Once too many

Chapter four

Disclaimer: Noopppeeee.

A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed. It's very much appreciated.

"You like me?" Bra whispered. She was still trying to digest the information. The expression on her face was something he mistook for refusal.

He stood up immediately and turned his head away. "It was nice catching up but I've got to go." As he was about to make his way out she reached out and tapped his shoulder. Goten turned around and was shocked when she pressed her lips against his.

"Well I like you too." She said confidently. A smirk crossed her features and he grinned.

There was noise that could be heard as the whole restaurant erupted in cheers. Bra blushed and Goten scratched his head. She grabbed his hand and the two made their way out.


"I guess they didn't need our help after all." Pan shrugged her shoulders as her and Trunks watched Bra kiss Goten.

"Yeah, I know what you mean hey. She really knows what she's doing." He leaned in for a closer look and Pan whacked his head. He fell onto the ground and rubbed his head in pain. She laughed and kicked him lightly.

"What was that for?" He pouted.

"You were looking a little too long. I don't think she would've appreciated it if she knew." The girl laughed again. She was laughing so hard that she didn't notice the man behind her. He bumped into her and she lost her balance. She began to fall on top of Trunks but instead of catching her he slid to the side. "AHHHHH!"

Just as she was about to drop on the concrete he put his hand out and caught her. She breathed quickly and gave him a glare.

"That's for hitting me!" He smirked. She stormed away from him in anger and he followed right behind. "Hey, don't be mad at me."

"I could've bumped my head or worse, gotten amnesia. You know the story of how Grandpa Goku lost his memory a long time ago." She began to walk faster.

He walked along side her. "That's stupid and you know it. You wouldn't of gotten amnesia, you would've bumped your head and bruised yourself a bit. Besides I wouldn't of let you fall anyway."

Pan stopped walking and turned around to face him. Trunks backed up a bit. "Yeah I know. I'm just looking for a reason to be mad at you." She gave a grin as he fell over anime style. "Take a chill pill Trunks, live life a little. Take a joke."

"Yeah whatever. I better get back to the office. I've got more work to finish." He slumped his shoulders. "You want to come along?"

"Yeah okay I guess, got nothing better to do anyway. Besides, the games on your computer are better than the ones on mine at home." He rolled his eyes and she beamed. "Anyway, why do you have so many games on that computer anyway? Aren't you busy doing work and all that stuff?"

"Do you want to play them or not?" He smirked as she tensed up.

"Yeah of course." She quickly replied. "I don't want to come there next time and have to watch you do your boring work."


"Wow Trunks, your table is so messy!" Pan exclaimed as she walked in. "You have really got to clean up. I'm not hanging around this dump until you do."

"Since you've got so much free time, why don't you clean it up for me!" This time it was her turn to fall over as he turned red with embarrassment. "I mean, I don't want it to seem as though I asked you to come here and clean for me cause that's not it at all."

"Well it sure seems like it!" She added sarcastically.

"It's not it at all." He repeated again. She grinned and he knew she understood.

"Well I'll do it anyway cause I'm such a good friend!" Pan replied as she picked up a photograph from his desk. "When was this?"

He went and stood next to her. "Remember Bra's sixteenth birthday. When the six of us took that picture together. I don't think I met Kayla yet." It was a photograph of Trunks, Goten, Uub, Pan, Bra, and Marron huddled together under a large oak tree.

"Oh really, I remember it looked familiar. I have the same photograph at home hanging in my room. I just couldn't remember when it was taken. No offence when I say this but you might want to buy another frame, this one is nearly broken." There was a crack on the corner and she took a closer look. She gave a content sigh. "Let's clean up."

"Oh okay!" He scratched his head. She got her hand and swept all his things onto the floor and then took a seat on his chair, opening the computer in the 'cleaning' process. "HEY!" He shouted. "What the hell are you doing?"

"You didn't think I was actually going to clean your whole office. I said I wasn't going to hang around unless it was clean and the table is clean. I only needed the table with the computer." She stretched the only for more emphasis.

"There were some really important documents on the table you just cleaned." Trunks gave a sigh and sat down on the couch which had been put in his office.

"I'm sorry Trunks!" Pan said solemnly before hanging her head. The computer gave a loud noise and she jumped. "I GOT THE NEW HIGH SCORE!" She screamed happily.

"That's impossible!" He stood up and went to stand next to her. "How can you beat my score. I spent ages on that damn thing."

"I thought you said you did your work." She raised an eyebrow and he gulped nervously. "Just admit I'm better than you and I'll forget we had this conversation. You wouldn't want Bulma to know that you slack off."

"NO WAY!" He shouted before grabbing the phone from her hand.

Trunks ran to the other side of the room where it was out of her reach. She pulled out her cell phone and gave a smirk as he looked at her in horror.

"You wouldn't!" He began to say as she pressed in some numbers.

"Just say it!" She replied. The phone was now pressed up against her ear.

He lunged forward as she began to speak into it and fell onto the floor with the cell grasped in his hands. Trunks began to rub his head which he had banged into the table. Pan looked at him amusedly. He listened in on the phone and was confused when the person on the other end began to laugh. Looking up he noticed she was holding another cell phone, his to be more exact. She was laughing into it.

"PAN!" He screamed loudly.

She started laughing harder and went over to inspect his head. "I'm sorry! I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to think I would actually call. Are you okay?" He gave her a glare. Pressing on the intercom she asked his secretary to bring in an ice-pack. "I'm sorry!" This time there was an apologetic look.

"It's okay!" He gave her a half smile. He was pathetic when it came to her, he couldn't stay mad at her.

"Are you sure?" The concern on her face stayed the same. She got her hand and touched his bruise while he flinched.

"Yeah I'm sure." His secretary came in and handed Pan the ice-pack. She gave him a concerned look but Pan shook her head, telling her it was okay and that she could leave. The lady smiled and gave a nod before walking out again.

"I like her! Much better than that other one!" She mused. "I think the other one, what's her name, was a prostitute." She whispered the last sentence and he laughed. Pan laughed along with him.

"What makes you think that?" He teased.

"What's her name was way too pretty!" She joked

"I guess that makes you a prostitute too then, huh?" She blushed and quickly went back to the computer as he gave a smirk.

"I better get going then. Are you sure you're going to be alright?" He nodded.

"Stay a while." She gave the suggestion some thought. "There's some work I want you to help me with cause you're so much faster."

"Are you saying I'm better than you?" She grinned.

"Yes, I'm saying you're better than me!" He sighed but smiled all the same.

"Then I guess I'll have to stay!" Pan beamed.


The doorbell rang and Bulma went to answer it. She opened the door to find Kayla looking agitated.

"How can I help you dear?" She asked happily.

"I'm looking for Trunks. Have you seen him?" Kayla replied bluntly. "I haven't seen him all day and we were suppose to be having dinner together in an hour."

"I'm sorry dear, I haven't seen him since he left here this morning with Pan." She gave the girl a sympathetic look.

"In that case I'll be leaving now." The girl walked quickly to her car and drove off.

"Strange girl she is!" Bulma mused.


"You know Pan, you can go home if you want." He looked at her. "There's no need for you to stay here and help me if you're tired. It's almost midnight you know." She shook her head and gave a yawn.

"Nah it's alright. It'll be good for me to learn a thing or two." She continued to type, stopping once in a while to yawn.

"Are you sure!" Pan nodded. "Is it okay if I go get a drink then." She nodded again. He made his way to the door and turned around. "Did you want anything?"

"A coffee thanks!"

He walked downstairs to the coffee machine and got two cups. When he came back to the office he found her asleep. Quickly setting the cups down he picked her up. She began to stir and he stopped walking, afraid he would wake her. Instead of opening her eyes like he had assumed she nestled closer to him, leaning her head against his chest. Trunks looked down at her sleeping form and smiled. He was smiling a lot lately and he wasn't sure why.

He lay her on the couch and was about to return to the computer but felt her tug on him. She appeared to be dreaming about something and was tossing and turning.

"Don't go!" She whispered softly.

Trunks wasn't sure if she had meant him or the person she was dreaming about and stood there waiting for her to say something else. She stayed quiet and he was prepared to go again but she cried out again.

He grinned. "If this is some kind of a joke Pan then I'm not fal…"

"Don't die Trunks!" She whimpered as tears slid from her face. He immediately felt bad about assuming it was a joke. He stepped closer and she stopped whimpering. "I knew you would never die!" She smiled this time.

He thought about waking her up but thought about how it was his fault. She was tired and he knew that she had a hard time falling asleep again. Trunks had known she wasn't the type to just leave him with unfinished work and still he had asked her to stay so he did the only thing he could think of and lay there next to her.


How do you like the story so far. I'm kind of upset I didn't get that much reviews for the last chapter so yeah. I still want to thank those who did though. Anyway I won't waste more of your time cause you all have a life.