DK: Well…I finally wrote a Souji and Hijikata fanfic…x3….It's really stupid and messed up…but…please R&R anyway! x3 Oh…and there might be a lot of OOCness…


Souji silently stared at the sleeping form of Hijikata next to him. A soft smile evident upon his face, as he gently tucked a wisp of the older man's hair behind his ear. Then, as he continued to watch the vice commander sleep, Souji's began thinking about the night's events.


Thunder roared as lightning lighted the dark clouds. Souji tossed and turned slightly as whimpers escaped his throat and passed through his lips into the cold air.

"Sorry...Sannan!...SORRY!...sorry...Sannan...Sannan...Keisuke! SORRY!" Souji cried out into the night as fresh tears leaked through his closed eyes.

The shoji slid open after Souji's last outburst, and a figure stepped inside, as the shoji slid shut, the firgure began approaching Souji. Gently, the person's hand rested on Souji's shoulder, and began shaking him awake from his nightmare.

Souji let out a sob as he awoke. His eyes met those of a certain person, a certain demon.

"To-Toshi..." Souji whispered as he threw himself into Hijikata's open arms. "Toshi! Why is he haunting me! Why! It's been over half a year! Why! T-Toshi..."

As Souji's sobs continued, Hijikata began to rub comforting circles in Souji's back.

"Stop'll be okay, it's just a know Yamanami wouldn't haunt one would, it's just a nightmare..." Hijikata muttered comfortingly, hugging the smaller man closer to his body.

Souji's sobs continued, but more quietly. After a few more minutes, his sobs subsided, as Hijikata continued to hug him.

"Toshi...I still...can't help but feel guilty...I mean...I killed him, I killed one of our own of our friends..." Souji said quietly, his eyes wide, looking up into the vice commander's own eyes.

"It was an accident...just don't dwell on the past...Keisuke would'nt have wanted you to suffer, ne?" Hijikata asked, a small smile on his lips.

Souji slowly smiled back, tightening his grasp on Toshizo's top.

As minutes passed, they both continued to stay quiet, until Souji finally fell asleep. Seeing Souji's peaceful face, Hijikata picked up the younger male's lithe body and carried him to the futon. Gently, he slid him under the covers. Staring at Souji, Hijikata hesitated slightly before slipping in next to Souji. Wrapping his arms around the captain's body, Hijikata stared at Souji and listened to Souji's soft snoring, as it lulled him to sleep.

Half awake, Souji smiled, and snuggled closer to Hijikata's warm body, as he once again, entered the land of dreams.


Still smiling, Souji let his hand rest on Toshi's face, caressing the smooth skin.

Shifting slightly, Hijikata opened his eyes, looking directly in front of him, he saw Souji. A smile came upon his lips as he saw the man blush for being caught touching the vice commander.

"Souji..." Hijikata muttered, still looking at him.

"Huh? What is i-" Souji was interrupted by warm lips touching his own.

After a little while, they broke away. Souji blushed as Hijikata smirked.

"Toshi..." Souji murmured as Hijikata crawled over to him.

Getting onto all fours above the smaller man, Hijikata began kissing Souji. Face, neck, lips, everywhere.

Souji moaned as Hijikata nibbled on his collarbone...


"Toshi...maybe I should have nightmares more often..." Souji said, giggling slightly.

"Hmmm..." was Hijikata's only reply as he brought Souji in for another kiss.


DK: Well...that was another lame attempt at romance by none other than double kodachi...X.x

Well..please read and review! I know that there is alot of am sorry...please forgive me...anyway...please R&R!