
The school bells of Casper High rang through out the entire school, letting the students there know that it was time for lunch.Most of the students headed straight to lunch or to their lockers to throw in some books, but one boy stood there at the end of the hall with his pant all the way down.

"I love you Sam!" The blonde jock mocked making his eyes all bulged out, his voice sounding mushy.

"I love you too Danny!" A Korean jock also teased in a high pitched voice. they ran incredibly slow towards eachother spreading out thier arms. Then they embraced eachother in a hug, mocking what had happened during their Christmas Break.

"You know, you guys do that a little too well..." said a Hispanic girl standing beside the two boys. Immedietly they pushed away from eachother disgusted.

"You'd think that they woud've actually forgot about that by now." Danny sighed slamming his locker door shut. Sam, his now new girl friend, leaned against some lockers next to him.

"Nowhow would anybody forget that performance? Besides, then we wouldn't be...us!" The raven-hair boy blushed and held out his hand.

"Shall we go down to lunch, me lady?" He asked taking Sam's hand and placing a light kiss.

"We shall." She repiledtaking my hand and they walked down the hall way in the direction to the cafeteria.

The End

(a/n: It's over! Just so you guys know I'm going to be editing my stories and finishing some along with it! For this story I'm redoing some chapters, making them longer and also putting in more songs because I know that I didn't put alot of them in this one. Again I'm going to be editing My Girl and listing all of the songs that I have used!)


1. My Only Wish This Year - Brittney Spears (a/n: it is true)

2. Santa's Gonna Kick Your Ass - Arrogant Worms (a/n: did i spell that correctly?)

3. My Christmas List - Simple Plan

4. Don't Tell Me - Avril Lavinge

5. Stacy's Mom - Fountains of Wayne

6. Only One - Backstreet Boys

See? Now isn't THAT the shortest soundtrack you have ever seen? That, my friends, is why I am going to rewrite most of it, some chapters are just going to have spell check. Others will be longer and will be totally different!

Here's a preview of one of my new stories - 15

Preview - 15

15, what an incredible number!

15, the exact number of years ago that I was born. 15, the exact number of days away from Halloween, my favorite holiday. 15, the grade I got on my English paper, but hey, who cares for math!-Or English…who cares? But as you all have probably guessed by now, today is my 15th birthday. Yep, the big old 15, not able to drive and still not accounted as a child anymore. I can't really explain how I feel about everything right now and I know how much all of you would like to sit down here and listen to me chat about how I feel right now, but that would be way to long of a sentence, and would be known as a run-on sentence and I'm kind of pushing it by just explaining everything to you.Run-on sentences are sentences that have---- Oh God, please help me; I'm starting to sound like Mr. Lancer!

Well to sum it all up, this is justsome memoir (That I wrote just to keep y'all busy for a while! He, he, oh sorry...) focused on one particular day of my life in which, to me, every one forgot about the day of my birth.