Flower Field
This is chapter 12. There will be more chapters after this. Squall and Rinoa go to the final battle. This chapter will be about the finale, but there will be chapters after this, continuing the story. This is not the last chapter. This chapter will be revised. Since it's been a long time since I wrote the last chapter, this chapter will be edited a lot. I wanted to get this chapter up, it may seem like it's going too fast, so I'll be editing it.
Chapter 12
Squall and Rinoa walked into the dining room. They sat down in the restaurant with the others. Squall and Rinoa began to eat food with the others as they smiled. After everyone finished their dinner, Squall and Rinoa walked back to their room. It was getting late.
"Rinoa, let's go to the ballroom.", Squall said.
"Alright.", Rinoa said. Squall and Rinoa put on new outfits. Squall took Rinoa's hand as they walked out of the room and into the ballroom. Squall and Rinoa descended the steps leading down as Squall held Rinoa's hand. The other couples from Garden were in the ballroom as well. Squall took Rinoa's hand as they began to dance. It was late at night.
"Rinoa, it's great to relax.", Squall said.
"I know.", Rinoa told him.
"It's wonderful here.", Squall commented.
"Yeah.", Rinoa said. I feel so relaxed, Rinoa thought as she danced with Squall.
"It's amusing, how much has changed.", Squall commented.
"I remember out first dance, so long ago.", Rinoa said as they danced.
"Me too.", Squall told her. Squall smiled. After their dance, Squall and Rinoa walked over to the balcony. Rinoa rested her head on Squall's shoulder. Rinoa closed her eyes as they stood on the balcony. She was in love. In love and in the best mood.
"It's so nice out there.", Rinoa said.
"I know, with all the stars in the sky.", Squall commented.
"It's so dark out. Dark and peaceful.", Rinoa said.
"Mm hmm.", Squall agreed.
"Squall?", Rinoa asked.
"Yeah?", Squall questioned.
"It is so great to be your girl friend.", Rinoa said.
"It is even better to be your boy friend.", Squall said.
"I know I must sound so mushy.", Rinoa said.
"What, Mushy? What does that mean?", Squall asked.
"I mean, I'm talking about how great it is to be your girlfriend.", Rinoa said.
"I know.", Squall replied.
"Then you said it's great being my boyfriend.", Rinoa continued.
"Yes.", Squall said.
"I'm so embarrassed. I mean, I sound so mushy and, you know. Ahh!", Rinoa exclaimed.
"Ah. I never thought I'd ever sound like this. I mean, you know me. You know the things I'm saying to you aren't things I'd ever say before. Before we became boyfriend and girlfriend, you knew how I acted." Squall said.
"Yes, Squall. Before we became girlfriend and boyfriend, you acted very different.", Rinoa commented.
"Yes.", Squall said.
"You acted so cold and wouldn't talk this much. I never thought you'd become so romantic.", Rinoa said.
"I know. The things I'm saying aren't things anyone would've thought I'd say before I met you.', Squall said.
"Squall.", Rinoa said.
"Rinoa, I can't imagine what Seifer would say if he heard the way I'm talking.", Squall said.
"Really?", Rinoa asked.
"I used to tease you so much before we got together.", Squall told her.
"I know. Teasing people seemed to be your specialty.", Rinoa said.
"Did my teasing ever get you angry?", Squall asked.
"Actually, I'd never have let you know it, but I loved your teasing.", Rinoa told him.
"I knew it.", Squall said. My girlfriend loved my teasing, Squall thought.
"You did? I didn't even realize it.", Rinoa said.
"I could tell.", Squall said.
"I guess my crush on you wasn't that easy to hide. We had fights, we had arguments, we had loving moments, we had teasing. I was attracted to you, even though I wouldn't admit it back then. Even though you teased me, I still knew you were handsome. Through our fights and arguing, I couldn't help but notice how cute you were. We had arguments, but my crush on you was still there.", Rinoa said. My boyfriend loved to tease me, Rinoa thought.
"Our arguments had lots of passion in them.", Squall told her.
"Yes, I wouldn't admit it, but secretly I thought you were kind of hot when we had our arguments and you teased me.", Rinoa said, blushing.
"I am just too sexy.", Squall joked.
"I used to think, back before we started dating, that, while you liked to tease me, make fun of me and argue with me, you were amazing. I felt I wasn't beautiful enough for you. You were always arguing with me and you were very handsome. You used to drive me crazy with your teasing. You made fun of me a lot and we were arguing so much, but your personality was intriguing, though I wouldn't admit it. You may have been mean at times, but you could be thoughtful and you had a sense of humor and even though you liked to tease me, you had this loving side you'd hide underneath your teasing and tough comments. I realized I loved you, even though you were mean to me at times. It was your teasing that made me fall in love with you, our arguments were filled with love. It was kind of tough, liking you and all.", Rinoa said.
"Sorry if I got you upset.", Squall said.
"Oh, you didn't. I loved your teasing.", Rinoa said.
"Really?", Squall asked.
"Yep.", Rinoa replied..
"Well, this is a great night for romance.", Squall said. Squall kissed Rinoa.
"The words you say aren't words I'd think you'd every say before we got together.", Rinoa said.
"Why? Did you think I was too dense?", Squall teased.
"I didn't say that.", Rinoa said.
"You better not have.", Squall told her.
"I didn't!", Rinoa said.
"I'm teasing you, you little fool.", Squall said.
"What did you call me?", Rinoa asked.
"I'm kidding.", Squall told her.
"I know.", Rinoa said.
"Of course you did.", Squall said.
Squall and Rinoa walked back to their rooms. The next day flew by. The next night, Squall and Rinoa walked through the garden at night, hand in hand.
"It's our last night here.", Squall said.
"I'll miss this place. A lot of challenges are coming up.", Rinoa said.
"Yes. I hope you can handle them.", Squall said.
"Why wouldn't I be able to?", Rinoa asked.
"You never know with you.", Squall said.
"Are you teasing me?", Rinoa asked.
"What do you think?", Squall said.
"Yes.", Rinoa said.
"Of course, you little fool.", Squall told her, smiling.
"Squall!", Rinoa exclaimed.
"I'm kidding. Do you want me to call you my little fool or sweetie?", Squall asked.
"You know, your nicknames for me tend to alter a lot. You call me sweetie, you call me your little idiot, you call me sweetheart. You can me your little fool. You really change.", Rinoa said.
"That's 'cause I love you.", Squall said, smiling.
"Squall.", Rinoa said. Squall and Rinoa held hands as they walked through the dark garden, lit by lamps. Squall took Rinoa's hand as they walked under the gazebo, which lit up the dark garden. Rinoa began to giggle.
"What's so funny?", Squall asked.
"Nothing.", Rinoa said.
"It better be nothing.", Squall teased. Squall embraced Rinoa. Squall hugged Rinoa softly. Rinoa relaxed in Squall's embrace. After their embrace, Squall gently kissed Rinoa.
"If only things were always this sweet.", Rinoa said.
"I wanted a special day to prepare for the upcoming challenges.", Squall said.
"Thank you for making this day special.", Rinoa told him. Squall and Rinoa shared a long, loving moment under the gazebo. Filled with kisses, talks and loving teasing. Later, Squall and Rinoa went back into their room. Rinoa looked out at the balcony.
"It's the last night here.", Squall said.
"Yes. Yes it is.", Rinoa replied.
"Good night.", Squall said.
"Night.", Rinoa said, looking out at the sky. Please, please let everything turn out right, Rinoa thought.
The next day, Squall and Rinoa packed. They met with the others downstairs.
"It's time to go.", Rinoa said.
"It was a nice break.", Selphie said.
"It was enjoyable.", Zell said.
"Rinoa had a lot of fun.", Squall said.
"And you didn't?", Rinoa asked.
"I had a lot of fun with you.", Squall said, laughing.
"You just love to tease me, Squall.", Rinoa said.
"We got everything.", Seifer said.
"It's time to leave.", Ellone said.
"Is everyone ready?", Quistis asked.
"I think we all are.", Rinoa said.
"Let's move it.", Irvine said.
"Is Nida ready?", Rinoa asked.
"I'm ready.", Nida said.
"Then we all are. Great.", Squall said.
"I'm nervous.", Rinoa said.
"Relax.", Squall told her.
"Thank you.", Rinoa said.
"Everything is ready to go.", Quistis said.
"It seems so.", Seifer commented.
"I hope we make it.", Rinoa said.
"We will.", Squall told her.
"Squall, come here.", Rinoa said. Rinoa took Squall's hand and they walked over to an empty area.
"Rinoa?", Squall asked. Squall saw Rinoa try to hold in tears.
"I'm sorry.", Rinoa said.
"You're my little fool, I love you, my little fool, you can cry. Don't hold it in.", Squall said.
"Squall.", Rinoa said. Rinoa began to cry gently. Squall wrapped his arms around her as they hugged.
"It's going to be alright.", Squall said.
"I'm worried. I'm worried we'll die.", Rinoa said.
"We'll live. Everything will be alright.", Squall said as he hugged her tightly.
"Thank you.", Rinoa said. Rinoa wiped her tears away.
"Let's go.", Squall said. They began to walk back.
"Thank you, Squall.", Rinoa said. They walked back to the others.
"Alright, let's go.", Squall said. They left and soon arrived at the area where Edea's house once was.
"This is where Edea lived.", Rinoa commented.
"Edea isn't here now.", Selphie said.
"Time compression.", Squall commented.
"The present, past and future combined.", Zell said.
"Love can help us make it. Relationships and love. We can do it.", Rinoa said.
"Yes.", Squall told her. They walked through Edea's house and noticed fallen SeeDs. They walked onto a platform and continued up. Mirrors passed. They finally arrived at their destination. The dungeon of Ultimecia. They walked up the steps and through the dungeon.
"Ultimecia's reign...We have to end it now.", Squall said.
"We've come this far. She's gotta be here.", Rinoa said.
"Yes.", Squall replied. They walked through the dungeon.
"This place looks amazing.", Rinoa commented.
"It is.", Squall agreed. Everyone walked up many steps and spotted a creature. A battle ensued. They opened the double doors and stepped on a chandelier. The chandelier fell through, to the ground. New rooms awaited. Squall, Rinoa and the others walked through many rooms. Many passages, art galleries, dungeons, stairs and hallways were ahead. They walked through the entire dungeon. They later climbed up many twisted steps. The steps twisted for a long time as they grew higher and higher. They walked across a clock, down many stairs and through many areas. They had went through every area of the dungeon and many battles. After facing many challenges, they climbed down many ladders and arrived at the room they knew they were looking for.
"That's where Ultimecia is, right?", Rinoa asked.
"Yes. Ultimecia resides in there.", Squall replied.
"I'm nervous.", Rinoa said. Squall took Rinoa to an area where they could talk personally. Squall hugged Rinoa tightly.
"It's okay. We can do this.", Squall told her. Their lips met in a gentle kiss.
"I'm ready.", Rinoa said.
"Remember, I love you.", Squall said.
"I love you, too.", Rinoa said.
"I am in love with you.", Squall told her.
"I know.", Rinoa said, smiling.
"No matter what the outcome of the battle is, I'll always love you.", Squall assured her.
'Thanks.", Rinoa said. Rinoa smiled and laughed. "Squall, you change so much. One second you're cold and quiet, the next second you're outgoing and teasing. In the past, these are words I thought you'd laugh over, since you always seem to be teasing me. It's always shocking how you do this.", Rinoa said.
"Shocking? Are you saying I'm confusing?", Squall asked.
"Maybe.", Rinoa said.
"I'm glad I can get you to smile now, since you've gotten me to smile.", Squall said.
"Yep.", Rinoa told him.
"Now, let's go.", Squall told her.
"Right.", Rinoa said.
"We will always be together.", Squall said. Squall hugged Rinoa tightly.
"I'll always be your girlfriend, right?", Rinoa asked.
"Yes, silly, and I'll always be your boyfriend.", Squall said.
"Thank you. I just, your love, it can give me strength in this battle. We can make it.", Rinoa said.
"Yes. We will make it.", Squall assured her. Rinoa linked her arm through Squall's as they walked arm in arm back to the main area. "We are ready.", Squall said.
"We'll do this.", Seifer said.
"Yes.", Rinoa continued.
"Let's go.", Squall said. They entered the doors and saw a Sorceress seated. They looked up. Squall stood next to Rinoa. They all stood together, looking up at Ultimecia. All of them. They faced Ultimecia. Ultimecia looked down at them and grinned.
"SeeD.", Ultimecia said. "SeeD. SeeD. SeeD. Curse all SeeDs.", Ultimecia said.
"Oh?", Squall asked.
"You are SeeD, destined to face me. This battle was meant to be against me. The world was on the brink of the ever-elusive time compression.", Ultimecia said.
"Yes? And?", Squall asked.
"You think you can defeat me? You have no idea what you are about to face.", Ultimecia said.
"Continue with what you are saying.", Squall said.
"The world was on the brink of that ever-elusive 'time-compression'. Insolent fools! Your vain crusade ends here, SeeDs. The price for your meddling is death beyond death. I shall send you to a dimension beyond your imagining. There, I will reign, and you will be my slaves for eternity. Hahahahahahahaha.", Ultimecia said.
"Oh, wow.", Rinoa said.
"Some talk.", Squall commented.
"Are you ready for this challenge?", Ultimecia asked.
"Yes. We are so damn ready.", Rinoa said.
"Oh, you know, even if you do defeat me, order shall not return to this world.", Ultimecia said.
"Well, letting you leave won't help.", Squall said.
"I do have the power to return the world to normal.", Ultimecia said.
"Like you'd help?", Rinoa asked.
"The world will end if I die.", Ultimecia said.
"You'd end the world if you lived.", Zell said.
"Test me.", Ultimecia said.
"This will be the last battle.", Selphie said.
"It will be quite a challenge.", Ultimecia said.
"We can defeat you.", Rinoa said.
"You? Defeat me. You are quite mistaken.", Ultimecia said.
"I think it's you whose mistaken.", Rinoa said.
"Oh?", Ultimecia asked.
"Everyone is prepared.", Quistis said.
"You seem to be.", Ultimecia said.
"You may have controlled me, but I regained control.", Seifer said.
"Oh, it is you.", Ultimecia said.
"We can defeat you.", Rinoa said.
"That's a laugh.", Ultimecia commented.
"You won't have your way!", Squall exclaimed.
"You can never defeat me.", Ultimecia continued.
"I can defeat you. You tried to take over me and you lost.", Seifer said.
"Yes, but I did control you. You, too.", Ultimecia said.
"I will defeat you!", Rinoa said.
"Let's go!", Squall exclaimed.
The battle begun. Ultimecia appeared.
"Let's go.", Squall said. The battle begun. Ultimecia cast many spells. Slowly, one by one, everyone began fading away. The people around Squall drifted into time. After Squall had hurt Ultimecia, griever appeared.
"I shall use your mind to come up with a creature you find is strong, Squall. Griever, make them bleed.", Ultimecia said.
"Griever?", Squall asked. Oh my, Squall thought.
"That's Squall's ring!", Rinoa exclaimed.
"We have to…?", Squall asked. Greiver appeared. The battle began. It was difficult as more and more people had faded. Griever used a difficult attack.
"Oh my gosh.", Rinoa said.
"That was some attack.", Squall commented. They were out of breath after that attack. After Griever was defeated, Ultimecia was junctioned onto Griever and a new battle began.
"See if you can defeat this.", Ultimecia said.
"Huh?", Rinoa asked.
The battle was even more difficult than the last. More and more people were fading. The battle with Ultimecia continued, until Ultimecia junctioned to Griever was finished. Ultimecia fell apart.
"Is it over?", Rinoa asked.
"It's not over yet.", Squall said. Sparks flew through the air. Shards fell from the sky. Suddenly, they were transported to a new area. Squall and Rinoa were the only ones left.
"This is Ultimecia. Time will compress. Existence is denied.", Ultimecia said.
"Oh my gosh!", Rinoa exclaimed.
"What is that?", Squall asked.
"I think this is it. The last battle.", Rinoa said.
"Let's make it worth it.", Squall told Rinoa.
"Yes.", Rinoa said. The battle with Ultimecia continued. Attack after attack. It got more and more challenging. Finally, Squall used Lionheart. After many strikes, things with Ultimecia were almost done.
"Reflect… Time… it will not wait…", Ultimecia said.
"What?", Squall asked.
"The end… the end has come… It is over…", Ultimecia said.
"What?", Rinoa asked.
"I am defeated… time… has passed… reflect upon it… The end… has come…", Ultimecia said.
"What?", Squall asked. Suddenly, Ultimecia fell and exploded. The sparks blew.
"It's over.", Squall said.
"Yeah.", Rinoa said.
"It seems like there's more to come.", Squall said.
"I have a feeling something is ahead.", Rinoa said.
"Let's go back to our time.", Irvine told them.
"Everyone needs to get to the right time.", Quistis said.
"We need to be careful.", Seifer said.
"There's many places to go.", Selphie said.
"I hope we can make it back.", Rinoa said.
"We can do it.", Squall said.
"Everything is shaky.", Zell said.
"This looks confusing.", Rinoa said.
"It is.", Squall said. Everything was blurry. Everyone seemed to look blurry, running back and forth. Where would he go? What's going on?, Squall thought. Squall suddenly found himself running in a new direction.
"I need to find Squall.", Rinoa said. "Where is he?", Rinoa asked.
"Where am I going?", Squall wondered.
"Time...place...who I wanna be with... I wanna go there! Where Squall
and I promised. Squall! Squall! Let's go home! Where are you?", Rinoa asked. Rinoa began to run. Rinoa touched her necklace.
Squall ran through the dark. Where am I?, Squall thought.
"Squall? Where are you going?", Rinoa asked. Rinoa touched her necklace again and closed her eyes. "Squall.", Rinoa said.
Squall ran throughout the area. He saw a younger version of himself. Suddenly, he was transported back in time. To the orphanage. Edea was there. Matron.
"Where can I go?", the young Squall asked.
Squall watched his young self run. Edea approached the present Squall.
"Have you seen a little boy?", Edea asked.
"Don't worry. He'll be around.", Squall said.
"We've been trying to help him.", Edea said.
Suddenly, Ultimecia appeared. Squall looked on.
"You're alive?", Squall asked.
"The sorceress?", Edea asked.
"Yes, Matron. We had defeated… stand back.", Squall said.
"What?", Edea asked.
"Matron, this is a sorceress from…", Squall began.
"It's alright. There's no need to fight. That sorceress is just looking for someone to pass her power on to. A sorceress must free of all her powers. I shall take over that sorceress' powers. I do not want one of the children to become one.", Edea said.
"I can't disappear yet…", Ultimecia said.
Squall pulled out his sword. Ultimecia's powers had zapped into Edea.
"Is this the end?", Edea asked.
"Most likely.", Squall said.
"What is going on?", Edea asked.
"I'm from Balamb Garden. A SeeD.", Squall explained.
"SeeD? Garden?", Edea asked.
"Both SeeD and Garden were your ideas.", Squall explained.
"You're that boy from the future?", Edea asked.
"Yes.", Squall said.
"You must leave, You do not belong here.", Edea said.
Squall saw his past self run up.
"Matron, I can't find Elle anywhere.", his past self said. "Whose he?", his past self asked.
"No one you need to know. The only Squall permitted here is you.", Edea said.
"Wait!", Squall exclaimed.
"Yes?", the young Squall asked.
"What's going on? Ellone is missing? When was this? This didn't happen in the past. I don't remember this. Unless someone did something to alter the past.", Squall said.
"Where is everyone? I can't find anyone.", the young Squall said.
"This didn't happen. This Squall looks so sad. I don't remember this scene. Someone must have altered the past.", Squall said.
"Where is everyone?", the young Squall asked.
"I am you from the future. Any advice or change I make will affect now. I can't give you any advice or tell you anything. I just want you to know that things will get better. I promise you.", Squall said.
"You're me from the future?", his past self asked.
"Yes. Things will get better.", Squall promised.
"Alright.", his past self said.
"Rinoa will come.", Squall said.
"Do you need help returning?", Edea asked.
"I'm alright.", Squall said. He realized that something had changed from the past. That scene was different. Or was it that this present had changed? How many times did this happen? Squall wondered.
Squall decided to return. I'll be alright, Squall thought. The area disappeared. Squall was back into a void. I'll be alright. I am not alone. I am in love. I am happy. I have someone who loves me, Squall thought. Rinoa is here, Squall thought. If I call out, they'll answer, Squall thought. "Where is everyone?", Squall asked. "Rinoa!", Squall called. "Rinoa? Rinoa, where are you?", Squall asked. "Rinoa.", Squall said. "Where are you?", Squall asked. Squall ran back and forth, but couldn't find his way. I'm alright. Rinoa… I want to hear your voice, Squall thought. Am I…? I can't be… I can't be…No… I have someone…, Squall thought. Squall realized that he didn't see anyone. He couldn't be by himself. He couldn't. He was. He didn't have anywhere to go. Where was he to go?
There was a flash. Squall looked around. There were planes all around him. Squall turned around. Squall began to walk around through the planes. Dust clouded the air. The sky was grey and brown pieces of ground surrounded him. He looked around. He paced the ground, taking slow steps. Squall continued to walk. The air was dusty. There was fog above him. He continued walking, anxious. Things seemed in slow motion. He walked and walked. He looked around. Where was he to go? There were planes and more planes. It was like a desert. Was there an end? Squall walked quicker, kicking at the dust on the ground, pacing the ground. He tried to keep his cool.
He swayed back and forth. He began to take quick steps, then slow steps. He felt anxious, but maintained his cool. He felt upset, but kept walking. Squall looked down. He began to kick with his steps. He seemed to go around the same places. The plains seemed endless. Squall scraped the floor as he walked. Squall sighed and continued walking. Where am I going? Where am I headed?, Squall thought. Squall sighed and walked around, confused. I need to get back so I can see Rinoa, Squall thought. Squall thought about his girlfriend, Rinoa. Squall wanted to see her. Squall walked around the plains. Squall walked through the desert. Where should I go?, Squall thought. He was lost. I need to see Rinoa, Squall thought. Squall continued to walk. His pace quickened and then slowed. The sky was turning grey. Things were dark. He looked behind him over an edge.
Squall walked forward. He kicked and hunched down. He looked at the floor. He was very upset, worried and tense. Now the ground was frost covered. Squall continued walking. Squall looked over the edge. There was no where left to walk. What the hell?, Squall thought. What? What do I do? What?, Squall thought. Need to find everyone. Need to get back, Squall thought.
"I need to see my girlfriend.", Squall said. I need to see my girlfriend, Squall thought.
Squall needed to get back. He had to. Squall tried to keep his cool as he walked. He needed to relax. Where am I supposed to go?, Squall thought. What is going on?
Squall looked over the edge of the cliff and turned around. Squall couldn't take it. He looked around. Squall surveyed the area. Where could he go? He was lost. Time was compressed. Where could he go? Suddenly, there was no way back. He was on a floating piece of rock. He couldn't go back. It was dark all around. He looked around again. There wasn't anywhere to go. Squall kicked upward. Squall kicked downward as he looked around. Squall scraped the rock below and then collapsed. Squall fell down and sat on the floor.
Squall hung his head down and raised his shoulders.
Rinoa began to run. I need to see Squall, Einoa thought. Things were moving so fast. "Where can I go?", Rinoa asked. Rinoa ran quickly. The sky was dark. Rinoa ran forward and turned around. Rinoa turned around and turned her head back and turned forward. Rinoa looked back and forth as she ran. She ran quickly. She found herself in a field. There was a garden, but everything was dark.
Rinoa looked up. She was worried. The sky was dark. Where is he, Rinoa thought. She had a worried expression on her face. Rinoa blinked. Rinoa looked down. Rinoa looked up again, looking around. Rinoa then turned down and looked at her necklace. Rinoa held her necklace. The necklace connected her ring with Squall's. She looked up. Rinoa looked at the sky. Please, Squall, be safe, Rinoa thought.
Squall sat down on the gravel. Squall wore a heartbroken expression on his face. He felt helpless. He needed hope. Squall looked up at the dark sky. He saw something floating in the distance. It was a feather. The feather floated down. Squall looked up, a hopeful, longing expression on his face. Squall looked up, confused. He couldn't think right. His thoughts were longing. Squall looked up. The feather floated down. Squall caught the feather in his hands.
Squall looked up. Squall clenched the feather. Squall saw a vision. It was more than just a vision. He was there. It felt like he was there. Their was a sunset, the sky a mixture of yellow, pink and orange. He saw a vision of Rinoa. He saw wings attacked to Rinoa. Rinoa, Squall thought. An angel, Squall thought. Squall saw wings and then he saw Rinoa in a field by the sunset. Pink petals flew down. He saw the back of Rinoa.
Squall looked forward. There was a sunset, a field, petals. There were flowers. There was Rinoa. Squall was standing. Petals flew through the sunset as Squall closed his eyes. Squall opened his eyes and looked forward.
"Rinoa.", Squall called. Squall looked forward, confused. He saw the back of Rinoa. Squall saw her. "Rinoa!", Squall called again. Is it Rinoa? Is Rinoa here?, Squall wondered.
Squall blinked and looked forward. He was confused. He needed hope. He looked forward with a pleading, wishing expression. He wanted it to be Rinoa. He wanted to see Rinoa. Squall saw Rinoa turn around. He couldn't see Rinoa, though. Her face. He couldn't see her face. He saw it, but his vision was blurred. He saw swirls.
Squall tried to picture Rinoa. He couldn't see her face. He had to remember Rinoa. He tried to see her face, but he couldn't. He needed to picture her in his mind. He had to. He needed to find her. He needed to picture a memory where he could see her. He had to. Squall saw the image of Rinoa. He couldn't see her face. His vision was blurred and he saw swirls and blurred images. Suddenly, a quick image of Seifer appeared. Then Rinoa appeared. He was at the dance. He saw Rinoa. Then Rinoa turned around. Once again, Squall couldn't see her face. He couldn't picture her face. It was blurred from his vision again. Why can't I see you? Why? I love you. You're my girlfriend. We're in love. I need to see you. I need to. I need to see my girlfriend. I need to see you. Come on, Squall thought.
Squall tried to picture his love, Rinoa, at the dance. Squall pictured the dance and pictured Rinoa. He couldn't see her fance. He tried to picture her, but his vision was blurred. He couldn't see her face. His vision was blurring. He saw her lift one finger and glance at him, but he couldn't see her clearly. Everything was blurry. He saw things in double. He pictured her again, but this time it was swirling. The same swirls from before. He tried to picture her at the dance again, but this time he saw her transparent in his mind. He tried to picture her again at the dance, lifting up one finger, but once again, his image of her was blurry. He tried to picture her again at the dance, but the image flashed by. He tried to picture another image of her.
He pictured her looking at him wearing her other outfit. It was blurry too. He decided to go back and picture her at the dance. His mind went back without him trying. He needed to picture Rinoa. He loved Rinoa. He had to remember her. Seeing her would help him. He pictured her lifting up one finger again at the dance, but this time his vision was even more blurry before. Instead of a small blur or shaky vision or seeing in double, things were blacked. He couldn't see her face at all, he saw her features, but things were blurred and mixed up.. Then his vision shook and flashed. He pictured her again at the dance, looking toward him. This time he could see clearer, things weren't mixed, just blurry, with double and shaky vision. His vision blurred again. He pictured her at the dance once more. This time he couldn't see her face at all. He saw swirls and new images.
He needed to picture her. Squall pictured Rinoa at the dance again. He needed to picture her. He saw her, a close up of her. He couldn't see her, though. His vision was shaky again. Then the swirls took over. He pictured her again, even closer, he had the blurry vision again. He saw the swirls again. He needed to see Rinoa. He wanted to see Rinoa. Squall saw Rinoa. He saw Rinoa. Then he saw Seifer. Then he saw Rinoa again. Then he saw the swirls again. He saw Seifer. He saw Rinoa. Squall saw space. He saw a new memory of Rinoa. Squall pictured the time he was in space. His memories ran through. He saw her in space. He saw a close up of Rinoa in her helmet. Squall's vision was blurry again. He couldn't see her face. Squall then saw her from a distance. His mind went back to the dance again. This time, she wasn't there. He saw the couples around him, but he couldn't see her. He panicked. He saw a quick flash and he saw her again. He was happy to see Rinoa again. He couldn't see her face though. His image of her flashed by and then he saw the dance floor without her again.
Squall needed to see her. He needed to see Rinoa. He had picture her. He saw Rinoa again for a second, but he couldn't see her again. His image of her faded. He saw the dance again and the people around him, but he couldn't see her. He saw more flashes. He pictured Rinoa and saw her in between the flashes. Then he saw Rinoa. In his mind she was at the dance again and was walking forward. He couldn't see her face, though. His image of her was blurred more than before. Everything was mixed. His vision of her wasn't just blurred anymore, his image of her was mixed and he couldn't see clearly at all. It wasn't double or shaky, his image of her as he tried to picture her was dark. In his vision she walked forward to him at the dance, over and over again. Then she disappeared. Squall pictured their two rings in space. Squall saw an image of Rinoa looking toward him. Then other memories appeared in front of him. The time he went to Dollet tower, right before he met Rinoa at the dance. Then he saw the other people waving to him during the mission. Then he pictured Rinoa again, the time he saw her by the balcony of Garden, looking out. She smiled at him, but his vision was shaky. He saw her in double.
Squall continued. He had to see Rinoa. He had to. He wanted to so much. He tried harder. He saw her looking at him from the edge of Garden smiling, but things were shaky and in double. He saw an image of the others and a quick image of Rinoa passed. He saw the other people he knew. Then he saw Rinoa again outside of Garden. He couldn't see her face though, it was blurred again. Squall tried to picture her. Then he saw Seifer again. Then Squall saw Rinoa again. He still couldn't see her face. He saw things in double, his vision was shaking. He saw more images. He saw Rinoa, the look on her face as Squall was falling. As he fell down when he was struck by a shard. He still couldn't see clearly.
Squall was in a state of panic. He tried harder to picture Rinoa. The image of her in his memory as he watched her when he fell down after the sorceress parade flashed in his mind. His vision went by quickly. Suddenly, he was in Deling City. The gates of Deling opened. Now the ball was at Deling and he saw Rinoa move toward him. Rinoa lifted up a finger and moved toward him. In his head he still couldn't see her face. His vision was more blurred then before. Again, his vision wasn't just blurry, it was mixed, he saw colors and darkness. He needed to picture her. He saw Rinoa walking toward him over and over again. He couldn't see her clearly in his mind. He saw her, but his vision of her was blurring. He couldn't see her clearly. She walked toward him again. She kept walking toward him. He heard different music and sounds in his head as he saw her in his mind, where everything as blurred. Things were even more blurry then before, where he saw her, but he saw things in a different order and everything was a different color. He saw her walking toward him. New images flashed by. As he pictured her at Deling, fragments of the dance filled his mind, as did other memories. He saw her at the dance at Balamb. He saw another image of her. Things were in double. Then he was back in Deling.
He was at the dance again. He saw Rinoa. Squall tried to picture her. He couldn't see her. His vision was shaking and he was seeing in double again. He saw her swaying before him as he saw her in his mind. His images of her flashed back and forth. He saw her twirling around him. He saw her at the dance. He couldn't see her clearly. He saw the time in space again. Then he saw her at the dance again. Then his vision was cut in hald. He saw many people. Then he saw lots of images of her face. The images kept flashing by him quickly. Lots and lots of images. The images continued. Then he pictured her running toward him as they were about to hug. He couldn't see her clearly. It was blurred even more.
He tried to picture other scenes. Squall pictured more intimate moments with Rinoa. The time he saved her during the battle. The time she watched him fall. The time they'd hugged at the Sorceress Memorial. The time they were on the Ragnorak together. Their kiss on the Ragnorak. Their hug on the Ragnorak. The promise they'd made together by the flower fields. Their first date. Their kiss in the flower fields. Their time in space. He tried to picture the dance over and over again. He pictured their kiss in the hotel. He pictured their hug when he saved Rinoa from Adel. Squall pictured Rinoa again. He pictured their time at the beach. Him hugging her when he got her to come back when Ultimecia had taken control. He pictured his time with Rinoa in the hotel ballroom. He pictured their kiss on the beach. He pictured their anniversary. He pictured them holding hands. He pictured their different dates. He pictures their kisses. He pictured them linking arms. He pictured them holding hands when falling into time compression. He pictured their hugs. He tried more and more. Still, each time he couldn't see her face. He tried over and over again and couldn't see her. He kept trying to see her but couldn't. He couldn't see her.
He saw an image of the helmet when they were in space. He couldn't see her in it and it cracked. He saw a whole in his head. He saw the glass from the space helmet Rinoa wore crack. Squall's eyes opened wide, his face paled. Squall's eye opened widely. He felt tears falling down his face, but he felt too pale to realize it. He couldn't make it. He saw white. His eyes opened. Suddenly, Squall leaned back and collapsed. Squall fainted and fell to the floor. A feather fall down.
Rinoa walked forward. It was dark. The sky was dark. The ground was hard. Rinoa slowly walked forward, into the light. Rinoa stepped forward, quickening her pace. Rinoa's necklace brushed as Rinoa walked. She stepped forward. Rinoa continued walking forward. She spotted someone laying down on the ground. It was Squall. Rinoa looked down. It's Squall, Rinoa thought. Rinoa looked at him, observing Squall's body laying down on the gravel. She saw him. Rinoa saw Squall, his eyes were closed. He was unconscious. He lay on the ground. Rinoa bent next to him. Squall, Rinoa thought, Yes, it's Squall. My boyfriend, Rinoa thought. Rinoa moved toward him. Rinoa moved her hands over to his face. Rinoa lifted him up. She saw his face. Rinoa put her hands behind Squall's head. She lifted him up and then moved him down. She saw his closed eyes.
Rinoa looked at Squall, who was motionless. Rinoa ran her hands through his hair. Rinoa moved her hands down from her boyfriend's hair to his face. Her boy friend was lying down, collapsed in her arms. Her boyfriend had collapsed. He wasn't conscious. Rinoa continued to move her hands through his hair and down his neck. Rinoa looked at him and opened her mouth. "Squall.", Rinoa said slowly. She saw his closed eyes. He didn't respond. He can't be…, Rinoa thought. He can't be dead, Rinoa thought. Tears formed in Rinoa's eyes. Rinoa held him in her arms. Rinoa held Squall as light shown in front. They were on the ground together. Rinoa held the fainted Squall in her arms.
Her boyfriend lay in her arms. She looked at him. She looked forward. Please let him be alive, Rinoa thought. He can't be dead.., Rinoa thought. Rinoa began to cry. She held him and looked forward. Rinoa looked down. There was no hope. He was gone. Tears poured down Rina's eyes. He's gone, Rinoa thought. Rinoa closed her eyes and hugged Squall tightly. Her eyes had tears running down them as she hugged Squall tightly. Rinoa rested her head in Squall's neck as she hugged him. Suddenly, the dark sky lit up. A light flashed as petals flew throughout the air. A garden appeared. Their was grass, flowers. A light shown. The skies cleared up, the flowers bloomed, the petals flew by. Rinoa lay down.
She held her boyfriend in her arms. Rinoa cried. She rested her head in Squall's neck. She heard the wind brush by. What is it?, Rinoa thought. What could possibly make it alright? Things can't get better. What is it? What is it?, Rinoa thought. Rinoa looked up. The land was different. The darkness was overtaken by light. There wasn't darkness anymore. There was light. Petals flew throughout the air. A garden was blooming, light was falling upon them. Rinoa looked up, a distant expression on her face. Rinoa watched sadly as the petals flew throughout the air. She looked on, a sad and distant look. She looked around as petals flew in the air. Rinoa looked through the area. Rinoa saw the petals float past her. Rinoa looked down at Squall. Something was going on.
Rinoa looked down at Squall. He was breathing. His eyes opened. Rinoa looked at Squall with tears in her eyes. Is he alive?, Rinoa wondered. She watched as Squall moved. His eyes were open. He's alive, Rinoa thought. He's alive!, Rinoa realized.
Her boyfriend's eyes were opened.
"Squall.", Rinoa said. She watched as he regained consciousness. Squall's eyes were open. He was moving. He was alright. He was ok. He was alive. Rinoa had tears in her eyes. She looked at Squall, an expression of relief in her eyes. He was alive. Rinoa looked around, realizing where they were. Time compression had blurred it. Now the blue skies had overtaken the darkness. They were in the flower fields. The flower field they promised to meet in. The flower field from their promise.
"I'll be here…"
"I'll be waiting here…"
"For what?"
"I'll be waiting for you so, if you come here, you'll find me, I promise."
The words flashed through Rinoa's mind. It was fate. It was destiny. They were a couple destined to be together. They were a couple who were meant to be. Destined to reunite in the place they promised to. Petals flew throughout the air. Their promise had become a reality. She had known where to find him. It wasn't too late. Squall was awake.
"Squall.", Rinoa said.
"Rinoa?", Squall asked. Where am I?, Squall wondered. Am I alive? I see Rinoa… Rinoa… Rinoa's here!, Squall thought. Rinoa… is this a dream? No… this isn't a dream, Squall thought. This is real. Rinoa's here. Rinoa's back, Squall thought. Rinoa ahs returned for me. My girlfriend is really here. Rinoa's here. Rinoa's back, Squall thought. He heard Rinoa's voice. He saw Rinoa's face. He looked around.
"Yes, Squall, it's me. Your girlfriend, Rinoa. I'm here for you.", Rinoa said.
"Rinoa, is it really you?", Squall asked.
"Yes, Squall. It's really me. Your Rinoa. I'm back. I'm here for you.", Rinoa said.
"Rinoa…", Squall said. Squall felt so happy, so in love. He was in love, happy, thankful, relieved and felt magical. He was in Rinoa's arms. Rinoa's back. We are together again, Squall thought.
"I'm back, Squall.", Rinoa said.
"Rinoa. I'm so glad you're here. I wanted to see you. I was lost and I thought I'd never see you again. My memory was beginning to fade. I panicked. I couldn't remember you and was ready to die. I passed out and you came for me and brought me back to life.", Squall said.
"Squall, I'm so glad you are safe. I love you so much.", Rinoa said.
"Rinoa, I love you so much as well. I was so scared that I'd never see you again. All my thoughts were confused. Everything got blurry. I was lost. I was so worried I couldn't be able to see you again.", Squall said.
"It's alright Squall. I'm here. You have nothing to worry about.", Rinoa said.
"Rinoa.", Squall said.
"Oh, Squall.", Rinoa said. Rinoa hugged Squall tightly.
"You saved me. I was ready to die not being able to see you. Thank you, Rinoa. I'm so glad you're here.", Squall said.
"Squall.", Rinoa said, as she released her arms.
"Rinoa.", Squall said. Squall hugged Rinoa tightly. "I don't ever want to let you go.", Squall said.
"I was lost too, I wanted to see you, too.", Rinoa said.
"I was the one who panicked, not being able to remember you.", Squall said.
"Were you scared?", Rinoa asked.
"I was terrified.", Squall said. "I was ready to die. I kept walking and collapsed. I tried to remember your face, but everything was blurry. I needed to see you. A feather reached into my hand and I thought I saw you. Illusions and flashbacks entered my mind. Finally, I collapsed.", Squall said.
"Squall, I'm so glad you're alive and I can be with you.", Rinoa said. They were both sitting down in the flower field.
"Come to me.", Squall said. Squall kissed Rinoa.
"I'm so glad that you are alive.", Rinoa said.
"I am so glad we are here with each other.", Squall said.
"Me too.", Rinoa said, crying.
"We are in the flower field where we promised. I promised to meet you here.", Squall said.
"Yes. It's a good thing we made that promise.", Rinoa said.
"You have no idea how good. It's a miracle.", Squall said. Squall and Rinoa were in the flower fields, kneeling next to each other, in each other's arms.
"We're finally together again.", Rinoa said.
"Yes, Rinoa.", Squall said. Squall and Rinoa embraced for a long time. Time seemed to stand still, yet passed. Squall held Rinoa tightly for a long time.
"Do you think we will get back?", Rinoa asked a long time later..
"Whether or not we can doesn't matter, as long as I'm with you.", Squall said, holding Rinoa in his arms as they sat together.
"We are by the orphanage. It's a long walk back.", Rinoa said.
"It's fine if I'm by your side. Never leave me.", Squall said.
"I'll never leave you, Squall.", Rinoa told him. Squall and Rinoa embraced. They hugged for a long time. Their eyes were closed as they sat together, embracing.
"I'm so glad you found me.", Squall said.
"It's you who helped us. You promised to meet me here. That is why were we able to reunite.", Rinoa said.
"Rinoa…", Squall said.
"Our promise reunited us.", Rinoa said.
"Yes.", Squall said. Squall kissed Rinoa again.
"We'll be together forever.", Rinoa said.
"Of course.", Squall said,
"I know I sound mushy.", Rinoa said.
"Ha ha, mushy. That's a word I never thought I'd hear you say. Mushy. A first grade word.", Squall teased.
"Hey! You try to think of a better word! Mushy sounds fine!", Rinoa exclaimed.
"Well, maybe I'll sound like that. I feel that this romance is what saved me. I couldn't make it without you, Rinoa. I am in love with you. My love for you has gotten me this far. We have been dating for a long time. Although it may not have seemed like a long time, it feels like much longer then a few months. For all the time we have been going out, for the time we have been boyfriend and girlfriend, it's just been so amazing. It feels like it's been much longer then a few months.", Squall said.
"Wow, I never imagined you'd say such romantic words, Squall Leonhart.", Rinoa said.
"Well, I do have a romantic side for your information, Rinoa Heartilly.", Squall teased.
"I know. We've been dating long enough for me to realize it. Of course, before we became an item you were much colder.", Rinoa teased.
"Yes, before we were a couple I'd tease you.", Squall said.
"It took a long time to get you to be this passionate and romantic. I bet the old Squall would laugh if he realized he'd be saying things as romantic as this.", Rinoa told him.
"Is that a challenge?", Squall teased.
"Maybe.", Rinoa said, laughing.
"I'll always be with you.", Squall said.
"Squall, stay with me.", Rinoa said. Rinoa held Squall in her arms as they sat together in the flower fields. Suddenly, Garden went over them.
"We're saved.", Squall said, noticing Garden.
"Let's go home.", Rinoa said.
"Yes.", Squall said. Rinoa and Squall walked onto Garden together.
"You're safe!", everyone exclaimed.
"Yes, we are.", Squall said.
"Squall's in critical condition. He needs to be taken to the infirmary right away.", Rinoa said. Rinoa followed the others as Squall was taken to the infirmary. Squall lay down on a bed, just as he had before. Before he reunited with Rinoa. Before everything began. Squall rested on a bed in the infirmary.
"I'll watch over you.", Rinoa said.
"It's okay, Rinoa. I need to rest. I want you to have fun.", Squall said.
"I can't without you.", Rinoa said.
"I need to go through procedures. I promise I'll see you later.", Squall said, as he lay down.
"Please, feel better.", Rinoa said, kissing Squall.
"Thank you, Rinoa.", Squall said.
"I love you.", Rinoa said.
"I love you, too.", Squall told her.
"Good bye.", Rinoa said, giving Squall one last kiss. Rinoa looked at Squall. She saw him smile as he lay down on the infirmary bed. Rinoa walked out.
Rinoa exited the infirmary. Rinoa walked upstairs.
"Rinoa, there's going to be a party tonight in honor of the defeat of Ultimecia.", Irvine said.
"Oh.", Rinoa said. I will only go if Squall can be there, Rinoa thought. Rinoa walked to her dormitory.
Squall opened his eyes. He had rested for quite some time. He was awake again and back where he had started. The same area he was during fateful day the changed everything and the night he met Rinoa.
"Are you alright?", Dr. Kadowaki asked.
"Yes.", Squall said. I hope Rinoa's alright, Squall thought.
Rinoa walked to her dormitory. Everyone was talking about the big party taking place this night. It was a celebration of the defeat of Ultimecia. The day passed and it was soon late at night. The party had begun and people were cheering. Rinoa walked into the ballroom and saw the party. Rinoa walked passed everyone. It had been many hours since she'd seen Squall. She didn't know whether or not Squall would be there. Rinoa walked out to the balcony. She smiled as she looked at the night sky. She remembered all her times together with Squall. Everything they'd been through. All that happened. It was night time. Rinoa walked over to the balcony and decided to think. It was very late at night. Rinoa looked outside for a long time. Half an hour passed.
Rinoa lifted up one finger and noticed the camera on her. Rinoa looked away. She was all alone on the balcony. She smiled as she looked out. She had hoped Squall would come to the party, but it seemed he wasn't feeling well. I wish he was here, Rinoa thought. Rinoa looked outside, smiling. At least he was safe. She looked outside at the night sky. She smiled, remembering everything that happened. So much had happened during the past few months. Today, so much had happened. Now, everything was finally complete. The battle was won. Things could finally be normal. Still, the memories were inside of her. She looked out at the night sky, thinking of all that happened. It was an amazing night. So much had happened.
Rinoa smiled, looking out. Suddenly, Rinoa turned around and saw her boyfriend. Rinoa saw Squall. Rinoa felt so wonderful. He's here, Rinoa thought. Squall's come here!, Rinoa thought excitedly. Rinoa smiled at Squall. Rinoa lifted up one finger. Squall smiled at Rinoa. A loving, genuine smile. Squall walked over to Rinoa and took her in his arms. They began to dance. Squall kissed Rinoa. As they were kissing passionately on the balcony, Garden turned. Rinoa felt the warmth of Squall's kiss. It was more loving and better then any kiss they'd ever had.
Squall felt Rinoa's kiss. He had come to the party just to see her.
Rinoa relaxed as the kiss lasted for so long. It seemed to be an eternity. As Squall released her from the kiss, Rinoa smiled. Rinoa looked at Squall. She was so in love, happy and elated he made it there and surprised her.
"Sorry I arrived late.", Squall said.
"I'm late all the time.", Rinoa said.
"I know you are.", Squall teased.
"Of course you know.", Rinoa said.
"Well, I made it.", Squall said.
"Yes, you did. You made it at the right moment.", Rinoa said.
"Did you think I wouldn't show up to my own party?", Squall asked.
"Actually, I really thought you wouldn't. I waited outside for half an hour.", Rinoa explained.
"The party's just started.", Squall said.
"Are you sure you're feeling well enough to do this?", Rinoa asked.
"Yes, I feel well enough to wrap you in my arms and kiss you.", Squall said.
"I was worried you wouldn't make it.", Rinoa said, blushing.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world.", Squall said.
"You just needed to say that line, didn't you?", Rinoa teased. My boyfriend, the romantic, Rinoa thought.
"Let's stay out here for a bit longer.", Squall said. He was smitten with her. He loved her dearly.
"Alright.", Rinoa told him.
They looked out on the balcony together, remembering all the times that had passed.
Squall put his arm around his girlfriend, Rinoa. Rinoa smiled, resting her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. She closed her eyes. Finally, things were at peace. She was in love with Squall. He was there with her. She felt more relaxed and content then ever. They were outside at night for a long time.
"Squall.", Rinoa said.
"Ready to head back in?", Squall asked. Squall kissed her cheek gently.
"Yes.", Rinoa said. Rinoa held Squall's arm as they walked back in. Rinoa walked into the ballroom on Squall's arm, smiling brightly.
"We waited for you.", Irvine said.
"We needed some private time.", Squall said.
"We had a great time.", Rinoa said.
"We needed some time too.", Zell said.
"We have our time.", Selphie said.
"This is turning out to be amazing.", Squall said.
"The party is perfect.", Rinoa said.
"I'm here with Rinoa, my love. Seifer's back with us too. Everything is perfect.", Squall said.
"Hey there.", Seifer said.
"We are happy, too.", Ellone said.
"Rinoa, it seems we have company.", Squall said.
"I'm so glad we are all happy.", Rinoa said.
"All of us especially.", Quistis said.
"We can all be glad.", Nida said.
"We are all in pairs.", Squall said.
"It seems we all have our special relationships.", Rinoa said.
"We are all in a relationship.", Squall said.
"Yep.", Rinoa commented.
"Everyone is here.", Selphie said.
"We are all doing well.", Zell commented.
"This is perfect.", Rinoa said.
"Everything has come together.", Squall commented.
"Squall, it seems to be that everything is in perfection.", Seifer said.
"Now is a great opportunity for everyone.", Ellone said.
"To relax?", Rinoa asked.
"Rinoa and I are very happy.", Squall said.
"We had the most amazing day and night.", Rinoa said.
"Come here, Rin, Rinoa.", Squall said. Squall took Rinoa in his arms.
"What is it, Squall?", Rinoa asked.
"Rinoa, shall we dance?", Squall asked her.
"Yes, we shall.", Rinoa said. Squall twirled Rinoa around in his arms. They entered the dance floor with the others.
"Oh! We need to get you on camera.", Irvine said.
"Alright.", Squall said. Squall danced with Rinoa as Irvine filmed them.
"Squall! Why did you say that?", Rinoa exclaimed when they had stopped dancing. Rinoa looked at Squall playfully. Rinoa linked her arm through Squall's arm.
"Let them see us.", Squall said.
"Hey!", Rinoa exclaimed.
"Wanna hook up in the secret area, Rinoa?", Squall teased, leaning in toward Rinoa.
"What?", Rinoa exclaimed.
"We hooked up there many months ago.", Squall said.
"Squall! Stop it!", Rinoa exclaimed, laughing.
"You're blushing.", Squall said.
"Hey!", Rinoa said.
"Come here.", Squall said, laughing. Squall took Rinoa into his arms as they began to dance again.
"This is a night we will always remember.", Squall said.
"I am so glad we can be together, like this.", Rinoa told Squall.
"Me too.", Squall said. Squall and Rinoa danced together lovingly. Squall smiled. This is the perfect night, Squall thought. Everything was perfect.
Well, that was chapter 12. Some things may be repetitive, since I was writing it down quickly. Some things may be too detailed. It's a long story why. I may need to reedit this chapter. I hope it turned out well. I will redo it. There will be more chapters. Thank you.