Well, this is basically Sheik's life. But much more. I don't want to give anything away, so if you can't ever think of what Sheik's life is like, or if you don't want to believe that Sheik is Zelda, (Which I will never ever believe in a million years.) or if you just stumbled upon my story. Either way, I hope you like it.

Life…what truly is life? To serve your fellow men? To give the letter to the man at the manor which would decide his destiny? One never knows until he takes the journey, of life…

(Sheikah Village)

"Wake up, you idiot! You're going to be late for class! I swear! You don't even need sleep!" An annoying female voice complained.

(Sheik's POV)

Every day's the same. Impa threatens me to get out of bed, ooh, and lets see what the threat for the day is.

"Sheik! Mom said I have to get you out of all means possible! If you don't get out of bed in five minutes, I'll pour a bucket of water on you. Cold or hot, your choice!" she screamed again.

All I need is my sister ordering me around. But I suppose I should get up.

"I'm up! Just get out of my room, woman!"

"Mom! Sheik's being rude to me!" She wined.

I still have no idea why she acts like a child! She's twenty years old, dang it! You know, I bet she just does this to get me in trouble. She glared at me while she walked out of my room. After she slammed the door shut, I got out of bed. After I got dressed, I headed for the kitchen. Impa may seem immature, but outside of the house, she really does act her age. Even though I find that impossible to believe…

Everyone had to be constantly alert every since a deadly disease broke out. And, many were dying in the village. This week I was supposed to become an assassin for the royal family, or body guard. Our kind had always served under the royal family, and I don't really think we'd last any longer, now. The disease had already killed my father, and mother had caught it.

But there had been one thing I had always wondered about. For the past few months, Impa had locked herself in her room for hours at a time. I once tried to put my ear to the door, but mother had told me to not mess with my sister's personal life.But it shouldn't be anything dangerous. I mean, it's not like she's trying to take over the world or anything.


After Impa left to return to the castle and return to her post, protecting the newly-born princess Zelda, I started to walk to the outskirts of our village. On Wednesdays, Riko and I would train. Father had once said I was a quick learner, and I eventually defeated all the best fighters our kind could offer. So, he lost more times than I could count, or wanted to count. But, he was more of a casual friend. I didn't really have close friends, for if we they died in combat, the loss would not be great.

Our family, except for Impa, that is, was against us serving the royal family. If we even made the slightest mistake, we would be sentenced to death. Usually, once a Sheikah turned 16, or 50 in Hylian years, we would serve the royal family of Hyrule. But, since I learned so quickly, I got to begin earlier. Hylians only lived to be around 100, though. Strangely enough, all the other races could live forever, such as we did.

Since I completed my training, I received the Sheikah uniform. I had now adjusted to wearing a mask all the time, and everything else that came with it I had learned to use needles, chain/whip, and sword. I usually preferred to use neither one, though.

Father's will had entrusted me with the Savior of Hyrule's sword. My father had joked that I would become the next Savior, but I could believe him now. It was a phantom sword, which could steal the soul of the defeated enemy, if killed, which allowed the sword to grow stronger. And if needed, it could allow the user to go through solid objects, like a spirit. The needles were thrown by hand, and had to be thrown at the speed of an arrow. It was still just as affective as an arrow, also. The chain was simply that; a chain.

I just had arrived at the outskirts, and found Riko looking at the ground at his feet. He twitched nervously and his cheeks turned red.

"What's wrong with you? Are you ready to begin or not?" I questioned.

"Well, I don't really feel like training today…" he said uneasily.

"Riko, you're lying. Now tell me the truth." I said with a brow raised.

"Sheik, I'm tired of being beat by you! You're going to serve the family at the end of the week, while I've got 30 years to go before I can even think about it!"

"Fine, you don't have to train with me anymore. I'll probably be leaving soon, anyway." I said while sighing.

"Sheik, come on! It's an honor to serve them at your age! You should be happy! Be happy, dang it!" he shouted while punching me in the head.

I was thoroughly surprised he even managed to strike me.

"See, you're getting better. You managed to hit me in the head just now!" I replied.

"That's because you weren't paying attention to me! It's getting late, anyway. I'll be late for lessons. See-ya!"

He started off to the training dojo, while I went on my way home. I used my power of invisibility to get home faster. Well, not faster, but, I liked to mess with people's heads once I felt mischievous. Only thirty percent of all Sheikahs were born with the power to turn invisible. They could see each other while doing so, and could see things others couldn't. A Sheikah only slept once a year, and only for three hours at the most. All the ones ho could be invisible, only had to blink to do so. Everything we touched would be so, too. Which was often helpful on missions.

On the door step of my house, the back of my hand flashed a symbol of the Triforce. The Triforce of Wisdom shining the brightest. I covered it with my other hand, and it eventually faded until it was completely gone.

My father had blonde hair, which was passed on to me, and Impa got mother's silver hair. I then arrived in the kitchen, and picked up one of the onions mother was about to add to whatever she was making for dinner.

"Sheik, stop fooling around. Either you help make dinner or not." She said in an annoyed tone. Unfortunately for me, she had the ability to be invisible also.

I reluctantly turned visible, and began to chop peppers to add to the soup. Mother's aura turned rather sorrowful, and she stopped stirring the contents in the pot on the stove.

"Sheik, remember what I told you about the Hero of Time, Savior of Hyrule, and all those other things?" she asked.

"Yes, I do." She was now seated at the table, and I took a seat beside her.

"Sheik, I have received news that this disease may threaten to kill us all. Not only that, but, I can't let you serve the Family of Hyrule. You may be our last hope." She paused, "Our family has passed down the last Savior of Hyrule's harp. I want you to take it."

"But mother, I don't under-" She cut me off.

"Sheik, if we were to die, there would be none of us left. You must leave this village so at least one of us will be left. But, you must leave tonight. It's the only way you can escape."

I stared at her with confused eyes. Did I truly have to leave? And if so, for how long?

"You'll need to start your own journey. Meet new people, and learn new things. The harp is on your bed. Once it's nightfall, I'll meet you at the village gates." She put the fire out, and walked out of the house.

I still couldn't believe all of this. The harp on my bed was made of ivory with golden tips. No matter ho hard I tried to make a wrong note, I couldn't seem to. I gazed out the door and mother had a unicorn stallion tied at the gates.

Our kind raised unicorns, for they lived here before our kind did, and we used them like a normal horse. They could run faster than any horse, and were helpful during escape missions. It turned dark rather quickly, and I then walked quietly past the houses to the gates of our village. For I could be caught at any moment.

I hope I did good. My later chapters will probably take a while. Everything's already planned, so I'm ready to start my next chapter. If you've seen the show Inuyasha before, you'll know what I mean later. If not, everything will be explained in time. Let the Triforce be with you…