about who would be stupid enough to rob a bank when we were here, but maybe that was a trick. Maybe she knew we would come. This is when we met her, the girl who almost brought us into unexistance.. forever..

We entered the bank just to be almost engulfed in the untamed flames that flooded the bank. It was hard to breathe, I remember that clearly. I remember that someone was coughing, some people were screaming, no one was calm. This was until I saw the figure, a figure we thought would be so innocent. She walked right through the flames, and I remember hearing Starfire scream, thinking that this girl would be hurt.

But she wasn't. She seemed a bit scared, we didn't know she was the culprit. We thought she was innocent, someone without a home, someone with feelings. Her clothes was torn, her skin seemed burnt as she dropped to her knees infonr of her.

I remember how Raven had said that the person who robbed the bank had left, or so we had thought. I remember taking Alexis back to the Titans Tower...

"Good Morning, Robin," Alexis said with a smile as she walked past me, her blue eyes hid something, I could tell. I knew that Raven didn't trust her, but what else was new. She had befriended us all, knowing that we would end up hurt in the end...

Beast Boy looked up as I sat down beside him on the couch. He was playing a new video game, and winning of course. "Beast Boy, can I ask you something?" I asked, getting a glance from BB. "Sure, Robin," BB said pausing his game and placing his controller beside him. "Do you trust her?" I asked, looking over at Alexis.

Why would she betray us? We were her friends? I know that I shouldn't have became so friendly. I should've noticed something about her. Her esscence wasn't pure, she was evil. How could I not see? Maybe I was blinded by stupidity, maybe love?

I realized later that both answers we answered with no. It was herself, the way she seduced us all into thinking that she was a good person, thinking she was an innocent little girl with powers. She hadn't known of her powers, acting innocent as Starfire had shown her how to activate them.

I feel stupid now for letting her become a Titan once she learned how to control her powers. She controlled and learned how to control them easily. We made her a Titan, thinking she could help us out. We'd never thought we'd have to end up fighting against her.. Or against someone else we didn't know, but knew was innocent.

We were wrong, oh so wrong and now we would pay...

A/N: Okay then, that was the prologue. I'm sure the rating may change in the future for some scenes. I'm not quite sure, so wait until then. I promise to keep this updated daily, or so I hope. I'm a slow writer, and like Shi-chan from Furuba, I get writer's block many many times.

Remember, R&R, but please no flames. This is my attempt at my new favorite anime series, and my attempt at a fanfiction after a very, and I mean very, long time.

Okay, you're probably wondering, who the hell is Artemis and Alexis DeCourte, right? Well, they are my beautiful little creations who can control elements. Kind of like those two brothers who could control Thunder and Lightening? Ooh, I hated that episode..

Well, I decided the two characters are going to have a family who hates the Teen Titans. Just a brief thing, they all have icey blue eyes, and pale skin.. I hope that helps you. I have a picture of Alexis somewhere. In the review I will post the website where you can find it, and where it is!

Well, that's all! Chapter one coming up soon!