That one special moment

Author's note: Hey guess what! I finally got off of my lazy ass and typed up this chapter.. I had it written for weeks before I even typed up the first chapter. (by the by, I know that I need to learn how to spell I am very bad at it… sorry, I will use spell check this time.. I did for all except the first chapter… ) So, I decided to change the story a bit, but this chapter is going to be close to the way that I wrote it. the next one won't though.. I may make this one longer, with more characters than just Stan and Kyle, because those are the only people in the story. (and to think I didn't notice that until now…) whatever, that doesn't really have anything to do with this chapter, so whatever.. (smiles)

Disclaimer: I OWN SOUTH PARK! IT IS MINE! IF I AM LYING, LET GOD STRIKE ME DOWN RIGHT NOW! (bolt of lightning falls from sky) BAM!

"It's all your choice"


What is taking him so long? Oh well, here he comes.

Stan enters the bathroom, and it's empty except for the two of us.

"Kyle?" He asks.

"In here" I reply from the stall closest to the wall. I open the door for him. He enters, and I close it one I am certain that he is securely inside.

I can tell that he doesn't know what is going on, and to be completely honest… I sort of like it this way. It gives me a sense of control.

I walk over to him. Stan is looking up at me with large innocent eyes. I grab him and push him up against the wall, kissing him deeper and deeper with every movement. He melts instantly at my touch.

Tenatively, he begins kissing me back with an equal passion.

It's my turn to melt. He puts his hand around my waist, and I put mine through his hair, pulling him, closer, and closer, to me.

After, about fifteen minutes of this, I pull away. Stan looks both dazed and confused.

"I think we better get back to class, it must be almost over by now.."

"Yeah. I guess your right… " Stan says reluctantly, whilst fixing his hair, I had officially succeeded in messing it up. I looked into his eyes, and him back in mine. A silent agreement is made. We smile, and then lacing fingers with him, me and my boyfriend walk back to class.

(a/n: pardon the shortness.. the next entry (from Stan's POV) itkind of ruins the mood… so I am going to put it next chapter…)