Title : Secrets from their past..chapter 8

Disclaimers.: Again with the rubbing it in my face. I don't own them so just stop rubbing cause my face is raw.

Summary: Supervisors Gil Grissom and Catherine Willows, are engaged. Gil and Catherine are called to a crime scene. Catherine soon realizes she knows the two victims found brutally attacked and let for dead. There is little evidence that can help them and the prime suspect is the victims fiance. Eddie Willows.

Gil and Catherine sat across from Melissa Frank in the interrogation room.

Melissa sat back in the chair her arms crossed with an angry look on her face." When am I gonna get out of here. And when can I see Jake?"

Gil looked over at Catherine " Ahh Ma'am...When did you find out that Jake wasn't really Jake?"

Melissa shrugged " I don't' know what you're talking about."

Catherine cleared her throat " Ms. Frank we know that you talked with Preston, the same night he sold you drugs you told him that you're boyfriend was cheating on you, So like my colleague asked you. When did you find out?"

Melissa stood strong " I don't know what you're you talking about and I don't care. If I'm not under arrest then I want to go home."

"Oh" Catherine replied " Well as a matter of fact you are under arrest. I think it was..." she looked at Gil " Assaulting an officer?"

Gil nodded " something like that." Catherine stood up from the chair with Gil " And soon enough we'll have the proof and we'll add the murder to that."

"Wait!" Melissa stopped them " It's wasn't me who did it. I was there but it was all Jake." she began to cry " I tried to stop him but I couldn't he said he would kill me too. And he would have " she paused " He beat me...all the time." she turned to Catherine " You know what that's like don't tell me you don't"

"What exactly happened that night?" Catherine replied

Melissa sighed " I knew about that Jake..was really Micheal and that night when he left for work I went to talk to Cathy, I wanted to tell her hadn't changed at all and that he was beating me just like he had beat her. Cathy was crying and said that he had raped her. I told her we should wake Kaley and take her to the hospital but Cathy refused. By the time I did convinced her Jake had come back. He started screaming and he threw me down, he grabbed Cathy and slapped her. Cathy tried to run to her room to get Kaley but he stopped her, he had a knife and he stabbed her. Kaley woke up an ran to her mother. Jake was going crazy he didn't even think twice and he grabbed Kaley, he stabbed her once and there was so much blood. He dragged her back to her bedroom and slammed the door shut after dropping her on the bed. I got up to run and get help but he stopped me. Cathy was crying and trying to breath.He kept screaming at me an hitting me, he told me that I had to tie up Kaley and make it look like it was an intruder and a possible sexual assault. Kaley was still alive and she was crying . Jake didn't care she tried to fight back and he kept stabbing her until she was dead. then I tied her hands together with the rope from the garage. Cathy was trying to pull herself up , but Jake grabbed her. he took her into the bedroom and had me tie up and then he cut her throat and stabbed again."

Gil raised and eyebrow and looked over at Catherine.

"Why did you spit on her?"

Melissa glared at Catherine " What do you mean?"

"Well, we have just found new evidence and we compared your DNA..the DNA you left on Detective Vega to the unknown sample found on Cathy. It was a match to you and it was clear that you spit in her. Why? I mean you said you were trying to help her."

Melissa didn't have answer but Gil took care of it.

"If you don't mind I'd like to share with you what I think happened"

"That night, Jake told me was heading to work. You waited awhile, maybe you got high, and then around one you went over to Cathy house. You knew around this time Jake would leave his job and visit her. You see him leaving the house, you know that they were having sex and you were mad.It's understandable this great guy makes you think he loves you and cares when really he's just using you to get back with his ex. So you confront Cathy like you have always wanted. But Cathy doesn't want you to have him and she tells you he's leaving you and the three of them are coming back to California. You can't have that so you hit her. Cathy tries to fight back but you over power her, plus you came prepared, you knew Eddie had the rope because he used the rope to help tie down somethings in you're yard. You and make it impossible for her to fight back. You are in the process of tying her up when Kaley wakes up and she sees you. She tries to help her mother by attacking you and you quickly over power her..she's thirteen she didn't stand a chance. You cut throat and she begins to bleed out , you then drag her back to her room and tie her to her bed making it look like she was sexually assaulted. You then return to Cathy where you cut her throat , but for some reason you didn't get it right and you keep stabbing her until you hit her heart and she instantly dies. Kaley on the other hand died almost an hour after you left her there.. You clear you're tracks and you go home and clean up like nothing happened. You then call the police and report a ruckus thinking who would suspect the concerned neighbor. " he paused " And you were right, but today when you came in here and attacked the detective you gave your self up. Sometime when you care some much about something you lose sight of everything else."

By this time Melissa fake tears dried up and she was sitting with her arms crossed once more. "I was good to that bastard and he used me, he went behind my back and slept with that bitch. He wasn't getting away with it and neither was she. She knew better and she deserved what she got.Any women in my position would have done the same thing. Being betrayed like that...it's painful, when you love someone, but I would expect someone like you to understand."

Catherine snickered " And what about Kaley..did she deserve it to?"

Melissa shrugged" She got in the way." she smirked "I want a lawyer" she replied coldly

Catherine lay on her bed Gil next to her, she suddenly felt him watching her and opened her eyes. " What?" she whispered

Gil just smiled " Nothing." he kissed her forehead " Just thinking.."

"About what?" she replied sitting up

"Kaley and Cathy" he paused " Eddie. and what he must be going through. I never cared for him but, he really did love them, and they were taken away."

" I don't think I could manage without you and Lindsey in my life. If I lost you two I would'nt be able to go on."

Catherine nodded " I've never really seen him like that before..it was this new side of him.."

Gil nodded " I can't understand" he whispered

"What?" she snuggled close to him resting her head on his chest.

Gil wrapped his arm around her and drew circles on her arm " Why he..how he could hurt you the ways that he did."

Catherine sat up " I wondered that, that maybe I had done something wrong because he swore he never laid a hand on her, but the whole time we were together it was like his goal to hurt me."

Gil nodded "He realized what he had lost and didn't want to do it again and then in the end it didn't matter."

"I don't know how she could justify what she had done" she turned to him changing the subject from Eddie to Melissa " I mean, she looked at me and said any women in her position would have done what she did." she laid back down " When I found out Eddie was cheating on me.. it hurt I'll admit, I gave everything up for him, I loved him and it hurt but I couldn't imagine going after the other women or her child for that matter."

Gil pulled her closer to him " You don't have it in you to hurt someone like she did.."

Catherine nodded " Gil?" she whispered " Thank you for being there for me through this."

Gil smiled to himself " I love you Cath, you're my fiance,I'll always be here for you. And I know you'll do the same for me"

Catherine smiled to herself like Gil had " I love you too..." she paused " Gil?"

Mhmm.." he replied

"Do you have any secrets?"

Gil opened his eyes and thought " No.." he whispered "Never. keeping secrets..it's not worth it... because in the Trenton's case..nothing good came from any of the secrets from their past."