YAHOOO!! Lol HARD GAY! Anyways! Merry Christmas! And I am SOOO SORRY! I really am! Here, to make it up, It's a holiday chapter from you author, YOKAIGURL!
Here, Merry Christmas everyone! Love you all!
Disclaimer: I won my plot and the theory of that, when Naruto shows up to a party, nothing will go as planned and it will always be HINATA'S FAULT! JKS! Also! This song is
Anna Tsuchiya, Slap that Naughty Body
Chapter MERRY CHRISTMAS! 5: Christmas Party, NARUTO STYLE!
"Tsunade-hime, you REALLY want to do this??" asked a confused Jiraiya. Shizune nodded, agreeing whole heartedly with his point. "I mean! Tsunade-hime! You have so much to do! The papers from Sand –"Oh don't worry! Gaara is coming so I don't have to do anything" she all but sang. Shizune, her right hand woman, whimpered as they were being pulled and dragged throughout Konoha. "It's Christmas! You should have done this, probably, throughout the WEEK and not the DAY OF, hime" suggested Jiraiya.
She turned, rearing her ugly…..SCARY, yes SCARY head at him. "Oh….." was his reply. She was asking people from all over Konoha to bring this and that to the downtown hall for her 'traditional' ("Since when was 'traditional' the first time she has EVER done it??") Shinobi Party.
She was just about done, but, she just about had it with her two 'servants' ("More like Slaves") complaining right now. "God! Your whining and your 'Oh Please Tsunade-Hime! You're hurting me!' and crap is ENOUGH. If your not going to HELP, then I will point you in the direction of the hall, and let YOU help Kotetsu and Izumo! Since, I gave them their job at about oh….5:00 am? Well, DO YOU?!"
----------Later on
"Lalalalalala!" she sang, as Shizune and Jiraiya barely held onto her presents. She had given each Shinobi a present, which came mostly from Jiraiya's pocket and such. There was at least, 200 presents, and they were going to get more.
"Ah! Sensei! I guess you're the one behind all of this commotion" came the voice from behind them. She whipped her head around and there stood her favorite student with pink hair and green eyes.
Thus, her eyes turned into stars.
"SAKURA-CHI YA NNNNNNN!!!" was the only thing Sakura heard then she only saw these huge boobs come flying at her face. Oh….FUCK!
-----At the Ramen Stand
"Did you hear something Kiba?" asked Naruto. Kiba looked up from his Ramen. "Mehou?" Naruto shook his head and went back to devouring his Ramen.
--------Back to boobs
Jiraiya, with his bloody nose, had longed wish to be in the center of Sakura and Tsunade-hime. Damn…THAT'S HOT! Which lead into his December edition of Icha Icha Paradise. "Ano….Tsunade-hime…If you want to get all your presents, we have to go….er, NOW!" shouted Shizune. Tsunade dropped Sakura rather hard and sprinted off. Jiraiya dragged Sakura along saying "If I suffer, then YOU have to suffer" Poor Sakura didn't know what hit her, other than that tree ("Gomen!").
With the presents now going into her office with Shizune and Jiraiya, Tsunade called Neji, Shino, Shikamaru, Naruto and Kakashi to help them wrap the presents. "What kind of a MISSION is THAT BA-CHAN?!" growled out Naruto. She gave him the evil eye and clearly stated "You don't do it, you get NO present" Cries of agony and it was agreed. "Shikmaru, I want them in a list and having them BEAUTIFULLY wrapped! The list, I want the description of the paper or bag and what is IN there! If not, then you and your teammate will go on NOTHING but class D missions" "Feh, whatever. Let's go guys" and they started to walk down the street.
Tsunade nudged Sakura the signal. "Oh yeah! Guys?" she called out to them. They turned back, shit! THAT WAS TOO EASY! Thought a desperate Naruto. "H-h-h-h-hai Sakura-chan?" She grinned and Tsunade smirked. "You have 2 hours to get through ALL the presents" and they left in a swirl of Sakura flowers.
Shino, stated the obvious plain and clear. "We are SO screwed"
------At Ino's house
"That was REALLY rushed Tsunade-sensei" "Yeah well, I'm the HOKAGE, nothing can touch this" she stated proudly. "Be careful! Hokage-sama!" cried a voice. "Huh?"
"Oh, but of course sensei. Nothing can hit you other than a plastic ball that was kicked by a 10 year old" snickered Sakura. An angry red spot glowed on Hokage's forehead. The young kids ran up to them and apologized like robots. "Its okay….ahahahahaha" gritted out an angry Tsunade. "I suggest you run" whispered Sakura. "AHHHHHH!" they screamed as Tsunade started to hurl the ball at an in humane speed. Sakura sighed, and started to pull her to her friend's house.
Ino opened door, with Tenten, Temari and Hinata looking over her shoulder. "Hey Sakura! Hey…Hokage-sama?" asked a confused Ino. Sakura gave them a 'don't ask' look.
While Tsunade was munching down on some chocolate to calm her, the other girls started to talk about the party. Apparently, they had already gone out to get dresses. Temari was really REALLY thin with many slits in the dress. It was a snow white. She had a strange fascination with white because of the dessert being all brown and stuff. Hinata's dress was a one piece without any straps and that was about as daring as she would go with Naruto and Neji around her at the same time. It was a pale pink.
Ino, being all glamour girl herself, wore a blue dress with a strap tying behind her neck and a bare back. Tenten, wore a green dress with a Chinese like fashion, but of course, a heart shaped opening on her chest, that just showed the top of her breasts. Tsunade, in between her muttering of 'killing kids' and 'damn kids' was a dress she could barely breath in, it was only holding up because of her breast and it was a sliver the squeaked every time she walked.
And poor Sakura. Really, you have to feel sorry for her because of what they did next to her.
An evil look in their eyes and a smirk gave her the first clue. The second clue dawned on her.
"SHOPPING!!!!!!!" they squealed.
"Oh….dear lord…"
----------Back to the mission….("HA! YEAH RIGHT!")
About halfway through the mountain, did they decide to really pick up the pace. On the way to the office, they had asked ("More like FORCED" yelled Kiba) into helping them not get skinned alive with the presents. Almost all available shinobi were helping them. Due to the holidays, no missions were to be assigned unless the shinobi was more than willing. That was a great gift from the Hokage to the relatives of the shinobi.
It was dead silent other than the occasional 'Aw Fuck!' from Naruto or the scratching of pencils, did they notice the time.
They had only half an hour left, with only ¼ of the mountain finished.
------To the GIRLS
"Holy Sakura! Your boobs have gotten bigger" "Uh" "Okay! Do you like this one or that one?" "Well-"How about this one??" 'That's nice-"No way girl! She would look SOOO much better with this one!" "I don't know-"Screw YOU! Sakura would look good like this!" "Ano-"Hey! Guess what?! FUCK YOU! I'm the Hokage and I'm gonna say that my little girl should wear this!" "Sensei-"Pssh! What ever old lady! Since I was her BEST friend since BIRTH, I was given the RIGHT to know what she should wear! Oh honey, not that one, only someone like THAT! Could wear it" "What did you just say?!" "Oh! Its go time!" "BRING IT BITCH!"
"WOAH NELLY!" shouted Sakura. This was too much. They had simply walked in, "cough DRAGGED cough" to the store and went straight to the dress section. With Sakura's size they thought that getting a dress for her would be great. They met up with Kurenai-sensei and asked for her help as well. "Sakura-chan, you always wear black, and you look sexy and all, but let's go with another colour!" stated Ino. All agreed and went to the racks (A/N: AHAHAHA I DON'T HAVE A RACK!...oh….).
Then, the chaos came in a great demand. First, the stupid pervert clerks trying to 'help' her into a 'great' dress and so on. Then the annoying bitch that Tenten was about to kill, with her 'stuck up' personality and being nice to the Hokage and not some 'lowly' kunoichi. Next, came some snobby kunoichi girls. Ha, they don't even deserve to be called kunoichi with them and their stupid nail polish and stuff. Ino and Sakura were slightly sympathetic with the fact that they were like them, but, they turned their fate around to end up at their goals.
------back to the REAL world
Getting frustrated with all the dumb bickering, Kurenai marched up with a dress hung over her arm, grabbed Sakura and threw her into the nearest changing room with the dress. Not a single person seemed to notice that the girl they were fighting over so 'affectionately' was gone. "Shut UP! My god! You girls give us WOMEN a bad name!" she shouted. The whole store went quite and looked at the roaring girls. "Uh, aha! Good merry people! Please gone on with your day! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Ahaha" said an embarrassed Temari.
The curtain opened with a light 'clink'. Hinata was the first to turn around and faint. The dull thunk against the carpeted floor signaled that she was dead to the world. Everyone turned around and saw Sakura. She looked awestruck. They were awestruck.
"Okay, fine. Maybe THAT dress is good on her….and in that colour…and yeah. I DON'T LIKE THE WAY THE DRESS LOOKS ON HER! TOO UNARTURALLY GOOD! AND! I FORBID HER TO WEAR THAT WITH THAT MUCH SHOWING!!!" cried Ino.
"Well! I'm her sensei, and I say FALUNT what YOU got! Wooohooo! Go Sakura-chan!!" whooped Tsunade. Temari and Kurenai agreed with nods of approval. Tenten and a woke Hinata agreed with Ino. "Oh YEAH?! Bring it BLONDEY!" shouted Ino. "MY PLEASURE!" replied Tsunade with as much enthusiasm.
They have NO mature bone in their bodies sadly thought Sakura as she went to change back into her clothes.
-----------7:00 at the hall
"Nice prep work boys! That thing over there is a bit off kilter-"WHERE?! I'M SO SORRY TSUNADE-SAMA! HERE! LET ME GO FIX IT! AHAHAHA! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!!" and off went Izumo.
They blinked, "What the hell was that?" "Well, since you did threaten us, and he takes them WAY to seriously-"So you don't take them seriously then?" "……You know what? I also see something off kilter, so I'm gonna uh and uh yeah….BYE!" and off went Kotetsu as well.
"Way to go and be subtle like a giraffe swimming. Nothing more awkward than that" stated Kakashi from behind her. She smirked, and sipped shochu. "My Kakashi! You look handsome, other than that mask, but you look good" she complimented. He smiled behind his mask "I like to give the ladies something of a 'mystery' behind this handsome face" he beamed. If it wasn't for that smile, I would beat his dumb smiling face into the ground. But, Shizune said that 'if I resort to violence, no freaking ALCOHOL for me' SHIT thought a childish Tsunade. She just gripped her glass tighter and her smiled broaden.
The music flared throughout the hall, mixed with a hint of alcohol and a slight buzz of talking. "Ne ne! O- baba!" Damnit Naruto! Inwardly screeched Tsunade. Robotically, she turned around to the blonde. "What?" she gritted out, the second time that day. He smiled "Ano, Sakura-chan wa, doko desu ka" She smirked. "Oh, don't cha worry young brat! Shes coming!" Oh, she HATES me today…she snickered behind her hand, which turned into a full blown laugh.
"What do we do Kakashi-sensei?" asked Naruto. "Well, let's just let her laugh it out. She's gonna get more drinks anyways about no-"I'm thirsty! Jiraiya! Don't TOUCH MY SHARE!!" "There we go. She's fine" and those two walked away.
The lights dimmed suddenly, putting many shinobi on guard. "Kunoichi and Shinobi! Welcome to the first annual Shinobi Party! Hosted by yours truly Tsunade-hime!" boomed the voice. Voices of approval and applause shook the hall. "I would like, if you could please direct your eyes toward the stage, where a huge big ass cake has been placed. Do not be afraid of the foreign thing. A huge surprise will becoming your way in just a few short minutes! In that time, please, crowded around the stage and have a great time!" applause ended the short speech.
"Where is my lovely flower?! SAKURA-CHAN!!!!! Oh hey Tenten-chan!" exclaimed a happy Lee. Tenten shook, Just do what Sakura said! Just do it! You been on more dangerous missions! Besides! You can SO do this! Thought Tenten confidently. "What's wrong Tenten? What has shattered your speech that is as precise as sharp points on a weapon?" asked a worried Lee. She blushed so hard, her heart my burst! Oh my god. NO! Abort Mission! I can't go on! Oh holy lord of pointy objects! Sakura! I'm sorry! I can't do it at all! Period! Ah!! She scrambled around in her mind to find a reasonable excuse to make a quick dash for the washroom.
"Yo Tenten, your standing under a mistletoe" pointed out a smirking Neji. She glared at him in which he just lifted an elegant eyebrow. 'Bring it' she returned 'You're SO dead!'. Lee looked up and grinned. "Ah! I see we are under a youthful bounty of love! Ah Tenten! Allow me the great and youthful honor of kissing you!!!" which he jumped her and started to kiss her hungrily. With out much thought, she started to kiss back.
Neji, Sasuke, Gaara, Kakashi and Shikamaru turned their head in disgust and walked away, with a drink in their hands. Naruto and Kiba were still staring. C-can't look….away….they thought in agony. Until, they were left alone and then the duo went on a rampage to find their abandoners. They were staring oddly at the cake that was alone on the stage. "That looks really stupid" stated Sasuke. The others could not help but agree with the way it was present. Just a random cake, in the middle with a stage light showing it up. It was a highly decorated cake, with many Christmas colours filling it up.
"Now! Here is the show! Welcome! My student! Sakura and her debut song!" SHES WHAT?! They inwardly screamed. As the song started, they could clearly hear her voice.
Rock that body body
Move your ass over
Slap that naughty body
Move your ass don't stop
Rock that body body
Move your ass over
Slap that naughty body
Move your ass over here now!
Suddenly, the cake opened up and out popped Sakura. She was wearing the dress that the girls (cough Kurenai cough) had picked up at the store. It was basically fabric, wrapped around her and she was able to move. The bare stomach was shone through a fabric pattern of a star. The long flowing strangles of fabric moved down her back and over her arms. It was a dark crimson and that made Gaara glow.
It was so fucking hot. That was a fact.
"I would as hell, LOVE to slap THAT naughty body!" cried a bloody Jiraiya. It was an Icha Icha Paradise come to life!
The other guys, sure as hell liked it…in private of course. They burned with jealously at the though of men like Jiraiya looking at THEIR Sakura like that.
------After the song
A few half dead men later, everyone was dancing among themselves. Sakura, being one of the most popular, was asked to dance for only a few seconds with each shinobi before having to move on with the other men waiting for her. With her friends, such as Neji and Shikamaru, she was 'allowed' to dance with them for a whole song, accordingly by her 'managers' ("Ya DAMN STRAIGHT!" they all cheered). Of course, Tenten got her revenge when Neji was only allowed 1 minute while, everyone else had several. Like, Sasuke who was doing a inward dance.
Also, with little Konohamaru running around like a child, several men were lucky enough to get a mistletoe hung above them, while dancing with Sakura. Kotetsu, was the first lucky boy. To show off to the other men and flaunting that 'this aint what you got BEYATCH!' he did a dip backwards, and kissed her. A MIND blowing kiss…holy shit! she had thought excitingly. She really appreciated that little….brat now. Ahahaha.
-------1:00 am
Hung over and drunk, everyone went home. Those left over, were helping clean up the huge hall way, but without a price. "Fastest one to pick up 10 pounds of garbage gets the last kiss with Sakura" "TSUNADE-SAMA!" "GO NOW!" It was the fastest thing that anyone had ever SEEN in their life. Later on, they denied wanting to kiss her, but just protect her from the hungry, body lusting men that was hanging out after. "Yeah, I can name a few. Gaara, Sasuke, Kakashi MMHFFF-"Ahahaha, your so FUNNY" stated Kakashi as he held down a fighting Temari. Hinata was piss drunk and barely hanging off of Naruto, who was all the same level as she.
After the party, they were found necking each other and a Neji trying to throw him off.
"THE WINNER IS SHINO!" exclaimed Tsunade happily. She blinked. "Wait, the winner is Shino??" "THE WINNER IS SHINO?!" asked the other men. They looked at him and he looked back and coughed, trying to hid the blush erupting from his cheeks. "What?" Sakura found it quite cute and gave him a nice little peck on the lips.
"Merry Christmas Shino!"
"Merry Christmas, Sakura"
Thank you to those who were amazing enough to leave reviews:
Heart-broken.kunoichi: Thank you so much! Have fun reading!
Dark Angel of the Crimson Moon: I really adore your poem! Maybe I might add it if you want? But yes, I'm not talented! Psssh!
Heartless Ghost: Hmmm, I've seen you before! (snickers) thank you reviewing!
Sukarou: Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Mksanime: Ahaha, your so hyper! Thank you! Merry Christmas!
Xelagirl2: Thank you! Merry Christmas babes!
Mayuko-chan: Thank you! I know, its been a long time! GOMEN!!! And merry Christmas!
Animeforever24: Well, I'll explain it a bit more. Thank you the review though!
Understar: Yay! My very FIRST beta reader! Sorry I couldn't tell you about this! I just thought of the idea because of the long length between updating and such! But yeah, you are my NEW beta reader! Thank you and a Merry Christmas!
Darkphoenixsaga: Are you SURE your patient? Cuz I think you might want to REALLY kill me and all! Ahahaha…..whoops. Merry Christmas and thank you!
Tsumii: Well, the pairings….I CANT TELL YOU !!! MOOOHAHAHA Thank you for review me!
See you all in a couple of days!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!