There are many debates revolving around the origin of Beast Boy, the green-changeling of the Teen Titans, and this fanfic is based much on Beast Boy's story. So I've taken the origin story of Beast Boy's creator, the Arnold Drake, and tweaked some parts so it fits with my story...MUHAHAHA! Don't worry though, it still makes sense...anyway, you HAVE to read the following origin account in order for the actual fanfic story to make sense to you. If you don't, prepare to be ADMITTINGLY CONFUSED. My story is pretty good, but you won't think so if you don't know what the hell is going on. SO, without any FURHTER ADUE, Beast Boy's origin by that of Arnold Drake, amused4ever, and some sources from other websites...
Mark Logan was an accomplished medical doctor specializing in biological research, with the dream to "reverse" evolution in the attempt to bring back extinct missing species set in his mind. He started his work on the safari of Africa, hopping on a plane out of America and bringing his wife Marie and their three year old son along. He spent time there studying animals and building an experimental machine that projected radiation of some sort. Little did Dr. Logan know when it was nearly finished the machine would prove to be quite handy.
His dreams of winning Nobel prizes and ensuring a future for his small family were at their climax as he brought to close the unlocking of the secret of evolution. Unfortunately, it was then his son decided to contract the tropical disease Sakutia, becoming critically ill. Dr. Logan's dreams cam crashing down and he rushed to find the cure before his only son died. Sakutia was very rare and very fatal to humans, giving scarce hope to the Logans; Dr. Logan still searched, however, though his son fell closer to death with each passing hour. Finally, a local tribesman spoke of the theory that animals seemed to always survive this strange disease, hardly contracting it as if they were immune. Dr. Logan grasped at this piece of local knowledge, praying with every ounce of his heart for it to be true.
The machine that Dr. Logan had been working on and had used for his research had a name: ES-1403. That whole name was merely composed of initials for different codes and usage of the machine, but it stuck nonetheless. ES-1403 had been designed by Dr. Logan with the help of one of his closest friends in his earlier career days, before he had left for Africa. The plans and blueprints had never been acted upon by either, until Dr. Logan pulled them out once again on the decision of his trip and this time he carried them out. Entering some modifications, Dr. Logan soon had what would be most helpful in many ways.
ES-1403 had been made primarily to isolate the common genetically shared bond between animals and their ancestors. Dr. Logan planned to use it separate ancient but surviving genes from current species, enabling him to trace back these genes in history to familiar ancestors between today's animals. It didn't take long for Dr. Logan to realize he could isolate the gene that caused the immunity towards Sakutia in animals...he just had to find the right animal.
Dr. Logan chose the animal closest to the human race; a monkey, according to the evolution theory. Entering his son's genetic code and the monkey's code into the machine he replaced certain genes with that of the monkey's genes, taking his own son's life dangerously close to death without the disease. His wife turned away from him, afraid for her son's life which her husband was playing so carelessly with. The couple waited after Dr. Logan completed the process, refusing to talk to each other. To the sake of their son's life and the couple's relationship, however, Dr. Logan's idea was successful—their son recovered from the disease within a couple of days.
Dr. Logan was not ever sure what exactly he had done to let his son survive, but he graced it with the power of heaven that his son was meant to live. But despite all his efforts to return his son to a healthy toddler once again, he could not stop the side effects of the radiation process that had been the lifesaver. His son's genetic code would forever be dangerously unstable; one wrong dose of DNA-changing or destroying radiation would once more throw his son's life onto the edge of death. Dr. Logan kept this information to himself, never telling his wife or anyone else. She already had enough to worry about with their son's physical change. Their son's skin had turned completely green, his usually hazel eyes emerald green, and his bright red hair into a deep forest green. No one ever knew what had caused the difference, but were satisfied with the gift of the Logan's son's life once more.
Life continued on in Africa for the Logans many a year after the Sakutia incident, Dr. Logan still working on his research, but spending much more time with his family and the locals. The couple carefully guarded their son from any danger everyday, the local tribe also growing fond of the energetic green boy they came to know over the years. A midwife of the tribe developed an especially close bond with Mrs. Logan, their two sons of the same age playing together almost everyday. The Logans did not know their son was any different, aside from his odd appearance until one day when Mrs. Logan and the midwife, Shiraz, were picking fresh fruit from trees nearby the tribe and the Logan's camp. Their two boys came along, both now at the curious and fun-loving age of six. The two women were avidly conversing with each other after they had been out for about an hour, and didn't notice as they drew closer and closer to a Black Mamba's nest (a Black Mamba is a very deadly snake, in case you didn't know). Mrs. Logan was heading straight towards it.
Shiraz's son was the first to spot the snake, shouting a warning just as Mrs. Logan's foot came within striking distance of the snake. The Logan's son sprinted across the few feet separating him and his mother, desperately trying to save her as the Black Mamba reared back to bite. This was when the powers of the Logan's son first revealed themselves: the Logan's son transformed into a green mongoose right before his mother's and the midwife's eyes, snatching the snake away in one bite and saving his mother's life. The small boy was rushed back to the camp after he returned to his normal shape, and ushered straight to his father. After a long talk between his parents, he was told never to let anyone know about his "talent," as they called it, and relayed the same message to the midwife's family.
One afternoon it all changed drastically, though, throwing life into chaos for the Logan's son. He had turned eight just two days before a huge rainstorm washed out the Logan's camp and most of the village nearby. The family fled the rushing flood waters in a wooden reed boat, huddled together with their few belongings. A swift current caught the boat up, however, thrusting them directly into the path of a monstrous waterfall, swollen with the storm. After much begging from his parents as they barreled to their doom, the Logan's son turned into a green bird and flew up to safety, watching with fear and despair as his only family plummeted down the waterfall and then crashed to a watery grave.
The Logan's son was taken in by the midwife's tribe when the flood waters receded, after he had survived in the jungle for two weeks alone. The midwife and her family took care of him for a year or so, nursing him back to physical and mental health. When he was nine, American social services came to Africa and to the boy back to America to live in a foster home. It had taken them weeks to discover the Logan's death and longer still to find the Logan's son.
The Logan's son was shunted back and forth between courts because of his peculiar condition, as the government called it, and was rarely kept in a foster home for more than a week. The pattern of moving in then packing up a few days later became ordinary to the Logan's son over the next two years. To entertain himself and drive his numerous caretakers insane, he gladly caused mischief and practiced his "talent" until he was adept at turning into a gorilla then to an ant in one fluid motion. He did not tell anyone about his powers, keeping his parents' wish; instead he wrecked havoc that everyone knew was at his fault but couldn't prove so. The young Logan's son developed a bright sense of humor, though it was often at another's expense.
One particular social worker seemed to take the Logan's boy in interest. His name was Steve Dayton, and he was one of the best in his profession. He had been on the Logan's case since the beginning, trying to locate their boy as a last tribute to Marie Logan, whom he had gone to high school and college with and formed sibling bonds. Dayton kept watch over the Logan's son at a distance, an especially helpful though unknown friend to the boy, making sure that the boy was given to the most amicable and benevolent families when he could influence the decision. He never met the boy personally, however, and wished desperately their relationship had stayed that way when they did finally meet. It was a wish with good heart, of course.
When Dayton did meet the Logan's son, it was at request from is current girlfriend, who believed it was in good cause to actually look into becoming a foster-parent. She had started to date the man because she was impressed with his job as a social worker, so Dayton wasn't stubborn on the topic since he knew that helping out a kid wouldn't hurt his reputation with her, either. He even had a thought on what kid he could cast a net out for; Marie's son wasn't getting the life he deserved, he told his girlfriend, and it shouldn't be any trouble to extend a helping hand. Dayton's girlfriend was delighted at the prospect of meeting the boy Dayton had tried so hard to protect.
Both Dayton and his girlfriend were positively excited the morning the drove to the foster-parent headquarters to meet the Logan's son, waiting anxiously at the door for him once they got there. All arrangements had been made and all papers had been signed, the i's dotted and the t's crossed. One thing that Dayton had seemingly failed to mention about the Logan's son, however, became quite apparent as soon as he appeared to be received by his new caretakers. Dayton's girlfriend managed to say one thing before she slumped to the floor startled: "He's green?"
Unfortunately, the Logan's boy resulted in the end of Dayton's relationship with his girlfriend, since she was the victim of the boy's numerous pranks. Dayton had formed a pretty strong relationship with the boy, however, so he was left desperate and with the kid he now considered his son. It didn't take long for him to move with the Logan's son to his other apartment in Jump City, far, far away from his ex-girlfriend. There, he enrolled the Logan's boy in the public middle school, but the boy was constantly teased and ridiculed for his skin condition, eventually forcing Dayton to home school him with a tutor. Dayton was afraid to adopt the boy even though he was begged to by the considered adoptee, fearful that the minute he did the boy would be subject to scientific prodding and testing the foster program protected him from. Despite Dayton's efforts of theme park trips and movies as much as possible, the only thing the boy came to like about his life was his foster father and Saturday Night Live.
Escape from his limited life soon came for the Logan's son when a new superhero came to town. Crime rates had been rising drastically in the year Steve Dayton and his foster son had lived in Jump City, so the city welcomed the arrival of two teenage superheroes with open arms. One was known as the Boy Wonder, Robin, breaking free from the famous Batman's teaching at last. The other was the half-machine, half-boy Cyborg, anxious to prove his worth as a new hero. Together, Robin and Cyborg teamed up and decided to start their own crime-fighting team: the Teen Titans.
As the new T-tower rose up to hover over the city skyline, the Logan's son watched it wistfully, never forgetting his powers and dreaming of a life where he would be accepted, even praised! As he watched, he became more and more restless with his life of secrecy, and began to practice perfecting his shape-shifting in the dead of the night, hoping one day he just might join the Teen Titans. Dayton, though, soon discovered his foster son's late-night practices, and forbid him from joining the crime fighting business at all, fearing for his safety. Immensely upset, the Logan's son shut himself in his room.
He decided to run away.
Waiting until Dayton had left for work the next morning, the now eleven-year-old Logan caught a bus to downtown Jump City, determined to prove Dayton's fears wrong by stopping a crime single-handedly. Unfortunately, he was a little too confident in his powers; Robin and Cyborg found him being locked into a bank vault as a kangaroo at the Jump City Bank. They managed to pull the robbers off him, but ended up being saved by the young Logan when he kicked a gun that had been aiming directly at Robin's back out of one of the robber's hands. The three boys finished off the rest of the criminals together, and Robin convinced the Logan's son to return home—providing that Cyborg and himself would speak to Dayton about joining the Teen Titans.
After a grueling talk between the two heroes and Dayton, with the Logan's son sitting outside the room, Dayton finally agreed to let the boy join. He realized that he couldn't control his foster son's life; and he didn't want him to pull another stunt like running away, which had left Dayton worried sick and calling the police. But he did make them all promise that his foster son would return home to the small inner-city apartment every year on his birthday to spend a couple days with Dayton.
And so packing his bags and leaving his old life, the Logan's son joined the Teen Titans to be known to the world as Beast Boy.