I returned! And I finally finished this chapter rather quickly! Review or meet your doom!

Just kidding! You'll only meet man-eating purple giraffes! XD

Now instead of a long line of "….." separating sections, I will have three "x"s!

Chapter Six: The Truth and a Bet


"Well, excuse me!" Sheik retorted. After all that happened, he didn't think he could bottle up his feeling for long…

"You'd better mean it!" Din snapped, "You can't possibly understand what I've been through!"

He laughed.

A sick, sad laugh.

He had finally snapped.

"Oh, I think I do!" Anger and sadness burned deeply in his eyes.

"I've heard your tales! I know what your sister did! And how can you possibly say that I haven't been through worse! You've been trapped in that pearl for who knows how long and here you are, saying you know everything!"

Din was actually frightened. The Sheikah looked almost murderous, and she was sure he'd kill her.

"From what my mom told me, my whole RACE could be DEAD by now! My SISTER MURDERED my MOTHER! And here I am, in this place I don't know anything about and met an obnoxious demon and a snob of a goddess! And to top it all off, my only sense of direction went off to water pansies! Now can you still tell me you've had it worse!"

She was completely shocked. His sudden out burst would have made her jaw drop if she had one. After how she treated him she felt ashamed. He tried to act friendly to her and that other man, despite what he had been through, but they spit in his face.

Din stayed there, silent.

"I thought if I maybe made a friend or something I'd make it through, but NO!" Sheik's eyes became shadowed, that horrible memory of his mother resurfacing…

(Flash Back.)

"Sheik! Please leave now!" Mother screamed frantically.

Sheik saddled the Silver Wind as fast as he could. As he reached for her hand, the guard just tore her away from his reach.


Silver Wind raced out of the village, as he watched the guard murder his mother…

Sheik heard her blood-curdling scream as he raced through the graveyard that linked the village of Kakariko and the Sheikah village.

(End of Flash Back.)

He couldn't cry… His mother wouldn't want him to be sad of her. But what Impa did…was horrible. He swore, someday, he'd kill her and avenge his old friends and family. Riko…most likely dead by now. He was so excited to serve the Royal Family… It was considered an extreme honor to do so… But not after what SHE did…

Sheik pulled out some vanishing dust, and threw it at his feet. He needn't be around her anymore…

Din watched as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Great! Now what was she supposed to do?

She flew as fast as she could down the dirt road and out of the forest. She had to find those two; or else she'd never be able to find her body! (Which was a statue because of what Farore did.)


Sesshomaru walked down the gravel path, a smell of brewing tea near-by. He was a little hungry, and soon came upon a teahouse. He quietly walked in, hoping not to draw any attention to himself. None noticed that he was a demon…yet.

The teahouse stood only a couple feet away from a wealthy village, so his attire let him blend in. A couple of old men sat at a table, eating dumplings and sipping their tea. The mat in the doorway then opened, and seven men walked in, and ordered some food. Eh, he wasn't in any hurry. In fact, he surveyed the men who had just seated themselves and saw that they carried swords…


Din flew as fast as she could down the road, hopefully the one that the Sheikah and other man went down. The road steadily became more crowded, and she vigorously dodged carriages and men on horses. Who knew what these people would do if they saw her… To avoid attention, she dashed into what was a teahouse, and hid behind a plant to see the man who had been arguing with the Sheikah…


The dust dispersed and Sheik found himself near a village. He had brought a pack with some useful items, and quickly put on a black hooded robe. His red eyes would surely cause some terror, whether he wanted it of not.

The place was buzzing with tourists and gamblers crowding the streets. He silently walked the street, but came upon some people crowding around something.

Sheik pushed his way through them, to find that an old man who had been walking down the street. Men where carrying another man to somewhere, but the pedestrian blocked their way. The man being carried had his bodyguards put the old man in front of him.

"You dare get in the way of the Higarsona clan?" The man ordered.

"I…I was just on my way to my shop! Please, have mercy!" The old man begged.

"No one messes with the Higarsona clan! In fact, you just might to learn a lesson from this!" He walked out from his chair, placing the blade on the old man's shoulder; "Maybe after I cut off your ear you'll remember… or what about your nose?"

Now this was enough. Sheik stepped out of the crowd, waking past the Higarsona leader.

"Hey, you! What do you think you're doing?" The man barked at Sheik.

Sheik turned around, facing the leader, "Why do you care? I've had a bad day and rather not smell your foul stench…" That part was true, the man smelled as though he hadn't bathed in months.

The man's face turned red with anger, then he replaced it with a smug smile, "Get him." The bodyguards he had with him stepped towards Sheik, swords drawn.

"You regret ever mocking the Higarsona clan!" One stated.

One charged at Sheik, and before the bodyguard could even react, he and the other guards where on the floor dead. Sheik sheathed Kumari, and turned his head back to the Higarsona's leader.

The leader's face paled, and fear was shown in his eyes.

"Please don't kill me! I'll give you money, women, whatever you want!"

Sheik's expression was still cold, glaring at the fool. That man wasn't worth his time…

He turned and kept walking.


The seventh man in the teahouse seemed to be the leader of the others… He was cocky and obviously never learned his place. Sesshomaru sighed. The fool. The man began to pick on the elderly men, making threats if all kinds. Sesshomaru's stomach growled, so he stood up and walked right past them.

"Hey, you! Why didn't you bow your head in respect?" The man growled.

Sesshomaru only kept walking.

"Fifty dumplings."

"Fifty dumpling?" The woman working there repeated, "Are you sure?"

Sesshomaru's icy cold eyes swept over the room, taking count of the men.

"I'll get rid of this filth for you. Around seven dumplings per each."

The over-confident man laughed, "You think you can kill me? I have top of the line body guards that'll shred you to pieces if you dare put a hand on me."

Sesshomaru's face remained emotionless, "You fools."

With a quick movement of his hands, all six of the man's followers were on the ground dead. The man's face paled, and he pleaded for his life. Sesshomaru's hand raised, glowing with toxic poison.

But a familiar scent entered the room.

Sheik stood in the doorway, his eyes narrowed when Sesshomaru came into sight.

"Don't tell me you took the job of being his body guard," Sesshomaru inquired, "Who knew someone of some stature would stoop to that level."

"I'm not his body guard. I killed them."

"What?" The man shrieked.

"Really? Well, I suppose you do have some pride, then."

Sheik grasped the hilt of Kumari, "This ends now."

"Indeed," Sesshomaru's face was as cold as ever.

The women in the tea house gasped. These demons, they feared, might kill them.

Claws were dodged by a sword hitting the wood of the wall, a whip of light barely cutting through the flesh of a Sheikah. Needles were thrown, landing centimeters from a dog demon's skull.

The man desperately ran for the torch in the house, and knocked it over. Flames engulfed the building, smoke intoxicating the two demons.

The man escaped from the house along with the women who worked there. But the battle continued. The fierce flames matched the color of Sheik's eyes, and he was constantly avoiding Sesshomaru's claws. Kumari sliced through the air, barely slicing Sesshomaru. However, the pungent scent of smoke was making them woozy. Their movement slowed, and Sheik blacked out. Sesshomaru's legs became uneasy, and he fell to the floor, the fire becoming closer by each passing second…


Sheik's eyes slowly opened, his vision blurry at first. Where the hell was he? Wait, wasn't he in a burning building before, fighting with Sesshomaru?

His feet and arms were tied in some sort of glowing chains, and he was hanging from the ceiling. The tried to brake free, but when he struggled, the chains only became tighter. Her turned to see Sesshomaru glaring with such hate it made him shiver, although that gaze was on someone in front of them. The leader of the Higarsona clan.

"Well, we finally caught you two!" The leader stated, "Well, if it isn't the dog demon of the west's son! My, my! What a surprise! Although I don't recognize this other demon… Hm, must be a lesser one wanting to take the throne…"

"Damn you…" Sheik muttered.

"Well, you talk big," The leader taunted, "Let's see how big you talk when you're executed tomorrow."

"You honestly think these can hold me?" Sesshomaru's expression darkened, each word dripping out like poison.

"These chains where made from a powerful priestess to hold unruly demons. Perhaps you have heard of her… Midoriko."

'Midoriko?' Sheik thought, then glanced at Sesshomaru. His expression wasn't fazed at all, but he simply raised a brow.

"Chains made by a human…" Sesshomaru trailed off, "Could only hold a human. So what makes you think these can hold me?"

"Well, then try to brake them if you can," The man had a smug smile, "They'll just constrict on your legs and wrists until they cut through your flesh and bone…"

He could get out of these chains if he used Kumari. Sheik's eyes scanned the room, but his blade was nowhere to be seen. 'Damn it.' He thought to himself.

But maybe… He could confuse them into thinking he escaped. Yes, he'd just simply turn invisible and they'd search the place, leaving only himself and Sesshomaru in the dungeon-like room. He looked around the room once more, seeing if there was anything that could prevent this from working.

He sighed. It was now or never.

He blinked. So far, so good. The leader was too absorbed in taunting Sesshomaru to notice his 'disappearance.'

"It seems as though we can leave now, men. These two aren't going anywhere," The leader stated, satisfied at his accomplishment.

Sesshomaru turned his attention to Sheik. Clever, very clever indeed. He could smell that the strange demon was still chained, but the humans wouldn't have the slightest clue.

"Hmp. What makes you so sure about that?" Sesshomaru questioned.

The leader, still gloating, looked amused. But his amusement turned to sheer horror when he saw the 'missing' Sheikah.

"He…he ESCAPED? But how?" The leader looked frantic, "Get all the troops to search the grounds for that demon…NOW!"

His men and himself ran out of the room, out to search for the escapee.

Sesshomaru raised a brow, his expression aloof, "What's next in your master plan?" Sarcasm clear in his voice.


"Don't tell me you didn't think past this?"

"Well, what do you suppose we do, then?"

Sesshomaru sighed. Poison dripped from his claws onto the chains, but nothing happened. He cursed under his breath.

Sheik sighed. Maybe there was a chance he could escape the next morning. He became visible once more, looking to Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru raised a brow.

"Go ahead and sleep. I needn't to."

He slightly shrugged his shoulders. What did he have to loose?


(Meanwhile, at the castle in Hyrule…)

It would only be moments now, and the King would appear. Riko looked for Sheik or his sister and mother, but they weren't anywhere. They were always punctual, and were never late. Well, from what he could remember.

The strange thing was, this sudden summon was quite strange. There would always be a week's notice at the least before anyone, yet all the Sheikahs, were summoned at the castle for any reason. Maybe…they'd say the age requirement to serve the family would be sooner! Oh, how Riko hoped for that.

Everyone was chatting, talking about this event.

Vera, a Sheikah cook for the royal family, stood by Drake who was about to be assigned to a position the same day Sheik was to be. Riko eavesdropped a bit to hear what they were talking about.

Vera looked worried, "But I'm certain it's true!"

Drake had a questioned look, "Why would they even think about doing that? We've served them for centuries!"

"I'm telling you! I heard Miss Impa talking of it! She would never lie!"

"Are you positive?"

"I am certain about it! Just be ready, I don't want their plan to work!"

Drake sighed, "Fine, but this is crazy."

Riko wondered what they could've possibly meant. Was something terrible going to happen? He pushed the thoughts aside. The Hyrulian soldiers sounded the trumpets, and the king was sure to arrive soon.

All turned their heads to see the King of Hyrule walking down the blood red carpet. Everyone bowed as he made his way to his throne. Vera twitched, and Drake nudged her in the stomach. Everyone's attention was on the king.

"Your kind have served us for many, many years, and we wish to thank you for this," he began, "Rosemary, the brave Sheikah who sacrificed her life for our queen. Zephos, a spy who prevented the Gerudos from infiltrating the castle and capturing the princess Eliza many years ago. Of course, the list goes on. I have called you here today for a very special reason."

All Hyrulian knights and guards exited the room, a small door near the throne open for the king to exit through. But then there was a strange sound… It seemed as though the doors where being locked from the outside, no crack visible. This didn't seem right…

"Which is why I have been brought to this. I am afraid I have no other choice," he stated.

'What?' Riko thought.

Vera's eyes widened, mouthing 'See what did I tell you!' to Drake.

There was silence, but it was clear that there was much confusion amongst the Sheikahs.

"But then, there were traitors…"

This wasn't right at all.

"Amphithere…murdered seven Hyrulians after aiding the Gerudos. Herra, Galinda, and Yuna… set fire to the castle 50 years ago. Liponne and Saratyu… whose crimes are unspeakable. Even as of now I have heard of a rebellion at the Sheikah village. We have assembled many Hyrulian troops, knights, spies, generals, and so on. Which leaves Sheikahs to no use…"

Riko's eyes widened in fear.

"I am sorry, but I have been left no choice," the king stated, then walked out the door, which was sealed tightly.

The room had no windows, the doors were locked, and no one brought their weapons, for it was disrespectful to bring them to a summoning. Many were frantic, children huddled around their parents, and then that's when it came. Gargoyle statues spewed a purple smoke, clouding the roof with toxic air. Men searched for a way out, and it became even more chaotic. 'They are going to kill us all.'

'No!' Riko thought. He had to find a way out!

Sheik would've been able to find a way out, so why couldn't he? There were no visible ways to escape… Except through the gargoyle statues. The purple miasma continued to fill the throne room, reaching up to their thighs. He'd die for sure if he'd stay, but there was a chance he'd live if he went through the gargoyle.

It wasn't that high up, and Riko climbed the tapestry up to it. His hands grasped the gargoyle's base, and heaved his body inside. The room inside it was cramped, and Riko's eyes burned from the miasma, but he had to escape!

The miasma became intoxicating, and his breathing became shallow. He was dying, there was no question about it. But then he heard a sound far off… A harp! Maybe Sheik was waiting on the outside for him! His vision was blurry, and his lungs ached terribly. A light shone at the end of the tunnel, and the garden of the castle was only a few feet away! He could make it! The music grew louder, and Riko was now only inches from the garden. His body fell onto the soft grass, but Sheik was nowhere to be seen.

It had all been his imagination.

No! He didn't want to die! He wouldn't!

Riko stared into the rows of tulips and roses, a rainbow of colors. The wind made the flowers sway gently. Riko smiled weakly. His teeth clenched, and pain shot through his entire being. His arms fell limp, and he slowly died in the carnations, the other Sheikahs already dead from the thick miasma in the throne room. Sheik was right. It was no honor to serve the family. But he learned it the hard way and had to pay for it with his life.


Din sighed, what was she to do now? Those two had been dragged off by a group of men, and she'd heard that they were to be executed. What could she possibly do?

Without her body, she couldn't create fire and manipulate it to help them. Although she could knock over a torch in the palace… Yes, it was the only way. But she'd have to get there before dawn!

The drums sounded, for it had been longer than she had thought. 'I have to hurry!'

Din flew as fast as her wings could carry her to the palace, before it was too late.


Great. It was dawn. Still in chains, Sheik and Sesshomaru sat on the ground, their eyes filled with anger and hate.

Many men stood a close distance from them, in case something went wrong, and two men, their swords drawn, stood by them.

"Any last requests?" The leader asked, a crocodile smile upon his face.

"Go to hell," Sesshomaru spat.

"Show proper respect and bow, you demon scum!" The leader demanded.


"I said bow!"

"Never," Sheik replied.

"Fine, be that way," The man glanced over to the men with swords, "On my count!"


Din tipped over at least ten torches, casting the western wing of the palace a blaze. She flew out and hid in the bushed some 20 feet away from the execution. It was only a matter of time until they noticed the place on fire…


Sesshomaru slightly sniffed the air, "Smoke," He simply stated.

"What about smoke?"

Sheik smirked under his mask, "Can't you fools see that your palace is on fire?"

The man's head whipped around.

"Damn it! You did this, didn't you?"

"How could we in your 'unbreakable' chains?" Sesshomaru mocked.

The man's teeth gritted together.

"Hurry, put out the fire, you idiots!" He commanded.

Now was their chance.

Sheik rolled to Kumari, and grasped it, using it to be freed from the chains by becoming transparent, and the bindings fell to the ground, as if they were never holding a soul. He cut Sesshomaru's chains, and then the soldiers noticed their escape, their expressions terrified.

Sesshomaru slashed countless men with his claws, Sheik cutting through flesh with Kumari. Bodies lay on the soil, the palace burning and the leader standing in the middle of all this. Many men from the platoon were still escaping from the palace, but Sheik threw the needles at the leader's throat. The man fell on the ground, dead.

Sesshomaru simply leapt over the palace ground walls, and Sheik did the same, while Din desperately flew in their path, and they came to a halt.

"Wait! If I hadn't set that place on fire, you two wouldn't be here!" Din claimed.

"Your point is?" Sesshomaru questioned, his face showing annoyance.

"You two should be in debt to me!"

Sheik sighed, "Fine, but we'll have to flip a ruppee," He pulled a red stone from his pocket, scratching a star onto one side, "Tails, we help you find whatever you need to find, heads, we can get the hell out of this place and you'll have to do it alone."

Din gulped, "Fine, flip it already!"

Sheik flipped the ruppee, and it twirled in the air, slowly falling to the ground.


'Yeeeeeeees!' Din said in her mind. She finally had a chance to find her body!

Sesshomaru growled softly in annoyance, and Sheik sighed. It was obvious that they were demons who had to stay true to their word.

"Look, there they are!" A man shouted some yards away.

Sesshomaru glanced at Din and Sheik, "Try to keep up."

Sesshomaru ran with a blinding speed, and Sheik followed with Din (Yes, as a fairy.) in his pack.

Something told her that this would be quite the road trip.